Infinite Evolution

Chapter 441

Because most of the big and powerful are waiting for the appearance of the last auction products, they keep their strength and do not sell any more, so in the absence of competition and bidding, the next auction has become unprecedented fast.

Finally, it took less than half of the time to complete the auction of the ordinary auction products that were originally planned to be sold out in six hours, leaving only a few of the most anticipated finale auction products.

At this moment, the powerful people who have been waiting for a long time have also been fighting for spirit, waiting for the appearance of the last auction.

"Well, now that the general auction has been completed, it's finally the time that everyone is looking forward to!" After looking around at the long-awaited audience, Ziyan smiled and continued: "as we all know, in order to keep the excitement and interest of the auction, every year sky auction will have more than one mysterious finale for everyone to auction. Although no one knows what they are before the auction, the only sure thing is that their value is often ten times or even more than 100 times that of ordinary auction products! "

Speaking of this, Ziyan's face also showed a trace of excitement, then increased the volume and said: "now, I want to tell you an exciting good news, that is, this year's sky auction is not one or two, but three! Of course, according to the rules, I won't disclose what these three auctions are. Let's wait for the owner to introduce them. Now, let's invite the first auctioneer to finish the auction, shangguanye

"Is it him? He's not dead yet? "

Hearing the word "entomologist", many people in the venue were confused. Obviously, they didn't hear the name. But there are several powerful, white haired old people are at the same time exclaimed, and even stood up, the face is unbelievable color.

For the vast majority of people in the sky city, they may not even hear the name of shangguanye, but for those who are strong in the old generation, the name is thunderous, or even a nightmare in some people's lives.

Like Chu Xun, the insect master is also a city of the sky through the survival game, and a brilliant border city wizard. And the way of his rise is also very similar. At the beginning, he also used his fighting power far beyond the same level to win the top of the survival game, and was focused on training.

Young people are always young and vigorous. The insect master who becomes the star of tomorrow through the survival game is almost blinded by all the glory and aura, forgetting his identity of border city origin and taking himself as a task. He even offended some of the disciples of the noble family because of their jealousy.

This point, and Chu ten is how like ah.

However, he was not as lucky as chuxun, nor supported by Longbao. What's more, the woman didn't like him at all, just regarded him as a prey to show off her charm. So in the end, the fate of the entomologist was also miserable. He was almost knocked down overnight, trampled on his feet, and even expelled from the city of the sky.

However, the talent and strength of the entomologist are there after all. The humiliation in sky city did not let him give up, but made him work harder. Finally, decades later, he killed back to the city of sky, and challenged the eight most insulted powerful families with his powerful level 8 strength. Finally, he defeated the town's eight powerful families one by one, making a great reputation, and even was once called the strongest level 8 of the city of sky!

Only after that, the entomologist rarely showed up. Some even thought that he was assassinated by the eight giants. But now it seems that he is not dead.

"Ha ha, it seems that many people think I'm dead, or hope I'm dead..." In the midst of all the discussion, an old man with white hair and a little rickety body, less than one meter and six in height, came out of an exit slowly, and then came to the auction house.

This old man looks very ordinary, and his breath is no different from that of ordinary people. He is even easy to be regarded as an ordinary old man. However, only a person with a keen sense like Chu Xun can sense the terrible and fierce breath in the old man. Especially Chu Xun, in his sense, the old man is just a fierce beast in human shape, with extremely horrible power in his body.

That power, even he will feel palpitation!

"This person's strength may be stronger than that Ziyan!" Feeling the terrible breath of the heart throb, Chu Xun was filled with surprise.

One by one, the strong ones appear. It seems that the Supreme Council's inside information is deeper than he imagined!

"I know you are disappointed that I am not dead now, but you will not be disappointed for a long time, because I am going to die!" Standing on the auction platform, the [entomologist] glanced at all the people, then sighed and said: "there are ants under level 9, even the strongest level 8 can't escape the misfortune of life, old age and death. I have lived for so many years, and this day finally came."

When he said that, the insect master suddenly waved his hand, and then he looked solemn and said, "well, I don't talk much nonsense. Although I'm going to die, there are still some things I can't give up. I think some people may know that there are two things that my entomologist relies on in his whole life. The first one is the summoning skill that belongs to the Zerg, and the other one is the contractual insect beast that I contracted by chance -- the liuguanghu beetle! "


With the voice of the entomologist falling, a bright golden light suddenly bloomed from his side. Soon, the golden light disappeared. A long and narrow insect with a length of about 3 meters, wearing a golden insect armor, eight legs long and slightly strange shape, and a strange insect with huge eyes appeared in front of everyone.

"The smell of this insect is only seven steps at most, isn't it? Is this the so-called Liuguang tiger beetle? " Looking at the golden beetle with only monsters, Chu Xun's face was a little confused.

The Zerg of level 7 is very strong, but it's nothing to the strong of level 8? Is there anything else in it?

"I found it!" At that time, Yang Ling apparently found the data of the entomologist from the Longbao database, and then, with a twinkling of his eyes, said: "shangguanye, the entomologist, once made an astonishing record of losing eight level 8 powerful men in a day. At that time, he was known as the most powerful summoning Department magician of level 8."

Speaking of this, Yang Ling paused a little, then looked at the golden armor insect and said: "there are two strongest places for the [entomologist], the first is that he can summon a large number of high-level Zerg, and then use the insect sea tactics to kill the enemy. The second is the light tiger beetle. "

"Like the ice ants, the floating light tiger beetle is a very rare and possibly extinct mutant. Although this kind of insect only has the strength of level 7, its speed is amazing. According to the records, the maximum speed of the liuguanghu beetle can even be comparable to the sky power, and it can release the ability of a short-distance blink every hour. " While reading the materials, Yang Ling's face also showed a trace of amazement, saying: "at the beginning, the entomologist used the liuguanghu beetle as a mount, so those who wanted to use the beheading tactics to deal with him could not touch him at all, or even escape, so that they could only be killed by him."

"Good stuff, I'll make it!" Hearing Yang Ling's words, Chu ten day's eyes flashed a terrible light.

He happens to have a gene lock that is empty, which is very suitable for swallowing the beetle. As long as he has the speed and blinking ability of the liuguanghu beetle, even if he meets the heaven strongman again, he will not be able to escape as he did last time!

"Well, my entomologist is all alone, and has no savings. The only thing he can hold is the fleeting tiger beetle, which has the ability of blinking, and the highest speed is no less than that of the Ninth level strong. As long as I transfer the contract through the power, no matter who owns it, no one can compare with you in terms of pursuit or escape. What's more, the level 7 summoning beast is also a powerful force. " After gently stroking the smooth beetle of liuguanghu beetle, the entomologist said lightly: "this is my last treasure. The base price is 10 million crystal nuclei, and the higher price is!"

"15 million, I'll take the light tiger beetle!" However, before Chu ten bid, a slightly frivolous voice sounded, and the content was extremely overbearing: "I'll see who dares to rob what I want!"