Infinite Evolution

Chapter 440

"Haha, I see how you can stand in the sky city this time!" Seeing Ziyan start to investigate the data and conduct arbitration, Andre's eyes flashed a trace of resentment.

Since the last time he suffered a great loss in Chu ten's hands, he had a grudge against Chu ten. However, since Chu Xun had disappeared after that, his evil spirit had been held in his heart and he could not vent.

At the moment, he finally got a great chance. This time, even when the Dragon Castle shot nianneng, Chu Xun would become the laughingstock of the people, and then he would no longer be able to stand in the city of the sky!

"Preliminary investigation has been carried out. There is no fixed industry in the sky city." Ziyan's investigation soon came to a conclusion. He looked at the data on the mobile terminal in his hand, then moved his eyes to Chu ten, with a sympathetic tone, and said, "so Chu ten, if you can't get 3 million crystal cores or equivalent items, I can only treat you as a crime of disturbing the venue!"

"Hahaha, how could a poor man like him have something worth 3 million nuclei on him!" Hearing Ziyan's words, Andre's last worry disappeared, and then he laughed.

What he was most worried about was that Longbao had transferred part of its fixed assets to Chu ten's name before. Since there was no such thing, Chu ten would be dead!

As for the 3 million working capital or equivalent treasure, ha ha, it's hard for ordinary noble families to take it out, let alone the poor boy like Chu ten?

For a while, Andre's mind was already imagining the picture after Chu Xun's failure.

"Just a moment. There's a new message coming in." However, at this time, Ziyan seemed to receive some new information, and then she trembled slightly, and her face also showed an unbelievable and ecstatic look.

That expression is like winning 5 million grand prize!

"What's the news? How can it make Ziyan's adult lose his temper?"

"Yes, there is nothing that can shock such a big man as Ziyan?"

"Is there anything important?"

Looking at Ziyan stupefied on the stage, his face was unbelievable, and people under the stage also talked about it.

"Lord Ziyan, let's arbitrate quickly!" I don't know why, Ziyan's shocked appearance made him feel a little uneasy in his heart, so he urged again.

"It can be arbitrated!" Hearing Andre's words, Ziyan just came back to her senses. Then she took a deep breath, calmed down her mood, looked at Andre coldly, and said: "according to the latest news, Mr. Chu Xun really has the money to buy nianergi. So Andre, your accusation against Mr. chuxun is not tenable. On the contrary, you will be punished for falsely accusing Mr. chuxun and disturbing the order of the conference hall! "

"It's impossible!" Hearing Ziyan's words, Andre was stunned at first, and then roared uncontrollably: "he can't have so many crystal nuclei, not to mention millions of crystal nuclei. Where is your so-called latest news coming from? I want notarization. There must be a black curtain in it! "

"The news just now was sent to me by Lord magic Ji. Andre, according to your meaning, it is that Lord magic Ji is favoring Mr. chuxun, even breaking the rules she and several giants have made together to create the so-called black curtain?" Looking at Andre's unconvinced appearance, Ziyan narrowed his eyes slightly, then suddenly his eyes opened angrily, and shouted angrily, "Andre, you are so brave!"


With Ziyan's roar, an unspeakable and terrible breath erupted from Ziyan's body, then swept towards Andre.

The terrible pressure, like a big mountain, pressed heavily on Andre's body, made him spurt out a mouthful of blood, and then in front of the dark, he fainted in front of the public!

Only the rolling of momentum makes Andre have no power to fight back. The gap between level 9 and level 5 is too big!

"Somebody, put Andre down and wait for the trial!" After shaking Andre out, Ziyan had a cold drink again. Then, two shadow powers appeared directly next to Andre, and grabbed him and disappeared in the meeting.

After dealing with Andre and Ziyan, they turned their heads. Then, with a smile on their face, they said softly to chuxun in the room, "Mr. chuxun, the matter has been solved. Andre must be severely punished, and this energy stone belongs to you."

"Thank you, Ziyan!" Looking at Ziyan's warm smile, even with a hint of flattery, chuxun smiled and said in a harmonious voice.

"I don't dare to. Maybe I have something else to ask for from Mr. Chu ten. I hope Mr. Chu ten can ask for more help then." Unexpectedly, Ziyan's attitude towards chuxun was extremely intimate, not only calling chuxun "Sir" and "you", but also wearing a friendly smile.

Seeing this scene, some people with fast brain turn over one after another, at the same time, their eyes to Chu ten also become very different.

Obviously, the reason why Ziyan's attitude towards chuxun changed greatly is that she received the news just now. What kind of news will make the second leader of the magic city, the quasi-9 powerful man with great reputation in the sky city, so enthusiastic and even flattering to Chu ten?

There must be a big article in it!

The people who can mingle in the top circle of sky city are not idiots, so they immediately changed their views on Chu ten and kept away from those who were enemies of Chu ten.

Their intuition tells them that a big change is about to start!

"Well, I know you have a lot of doubts, but I can assure you that sky auction is always fair and just. There is no black curtain or partiality in it. As for the truth of everything, as long as we wait until the auction is over, it will come to an end. So now the auction goes on, please bid Ziyan also knows that it's not the time to say more, so after a smile, she starts to auction.

It's just that after the recent changes, combined with Ziyan's words, everyone knows that this auction will definitely be different from the past, and it's even possible that there will be something crazy for everyone. So although the later auctions are very good, except for those little nobles and strong ones who know they can't compete for, none of the top nobles and strong ones bid, obviously waiting for the appearance of the last auction.

As a result, the auction house, which used to be very busy, suddenly became a little deserted. But in this cold meeting place, a kind of inexplicable atmosphere is constantly brewing. It's like everyone has become a volcano ready to go. Once they wait for something, they will burst out all their enthusiasm and join in the competition.

At the same time, in the Longbao compartment where Chu Xun and others are located, there are also constant price calls, and some ore materials, or some rare mutated creatures, which are specially used to build equipment, have been shot at a relatively good price. Some people have made statistics. From the first nianneng stone to now, Chu Xun and other people have at least auctioned 10 million crystal cores. But even so, they are still selling, as if they have never worried about capital.

It also makes everyone more curious. Although Longbao is one of the five great families, it is the poorest one among them. In the past, they only sold 23 million things in an auction. How can it become so rich now?

"Damn it, what on earth did they prepare?" At the same time, among the private rooms of Langcheng, the original flirtatious and playful color of thirteen Shao's face also disappeared, and replaced by a dignified color.

They didn't know how much money and energy they spent to develop such a "thing" in Doucheng and shenduncheng. They tried to greatly enhance the financial resources, power and interpersonal relationship of the two ethnic groups, and finally replaced the speaker. But unexpectedly, before the "thing" came out, all the limelight had been stolen by Longbao, which also filled his heart with unease.

As the most beloved and gifted son of the fallen dragon, he knows the secrets and secrets that many people don't know, so he knows more about the potential and horror of the Dragon Castle.

At the moment, Longbao makes such a big move. Obviously, there will be some unexpected changes in this auction!

This is not good news for him!