Infinite Evolution

Chapter 430

After the appointment of the special training time, Chu Kuang Ren and Chu Feng also left in advance, leaving angel and Chu hang and others to accompany Chu Xun and express their yearning.

What's more, they have found some unusual emotions of Chu hang and others. In this case, the most thing they should do is to leave and let Chu Xun and others solve it by themselves.

After all, the two of them can't get involved in such a thing, let alone.

"Dharma and martial arts double cultivation, brother, it sounds like a loser!" When Chu Kuang Ren and Chu Feng left, the bear child immediately said excitedly, "didn't you just say that with your current ability, you can compete with the general level 8 strong ones? If you go further, can you beat all the strong ones below level 9 in minutes?"

"How could it be that simple!" Hearing the bear child's words, Chu Xun shook his head with a smile, and said: "the eight level strong is not so easy to deal with. Even if I can integrate these two abilities, I may not be the opponent of the eight level top strong."

With his current ability, he is still reluctant to deal with the real level-8 strong. Even if he can integrate his ability, he can only defeat the strong at the level of war knight unless he has mastered the domain.

However, once there is such a terrible existence as the death knight, the black devil or the hungry knight in the peak period, even he has no confidence to defeat each other at all!

Of course, if you use demonization to separate yourself, it's another matter.

"But even so, you are strong enough that we can't even catch up with you." Hearing Chu Xun's words, Chu hang finally sighed and said, "I always wanted to keep up with you, but now I find that we have become people of two worlds."

Speaking of this, Chu hang couldn't help laughing at himself: "ah, it's naive to think of it now."

"Chu ten can become so strong, we should be happy!" At the same time, Yang Ling suddenly laughed and said, "but really, it's a pity. It's estimated that we can't fight together as before. Ha ha, I will miss that time! "

"Why can't we fight together? You are always my brother and the one I trust the most!" Hearing Chu hang and Yang Ling's words, Chu Xun finally found something wrong, and immediately said, "we have agreed to work together to end the end of the world?"

"Fight side by side. I don't think you have to take care of me when fighting!" Hearing Chu Xun's words, Zhang Xie immediately waved and said, "well, brother is brother, but fight is fight, we really don't want to become your burden."

"Who says you are a burden? Think for yourself. Which of you has not saved my life? It's not you. I chuxun was already dead! " Hearing Zhang Xie's words, Chu ten day stood up and said angrily: "shit, isn't it just that the strength is a little behind for the time being, just catch up with it?"? As for such despondency? What about Ao Jiao Xie I know? What about brother huasa I know? And you, Chu hang, aren't you always the most optimistic? How can it be like this bird now! "

"Chase, how?"

Hearing Chu Xun's words, Chu hang burst out: "do you think I don't want to fight with you? You think I don't want to die with you? You're a strong man who can pick out the 8th level. What about us? Even if you fight hard, you can only deal with five levels at most, and also rely on external force! You say, how do you chase? How can we fight together? "

Speaking of this, Chu hang took a deep breath and managed to suppress his emotions. Then he said hoarsely: "we know you, Chu Xun, you really won't give up on us, but the gap between us is too big. And with your character, you will never sit and watch us die in battle. In case the enemy takes us as a threat, we will become a burden to you. "

"Chu Hang is right. Because you are our brother, we don't want you to be in danger because of us!" At the same time, Yang Ling nodded and said, "when we can help you, we will help you, but when we need to leave, we will go away. This is my brother, chuxun. Maybe it's time to say goodbye! "

Speaking of this, Yang Ling also tried to bear the bitterness in his heart and forced to laugh: "of course, we will be in the city of the sky, we are still your brothers, just not fighting together anymore."

Looking at Yang Ling and other people's slightly red eyes, and the expression of fortitude and acerbity, Chu's heart couldn't help feeling a touch.

This is his brother!

Brother who lives!

"Since it's a brother, let me ask you a question!" Taking a deep breath, Chu Xun suppressed the complex emotions in his heart, and then asked in a deep voice, "do you believe me?"


Almost without any hesitation, everyone replied in unison.

"Since you believe me, don't say goodbye nonsense!" Chu ten day looked at each person seriously, then bit a tooth to say: "isn't it a little difference in strength?"? Give me a little time. I'll make you stronger! "

Different from the astronomical figures needed for the advanced stage of other insect powers, Chu hang and others didn't need many crystal nuclei, even all of which may be less than one tenth or even one percent of that of Chu Xun.

Since Chu hang and others are now decadent and lost due to the great difference between their strength and that of Chu ten, or even self abased, they can only improve their strength!

It's just the crystal core. If he only smashes one hundred thousand, one million, or even ten million, he doesn't believe that he can't smash a strong one!

As for the side effects caused by excessive phagocytosis of crystal nucleus, in fact, in addition to the feeling of fullness and some pain caused by excessive phagocytosis of crystal nucleus, the biggest side effect is only the risk of rupture of meridians and the virus accumulation and body variation caused by virus energy in crystal nucleus.

This problem may have been a big problem before. Even the Supreme Council can only solve it by practicing various secret methods for a long time. But for chuxun, it's not a problem!

Because he has a panacea!

A panacea that can cure and restore everything!

But it's just the risk of rupture of meridians. It's not the virus accumulated in the crystal nucleus. When the meridians are broken, it can be recovered with a panacea. The virus can also be expelled with a panacea. That's nothing!

The only problem is that there may be severe pain in the process. But how can we transform into a butterfly and have extraordinary strength without experiencing painful transformation?

What's more, Chu Xun is also full of confidence in his brothers. Apart from the "spoiled" bear children and angel, which one of Zhang Xie, Yang Ling and Chu hang did not go to this stage until they suffered all the hardships and wounds?

For them, no matter how painful they are, they can't get rid of their belief of becoming stronger!

"Do you really have a way to make us stronger and catch up with you?" Looking at the serious appearance of Chu ten, Chu hang was stunned at first, and then asked suspiciously, "you didn't want to comfort us, so you lied to us, did you?"

"I have a way to fool your sister, but I have to wait for a while, and the process may be very painful. You'd better be prepared!" Looking at Chu Hang's suspicious look, Chu ten day laughed and scolded, then shook his head, said: "then you just don't have to cry for mom and Dad!"

"Cut, what is pain? As long as you don't leave me, I'm not afraid to hurt again!" Hearing Chu Xun's words, Zhang Xie's eyes flashed a little excited, and then said excitedly, "but don't fool us, or I will kill you even if I can't beat you!"

Among all the people, Zhang Xie may be the strongest desire to become stronger, so at this moment, he even turned away from his previous proud and charming appearance and began to cry out.

To tell the truth, as long as they can keep up with Chu ten's steps, how can they give up to leave this brother who lives and dies together with them!

"By the way, chuxun, why do you say it will take a while?" Yang Ling was the calmest of all. He also knew that Chu Xun would never joke with him in this respect. So after the initial excitement, he also calmed down and asked, "what's the way, can you tell us?"

"Well, I'll tell you what I can say." In order to avoid unnecessary troubles, Chu Xun didn't tell Yang Ling and others about the existence of the Savior system, but after pondering for a while, he said: "because of some inconvenient reasons, I have a lot of panacea in my hand now. I'm going to auction a batch of panacea in the next sky auction in exchange for a huge amount of crystal cores, which can be used to strengthen you then. "

Speaking of this, chuxun paused a little and then continued: "of course, it is very dangerous and painful to absorb excessive nuclear energy in a short period of time. At any time, you will face the danger of breaking meridians, losing control of energy and the accumulation of residual viruses in the crystal nucleus, which will lead to body variation. But don't worry, I will provide you with enough panacea. At the most, you will only suffer severe pain, but in fact, there will be no real danger! "

"So Is it expensive? " Hearing Chu Xun's words, everyone was silent.

They all know that if they want to use the crystal nucleus to pile up their strength, then what a terrible number of crystal nuclei will be consumed.

In the same way, they are more aware of the value of panacea. That's equivalent to a second life magic drug. But Chu Xun is willing to sell these magic drugs for them, and even provide them for free to use when they break through.

This price, this human feeling, is really too hard to bear!

"I ask you, if one day you need to spend all your wealth to save me, will you save me?" Looking at the silence, Chu suddenly asked.

And they did not answer, for they knew what Chu would say next.

At the same time, their faces also improved and their mood relaxed a little.

Indeed, what chuxun did, but it was also what they would do!

"So, for me, you are the most precious. It's nothing to be a panacea or a crystal nucleus!" Seeing Yang Ling and other people's faces getting better, Chu Xun also smiled and said: "but it's not free. In the future, if