Infinite Evolution

Chapter 418

"Be careful not to be touched by these insects, or they will die in the same place as them!"

Seeing the Black Knights who were hit by the blood needle burst open one after another, they turned into plague corpses and spread around. The black hawk who witnessed the battle between Chu ten and the plague Knights finally screamed.


Hearing the words of Black Hawk, he kept his strength all the time, and his face suddenly changed when he was ready to fight Chu ten. Then he finally couldn't help his hand, opened his mouth, took a deep breath, and shouted angrily, "fog of death!"

The reason why the death attendant is called the death attendant is not only because he is the number one confidant of the death knight, but also because he has the extremely rare death related ability like the death knight!

At this moment, with the angry drink of the death attendant, a thick gray mist also gushed out of his mouth, and then quickly covered the plague corpses all over the place.

Obviously, the death attendant is ready to use the power of death to directly kill these strange insects!

Hiss! Hiss!

The power of death is indeed a very terrible power. With the gray fog covering, the plague corpses began to wriggle violently as if they had been sprayed with insecticides. At last, they dried up and died out in the sound of hissing.

"How could this be..." However, although he killed many plague corpses with the power of death, the death attendant's face became more and more dignified.

Because he found that these insects have a strong resistance to the power of death. To kill a pestilence corpse the size of a grain of rice, his death power is equivalent to killing an enemy of level 3. What's more, after killing the plague corpse, he can't gain the corresponding death power as he killed other creatures, so that his death power can only be consumed without any supplement.

If it goes on like this, it won't take long, and his power of death will be exhausted completely!

However, the death attendant can't wait for the death force to run out. When he was deeply troubled by these plague corpses, Chu Xun finally broke through the fire blockade of the Black Knights, and then stormed into the round army and began to kill.

No way. Chu Xun's terrible speed, reaction ability, and the element phagocytic ability derived from the Scarab are too inexplicable. Those elemental attacks are hard to hit him at all, especially those limited powers, which are ineffective for him. Therefore, in the face of smaller and weaker enemies than him, Chu Xun can basically easily achieve a thousand enemies, unparalleled vertical and horizontal.

"Black riding, kill!"

After all, the black cavalry is the black cavalry. Even though they know it's not the opponent of Chu ten, when Chu ten rushes to the front, the strong system black cavalry rushes up without hesitation, trying to intercept Chu ten.

At the same time, those elemental black cavalry who are relatively backward have also made moves to add their defense abilities to those strong system black cavalry, hoping that they can intercept Chu Xun.

All of a sudden, those black cavalry in the front also flashed colorful energy brilliance, the overall strength and defense have been greatly improved, and the momentum has become more terrible.

"Death!" After what he saw and heard in the slave camp and blood bone City, Chu Xun hated these intelligent zombies. At the moment, when he saw those strong system black cavalries charging at him, his eyes also flashed a cold killing machine, and then he smashed two black cavalries with two fists with one wave of his hands.

Bang! Bang!

Click! Click!

Although Chu Xun's close combat power has been reduced due to his inability to enter the combat form, it is only relatively speaking. At the moment, his strength is still far higher than that of level 7, and even can compete with some level 8. Under such a big power gap, how can these black cavalry, who are only 6 steps away, resist?

With two dull crashing sounds, the two black riders who were hit by him suddenly flew out in a sound of broken bones. Then, like two bowling balls, they hit several black riders behind them heavily and knocked them upside down.

"All to my death!" After smashing two black cavalries with a fist, Chu Xun suddenly released his palm, and then a lot of acid blood was shot out of the palm which was pierced by his fingernail again, and immediately condensed into blood needles, which were punctured on other black cavalries who continued to rush towards him.

In an instant, the black cavalry who were hit by the blood needle of Chu ten day also made a shrill scream, and then rolled with pain. The double pain caused by severe infection of virus and strong corrosion of acid blood is not acceptable to ordinary people at all.

"So strong!" Seeing Chu Xun stabbed into the black cavalry camp like a sharp knife in the blink of an eye, he killed countless people and nobody could stop him. The death attendant who was trying to kill the plague corpse Chong also changed his face again.

He finally realized that the gap between human beings and their strength was not that they could make up only by relying on the number advantage!

"I'll fight you!" Knowing that there was no way to live, the dead waiter's eyes suddenly snapped, and then the gray light from his body became more intense. At last, the gray light even strangely burned, turning into a gray flame.

Later, the death attendant who ignited the "fire of death" by burning his own life and power also sprang up, like a fireball, and rushed to Chu ten at a very fast speed.

The fire of death is the flame ignited by the ultimate cohesion of the power of death. Once touched by the fire of death, the life force of the touched person changes into the fuel of the fire of death, which burns up endlessly!

The fire was so terrible that even Chu Xun felt a sense of crisis. Obviously, the fire of death is enough to pose a certain threat to him!

"Xiangdesperately? It's not that easy! " But Chu ten day can't give the dead waiter a chance to fight desperately. Seeing the dead waiter turn into a flaming man and rush towards him, his eyes suddenly coagulate, and then his mental strength erupts again.

In an instant, the death attendants who were rushing to Chu ten felt an invisible force on themselves, took themselves directly off the ground, and then, like a fireball, shot towards the densest place of death riders under the force.

"No!" Seeing that he was flying towards the dead cavalry under the influence of that invisible force, the dead man suddenly gave out a shrill cry and struggled wildly.

However, his struggle is doomed to be in vain. Chu Xun's strong spiritual force is like an invisible big hand, which shackles him to death and makes him unable to move.


At the next moment, the death attendants landed in the most dense place of the Black Knights, and directly knocked several Black Knights to the ground. At the same time, the strange gray flame on his body also covered the Black Knights he touched. In an instant, it was like a dry firewood meeting a fire. It directly turned the Black Knights into a human shaped torch, which burned up.

What's more strange is that the fire of death on these Black Knights has a terrible infectivity. In a blink of an eye, several other Black Knights are ignited. Soon, under the constant expansion, nearly forty or fifty Black Knights lit the torch, while the other Black Knights scattered around in fear, keeping a certain distance from these "torches".

"Despicable slave, I curse you, you can't die easily..." The death attendant is worthy of being a strong man of level 7. His vitality and power are so tenacious that other Black Knights are ignited and burned in an instant. However, he still hasn't died immediately. He just utters a series of curses and shrill screams.

Finally, in the shrill screams and curses of resentment, the dead man was finally burned up and turned into a little black ash and died with the wind. Without the death of the dead, the other Black Knights became the fish on the chopping board. Soon they were killed by Chu Xun, anti alien species, Optimus Prime and countless plague corpses, and the whole army was destroyed.

"Old man, it's hard for you!" After killing all the Black Knights, Chu Xun also went to the alien queen, and then looked at the alien queen, who was almost completely disabled, seriously injured and dying, and sighed deeply.

He can live up to now, the alien Queen's merit is indispensable, if there is no alien queen, maybe he is already dead now.


Hearing Chu Xun's words, the alien queen immediately made a slight hissing sound, then her body bloomed with a little light, and finally turned into a card and flew to Chu Xun's hand.

"Alien queen summon card [serious injury]: it can summon the alien queen in the state of serious injury to fight."

Looking at the card with the pattern engraved with the alien queen, Chu Xun breathed a little sigh of relief, and then put the alien queen card into his body.

Fortunately, things are not to the worst. As long as the alien queen is not dead, as long as she is seriously injured, and as long as she returns to the human kingdom, there are ways for him to help the alien queen recover from the injury.

Thinking of this, Chu Xun also immediately turned his eyes to the dark devil and demonization who had completely suppressed the death knight and the plague knight.

It's time to settle the fight and get out of this damn place!

"Damn guhuang, you are forcing me!"

However, at this time, the angry voice of the corpse emperor also sounded again from the black whirlpool in the sky. Then, the speed of the black Whirlpool's rotation also increased abruptly, and the breath it gave out became more terrifying.