Infinite Evolution

Chapter 439

Nianneng stone is a kind of special ore produced by the change of natural environment after the cataclysm. An interesting feature of this mineral is that it produces changes in the form of biomass through the injection of spiritual force. In short, as long as there is a strong spiritual injection, the armor or weapons made of the nianneng stone will become extremely hard, and even recover the damaged areas by themselves.

It is precisely because of this special characteristic that the nianneng stone has become the first choice of basic materials used by psychic experts to build weapon armor. As long as it is made together with other materials that can increase psychic power, it can even create a weapon that belongs to psychic experts.

It is said that the magic weapon "niansi" used by magic concubine is made of nianneng stone combined with various rare materials, but the specific power and effect are not known.

And the reason why Chu Xun is at the moment is that he is ready to accompany these clowns to have a good time, and he is also really interested in this stone. He hopes to let the weapon master to help him build a set of high-level weapons that belong to him. In this way, he can also make up for the decrease in defense caused by the loss of exoskeleton armor to some extent.

"This boy, it's so easy to get angry!" Seeing Chu ten day's sudden participation in the auction, Andre and others were shocked, and then Qi Qi sneered.

Of course, they didn't know what Chu Xun thought. In their opinion, Chu Xun couldn't stand their sarcasm, so they rushed to auction.

Otherwise, how can he be a strong system power to fight for the stone that can only be used by the spirit power!

Thinking of this, Andre immediately cried out: "chuxun, can you afford this niannengshi with a guy like you? Or are you going to use women's money? "

"Ha ha, what money does he have for a poor boy from a remote place!" At the same time, there was a cry behind Andre: "angel, you should not pay unconditionally because you are saved. You look at the kid, obviously have nothing, but now because we just said two words, you stand out to participate in the auction. Where does he have money? Not counting on you? Such a stupid, irritable and ulterior guy is not worth your liking at all! "

"This boy, it's still too young!"

"Let's see how he steps down!"

"Hey, there's a good play!"


Seeing this scene, people who were originally bidding stopped. For the boring people in the end, watching is always one of people's greatest hobbies.

What's more, people who can enter the sky auction are either rich or strong. Naturally, most people's opinions are the same as those of Andre and others. They have a certain hostility to the guy who rose strongly and took the heart of the little princess Longbao.

After all, for them, Chu Xun is only an outsider after all!

"Although I'd like to tell you that I do your own business, I'll forget it. It's not interesting to compete with you guys. " Hearing the sarcasm from the outside of the room, Chu Xun smiled a little and gave angel a reassuring look, then said lightly: "now I officially tell you that angel is my woman. I will only raise my women, not my women. So you can shut up, this auction, I will only use my own money! "

Speaking of this, there was a hint of sarcasm in Chu's voice: "although I'm just a poor boy from a remote area, I still have some money to buy several auctions. Andre, if you really want to play, I'll play with you now. "

"Well, you said it yourself!" When he heard Chu Xun's words, Andre thought that Chu Xun was completely enraged by himself, and he was in a good mood. He laughed and said: "ha ha, Chu Xun, you don't know. Every auction item sold at the auction is not recorded in his own name, but decided to belong according to the source of funds. That is to say, if you use the capital of Longbao today, the nianneng stone is attributed to Longbao from the record! I see how you can step down today! "

At this point, Andre's mouth turned up and offered a price: "600000!"

Andre is right. In order to prevent the auctioneer from constantly moving funds everywhere, resulting in the result of multiple auctions of a fund, sky auction house stipulates that each auction item ultimately belongs to the owner of the fund. In this way, no one can use some financial means to make small holes.

Hear Andre and Chu ten more energetic, those who watch the lively auctioneer also stopped shouting price, waiting to see Chu ten's joke.

"One million!" However, the picture of Chu Xun's embarrassment didn't appear as they expected. Almost before Andre's voice fell, Chu Xun's faint voice also rang: "Andre, aren't you the heir of the Tianhuo family? How can you still add a hundred million yuan? Will you be a little too small, not even my poor boy!"

"Where did this guy get so many nuclei?" Hearing Chu Xun's confident voice without any mood fluctuation, Andre's heart sank slightly. Then he frowned and said, "OK, I'd like to see when you can survive, 2 million nuclei!"

Although nianneng stone can only be used by psychic magicians, most of the high-level psychic magicians are local heroes, and there is a great demand for nianneng stone. In addition, the price of nianneng stone is relatively rare, so the price of nianneng stone has always been high, and even some people buy it at a price of 500000 crystal cores per kilogram.

At the moment, there are 4.3kg of nianneng stone on the auction platform, so Andre directly raised the price by 1 million yuan, almost reaching the purchase price in the market.

He doesn't believe it. Chuxun will have millions of wealth!

"Interesting, three million!" However, as soon as Andre's voice fell, chuxun's indifferent voice started again, which surprised him.

3 million yuan. This price is far higher than the highest price on the market. Even the final price of the 5kg nianeng stone sold at sky auction last time is just this price.

"Impossible!" When he heard that chuxun had offered a price of 3 million yuan, Andre was surprised at first, and then his eyes lit up as if he wanted to understand something.

Different from using mobile terminals for auction, there is no so-called price calling limit for live auction. After all, there are some famous powerful people and forces who can come to the live auction. As long as their brains are not burned, they will certainly not disturb the auction order and annoy the five powerful families.

But Chu Xun is different. The poor guy doesn't know the consequences of bidding at all, or is he going to learn the routine of the first three novels before the catastrophe, first raise the price, then give up at the critical moment, let himself suffer a loss, and become everyone's joke?

Thinking of this, Andre finally determined his mind, and then couldn't help laughing: "hahaha, chuxun, you idiot, you think I will continue to bid, and then you suddenly give up, let me suffer a loss? You are so silly and naive. I don't believe it. Your woodlouse can produce 3 million cores! "

Speaking of this, Andre immediately said to the purple robed old man on the stage: "Mr. Ziyan, I am sure that Chu Xun is malicious in bidding, trying to disturb the order of the auction market and provoke the majesty of the Supreme Council. I hope that your Excellency will punish him severely according to the regulations of the auction market!"

"It's going to be bad luck for chuxun. Andre's move is really cruel!"

"To disturb the order of the auction house is to challenge the majesty and rules of the five families. The end is absolutely miserable. Now in addition to let Longbao buy nianneng stone, Chu ten estimated that there is no second way to escape. "

"But in that case, he will be the laughingstock of everyone!"

"It's a pity that he is a genius and meritorious official who has saved the whole young generation of mankind. If he is destroyed like this, it will be the loss of the whole mankind!"

"Yes, I hope he can learn a lesson and work hard after this time, instead of falling down on it..."

Hearing Andre's accusation, others began to talk. There are those who gloat and those who mourn, but no one except Angel thinks that Chu Xun can really afford so much money.

"Ha ha, is this the way of Tianhuo family? It's really a long experience?" However, at this time, chuxun's voice with strong sarcasm was heard again in the Longbao compartment: "I said, Andre, you can't give up without money. Why can't you just lose and slander me? Don't you know that it also disturbs the order of the auction house?"

"Haha, are you still talking hard when you die? Or are you procrastinating? " When he heard chuxun's words, andreaton sneered, and then he didn't say any more. He turned around and continued to say to the old man in Purple: "Lord Ziyan, please arbitrate!"

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Hearing Andre's words, Ziyan frowned slightly.

Although she was a close friend of the ghost, she was trying to cure the black devil after she returned to the sky city, so he didn't know what Chu Xun did in the corpse field.

The reason why he frowns now is to read the achievements made by Chu Xun in the game of survival and the relationship between Angel and bingruoshui. If the arbitration is conducted according to Andre's words, once Chu Xun is judged to disturb the order of the auction house, even if Chu Xun is the son-in-law of Longbao, he will be punished.

After all, the rules are jointly established by the five families, which is also the foundation of the whole sky city and the Supreme Council. Let alone that Chu Xun is only the son-in-law of Longbao. Even if the lineage of the five families violates the rules, they will still be punished, just like the original Qin war.

"I'm sure!" Andre nodded hard, then sneered, "it's time to teach him a lesson about rules. It's good for him in the future!"

"All right!" In full view of the public, Ziyan is also inconvenient to favor chuxun too much, so when he hears Andre's words, he can only nod his head and prepare to start to verify chuxun's capital reserve and source, and then conduct arbitration.

For a while, the atmosphere in the whole auction ground became a little stagnant, and everyone was waiting for the result to appear!