Infinite Evolution

Chapter 409

"Shit, this guy again!"

Looking at the double axe giant who came rushing from afar and crushed all the zombies and aliens by brute force alone, leaving a muddy and bloody road, the pupil of the black devil suddenly slightly shrank.

Among the four knights, the one he didn't want to meet was the war knight, because although this guy looks like a barbarian, he is actually the most cunning and the deepest one in the city. At the beginning, the black devil was trapped by this guy. He was seriously injured by this guy and the plague knight. Finally, he ran away in a panic.

Moreover, this guy and the plague Knight are good friends. It seems that he has signed some strange contract with the plague knight, so long as he pays a certain price for his life, he can summon the plague Knight far away from the sky.

At the beginning, because they didn't know this, the black devils were seriously hurt by their enemies.

Now this guy is going all the way to fight and kill. It's obvious that he's preparing to summon plague knights. Once plague and war Knights arrive together, he may not be able to defeat the tacit group of friends and friends with his current strength.

More importantly Special he is still being suppressed by the energy lock of all things, unable to move!

"Grass, another one." At this time, the bone emperor, who was fighting with the corpse emperor, apparently found the arrival of the war knight, and then he could not help but scold: "do you think you are the only one who can call people? Hahaha, look at me, the white bone throne, now! "

"White bone throne!"

Hearing the voice of emperor Gu, the emperor's heart sank abruptly.

He knew that guhuang was not only a powerful bone power, but also a powerful space power. The white bone throne is a space transmission device made of various rare materials. It is so powerful that it can't even block the vital energy lock and magnetic energy shield of everything. It can be said that you can go wherever you want.

It is precisely because the white bone throne is haunted, so he has always been extremely afraid of the seven crimes. After all, if these guys are really upset and let them fight guerrilla war, then the whole new holy kingdom will soon fall apart.

And it's the same at the moment. If the emperor calls out the throne of white bone, the reinforcements of the seven crimes may arrive at any time. In that case, the situation is not good for them!

Think of here, corpse emperor mood also became more dignified rise.

However, at the next moment, he was surprised to find that after shouting, guhuang didn't appear at all, let alone baiguhuangzuo, who didn't even have hair

What's going on?

"Why is that?" At the same time, the voice of guhuang's surprise also sounded from the vortex, and soon, the voice of surprise also became angry, even swearing: "gluttony, you special this food, and the white bone throne of Laozi to eat! I put the white bone throne on the base just in case. It's not for you to eat. You are such a bastard! Ah ah! "

"It's a shame to be against such a person..." Hearing the bone emperor's scolding, the corpse emperor was stunned first, then completely speechless, at the same time, a sense of shame rose in his heart.

It's a shame for the wise zombies to have seven sins

"I can't be happy to be saved by such a person..." At the same time, the black devil on the ground felt a sense of inexplicable shame. Then he took a deep breath and cried out, "Hey, guhuang, you should try to make me free first. At least I can stop the war knight!"

"Yes, I almost forgot that there is such a thing!" Hearing the words of the black devil, the voice of the bone emperor immediately rang. Later, the black devil felt that he was all loose, and the lock of vital energy of all things that was pressed on him was broken by the emperor.

but despite the freedom of restoration, the black devil has no make complaints about the bone emperor. Some are just endless Tucao.

What is almost forgotten?

What is such a "thing"?

Moreover, since you can break the vitality lock of the corpse emperor so easily, can't you just help me?

Am I really so humble?


However, at this time, the war knight had also been killed in a sea of blood, and then rushed to the front of Chu ten. With a wave of his right hand, he directly threw the huge Tomahawk at Chu ten.

In fact, he had been nearby a long time ago. After all, there was such a big change in the border area. As a general stationed in the border defense, he could not ignore it. However, he didn't expect that things would develop to such a degree. When he found out that the corpse emperor was coming separately, the situation was serious. When he came here, it was the scene in front of him.

However, he soon realized that this was an opportunity. Since the death knight was dead, as long as he could finish the task and kill chuxun, then he could become the first knight naturally!

Of course, in case of repeating the death knight's mistake, he is now calling for his good friend, the plague knight. Once the plague Knight arrives, the battle will almost be a victory.

"You are paralyzed when I die!" However, when the axe was about to be cut to Chu ten, a roar suddenly came into his ear. Later, he saw a golden light suddenly appeared in front of Chu ten, turned into a golden giant shield, and completely wrapped Chu ten.


The next moment, the axe also heavily cut on the gold shield, making a loud roar. Under the terrible power and chop, the gold shield suddenly appeared numerous cracks, and then broke. However, at the same time, the strong anti earthquake force from the golden shield also made the Tomahawk fly back directly and fall back into the hands of the war knights.

"Your opponent is me!" At the same time, the black devil also stopped between the war knight and Chu ten, and then looked at the war knight coldly, and said one by one: "just in time, our new worries and old grudges are so clear at one time!"

"You little mouse?" Seeing the black devil, the bloody pupil of the war knight suddenly flashed a ray of killing opportunity, and then sneered: "last time I let you get away with it, you won't be so lucky this time. You can't use space power to escape under the blockade of the lock of all things

"Who is going to escape at that time?" When he heard the truth of the war, the black devil snorted. Then he reached for the fire wand and the wind wand, and aimed them at the war knight. He shouted coldly, "the wind and fire strike in a row, and the Phoenix wings soar in the sky!"


As the words of the black devil fell, the wand of fire and the wand of wind in his hand also shot out a fiery red and a light green light. Then the two lights merged into one, and expanded rapidly. In a blink of an eye, they turned into a huge Phoenix.

Then, the Phoenix blared and waved their wings. With the flames and strong wind, they shot at the Knights of war!

In order to solve the war knight before the pestilence Knight arrives, the black devil is a powerful killing move!

"Well, that's it again!" The war knight obviously learned this skill, so when he saw the fire phoenix attacking, his eyes suddenly slightly coagulated, then he took a deep breath, shook his right arm, and directly threw the huge and heavy battle axe at the fire phoenix. At the same time, he shouted: "the axe of war - break!"

As the words of the war knight sounded, the axe in his hand suddenly burst into brilliant blood light, and became extremely huge, and then cut it hard on the giant Phoenix with a span of more than 30 meters.

Boom boom boom!

With the collision of the giant battle axe and the giant fire phoenix, a loud roar began to ring through the sky. At the same time, the blood light on the giant axe and the fire light on the fire phoenix were also integrated into one. Finally, they froze in the middle of the sky, no one allowed to step.

At the next moment, the energy stored on the Phoenix and the axe apparently reached a critical point, and then exploded, just like detonating a small nuclear bomb in mid air, turning into endless shock waves and energy radiance sweeping around. In the past, the zombies and aliens that are slightly closer to each other are directly destroyed by these horrible energies and exploded into meat sauce.

Obviously, in the power of this attack, the war knight and the black devil are equal!

"This guy, stronger than last time!" Although on the surface is equal, but the war knight's heart is a sink. What he is good at is hard hitting, but the enemy on the other side is famous for his strange and changeable attack. Now that I don't take advantage of hard work, it means that if I keep fighting, I will probably suffer.

Thinking of this, the knight of war also flashed a strange color in his eyes. Then he took a deep breath, raised his left hand and shouted out: "put in the flag, duel!"


With the voice of the war knight falling, a bloody red flag also suddenly fell from the sky, directly fell between him and the black devil, and heavily inserted on the ground.

With the fall of the bloody flag, a burst of blood light suddenly erupted from the flag, and finally turned into a bloody shield, covering the black devil and the war knight.

"Again?" Looking at the bloody shield, the black devil's face changed slightly.

He was very impressed with this move. If he was trapped by this move, he would not escape unless the war knight died or the war knight opened the shield himself.

The last time he was trapped in this way, it led to the opportunity for war knights to summon plague knights. If this move didn't have to be one-on-one, and no one else could join it, so that the war knight could only open the shield to two enemies and one, he would have been unable to escape.

But now the war knight uses this method to trap himself, doesn't that mean

Think of here, black devil heart suddenly a tight, then immediately turn round to look behind.

As expected, not far behind, a figure covered in black robes and emitting a strange green breath suddenly emerged from the muddy flesh.

With the appearance of this figure, the corpses and heteromorphic flesh on the ground seem to have been eroded by some kind of terrible virus, and even began to decay, fester and even reproduce a large number of maggots.

"Plague Knight!"

Seeing this figure, the black devil couldn't help biting his teeth.

If any of the four knights is the most bizarre, the most lethal group, and the most difficult to heal the damage, it is the plague knight with the plague ability!

"Hey, hey, little mouse, we meet again!" Looking at the black devil trapped in the bloody shield, the plague Knight immediately laughed with a hoarse voice: "it seems that you miss me very much. But believe me, I miss you very much, so I will do well