Infinite Evolution

Chapter 420

To Chu's surprise, the most mysterious hungry knight was a monster with a body length of more than 10 meters, similar in appearance to human beings, but with eight long claws like a sickle on his back.

At first glance, no matter what the monster's body shape is, it is similar to chuxun, who entered the spider's body shape before the mutation. However, the long claws behind him are even bigger, and all of them are made of white bones. Under the sunshine, they are shining with a sharp metallic luster.

At the same time, the monster's body surface is also covered with a thick layer of white bone armor. And his face was as if it had been splashed with strong acid. It had no skin or muscles, but only the thick facial bones and four thick fangs. The strange shape makes him look like a devil climbing out of hell. It's terrible.

At this moment, the hungry knight, after rushing out of the transmission door, turned into a white light and shadow, and shot at Chu ten and the black devil at an extremely fast speed.

"Delicious flesh and blood, I will devour you!" The speed of the hungry knight was very fast. In a blink of an eye, he caught up with Chu ten and black devil. Then he let out a hoarse roar, opened his strong bone arms, and grabbed black devil and Chu ten like an eagle catching a chicken.

It wasn't until facing the hungry knights in person that Chu Xun and the black devils found that this guy's breath was even stronger than the war knights and the plague knights, only inferior to the strongest death knights.

Feeling the horrible breath from the hungry knight, Chu ten and the black devil changed their colors together, and then made a counter attack at the same time.

"Hurricanes!" After all, the black devil is a strong player of level 8, and his speed is faster than that of Chu ten. Just as the hungry Knight rushed to attack, the black devil also grabbed the yellow green wand and shouted: "the prison of clay"

as the words of the black devil fell, the earth wand and the wind wand in his hand fired two brilliant lights, one yellow and one green. Then, the green light turned into endless wind, the yellow light turned into fine sand, and together they formed a huge sandstorm, which swept over the hungry Knight's huge body.

Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa!

The power of sandstorm is very amazing, almost in the blink of an eye, it will completely wrap the hungry knight. Then, under the effect of the terrible gale, the fine sand also hit the hungry Knight's thick white bone armour like a bullet, making a dense crash.

However, the strange thing is that the sand didn't fall after hitting the hungry knight, but it stuck to the hungry knight as if it were sticky. Soon, the hungry Knight's huge body was completely covered by this kind of fine sand, and then it was glued layer by layer, and finally turned into a huge and incomparable stone pillar to seal the hungry Knight completely.


But before the black devil could show a glimmer of joy, countless fine cracks appeared on the huge stone column, and then exploded abruptly, turning into countless stones shooting towards the surrounding area.

Among the stones, the hungry Knight's huge body accelerated again and rushed towards Chu ten.

"What a strength!" Seeing the hungry Knight breaking his power in a flash, he went on, and the black devil's pupil shrank in a flash.

As far as strength is concerned, this guy is definitely the first of the four knights, even the war knights are inferior!

Shoo shoo shoo!

At the same time, Chu ten 's hands also waved violently, and then hundreds of blood needles were also pushed by the spiritual force, with a violent sound of breaking the air, and severely bombarded the hungry knight who had just broken the stone.

But to Chu Xun's surprise, the hungry Knight's defense was extremely strong. His powerful blood needle hit the hungry Knight's white bone armor, and even couldn't leave a mark, so he quickly collapsed and became blood and water attached to it. But even so, the blood water with strong corrosiveness corrodes extremely hard, only corroding a little shallow trace, which is not a threat to the thick white bone armor on the hungry knight.

"Strong defense!" Seeing this scene, Chu ten day's heart also suddenly tightens. This guy's strength, defense are so terrible, and the speed is also very amazing, even if there is no other ability, after this war, it is estimated that he can still sit at the top of the four knights!

Bang! Pong! Pong!

Poop! Laugh!

However, the strong will be dealt with by the strong. When the hungry Knight continues to attack Chu ten and the black devil and continues to catch Chu ten and the black devil, he realizes that the demonization of the stronger enemy has finally let the war knight and the plague Knight go, turned into a black light and rushed to the hungry knight, and wielded a heavy fist and hit the hungry Knight heavily.

At the same time, the hungry Knight immediately made a counterattack, and the back eight claws waved together, and cut heavily on the demonized body of Chu Xun.

In an instant, the sound of fierce metal impact and the dream of torn bones and flesh are also sounded in the sparks sparked by fierce friction and collision. Later, I saw that the hungry knight and the demonized split were hit hard at the same time. They flew backward at a very fast speed, and finally hit the ground heavily, smashing the ground into two huge deep pits!

Equal to each other, both lose!


At the next moment, with a roar, the demonized body of Chu ten jumped out of the pit which had been smashed on the ground and reappeared in front of all the people.

But at the moment, the appearance of demonized body was a little sad. His body seemed to be stabbed and cut by several sharp blades. The hard exoskeleton armor was directly broken, and there were seven or eight huge wounds. A lot of acid blood gushed out of it, spilled on the ground, corroding the ground into huge holes.

"Great strength..." At the same time, the hungry Knight stood up from another pit. Although the wound on his body is not as many as that on the body of demonization of Chu Xun, there is only one wound, but the wound is extremely terrible.

The white bone armor at his right waist has been completely broken and sunken, and it has become a fist print. There are three deep penetrating wounds in the middle of the fist print. A stream of black gel like melted rubber is pouring out of his wound and dropping to the ground.


Seeing that the hungry knight was stopped by the demonization, Chu Xun and the black devil looked at each other again, then jumped up and continued to rush towards the human domain.

"Hunger, pestilence, war, leave them!" Seeing Chu ten and the black devil continue to escape, the corpse emperor who is expanding the transmission channel with all his strength also gives out a angry drink.




Hearing the angry drink of the corpse emperor, the hungry knight, the plague knight and the war knight all gave out a angry drink together, and then continued to chase Chu ten and others.

Later, in the process of continuous pursuit and fighting, Chu Xun and others are more and more far away from the battlefield. Finally, they are completely out of the vision of the corpse emperor and the bone emperor, even the perception range.

"Corpse emperor, shall we make a bet?" Looking at Chu ten and other people who gradually separated from the perception range, the bone emperor suddenly laughed and said to the corpse emperor.

"Hum!" Hearing the words of the bone emperor, the corpse emperor immediately snorted coldly and said: "you have to die this heart. They can't escape. Now there are three Knights chasing after you. There are frontier garrisons and reinforcements in big cities blocking you. I can break your seal in 15 minutes at most, open the space transmission channel, and send it here. "

At this point, the emperor sneered: "do you think, with their strength, they can break through the border in 15 minutes? Even if they can, can they escape my pursuit? Bone emperor, this time, I won

"Yes, it looks like you won!" Hearing the words of the corpse emperor, the bone emperor suddenly laughed and said, "since that is the case, why don't you dare to gamble with me?"

"What capital do you have to gamble with me?" Hearing the words of the emperor, the emperor sneered again.

Indeed, compared with the corpse emperor, the bone emperor is really too poor

"Tut Tut, you're right. I'm so poor that I can only gamble with myself and seven sins!" Hearing the corpse emperor's words, the bone emperor laughed at himself first, then suddenly the conversation turned, and his voice became dignified, saying: "how about this gamble? It should be very attractive to you, right? As long as you win me, I promise seven sins and I will submit to you. Isn't that what you always expect? "

"Really?" Hearing the words of the bone emperor, the corpse emperor was stunned at first, and then he became serious immediately.

Although he occupied the vast majority of the corpse territory and established the new holy Kingdom, he was extremely afraid of the seven sins and the bone emperor. Because the whole corpse region, even the whole world, I'm afraid that only he and a few powerful people who have experienced the events of that year really know the power and horror of the seven crimes.

Although after that event, the seven crimes suffered a great loss, and the strength of the angry and other people plummeted, and it was almost impossible to restore their original strength. But seven sins are seven after all. As long as they are alive, no one dare to underestimate them.

This is why the speaker and other people pay more attention to the seven crimes, and the corpse emperor has not dared to force the seven crimes too much and tolerated their existence!

"Of course, my bone king speaks naturally!" Hearing the corpse emperor's words, the bone emperor smiled lightly and said: "and my request is very simple, that is, if you lose, you must stop attacking the human domain, and even cooperate with me and the human domain."

At this point, the voice of guhuang also became dignified: "because I found that those old people are not our biggest enemies. In this world, there are some more terrible enemies hiding in the dark, waiting for us to lose both sides with the old people, and then sitting on the benefits of fishing men!"

"What? And this kind of enemy? Who are they? " Hearing the words of bone emperor, the heart of corpse emperor immediately tightened.

He knew that although guhuang was funny and often did something unreliable, he would never joke about the survival of the whole intelligent zombie family.

"Well, I'll tell you after this, let's continue this bet." The bone Emperor didn't directly answer the corpse emperor's words, just a light smile, said: "remember, if I win, you have to listen to me!"

"Well, I promise you!" At the moment, the corpse emperor has no mind to care about the affairs of Chu ten and others. He is more concerned about the terrorist force mentioned by the bone emperor, so he immediately agreed to the gambling agreement.

However, after agreeing, the corpse emperor asked with some doubts: "but, do you treat that human like this