Infinite Evolution

Chapter 442

"Damn, it's a bit of a problem!" See 13 less a hand to add 5 million crystal nucleus, and also issued such arrogant side leakage declaration, Chu ten day immediately frowned.

To be honest, he has many enemies in sky city, so if possible, he really doesn't want to set up a new enemy, let alone is the direct successor of the five haos!

However, the Liuguang tiger beetle is very important to him. After having the ability of "bullet time" brought by Mantis compound eyes, he felt his lack of speed. Most of the time, he can clearly see the enemy's attack track through the time of the bullet, but it's just because his body speed can't keep up with him, and he finally watched himself being shot.

But if we can devour the genes of the beetle, so that we can match the speed of our dynamic vision, we can even say that no enemy can hit him under the sky position. In other words, no enemy will be able to avoid his attack!

So after biting his teeth, Chu took a deep breath and said, "I'm sorry, thirteen little. This shining tiger beetle is very important to me. I'm going to get 20 million crystal nuclei!"

Through the previous auction, he had a rough estimate of the price of the panacea. In terms of the 3 million day price of "shengshenghua", which can break the bottleneck of 10%, the transaction price of a panacea is at least 50 million yuan or higher. So he has enough reserve to bid with thirteen less.

He was not worried about whether he would be hostile to him in the future. After all, as long as there is a panacea, there will be countless people who are willing to join Longbao and its strong and powerful forces. At that time, I don't dare to move him.

"Ha ha, is that right? I'll see how much you can give!" Hear Chu ten even dare to bid, just so overbearing side leakage, said to see who dare to compete with him 13 little also immediately feel a shame and anger, then take a deep breath, condensate said: "30 million!"

"40 million!" Chu ten day for the Liuguang tiger beetle potential in the must, as for the price, he really does not care about this now.

"Damn it, where the hell did this kid get so much money?" Hear Chu ten day unexpectedly added the price of 10 million crystal nucleus again, 13 little hearts also suddenly sink.

He remembers that Chu Xun has no fixed assets in sky city, which means that he has at least tens of millions of crystal core liquidity, or something with the same price.

Working capital? That's impossible. Even the five great families can't put out tens of millions of working capital at once. After all, the crystal core is dead. Only the industries and strong people in different regions can bring profits to them continuously.

That is to say, Chu ten should have some treasures worth tens of millions, which makes him have such confidence to bid!

And if he guesses right, it's probably one of the auctions!

Think of here, 13 little facial expression also became more ugly, then cold voice shouted: "I give a hundred million, Chu ten day, if you can give a higher price than this, then I will give you this light tiger beetle, which is also the beauty of a man!"

It's hard to estimate the price of Liuguang tiger beetle. In a sense, it's priceless. As long as you take it with you, you will be able to escape the pursuit of all the powerful people below Tianwei, and you will completely take the initiative in the battle.

But Liuguang tiger beetle also has its own defects. First, it's just a summoner. It takes time to summon him and then ride him. If you meet the real irresistible strong, such a period of time is enough to kill you.

And the power of foreign things is not as good as their own. A large number of crystal nuclei can not only speed up their own breakthrough, but also exchange for various kinds of natural materials and land treasures. From the external and internal aspects, they can strengthen their strength, and then the effect may not be worse than the liuguanghu beetle.

So the price of one billion yuan is also the bottom line of thirteen less. If it's higher, it's a bit of a loss.

"Thank you for being such a rare person. I'll give you 110 million yuan. If there's no further price increase, then it's mine!" In order to avoid further stimulation and other troubles, Chu Xun did not offer a price of "one hundred and one billion" but directly increased the price by ten million.

"My God, it's such a high price!"

"Tut Tut, in so many sky auctions, it's estimated that no more than 50 of the hundreds of millions of auctions can be sold?"

"What's more, this is only the third one. Who knows what the other two are?"

"I'm looking forward to it!"


Seeing Chu ten day's auction of Liuguang tiger beetle at a high price, there was a lot of noise again in the auction field. Obviously, no one expected that the final transaction price of Liuguang tiger beetle would even be up to 100 million!

There are hundreds of millions of crystal cores. If we simply change to a city like chucheng, we can build 100!

This is not only the wealth of the city, but also the wealth of the country!

"Thank you very much. It's yours!" But at this time, the most surprising thing should be the auctioneer. Although he is the eighth level strong, he has not been very well, so let alone hundreds of millions of wealth, even if it is 10 million crystal nucleus, he has never seen it at all.

At the moment, the floating light tiger beetle can be auctioned for 110 million yuan, which is far beyond his imagination and filled his heart with surprise.

But in the end, it was only a surprise. For him who was dying soon and was about to be separated from his old man, no matter how many nuclei he had, he could not be happy.

So he just gave Chu Xun a light thank-you, and then he waved his right hand, and a golden light came out of his hand, and fell into Chu Xun's body.

With this golden light into the body, Chu ten also felt a little more inexplicable connection in her heart. This kind of connection is very similar to that of the alien queen and the alien queen, but it's a little different. It's very wonderful.

At the same time, the Liuguang tiger beetle also disappeared from the entomologist, and then directly appeared in Chu's side. The speed is even faster than the visual capture ability of all people in the venue, almost in a blink.

"So fast!" Looking at the floating light tiger beetle that appears nearby, Chu Xun, whose eyes twinkle with a little brilliance, can't help exclaiming. The speed of the streamer tiger beetle is so fast that he can barely see a vague figure even when he uses [bullet time].

As expected, it's not inferior to the speed of the powerful!

"I have used my power to wash away the memory of the liuguanghu beetle. From now on, he will only recognize you as the Lord and hope you treat it well." At the same time, the auctioneer seemed to be decades old, and his face turned pale. He took a complex look at the Liuguang tiger beetle around Chu Xun, then took a deep breath and walked down the auction house.

He has been dead for a long time. There is no future for liuguanghu beetle to follow him. It's better to follow the potential Chu Xun. Maybe he can break through again and have a stronger strength and a new future!

Think of here, the insect master's mood is also a little better.

"Ha ha, I didn't expect to see another auction of over 100 million level. It's really a surprise." With the entomologist leaving, wearing a purple robe, the white haired Ziyan also came to the stage again, and then smiled a little, saying: "but what's more surprising is still behind, now let's welcome 13 less to the stage, and introduce another finale auction for us!"

Speaking of this, Ziyan's face also appeared a mysterious smile, saying: "I guarantee with my character, this is a rare good thing, oh, everyone can take good care of it, don't miss it!"

"What?" However, hearing Ziyan's words, the thirteen young people in the private room not only didn't feel half happy, but their faces became more ugly.

Although in terms of the rules, the value of the axial auction has nothing to do with the auction order, regardless of the order, in fact, the so-called "axial" is the more precious and shocking the later it appears.

At the moment, the "things" that they developed with all their strength by using some technologies excavated from the relics in Doucheng and shenduncheng are not listed in the last auction. Is the last auction more precious than their "things"?

How could it be!