Infinite Evolution

Chapter 411

"What's the matter!"

Looking at the two different figures in front of him, the plague Knight immediately seemed to see a ghost, and his face was shocked to the extreme.

The 6-meter-tall black armor giant on the right is OK. Although his body size has shrunk a lot, he still keeps the ferocity of the previous 8-wing 8-tentacle at least. Moreover, he still exudes the unique terrible breath of the 8-level strong. It is obviously the change of the monster's rebirth.

However, the height of the left one is less than two meters, and its muscles are not exaggerated. At most, it can only be called the tall and well proportioned Terran youth. Where did they come from?

And why, in the face of this handsome, resolute looking, cold eyes of the ethnic minority youth, he would feel a very familiar powerful force from each other's body?

Thinking of this, the plague Knight's heart also became suspicious and unprepared.

He was really confused by the scene in front of him!

"It's a success, but It's a little expensive... " While the plague knight was in doubt, Chu Xun, who had recovered human form, also took a look at the tall black armor giant around him, with a trace of complexity in his eyes.

After completely devouring the two giant worms, he also had the ability to regenerate the broken body as the system predicted. Then the broken body began to heal and regenerate rapidly, and finally became two inseparable but independent bodies.

However, the system is not omnipotent after all. In the process of forging body rebirth, there are many accidents and changes in chuxun's body that even the system did not predict. It is precisely because of these accidents and changes that he lost a lot, but also got a lot.

First of all, Chu Xun was surprised to find that in the process of rebirth, the negative emotions, radiating power and the energy and ability after those changes in his body were almost integrated into the monstrous body. Because of this, the body had most of its previous combat power, and remained at level 8, but its size had been reduced.

Then, to his surprise, most of the radiant power, negative emotions and changed power are integrated into the demon like body, so he still has some abilities endowed by insect body abilities, such as acid blood, strong speed, reaction ability, recovery ability, power, and bullet time ability, but his body The shape has been unable to deform, which means that he can no longer enter the battle form, can no longer have sharp claws, can no longer have bone and flesh wings, can no longer have the strange and unpredictable alien long tail!

In this way, his close combat power has almost halved!

But at the same time of losing, Chu Xun also got a huge harvest.

First of all, because his internal energy was too strong before, even though he only had a part of power, he also succeeded in breaking through from level 6 to level 7 before the mutation. Not only did the blank gene lock unlock again, but also his overall quality and internal mental power and energy were greatly improved, which made up for the part that could not enter the combat form Combat capability.

Secondly, as he was devouring and fusing the giant worm, he also fused a large number of plague viruses from the plague Lord. So at the moment, the blood in his body has not only the two characteristics of acidity and controllability, but also the third characteristic, that is, the infectivity and replication of the virus. In this way, he can not only have the plague power similar to the plague knight to a certain extent, but also have strong acid and poison in his blood. Once he enters the enemy's body, it will cause a fatal threat to the enemy.

Of course, the biggest harvest is that he has a strong and incomparable magic split. Although the fighting power of this split is not as good as before, it is still far beyond the ordinary level 8 and incomparable. However, it seems that there is no intelligence in this part of the body. It only knows pure fighting and killing, just like a biological weapon or biological machine armour that lives on killing.

The reason why it is called bio mecha is that the system has just given Chu Xun a hint to remind him that he has the ability to re integrate the two separate bodies. After re integration, the combat power of this individual will be restored to the level of invincibility below level 9, which is extremely terrible.

However, the system also gave a warning to Chu Xun, that is, because Chu Xun's whole body gathered all the negative emotions, and was still controlled by the radiation force, so if Chu Xun merges abruptly, he can recover his previous combat power, but he can also be lost again and become a monster who only knows how to kill.

Therefore, unless Chu Xun finds a way to resolve the negative emotions, or raises his spiritual strength to a certain extent, he must not try to integrate the two separate bodies, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable.


The demonized body inherited all the negative emotions of Chu Xun is still so bloodthirsty and tyrannical, so before the corpse slaves of the plague knight and the death knight rushed in front of him, he had already uttered a furious roar, and then he jumped up and started the charge on his own initiative!

"Stop him!" Compared with Chu Xun, who only exudes 7-level breath, demonization brings more pressure to plague knight. So when seeing the demonization spread its wings, the plague Knight's eyes suddenly changed, and then slowed down slightly, and he could have a drink to the corpse slave who was transformed by the death knight nearby.


At the command of the plague knight, the corpse slave transformed by the death knight immediately roared, and then accelerated abruptly to intercept the demonization of Chu ten.

"Corpse slave summons!" At the same time, the plague Knight suddenly grabbed his black robe and lifted it. All of a sudden, the strange black robe suddenly split and turned into several strange black lights, which rose to the sky. Finally, it changed into the human monsters that were full of body odor, almost completely corrupt, festering everywhere, and even numerous fat maggots shuttling in the body, falling heavily on the ground.

However, with the landing of this humanoid monster, the corpses on the ground around them began to decay and fester as if they were infected by some kind of strong bacteria, and finally turned into a pool of stinking blood water, which seemed shocking.

These corpse slaves are similar to the dead soul soldiers summoned by the death knight. However, the dead soul soldiers are formed by the combination of the residual will of living creatures and the death energy, which belong to a one-time summoning object. However, these corpse slaves are special creatures that use the plague virus to directly refine living creatures into half elements and half life bodies.

These creatures can't use powers at all, they can only rely on instinct and brute force to fight, but because they have been completely transformed by the power of plague, they have almost no vital points. Unless they are completely destroyed, they can continue to attack even if they have only one hand and one mouth. Their vitality is tenacious, even more powerful than zombies.

In addition, they are all covered with terrible virulence, so whether attacking them or being attacked by them, they will be infected and eroded by the powerful virus and bacteria on them. Once eroded by these viruses and germs, these viruses and germs will use the vitality of the target body to reproduce infinitely, until the infected person will eventually become a new corpse slave, or a piece of rotten meat, which is a very difficult creature.

However, although corpse slaves have the advantages of permanent existence, tenacious vitality, and highly toxic body, they also have a huge disadvantage, that is, there is a certain limit to the viral energy that can be stored in each organism. Once the limit is exceeded, corpse slaves themselves will be completely corrupted because they cannot bear the erosion of this pathogen.

So unless the plague knight can condense his own field like the death knight, or use the power of the plague to refine the dying powerful creatures into special corpse slaves that can only exist for a short time, otherwise, the strongest combat power of these corpse slaves can only stop at level 7, which is a very effective way to deal with weaker enemies or group enemies, but powerful The enemy has some summoning things.

At the moment, the plague Knight summoned these corpse slaves, which were not used to deal with the demonization of Chu Xun, but specially used to deal with Chu Xun's body. After all, in his opinion, Chu Xun is just a level 7 power no matter how fierce and weird he is. Even one-on-one is not necessarily a level 7 top level corpse slave opponent. What's more, there are ten corpse slaves he summons now!

Therefore, after summoning the corpse slaves to besiege Chu ten, there was no black cloak wrapped around them. The plague knight who exposed his rotten body also sprang up, with strange green smoke all over his body. Together with the special corpse slaves transformed by the death knight, he rushed towards the demonization of Chu ten.

"Hey, I feel underestimated!"

Looking at the corrupt corpse slaves from all directions, Chu Xun's face also suddenly appeared a cold smile.

After being "trapped" for so long, it's time for him to stretch his muscles and adapt to his new abilities!

And these corpse slaves are the best training objects!