Infinite Evolution

Chapter 431

In the next few hours, there was a heated discussion about how to build momentum for the sale of panacea. But in the end, we found that after such a long discussion, in fact, there was no use at all. If they really want to make the universal medicine auction sell at a good price, they can only find one person.

That's the doctor!

You know, doctors are not only one of the five giants, the manager of Longbao, but also the best biologist and medical expert in the Supreme Council. His words are very authoritative, coupled with his contacts and relationships, as long as he is willing to help, it is not a problem that the price of a panacea sold at a high price!

But now the problem is Chu did not want to see the doctor!

Don't forget, he promised the doctor that he would cooperate with the doctor for a month's research - of course, he was the one studied.

Although Chu Xun also knew that with angel, the doctor would not dissect him, but Chu Xun had already had a psychological shadow for this guy who was extremely enthusiastic about research. He was afraid to avoid it at ordinary times. Now let him go to find a doctor, it's Alexander.


However, when Chu Xun hesitated to find a doctor, or who to ask for a doctor, the door of his room was suddenly opened directly, and then the tall figure of the doctor appeared in the eyes of all people.

Well, before he went to the doctor, the doctor came to him

"Do you have any panacea?" Seeing chuxun, the doctor rushed into the room immediately, then grabbed him, his eyes a little red and shouted.

To chuxun's surprise, compared with a few days ago, the doctor at the moment is quite different. His face looked very haggard, and his eyes seemed to be a little red because he had not rested for a long time, but the fanatical light in his eyes was still the same, and he seemed to become more fanatical and excited.

"There are still some..." Looking at the doctor's red eyes, as if to eat people, Chu Xun subconsciously shivered, then nodded and said.

"How many more? No matter what, you give me all the panacea, and you can charge whatever you like! If I can't afford it, it's like a dowry to marry angel! " Hearing that there is indeed a panacea in Chu ten's eyes, the fanaticism in the doctor's eyes becomes more intense. Then he stares at Chu ten fiercely, threatening: "if you don't agree, you can't marry angel!"

"Uncle doctor!"

Angel was ashamed and angry to hear that the doctor had sold herself like this.

"Don't you have a crush on this boy, or even almost because he failed to pass the pass? Why are you still wriggling? It's not like your father at all. " Looking at angel's coquetry, the doctor waved his hand directly and said, "or do you dislike him? This is better, then I can rob without any scruples! "

"Uncle doctor!" Looking at the doctor's Rogue look, angel's pretty face suddenly appeared a red cloud, and then stamped his feet, and he did not speak angrily.

"Doctor, since you have said so, I will not be out. To be honest, how many panacea do you need to study? " Seeing that angel was too shy and angry to speak, Chu Xun shook his head helplessly and said, "as long as I can get it, I will give it to you."

"20, at least 20!" Hearing Chu Xun's promise, the doctor was in a good mood, and then hurriedly said, "there are too few panacea you gave me. Even with the speaker and the phantom, there are only three. They are not enough."

Speaking of this, the doctor suddenly responded, and then with an expectant expression, he asked: "no, since you can take out 10 panacea for everyone, there must be more panacea in your hand, right? How much do you have in your hand, or do you have a recipe for a panacea that you can make yourself? "

"Doctor, do you think I can make magic medicine like panacea?" Looking at the doctor's expectation, Chu Xun suddenly became speechless: "even if I have a prescription, where can I go alone to find the pharmaceutical equipment?"? I really don't have a recipe. I just have some stock on hand for some reasons I can't say. "

Speaking of this, Chu Xun's expression also became serious: "so I really want to ask the doctor to help me this time. That is to let the panacea be included in the auction of sky auction. I need to sell some of the panacea, change it into crystal nucleus, and strengthen my brothers and me!"

"What, you want to sell panacea, impossible, impossible!" Hearing that Chu Xun wanted to sell the panacea, the doctor seemed to be electrified and jumped up directly: "do you know the importance of the panacea? You think it's just a healing drug, you're wrong! "

Speaking of this, the doctor's expression also became more excited: "do you know that the greatest effect of the panacea is not to heal the wound, but to help people break the bottleneck of the day after tomorrow, so that people can advance!"


Hearing the doctor's words, Chu ten and other people's faces suddenly changed.

If the doctor is right, the value of the panacea is only ten times or even a hundred times higher than they think!

Bottleneck, in fact, refers to those who hinder the ability, so that the ability can not advance the constraints. And the bottleneck is divided into congenital and postnatal, which is the reason of personal constitution and talent and cannot be changed.

But the acquired bottleneck is because those powers devour too many crystal nuclei in the process of growth, and then lead to excessive accumulation of virus energy in the crystal nucleus, and the body also has some pathological changes and abnormal changes, eventually leading to the power can not break through again.

Once the bottleneck is formed, it is difficult to break it. Even the five families of the Supreme Council can only avoid the bottleneck and cannot break the existing bottleneck.

So instead of abusing the crystal core, the sons of the aristocrats will lay a solid foundation and advance step by step. But even so, there are still many impetuous people on the detour, using crystal nucleus to accelerate their promotion, and finally cut off their own growth path.

Of course, the bottleneck is still more people like Chu Hang who are born in poverty. Because they were born in poverty, they could only improve their strength as much as possible, and they usually devour more standard nuclei of viruses and impurities, so even if they know that this will affect their future, many people can only go on a crooked path.

Because of this, there are many powerful poor people in the sky city who have strong actual combat ability but can't break through because of the bottleneck!

But no matter the powerful or the poor, there are too many people trapped in the bottleneck. Because of this, if we let them know that the panacea can help them to break through the bottleneck, they will definitely give up everything to fight for the panacea.

"Looks like the plan is going to change!" Chu Xun's reaction was very fast. After the initial shock, he also reacted, and then gave up the idea of auctioning the panacea himself.

If the panacea can only cure the injury, then with his current strength and his relationship with Longbao and the speaker, other people will not give him a bad idea.

But now that the panacea can help people break the bottleneck, the concept is totally different. He can imagine that if those noble families know the news, their first reaction is not to bid for the auction, but to unite all forces to put pressure on Chu ten to hand over all the panacea to the families!

At that time, even if the doctor and the speaker are willing to help him, I'm afraid that it will also lead to everyone becoming the target of criticism, and may even affect the doctor and the speaker in the end!

So after taking a deep breath, Chu Xun's expression became very serious. Then he stared at the doctor and said, "doctor, please prepare yourself mentally, because the next news may shock you!"

"Do you have more panacea? How much, 50? 100? Or 200? " Looking at chuxun's serious appearance, the doctor became extremely excited.

"Not 50 It's 5000! " Chu ten bit his teeth, but at last he said this amazing number.

"You said What!

Hearing Chu Xun's words, the doctor was stunned for a while, and then finally couldn't help screaming with trembling.


At the same time, an ineffable and terrible breath came out of the doctor. Under the influence of this breath, the alloy floor under the doctor's feet suddenly bursts and collapses, and his whole person also falls directly from this floor to the next floor.

It can make a strong celestial being unable to control his breath, so that the ground under his feet can be broken, and even his balance can not be grasped, directly falling to the next level. It can be seen how shocked the doctor was by the news!


The next moment, before Chu ten and others could return to their senses from the terrible breath, the ground burst again, and then the figure of the doctor appeared again in front of Chu ten and others.

Later, the doctor's face was expressionless, and he went to Chu ten's face step by step and became silent.

"This guy, he's not crazy. Get ready to rob..." Looking at the doctor's silent appearance, Chu Xun's heart suddenly hung.

"My nephew, angel, will give it to you later. Get married today. I will be your marriage witness!" The next moment, however, the doctor pulled angel's hand and chuxun's, put them together, and said seriously, "we are one family now, don't call me doctor, please call me doctor uncle, or call me uncle directly."

"This guy..."

Looking at the doctor's serious and incomparable appearance, all of us were speechless after a pause.

Although they have heard some rumors about doctors, they know that this guy will have no moral integrity for research

But no one thought that he could reach such a level without moral integrity!