Infinite Evolution

Chapter 752

"It seems that you would like to know my strength......"

Hearing Chu ten's words, Zhou Yulong suddenly laughed and said, "my strength now is probably above Zhai Tianwei and below Tai Tianwei. But I always think that strength is something that is fought out, not spoken out... "

Said here, Zhou yulongan suddenly flashed a wisp of war, and then smiled: "so if you want to know how strong I am, let's have a try!"


Hearing Zhou Yulong's words, Chu Xun was also excited.

To be honest, Zhou Yulong, the last Savior and the strongest man recognized by human society, even the whole world, has always been full of curiosity in his heart. So at the moment, hearing that Zhou Yulong was willing to fight with him, Chu Xun felt excited and excited.

"Haha, since that's the case, let's fight in your second world after you pass on the inheritance of zuwu to your mother-in-law." Seeing Chu Xun's excited appearance, Zhou Yulong smiled again, with a hint of self-confidence, and said: "but declare in advance that you will come back to duel, and don't cry when you lose."

"So is my father-in-law. If you lose, don't bother me!" Hearing Zhou Yulong's confident words, Chu Xun also immediately laughed.

Later, they both passed through the space transmission gate and came to the second world of chuxun.

Zuwu inheritance is a very simple thing. Soon, Chu Xun used zuwu Scripture to pass on the inheritance of the power of wood, fire and death to Li bingru, Cameron and Ling Bing. At the same time, he also made a decision in his heart. He should not only pass on the inheritance to the three mother-in-law, but also pass it on to the equivalent trust of doctors. Because in the current situation, every powerful point of doctors and others, their chances of becoming the final winner will also increase by one point.

This is not a war for him alone, but a war for the survival of the whole human race!

In this case, any act of concealment is stupid!

It has to be said that Cameron and others have very strong comprehension ability. In particular, Li bingru and Carmela are very close to each other in their ability attributes and inheritance, while the ability attributes of ice cream are not 100% in line with the power of death, but they are also very close to each other, so there is little obstacle in practice. So the three quickly found a place to shut down, study and master the inheritance of the ancestral witches, and strive to gather the ancestral witches' Dharma phase as soon as possible and improve their strength.

After solving the problems of Carmela and others, Chu ten and Zhou Yulong also came to a vast and boundless desert, ready to fight each other well and figure out the strength of each other.

It has to be said that the products of the system are indeed high-quality products, not only magic weapons, but also the second world opened up by the system. The second world is not only large in area and far superior to the earth, but also has undergone earth shaking changes after the bombardment of the creation God thunder. The second world, which was originally desolate, has begun to have vitality and various geographical environments. For example, ocean, desert, jungle, grassland, etc

The desert where Chu Xun and Zhou Yulong came is the largest and most desolate place in the second world. There is almost no life here. It's a place of stillness. It's also the best place for Zhou Yulong and Chu Xun to compete.

At least there's no need to feel hurt if it's broken here!

"Thank you for finding such a good place to fight..."

After falling into the desert, Zhou Yulong took a look at the surrounding environment, and then said with a smile, "how about you do it first or I do it first?"

"Cough, I'm a junior. I'd better come first."

Seeing Zhou Yulong talking so straight and white, Chu Xun coughed for a while, then smiled and said: "father in law, I will do my best next. You should be careful!"

Speaking of this, Chu Xun's eyes immediately coagulated, and then he cried out coldly: "Xuanwu, wood method phase, space method phase, come out to me!"




With the fall of Chu ten's voice, three brilliant lights suddenly burst out from him, and then turned into three Dharma phases again, surrounding Chu ten.

"Good boy, I actually condensed into three Dharma phases!"

After accepting the inheritance of Jin, Zhou Yulong also had a certain understanding of the inheritance of ancestral witches, so he also knew that the ancestral witches' Dharma had mutual superposition. When he saw Chu ten day, he summoned Three Dharma signs. Especially when he felt the terrible breath of Xuanwu, his relaxed eyes finally became dignified.

This son-in-law is even more difficult to deal with than he thought!

"The combination of ancestral witchcraft and Dharma -- Fusion!"

"Magic separation - Fusion!"

And when Zhou Yulong was surprised by the Three Dharma forms summoned by Chu ten, Chu ten also integrated them into his body. And not only that, while integrating the three dharmas, he also summoned his own demonization to merge.

In an instant, the quadruple force was superimposed on chuxun's body. At last, a set of black armor covering his whole body with strange black luster and eight wings was formed on his back. With the appearance of the armor, which was combined by the four forces, a terrible breath suddenly broke out from Chu Xun.

The terrible breath made Zhou Yulong's pupil slightly shrink, and then instinctively clenched his fist, and his expression became extremely serious.

He can't lose to chuxun, or his father-in-law's dignity will be lost.

"Father in law, be careful!"

After entering the peak state, Chu Xun did not immediately summon the spirit of the tiger sword, but gently turned the corners of his mouth and disappeared. Finally, he appeared directly behind Zhou Yulong and smashed Zhou Yulong with his fist.

Close combat from fist to flesh is his favorite!


Chu Xun's attack by using space power is almost a sneak attack, which is extremely difficult to prevent. But to Chu Xun's surprise, Zhou Yulong seemed to have expected his appearance. Almost as he appeared behind Zhou Yulong, Zhou Yulong suddenly smiled. Then he turned abruptly, waved his right hand, two fingers together, melted and deformed in an instant, turning into a silver blade, and cut directly on Chu Xun's right fist.


To Chu Xun's surprise, Zhou Yulong's sharp blade turned out to be so sharp. Just one face-to-face, Chu Xun's right fist was cut a deep scar by the sharp blade, and a strong stream of acid blood gushed out and sprinkled on the silver blade.

But at the same time, the huge power of this fist and sword also collided and broke out in an instant, sending out a loud roar, and stirring up a terrible power turbulence swept over Chu ten day and Zhou Yulong, and they were each shocked back more than ten meters.

In terms of strength, the two are quite equal!

"Come again!"

He was repelled by Zhou Yulong's sword finger, and even suffered a little loss. Chu Xun's heart suddenly ignited a fierce battle, and then he gave a big drink, his right hand waved again, and bombarded the void on the right side.

In an instant, a strange space crack appeared in the bombardment area of his right fist, engulfing his right fist. At the same time, a space crack appeared silently behind Zhou Yulong, and Chu Xun's right fist also rushed out of the space crack behind Zhou Yulong and directly hit Zhou Yulong.

This time, Chu Xun used the space rule directly, and the attack was almost ten times as weird as that attack. Zhou Yulong, though aware of it, had no time to turn around and defend. He could only watch Chu Xun hit his right shoulder with a fist.

"Ha ha, you are too young, boy!"

However, when Chu ten day's fist was about to hit Zhou Yulong, Zhou Yulong suddenly laughed. At the same time, the place where his right fist was about to be hit was suddenly raised, and countless sharp silver spikes were thrust out, aiming at Chu's right fist.



The power of Chu ten's fist is really amazing. When the fist goes down, the terrible power directly smashes Zhou Yulong's right shoulder to some extent and collapses down, and smashes him into the yellow sand. But at the same time, those sharp and long stabs on Zhou Yulong's shoulder pierced his right fist, leaving dense scars like honeycomb on it. A lot of light red blood surged out of these dense wounds, which seemed extremely terrifying.

This time, no one has taken advantage of it!

"What a tough guy!"

Looking at the wound on his fist, Chu Xun's face suddenly became a little ugly.

His father-in-law is just like a hedgehog. He just took the lead in a fight, but he still failed to make it. It seems that it's not easy to defeat Zhou Yulong

"Boy, you've played enough. It's my turn to fight!"

At this time, Zhou Yulong's voice suddenly sounded in the yellow sand.


At the next moment, a red and yellow flame with endless destruction suddenly rose from the sand. Then, in the flames rising from the sky, a figure with three teams of silver wings on his back suddenly rushed out. At a very fast speed, he rushed directly towards Chu ten like a silver lightning!

Zhou Yulong is out!