Infinite Evolution

Chapter 754

"Why can you stay awake when you are hit by the spiritual impact of my six character Daming mantra?"

Although he was pierced by those steel spears like a string of meat, and the whole man became bloody and fleshy, Chu Xun didn't show much color of pain, but he frowned slightly, gathered the liquid metal fragments on the ground again not far away, and recovered like Zhou Yulong at the beginning, and asked incomprehensibly.

"It's OK to tell you!"

Looking at Chu Xun's puzzled appearance, Zhou Yulong smiled and said: "there is a secret method to protect the soul in Muria civilization, which is called the coffin of soul. And not long ago, when I came out of my predicament and was baptized by elemental power, I used these elemental powers to condense into the coffin of soul and protect my soul. "

At this point, Zhou Yulong's smile became more intense: "coupled with hundreds of years of tempering, my spiritual strength is not weak, so although your move caused me some pain and trouble, it is not enough to make me lose my mind. And I'm just planning on getting you hooked. Otherwise, with your space ability, it's not easy for you to win! "

"So it is. My father-in-law deserves to be my father-in-law. It's really unpredictable."

Hearing Zhou Yulong's words, Chu Xun nodded thoughtfully, and then laughed at the same time: "but my father-in-law's move, though powerful, is not good enough to defeat me on this basis!"

Speaking of this, Chu ten day's eyes also suddenly coagulate, then cold drink out a voice: "tiger soul knife - now!"


With the voice of Chu ten day falling, a strong and bright, full of murderous tiger roar suddenly sounded. At the same time, a blood light surged out of Chu ten's body and crossed the metal spears under Chu ten's body that pierced his body at a very fast speed!

Bang bang bang bang bang bang!

To Zhou Yulong's surprise, the red light was extremely sharp. Those metal spears, which were made by his ability to condense the gold elements in the heaven and the earth, were suddenly cut into two pieces like fragile rotten wood in front of the red light, and Chu Xun fell out of the trap.

At the same time, the red light also returned to Chu ten's hand, and then suddenly turned into a crystal Sabre which is red and extremely sharp, and emits an amazing evil spirit and murderous spirit!

"This is..."

Looking at the ferocious and fierce tiger soul sabre in Chu ten's hand, Zhou Yulong's pupil suddenly shrank, and there was a dignified color in his eyes.

Obviously, he has felt the horror of the Tiger Blade!

"This is the first fierce soldier in ancient times, tiger soul sword!"

Chu Xun's expression became very serious after he got rid of the shackles with the tiger soul sword. He gazed at Zhou Yulong, clenched his sword, and said, "I've heard for a long time that my father-in-law also has an ancient soldier in his hand. It's called the longnukis sword. I don't know if I'm lucky to see you today."

"You are right. I have the sword of lonnukis!"

Hearing Chu ten's words, Zhou Yulong suddenly laughed: "but can you force me to use this magic soldier? It depends on your ability!"

"Well, let's ask my father-in-law to see what I can do."

Seeing that Zhou Yulong didn't pull out his sword at the moment, Chu Xun's eyes were suddenly slightly cold, and then he did not hesitate to cut off the sword and said coldly, "break the sea!"

After the previous fight, he had a preliminary understanding of Zhou Yulong's strength, so he had a clear mind. If he wants to defeat Zhou Yulong, he must go all out!

So at the moment, his move is the killing move in "seven limits of swallowing the sky and destroying the earth"!


Although the Bodhi world has not been opened, the endless sea area in the Bodhi world cannot be used to exert the power of this move to the limit. But even so, under the influence of Chu Xun's homologous technique and the power of creation in the body, the power of this move is still extremely terrible.

With Chu ten day's sword, a strong and extreme force of water element also surged out of the tiger soul sword, and turned into a huge wave, sweeping towards Zhou Yulong.

The sword is like the sea and the light is like the waves. In a flash, the waves rush to Zhou Yulong's face, and then they turn into endless light and cut heavily towards Zhou Yulong.

"Castle of steel - now!"

In the face of the endless sword light, Zhou Yulong's eyes immediately coagulated, then he squatted down, his hands on the ground, and shouted loudly.

In a flash, the ground burst again, and countless steel spears broke through the ground. But this time, these spears that broke through the earth didn't attack chuxun, but they were built together. At last, they fused with each other and turned into a huge round steel fortress, completely protecting Zhou Yulong.

Boom boom boom!

No matter Chu ten day sends out a blow of "breaking the sea" or Zhou Yulong condenses the steel castle, it is only a matter of a blink of an eye in fact. In the blink of an eye, the huge waves of knife light also hit the steel fortress with metallic luster.

In an instant, a strong and extreme sound of metal impact also resounded through the sky. I saw that after the light of the covered knife hit the steel fortress, it was as if the wave hit the reef, and it exploded and splashed everywhere. But at the same time, the steel fortress began to show a deep cut. Obviously, if it continues like this, then the world will not be too long, and the steel fortress will be completely chopped by these waves.

"Father in law, be careful!"

But Chu Xun obviously didn't want to waste it with Zhou Yulong. After all, the level of Zhou Yulong's homologous skill is far higher than him, and his recovery ability is absolutely not weak. So before the light of the mighty Sabre made by [breaking the sea] disappeared completely, Chu Xun had a strong drink, and then he held the tiger soul Sabre with both hands, raised it high, and aimed the blade at Zhou Yulong's iron and steel battle castle.


With Chu ten day holding the sword high, it seemed to be stimulated by some kind of power, and trembled slightly. At the same time, a golden radiance also converges from all directions, and integrates into the tiger soul sabre, which makes the tiger soul Sabre shine and radiates an invincible momentum.


Zhou Yulong, as a person of homologous skill cultivation, has not only condensed the golden Dharma phase, but also possessed the metal mimicry ability, so he has a keen sense of metal elements. When he felt the terrible edge and power of Chu ten day's tiger soul sabre, his heart sank.


At this time, Chu ten day has also completed the accumulation of energy, and then a sharp drink, a knife to Zhou Yulong's steel Fort cut down. All of a sudden, I saw a bright golden light surging out of the Tiger Blade, and then it turned into the extremely sharp golden blade, cutting heavily on the steel Fort!


Although the steel fortress is very strong, how can it resist Chu Xun's sharp sword? With a loud metal roar, the fierce golden light finally cut through the steel fortress, and went down to continue to cut Zhou Yulong in the steel fortress.


The next moment, however, a violent crash rang out again. Then, a dazzling golden awn from that was cut into two parts of the steel fortress surging out, exploded!

The golden light obviously has an unimaginable terrible power. With the explosion of the golden light, the steel fortress seems to be unable to bear the terrible power. It suddenly disintegrates into countless pieces of metal shooting towards the surrounding.

And in the metal pieces and bright golden light, Zhou Yulong's figure also appeared again. But compared with before, he had a sword in his hand!

This is a long sword with simple shape, crystal clear body and light five colors. From this long sword, Chu Xun felt a strong and complex element power, as if the sword itself was a world, which contained endless power.


With the appearance of this sword, the tiger soul sword in Chu ten's hand also slightly hummed, and sent out a strong evil spirit. This is the first time that such a strong sense of war and evil spirit broke out in the face of Xuanyuan sword.

Obviously, the sword in Zhou Yulong's hand is as powerful as the spirit of the tiger sword of Chu ten and the Xuanyuan sword of Xiong childe. It even has the inheritance and magic weapon of the spirit!

This sword is the sword of lonnukis, the most powerful one!