Infinite Evolution

Chapter 751

In Chu's view, although his plan is not foolproof, the success rate is still very high. What's more, even if there are unexpected changes, he can use his second world to preserve vitality for human beings and let human civilization continue.

After all, after the construction of the reincarnation channel, the second world of chuxun is a complete world, which can carry out the reincarnation of life and death. If not for a few months, it would be impossible to persuade and migrate all human beings to enter the second world. I'm afraid Chu Xun has already given up the world and brought them to the second world for rest

Zhou Yulong and others already know the secret of the second world of Chu ten, so they also know why Chu ten is so confident. After listening to Chu ten's analysis, Zhou Yulong and other people became silent again. Until a moment later, Zhou Yulong nodded and said, "you've done a good job of analysis. As the saying goes, first strike, then make. In this case, we really need to take the initiative and kill the gandayans before they are ready. Otherwise, once they are ready, it is estimated that the first one will start with us. "

Speaking of this, Zhou Yulong paused for a while, and then said with a dignified look: "before the action, however, we should be well prepared. We should not only gather our strength to fight against the fugendaya, but also against the counter attack of other enemies. Whether it's the sea people, the Atlantis, or the fallen dragon of the southwest alliance, we can't be a little careless. Otherwise, if they take advantage of our attack on the inner world and copy our rear, it will be terrible. "

"Of course!" Hearing Zhou Yulong's words, Chu ten day also nodded.

"Well, that's settled for the time being. I'll get in touch with the corpse clan, the Supreme Council and the bird clan to see if I can work out a plan of action." When the action plan was made for the time being, Zhou Yulong seemed to have finished a difficult problem, and his spirit was slightly shaken. Then he said to Chu Xun with a smile, "in addition, in fact, I also want you to help me."

"My father-in-law, please say that as long as I can do it, I will never refuse!"

Hearing Zhou Yulong's words, Chu ten day's heart immediately raised a trace of doubt, obviously did not know what can help Zhou Yulong.

However, he also knew that he could not hesitate at such a time, so he immediately nodded and agreed.

"In fact, it's very simple. When I accepted the inheritance of zuwu, I heard from zuwuzu that the inheritance of zuwu can be divided into 12 kinds, representing 12 kinds of cultivation ways, right?" Seeing that Chu ten day promised his conditions so readily, Zhou Yulong immediately smiled with satisfaction and asked.

"Yes, there are twelve kinds of inheritance, which represent the ability to control space, wood, gold, water, fire, wind, thunder, electricity, time, climate, death and earth elements." Hearing Zhou Yulong's words, Chu Xun probably guessed his meaning, then nodded and replied.

"I was thinking, since you can pass on this ancestral wizard to me, can you pass it on to other people by the way Like your mother-in-law? " Sure enough, the next moment Zhou Yulong coughed, and then said awkwardly, "after all, you know, there will be a war in a few months, so..."

"Of course not!"

Chu ten's ancestral witchcraft can be taught even when the wind blows, and it can naturally be taught to Cameron and others. In addition, with the strength and accomplishments of Cameron and others, the strength will be greatly improved after the ancestral witch cultivation is passed on. At that time, facing the gandaya, the human side will have a greater victory.

So after hearing Zhou Yulong's request, Chu ten day almost did not have any hesitation, then nodded to agree to come down. However, in order to avoid misunderstanding, he decided to make things clear first: "but I want to make it clear in advance that the inheritance of zuwu can be divided into two kinds of inheritance, one is similar to the method of Buddhism pouring the top, which directly transmits the experience and understanding of the cultivator to you, which is the inheritance accepted by the father-in-law at that time. This kind of inheritance method is rapid, fast and has no side effects. It can let the inheritee improve his own strength and master the cultivation method in the shortest time. "

Speaking of this, Chu paused for a moment, and then said more seriously: "only this kind of top filling inheritance method, each inheritance method can only be used once. Among the twelve cultivation principles, the cultivation methods of thunder, electricity, gold, wood, fire, wind, space, time and death have been passed down, leaving only the chance to control the climate, soil and water elements. I see the breath of the three mother-in-law adults. I'm afraid it's not in the remaining three ways of cultivation. So if they want to practice, they can only choose another method, one step at a time, and start learning from scratch... "

After obtaining the "tianyantong" magical power, Chu Xun can easily distinguish a person's element attributes. In his opinion, Carmela is surrounded by violent and powerful fire elements, which are naturally suitable for practicing fire system rules. Li bingru, on the other hand, exudes a strong vitality, which should belong to the strength of the wood system. As for the last ice cream, although his breath is not obvious, it is extremely fierce, and it seems to have a strong destructive power to life, so Chu Xun estimated that the power suitable for her should be death.

Just as Chu Xun said, the inheritance opportunity of these three cultivation ways has been given to angel, Chu maniac and black devil by him. So Cameron and others also lost the opportunity to take a shortcut. If they want to cultivate the ancestral wizard inheritance, they can only rely on themselves

"It doesn't matter. In any case, the more strength we can improve, the more favorable it will be for our next fight."

Hearing Chu Xun's words, Zhou Yulong nodded, then said with a smile, "and isn't the time velocity in your second world ten times different from that outside? It's a few months outside, and it's probably a few years inside. I believe that ru'er's talent and strength can definitely master the inheritance of the ancestral witches in this period of time. "

"Your father-in-law is right. We also want to be strong. So Chu Xun, please pass on this ancestral wizard to us. We will practice it well!" At the same time, Cameron can't help but say to chuten.

"Well, since you all have decided, it's not too late. Now go to my second world and hurry up to practice!"

Looking at the serious look of Cameron and others, Chu Xun stopped talking and waved directly. Then a space gate appeared in front of them.


Hearing Chu's words, Cameron and others also looked at each other, and then nodded their heads together and walked into the transmission door. At the same time, Zhou Yulong also stood up and followed them to the transmission gate.

However, just as Zhou Yulong passed by Chu ten and was about to enter the transmission gate, he suddenly stopped and asked, "by the way, Chu ten, what level of strength are you now?"

"The specific level is not clear. It should be above the strong heaven level and below the fast heaven level. After all, I haven't been able to use the power of rules to condense the world of rules... " Looking at Zhou Yulong's curious eyes, Chu Xun hesitated for a moment, and then said: "but through all other secret methods and powers, my real combat power should have reached the fasting level. Even if I meet Lucifer again, I believe that I can fight against him, even if I don't fall behind. "

"Oh? It's amazing to be able to fight with Lucifer without falling down... "

Hearing Chu Xun's words, Zhou Yulong's face suddenly showed a trace of surprise, then nodded with satisfaction and smiled: "I have such a strong strength even at a young age. Ha ha, it's estimated that if it goes on like this, I won't be your opponent for a long time..."

"It seems that I guessed right. My father-in-law really concealed part of his strength."

Hearing Zhou Yulong's words, Chu Xun's heart suddenly moved slightly.

He is confident now that even if he meets Lucifer, he may not have the power of World War I. However, Zhou Yulong said that it will be a while before he can leave him behind, which means that in Zhou Yulong's opinion, even if Chu Xun can draw with Lucifer, or even defeat Lucifer, he cannot be his opponent.

Think of here, Chu ten day heart immediately curious, then cannot help but ask: "father-in-law adult, I want to ask, what kind of strength you have now?"

He really wants to know how strong Zhou Yulong, once the most powerful man, is now after mastering the inheritance of zuwu and condensing the golden Dharma phase?