Infinite Evolution

Chapter 419

With the angry voice of the corpse emperor, the rotation speed of the black whirlpool in the sky becomes faster and faster. At the same time, a light blue space transmission door gradually emerges in the center of the whirlpool.

With the gradual emergence and expansion of the space transmission gate, a terrible breath began to rush out of the black vortex, just as if there were some ferocious beasts about to break out of the cage, which made chuxun feel a strong sense of oppression and crisis.

"I wipe, you play really?" At the same time, the slightly shocked voice of guhuang suddenly rang out from the black Vortex: "you are really rich and willful to sacrifice an energy to open the energy channel and transmit the real body for such a small matter!"

"I'm sitting on the whole empire. I can't count the resources on my hand. It's just a single energy. I can afford this price!" At the next moment, the cold voice of the corpse emperor also rang again: "it's you, guhuang, don't you have to save that human? Why, if you don't part with your energy and pass on the real body, let's have another competition? "

"Damn it, I know I'm poor!"

Hearing the words of the corpse emperor, the bone emperor is speechless for a moment, and it's best to curse with hatred.

Although he is the leader of the seven crimes, his subordinates also have a certain territory and influence, but because of his lazy nature and poor management, neither the size of the territory nor the wealth he has can be compared with the corpse emperor. If he really lost this energy separation, he didn't know how long it would take him to collect those rare materials and recast the separation.

What's more, his real body is still suppressing the Zerg "Lord" who was captured by him. If he passes on his real body at this time, I'm afraid that it will be dangerous at the base camp.

After all, after the "that time" incident, the strength of the angry second class has not been restored to its peak. Only by the extent of their recovery now, I'm afraid it's not enough to suppress the disgusting Zerg Lord!

Thinking of this, guhuang could only give a deep warning after a cursing: "that kid Your name is chuxun, isn't it? If you don't want to die, you should leave here immediately. The farther you can escape, the better. I will try my best to help you delay time, so that his real body can't come immediately. As for how long it will last and whether you will live in the end, it depends on your own luck! "

With the voice of guhuang falling, the black whirlpool in the sky suddenly bloomed with a white light, and then wrapped in the space transmission door. In a flash, the original from the black vortex constantly exuded, heavy as a mountain, the terrible atmosphere of the raging like the sea also suddenly weakened a lot.

At the same time, the expansion speed of the space gate has also slowed down a lot.

"Well, I'll see how long you can stop me!" It was found that the space transmission door was suppressed by guhuang with all his strength, so that his real body could not be transmitted at once, and the corpse emperor could not help but snort coldly.

"Hey, how long it's going to take." The voice of guhuang is still joking: "maybe when your body is transmitted, they have already run away. Ha ha, then you will lose a part in vain and lose a big face!"

Later, the Yingying white light sealed on the blue space transmission door became more intense. Obviously, guhuang was fully sealing the space door, delaying the time for chuxun.


At the same time, Chu Xun has also put up the anti alien and Optimus Prime, and then a big drink, all the way to the direction of the human domain.

"Don't play with you first!" Like Chu ten, the black devil also jumped after fighting back the war knight, then stepped on the blue wand, and chased Chu ten faster than Chu ten.

Obviously, they all know the seriousness of the matter. If they don't escape now, once the corpse emperor comes, even if they have ten lives, they will not die.


Seeing that Chu Xun and the black devils left the battlefield and fled to the distance at an extremely fast speed, they had been deeply hurt. The war knights and the plague knights, who had nearly half their combat power, were also relieved.

They are almost at the end of a powerful crossbow now. If it wasn't for Chu Xun and black devil to leave the battlefield, they would fall here in a short time.


But before they could relax, Chu Xun's demonized body had roared, and then rushed to them to fight against them with one enemy and two.

The fighting power of the demonized separation of Chu ten was extremely terrible. Although it was one enemy and two enemies at the moment, the fighting power of the plague knights and war Knights was less than half, and the ability of the plague Knights was restrained by the demonized separation, so it was the demonized separation of Chu ten that finally prevailed, which suppressed the plague knights and war knights.

"Damn it, don't you know how to retreat while fighting?" Seeing that the demonized body didn't withdraw with him, and he continued to fight with the two knights in the same place, Chu Xun could not help frowning.

Although the demonization is powerful, it has various disadvantages. For example, now, unless Chu Xun is to remove the power and put away the demonized sub body, he is afraid that the demonized sub body will continue to fight madly until all the enemies are killed or killed by them.

And once the demonized sub body dies, the power contained in the demonized sub body will disappear. After that, although he can summon the demonized body again, in that case, the power of uniting the demonized body will be withdrawn from his body. This means that the combat power of both him and demonization will drop sharply.

At that time, whether he can keep the strength of level 7 now is still uncertain!

But the problem is that he can't take back the demonized separation now, because then the plague knights and war knights who have no enemies will come after him. Although the strength of these two knights can't threaten Chu ten and the black devil, if they try to block them, they can still block Chu ten and others for a period of time.

And now what they need most is time!

Think of here, Chu is a headache. If the demonized sub body can obey his orders, he can order the demonized sub body to retreat from the side of the battle. In that way, at least the demonized sub body can withdraw from the battlefield in time.

But he just can't control the demonization, even sharing perception and vision. For him, the devil emperor's separation is like a powerful summoning beast. Once it is out of his vision, he will not know what happened to the devil's separation, nor can he cancel the ability and recall the separation in time.

But under, Chu ten day also can only sigh, accelerated to the direction of human domain to escape. His only hope now is that when he escapes to the safety zone, the demonization has not died, otherwise he will lose a lot.

"Plague, war, you two idiots, don't mind the enemy now, kill the human first, he is the main body!" After all, the corpse emperor is a 9-level strong man. Soon he found the connection between Chu Xun and the demonized body through energy perception, and then roared.

"Yes, your majesty!"

Although they don't want to fight with Chu Xun and the black devils, the plague knights and the war knights are also very clear. If they hesitate a little at this time, which leads to the escape of that human, their fate will be worse than death.

So after hearing the order of the corpse emperor, the two of them immediately joined hands to temporarily push back the demonized separation of Chu ten, and then chased Chu ten and black devil from two directions.


Seeing that the plague knights and the war Knights left themselves to hunt down chuxun, the demonized body immediately gave out a roar, and then the eight wings behind them danced, sprang up and chased the plague knights and the war knights.

"Hahaha, corpse emperor, you don't think these two half dead guys can block those two humans, do you?" At the same time, guhuang's laughter also sounded from the sky: "don't you call them to die now? Tut tut Tut, there is no compassion! "

"Hum, don't worry, these two human beings can't escape!" However, when he heard guhuang's laughter, the corpse emperor snorted coldly. Then the voice said coldly: "don't you find that although the transmission channel can't accommodate my body's entry now under your suppression, it has been able to transmit the 8th level strong."

Speaking of this, the voice of the corpse emperor also became colder: "and you seem to forget that there is one of my four knights who has not participated in the war!"


Hearing the dialogue between the corpse emperor and the bone emperor in the sky, Chu Xun and the black devil's heart also sank abruptly.

One by one, the four knights are more difficult to deal with, especially the last hungry knight. It is said that the upper position is less than one month, and the hungry knight was replaced only after he killed the original one. Although the strength is temporarily ranked in the third of the four knights, no one knows how strong the specific strength is.

If the hungry Knight comes here, I'm afraid they will be in trouble!

"Hahaha, humble slave, run away with all your strength. I want to see how far you can escape!" At the same time, chuxun's heart sank, and the emperor's laughter suddenly sounded from the black vortex.

With the sound of the corpse emperor's laughter, the blue space door in the black whirlpool suddenly vibrated. Later, a huge dark shadow emerged from the space gate and shot at Chu ten and the black devil at a very fast speed.

The last and most mysterious of the four knights, the hungry knight, finally arrived at the battlefield under the transmission of the corpse emperor!