Infinite Evolution

Chapter 753

"So fast!"

Looking at Zhou Yulong, who turned into a ray of silver light with the red and yellow flames, Chu Xun's face suddenly appeared a touch of moving color.

If space power is not included, Zhou Yulong is almost the fastest person he has ever seen. Almost in a blink of an eye, Zhou Yulong had rushed to him. At the same time, the three pairs of silver wings behind him swung violently, raising the speed a few points again. With the help of the power of forward thrust, he hit Chu ten with his fist.

In the face of Zhou Yulong's thunderous attack, Chu Xun's pupils slightly shrank. Then he waved his left hand and stopped Zhou Yulong's right fist with his arm shield. At the same time, his right fist also swung and hit Zhou Yulong directly!

Not only that, the tentacles and the long tail behind his body, which originated from the demonization, also shot out and went straight to the Zhou Yulong!

Bang! Pong! Pong!

In the blink of an eye, Zhou Yulong and Chu Ten hit each other hard. Then, he heard a loud and intense metal crash, and Zhou Yulong and Chu Xun were also stuck in the air.

Although Chu ten blocked Zhou Yulong's fist with the black arm shield on his left arm, Zhou Yulong also responded in time, stopping Chu ten's right fist. The strength of the two men is equal. This time, none of them can take advantage of it, and they are stuck in the air.

But at the same time, the tentacles and long tail of Chu Ten hit Zhou Yulong hard. Suddenly, in a harsh sound of metal tearing, Chu Xun's sharp long tail and tentacles finally broke Zhou Yulong's body and deeply pierced Zhou Yulong's body.


However, although Chu Xun seems to have the upper hand, stabbing Zhou Yulong with his long tail and tentacles, when he hit Zhou Yulong, a sharp sense of crisis suddenly emerged from his mind.

At the next moment, Zhou Yulong's flaming yellow flame came with him. He wrapped his body completely with Chu's long tail and tentacles.

This red and yellow flame is extremely strange. It not only has an amazing high temperature, but also has a strange power that seems to destroy and destroy all life. With the burning of this strange fire, Chu Xun had a strong resistance to the elemental power. Even the black armor that could swallow the elemental power could not support it. At the same time, the destructive power in the fire penetrated in and began to destroy and erode Chu Xun's body.

"Radiation power?!"

Feeling the familiar destructive power, Chu Xun was suddenly shocked. This destructive power is as like as two peas in the nuclear explosion center. The only difference is that this force is more intense and more terrible.

However, the flame of radiation is only the beginning of Zhou Yulong's counterattack. At the next moment, the place where Zhou Yulong's long tail and tentacles run through his body suddenly began to melt and deform. At last, it turned into a sharp serration like a wood crusher. The long tail and tentacles of Zhou Yulong entwined with Chu ten began to cut wildly!

At the same time, countless small sharp points, like silver needles, also shot out of Zhou Yulong's body, and stabbed Chu ten's body with great speed.

Poop poop poop!

Those silver wires and serrations are so sharp that they are almost equal to the golden scalpel that Jack the Ripper agglomerated. At the moment, under the serration cutting and silver wire piercing, the muffled sound of sharp blade and broken body also sounded from Chu ten's body.

Those silver wires and sawteeth finally broke the armor and flesh of Chu ten, which made a light red blood surge on his body. Even Chu ten's tentacles and long abnormal tails were almost completely cut off, which looked miserable and blood and flesh blurred.

"Hey, boy, you're a little tender!"

In an instant, Chu Xun was defeated, and Zhou Yulong's face suddenly showed a smile of satisfaction.

He wants this kid to know how strong his father-in-law is!

After all, ginger is still hot. Ha ha!

"Is it?"

However, Zhou Yulong thought that he had already gained the upper hand, and even began to try to use liquid metal to penetrate Chu Xun's wound as he used to deal with the enemy. At last, he completely controlled Chu Xun's body. When he subdued him, Chu Xun's faint voice suddenly came into his ear.

Later, Zhou Yulong felt only a mighty wave of water element power surging out of Chu ten's body, and instantly put out the radiant flame twining on Chu ten's body. At the same time, the sharp pain that seemed to be corroded by strong acid also came.

Zhou Yulong looked down, but was shocked to find that the silver thread that he stabbed into Chu ten's body and the serrations that cut Chu ten's long tail and tentacles had been corroded by Chu ten's reddish blood silently. Even the reddish blood was still going deep, trying to corrode his body!

"Damn, I almost forgot that this kid's blood is strong!" Seeing this scene, Zhou Yulong finally reacts to it, and then does not want to, and urges the radiant flame with all his strength. All of a sudden, under the high temperature of the radiation flame, the acid blood from Chu Xun was also quickly evaporated, and it was difficult to corrode Zhou Yulong's body.

However, although Zhou Yulong had a "Zhang Liang plan", Chu Xun also had a "bridge ladder". With the explosion of Zhou Yulong's radiation flame, the blue water light from Chu ten became stronger and stronger, and gradually suppressed Zhou Yulong's radiation flame!

After all, although Zhou Yulong's radiant flame is strong, how can he defeat Chu Xun's water element strength which is supported by Xuanwu method!

"Good boy!"

Finding that many of his abilities had been suppressed by Chu ten, Zhou Yulong's mind suddenly became more and more fierce, and then he was ready to use his unique skills to deal with Chu ten. However, before he could use a series of his own unique skills, Chu Xun had pre emptively attacked others, his eyes stared, and roared, "ah, ah, bamihong!"

Six character Daming mantra!

In the physical state, Chu Xun's six character Daming mantra has been enhanced by the sound wave ability derived from the sound wave golden cicada. Although the power of spiritual shock has not increased much, the power of sound wave has increased more than ten times. At the moment, only under the roar of Chu ten's close range, a wave of visible golden sound also surged out, then turned into countless golden characters, and heavily attacked Zhou Yulong.


The terrible sound wave attack immediately blew Zhou Yulong away. At the same time, with the ability of sound wave resonance, the liquid metal on the surface of Zhou Yulong's body was smashed in a flash, turning into countless small silver pieces and scattering on the ground, the whole person seemed to shrink a circle.

It's also because Zhou Yulong's body is a body of liquid metal. As long as the soul is still there and the strength is not lost, it can be called immortal. Otherwise, if we change into ordinary people, they will be shaken to pieces.

More importantly, the attack of sound resonance is only the secondary ability of the six character Daming mantra, while the main ability of the six character Daming mantra is spiritual shock. At the moment, Zhou Yulong felt as if he had detonated a bomb in his head. At the same time, a strong burning and freezing feeling filled his senses, making him almost unconscious.

"Good chance, it's a win!"

Seeing Zhou Yulong's six character Daming mantra in front of him, the whole person seemed to fall into a state of stupor. Chu Xun's eyes suddenly lit up, then his body shape disappeared again, appeared behind Zhou Yulong, and then he threw his fists at his back.

In his opinion, Zhou Yulong, who was hit by the spirit of the six character Daming mantra, could not recover his fighting ability even if he did not completely lose consciousness. And as long as he can take advantage of the victory, he can win the battle without even using the tiger soul sword!

However, it turns out that he underestimated Zhou Yulong, the man once known as "the strongest"!

"Ha ha, you've got it!"

When Chu Xun was full of self-confidence and was ready to beat Zhou Yulong in the pursuit of victory, Zhou Yulong, who had lost consciousness, suddenly laughed. Then he kicked his right foot to the ground and shouted: "steel gun forest!"

Boom boom boom!

Almost at the moment of Zhou Yulong's leg kicking, the whole land was suddenly broken, and then countless sharp steel spears came out of the ground, and they were firmly rooted in Chu ten's body.

The steel spear is so powerful and powerful. Chu Xun didn't even use the space ability to dodge the world, so he was penetrated by these steel spears. Then the whole man was also taken up by the terrible power contained in the spear, and stabbed into the air like a meat kebab!

In an instant, a little blood was sprayed from Chu ten's body, and it fell on those steel long guns, making him look bloody and ugly!