Infinite Evolution

Chapter 410

"I'm still alive after being split like this. It's unexpectedly tenacious!"

Looking at Chu Xun, who was falling into a pool of blood and twitching constantly, and was also blooming with a little red light, a strange green light flashed in his eyes under the black robe of the plague knight, and then he smiled: "Hey, I don't know how strong the vitality can cultivate for me what kind of strong bacteria, it's really expected!"

At the same time, the plague Knight also came to Chu ten's side, then slowly crouched down, stretched out his hands, and pressed on the two pieces of "debris" of Chu ten.

It's amazing that the plague Knight's right hand has rotted so badly that not only the blood on it has been completely black and rotted, but also a lot of pus blood mucus has flowed out. In the rotted blood, there are still white maggots crawling all over the body with strange lines. It's like a highly rotten corpse, which makes people shudder.

With his hands on Chu ten's body, the pus began to trickle out of his rotten flesh and blood, then infiltrated into Chu ten's muscles, and finally fully integrated into Chu ten's body. With the integration of these blood abscesses, the skin surface of Chu ten began to appear a light gray color, as if it was suffering from some kind of virulent or serious disease.

Like the death power of death knight, the plague power of plague knight can ignore almost any physical defense, so it can directly enter the target's body, corrode and infect the target's body.

What's more, these pestilence forces have a great restraint on the power of life. Once they enter the human body, they will continue to devour the power of life in the target body to copy and strengthen these viruses transformed by the power of pestilence. Therefore, the stronger the enemy's vitality is, the greater the effect of the power of the plague will be.

It can be said that if there were not plague Knights present at the beginning, it is still unknown whether the other three knights could kill the powerful giant worm


However, in a short time, the plague Knight's eyes showed a strong color of surprise, because he suddenly found that Chu Xun's body had been infiltrated by pus blood and turned into a piece of gray. In the blink of an eye, Chu Xun's body was restored to its original shape. At the same time, he also felt that the plague bacteria that he had integrated into Chu Xun's body seemed to be eroded by some kind of force, and the smoke disappeared instantly It's gone.

"It seems that this guy's body is strange..." Looking at the place where Chu Xun's body had recovered as before, and the ground between the two pieces of "debris", which was corroded by acid blood into a huge pit, the plague Knight immediately responded.

Obviously, this guy's physiological mechanism is different from that of ordinary people, and he has a strong resistance to various pathogens and viruses, even almost immune.

"It looks like we need to work harder!" But after the initial surprise, the plague Knight soon returned to normal. After all, he has met many difficult enemies in recent years. Some of them are born with strong resistance to virus and germs. They can even be called invincible - like that giant worm!

But after all, there is no real inviolable existence in the world. Even a guy like Chu Xun who is covered with acid blood is only immune to those virus germs that can't resist acid blood corrosion. So as long as we strengthen the power of plague to produce virus and bacteria that can resist the acid blood corrosion, then he can still kill Chu Xun.

At most, it's just a price!

Thinking of this, the plague Knight also flashed a cold color in his eyes, and then took a deep breath, his fists suddenly forced to close.

Pooh Pooh!

With the strength of the plague Knight's fists, his rotten and frail arm muscles were smashed by the sudden increase of strength, shooting out a lot of blood and meat.

At the same time, those white maggots, which were hidden in his rotten muscles, also fell on the "Wreckage" of chuxun along with his gushing blood, and twisted wildly.

It's amazing that the white maggot is a kind of creature between the elemental body and the living body. Although they seem to have a real body, after a few twists, they just like the giant worm drilling into the ground, directly into chuxun's body and disappear.

As these white maggots enter, chuxun's body starts to bulge with the speed of naked eye, and his skin becomes gray, which is not obvious.

Obviously, these white maggots, which are gathered purely by the power of plague, can not be completely digested by the acid blood in Chu ten's body.

"Hahaha, I'll see how long you can support it!" Seeing chuxun's body gradually rotting, the plague Knight couldn't help laughing hoarsely.

Now that the virus has taken effect, Chu's death is only a matter of time!

But once Chu ten day is eroded by the power of the virus and dies, that engulfs all the vitality of Chu ten day, so that the stronger pestilence virus can make his strength go up to a higher level!

The big picture is set!

Thinking of this, the plague Knight also turned his head and looked at the black devil and the war knight who were fighting in the bloody shield. There was a trace of concern and tension in the dark green eyes.

However, the plague Knight did not know that what he had just done had not only failed to speed up the death of Chu ten, but also helped him a lot!

Just before the plague Knight came out, Chu Xun had already met with a big problem. That is, he found that he could not swallow the giant worm in a short time!

There is also a certain limit to the phagocytic ability of insect powers, that is, the target that must be phagocytized has no resistance or intention to resist. At the moment, though the giant worm has been made by his blood and can't break free, it's almost an impossible task to build a giant worm to die in a short time with these blood alone.

After all, the vitality of giant worms is so strong, and the corrosive power of his acid blood has no effect on giant worms. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid that if the giant is not dead yet, he will have exhausted his vitality and died first!

But today is obviously the lucky day of Chu Xun. Someone sent pillows when he fell asleep. Although the powerful virus injected into his body by the plague Knight caused heavy damage to him at the beginning and accelerated the consumption of his life force, he immediately reacted and injected all the blood infected by the virus into the two giant worms using the blood control ability In vivo.

In a flash, the giant worm seemed to encounter the killer star, and the whole body began to rot like chuxun, even faster than chuxun. At the same time, its vitality began to dry up rapidly, and soon it was dying.

With the giant worm dying and dying, Chu finally ushered in the best time to devour!

With the beginning of phagocytosis, the red light on Chu ten and the giant worm suddenly became extremely bright. In the bright red light, the huge and fat body of the giant worm began to shrink at the speed visible to the naked eye. At the same time, Chu ten's body opened a layer of black glue packed objects, and finally quickly put his Together with the two giant worms, the two pieces of debris became two huge black glue cocoons.

"What's the matter?"

I felt the strong breath suddenly emanating from behind me, and the bright red light also broke out. At first, I focused all my attention on the war knights. The plague knights who were ready to support the war Knights suddenly responded. Then I turned around abruptly and looked at the two huge and incomparable rubber cocoons with shock and confusion.

What happened in front of him was not only totally beyond his expectation, but also beyond his understanding!

He couldn't figure out what happened at the moment!

"Plague, you fool, what are you hesitating about? Kill him!" And at this time, the black whirlpool in the sky also sounded the angry roar of the corpse emperor again.

He is really mad. This fool, at this critical moment, even thought of devouring Chu Xun's vitality to strengthen his own virus, and finally made such a change!

What a failure, what a failure!

"Oh, yes!" Hearing the roar of the corpse emperor, the plague Knight reacted. Then his face changed dramatically. He rushed to the corpse of the dead knight who had been pierced by the white bone spear. Then he pulled out the white bone spear which had pierced the death knight, and pressed his hands on the corpse of the dead Knight. He shouted angrily, "the power of the plague, the resurrection of the dead!"

Hiss! Hiss!

As his voice fell, a large number of pus and maggots began to flow out of his arms, and finally disappeared into the body of the death knight. The strange thing is that with the influx of maggots, the dead Knight's stiff body trembled again. But at the moment, his muscles exposed to the broken armor have rotted and festered completely, and even there are strange green smoke on his body, which is shocking to watch.

At the moment, the plague Knight also realized the seriousness of the matter, so at all costs, he would forcibly transform the corpse of the death knight into a corpse slave controlled by the force of the plague.

Although in this case, the war power of corpse slaves can not be maintained in full strength, and the strength will gradually decline, but this is the corpse slaves transformed by the death knight after all, so even a part of the war power is enough to reach the level 8.

As for the lost power of plague Now there is no Kung Fu to control these!


A moment later, the fully recovered death knight also gave out a vague roar, and then opened the eyes that had become green, emitting a gloomy and terrible breath of death.


After expending a lot of pestilence power to transform the death knight into corpse slave, the pestilence Knight also gave a angry shout, and then, together with the corpse slave transformed by the death knight, rushed towards the two black cocoons, one on the left and one on the right.

Boom! Boom!

However, they were still a little late. As they rushed to the black cocoon, the two black cocoons suddenly expanded and exploded. All of a sudden, a very strong shock wave rushed towards them, and there were countless black gelatinous objects pounding them hard to get close to.

Until a few seconds later, the shockwave disappears, the gel disappears, the two are completely different, but they emit a terrible smell