Infinite Evolution

Chapter 429

On the way back to Longbao, Chu Xun also learned from Chu hang and others about their recent events and the whereabouts of Maoer Niang and Nangong Yan.

To his relief, Maoer Niang and Nangong Yan were not injured or had an accident. They just assisted the doctor to study the omnipotent medicine as their apprentice and apprentice. They hoped that they could deduce the formula of the omnipotent medicine and find out the mechanism of the omnipotent medicine through research, so as to achieve the effect of copying the omnipotent medicine and even improving the omnipotent medicine.

However, as the legendary magic medicine, it is also a magic medicine directly condensed by the system. It is almost impossible for doctors to reverse the formula of the universal medicine. It has been studied for several days, and they still haven't worked out one. Therefore, even Nangong Yan and Maoer Niang are busy in the laboratory. They don't know that Chu Xun is back News.

"Hey, I don't know what kind of result they can work out in the end!" As for the doctor's research, Chu Xun did not feel any pressure. As soon as the universal medicine came, it was very mysterious. Even doctors could not study it in a short time. Second, even if it is studied out, it will be extremely difficult to successfully produce and copy.

When the doctor has overcome so many problems and successfully copied the panacea, Chu Xun is estimated to have made a lot of money

"By the way, about your injuries What's going on? " Chatting and chatting, Chu Xun finally put forward a question that he had been puzzled for a long time.

The strength of Zhang Xie and others is very good. Although they are not top-level, if you are careful, even if you encounter a strong enemy, you can always escape even if you can't fight it. How can you get hurt?

"At first we thought it was an accident, but according to the analysis and some information collected from Longbao, I think we were trapped." Hearing Chu Xun's words, all the people on the scene showed a trace of anger, and Yang Ling took a deep breath and said: "since the news of your disappearance came out, there have been a lot of 'suspected' news about you from the reward Union. These news are stereotyped, true and false, and different. In order to be able to find you as soon as possible, we decided to separate our actions and follow these different clues to find you. "

Speaking of this, Yang Ling's expression also became a little gloomy, his eyes flashed a cold awn, and then his voice said coldly: "but when we look for those clues, we often encounter a variety of dangers, including not only many powerful dangerous creatures, but also many obvious man-made traps. It's just because of this that we've suffered a big loss, so that we've been disgraced and I've been seriously injured. "

Among all the people, Yang Ling has the most powerful firepower and combat power because of the special physique of the semi mechanical body, but his reaction power and speed are the worst. In addition, his mechanical eight claws have been basically damaged in the battle with Chu Han, resulting in a great drop in his defense power. Therefore, he is the most injured when he is out of control.

However, fortunately, he is a semi-mechanical body. As long as the most important head is not completely destroyed, he will not die even if he suffers any serious injury. So he narrowly escaped from the explosion and repaired his body with the help of a doctor.

"Who did it? Did the doctor find out? " Although Yang Ling said it was rather plain, Chu Xun knew that Yang Ling must have been in great danger at that time. Thinking that his brother was almost killed by someone because he was looking for himself, Chu Xun couldn't help but emerge a blazing killing machine. He clenched his fists, took a deep breath, then said in a voice: "no matter who it is, I must make them pay for it!"

"It's not a person or a force, it's a lot of people and a lot of forces." Hearing Chu Xun's words, Yang Ling gave a wry smile and said, "maybe you offended too many people in the last time you did in red iron city, so after the news of your disappearance came out, the sons of the big families headed by the Tianhuang family also moved their anger to us. The doctor has found out that they let out all the false information. "

Speaking of this, Yang Ling sighed helplessly: "but even if they know how they do it, they are too powerful to punish the public. Secondly, they do only provide information, and they also specially noted the words of" possible "," suspected "and" touching Ling ", so even the speaker and the doctor can not pursue them."

"The doctor can't help it, because he represents the position of Longbao. It's proper to lead one hair and move the whole body, and have some scruples." Hearing Yang Ling's words, Chu Xun's eyes became even colder: "but I didn't care so much. I dare to hurt my brother. Hum, I will let them pay for it!"

"Chu ten, don't be impulsive. They are powerful!" Looking at Chu Xun's cold eyes, Yang Ling was in a hurry, and said: "what they represent is the whole elite class. Although there are only a few of them now, if you retaliate against them, it will probably cause the rebound of all the giants, and then the trouble will be great!"

"Don't worry, I've got the right balance!" Chu ten gently shook his head, and then said coldly, "sometimes I don't need to deal with them by myself, but this is not urgent, let's wait and see!"

"All right!" Although I don't know why Chu ten day is so confident, Yang Ling nodded out of his trust in Chu ten day and didn't say more.

Soon, Chu and others returned to Longbao. In Longbao, Chu Xun also told all the people who were present what he had experienced in the corpse field.

Although Chu Xun had told the story as plainly as possible, the audience was still shocked. Especially after they knew that Chu Xun had experienced a life and death crisis of nuclear explosion and the body pursuit of the corpse emperor, they could not help but knead a cold sweat for Chu Xun.

Can survive in this situation, Chu ten's life is not general big!

At the same time, angel also subconsciously held chuxun's arm, his eyes were filled with tears, as if he was afraid that chuxun would disappear once he let go.

After a long time, all the people came back from shock and fear, and then their eyes towards Chu were full of complexity.

It was a look of admiration, surprise and loss.

Until now, they found that the strength gap between them and Chu ten has become larger and larger. The bear child and angel are OK. After all, the former's combat power has soared to level 6 after inexplicably possessing the combined ability, with infinite potential. The latter also completed the breakthrough not long ago, with level 5 ability, and with her noble blood, it's only a matter of time before she can continue to be promoted.

However, in addition to angel and bear children, Zhang Xie, Yang Ling and Chu Hang still stop at Level 3. Although they also have a greater growth after the bloody battle in Langya City, they will soon be promoted to level 4, but they are still very different from Chu Xun, who has been able to face up to level 8.

This made them have a huge loss and self abasement, but this kind of emotion was suppressed by the surprise when they met again, so it didn't show up.

At this moment, after hearing Chu Xun's story, the inferiority complex and loss in their hearts finally emerged.

Brothers who could have fought side by side, but now they can't catch up with each other?

Maybe it's the reason why Yang Ling and others deliberately hide their emotions. Chu Xun didn't realize their abnormal appearance at the first time. After the experience of the corpse field, he also took a long breath. Obviously, he was afraid of his thrilling experience.

Later, he turned his eyes to madman Chu and Feng Chu, and said, "two teachers, now because of the change of my powers, the combat mode I used to be familiar with is no longer available. So I hope that in the next period of time, I can systematically learn from the two teachers about the fighting methods of strong system and element system, so as to improve my fighting ability as soon as possible! "

To tell you the truth, Chu Xun didn't learn much about the fighting style of the strong system powers, especially the "seven kill fighting skills" as the foundation, and he only learned the wind fighting skills that grasped the center of gravity. In the past, he could make up for his lack of foundation by relying on various abilities of combat form, so as to have a perfect combat mode. However, when he could not enter the combat form, his shortcomings in combat would be exposed.

And so is the power of the spirit and the power of the plague. These two abilities are also preliminarily mastered by him, and the only one that can be achieved now is very poor use. If he can get Chu Feng's teaching, which is called "Encyclopedia of powers", he will certainly be able to improve these two abilities to the strongest in the shortest time.

So now the most important thing for him is to be like a beginner, to learn from the two teachers seriously and lay a good foundation. And his intuition tells him that this decision will be very important to him, and even affect his life and future growth path!

"Haha, I may not be able to teach others, but some basic things are still OK!" Hearing Chu Xun's words, the madman immediately nodded and laughed: "it's also good, so as not to say that you are my apprentice. I can't answer when people ask me what I have handed in."

"Well, I have no problem. Although I'm not a psychic or pestilent, I still know the basic theory and some fighting skills. " Chu Feng also nodded, his eyes flashed a little excited, and said: "there are very few people who can have both strong system power and spiritual power. We call these people the" double cultivation of war skills "in the power. In general, although this kind of person can have far more combat power than the same level in the early stage, due to the conflict of two-line powers, as well as the limitation of resources and energy required, it is basically difficult for them to break through to the higher level. "

Speaking of this, the color of excitement in Chu Feng's eyes also became more intense: "but you are different. Now you have the foundation of level 7. I really want to know how strong you can be when you improve the ability of strong system and element system to the extreme!"

"Double cultivation of tactics?" Hearing Chu Feng's words, Chu ten day's eyes also flashed a fine light.

He must grasp these two abilities as soon as possible and combine them. At that time, he will give everyone a big "surprise"!