Infinite Clone: ​​I Am Invincible In Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 323: Nosy and Heroic Rescue

Latest URL: According to Lu Ge\'s understanding.

The location through the reincarnation channel should be a fixed area.

Or the powerhouses from the three-thousand-dimensional universe are in the same area, or in different areas.

But he later learned that was not the case at all.

The places that appear through the reincarnation passage are random.

In their dimension, there are only two who have successfully broken through reincarnation.

Ziyue and Dongdi.

Ziyue wants to seize the original will of the original universe.

He had long wanted to kill Dongdi.

It\'s a pity that he couldn\'t find the location of the Eastern Emperor.

It is because the position that comes through the reincarnation channel is random.


Lu Ge finally rushed out of the reincarnation passage, and there was a bright starry sky in front of him.

Lu Ge\'s consciousness dispersed.

Covering a radius of hundreds of millions of miles, he was relieved after confirming that there was no danger.

This world is really cool!

Lu Ge roared happily, and his divine body instantly fixed to about hundreds of kilometers.

He just felt comfortable all over.

Just like a big fish **** in a fish tank all the time, being constrained everywhere, it is not happy at all.

Now finally came the sea.

The sky is high for birds to fly, and the sea is wide for fish to leap.

Without the suppression of the universe sea, his strength can be brought to the extreme.

So cool!

Lu Ge yelled again.

This is a majestic world countless times larger than the universe sea.

Is this the origin continent?

Looking at the continents floating in the void.

Lu Ge was a little distracted.

The world of Jin is huge enough, with a diameter of hundreds of millions of light years.

Any continent here is more than hundreds of millions of times the world of Jin.

Even if the original universe is placed here, it is just a drop in the ocean.

This kind of world is the world I like!

Where is the food country?

Where is Wu Guo?

Lu Ge\'s eyes flickered fiercely.

Although the plan before coming here was to fight steadily, he still had to find out whether Shiguo was still there.

Even if Shiguo is no longer there, the three masters of Shiguo must still be there.

The great God King did not fall so easily.

Feel the void that is completely different from the cosmic sea.

Lu Ge is eager to try.

"Let\'s try and see if we can successfully airborne."

"Hive space!"

Lu Ge let out a low growl, and the hive space opened beside him.

Two clones stepped out of the hive space.

Stand on either side of Lu Ge.

They are all divine bodies with a height of 100 kilometers, and they are full of explosive power.

One hundred thousand times more genes!

Lu Ge laughed: "The smuggling was successful!"

The passage of reincarnation that has made countless cosmic sea powerhouses despair was successfully smuggled by him.

The reincarnation channel is very magical.

He can crush many powerful people in the realm of true gods. After these true gods fall, their souls will fall to the mainland of origin to reincarnate.

Therefore, many gifted children in Origin Continent are the reincarnation of the strong.

It\'s just that whether the memory can be awakened depends on luck.

Unless there is a special talent secret method, it is difficult.

Not being able to awaken memory is no different from completely falling.

Fortunately, Lu Ge can smuggle here directly.

He carefully checked the two avatars, whether they were different by airborne instead of going through the reincarnation channel.

Through his inspection, there is no difference whether it is the soul or the divine body.

It is exactly the same as the clone that came over through the reincarnation fellow.

Only then did I feel relieved.

These two avatars did not break through in the cosmic sea, they are still in the realm of the master of the universe.

Now that we have come to Origin Continent.

The Lord of the Universe probably won\'t be able to gain a firm foothold.

At the very least, it must be in the realm of a true god.


Under the support of Lu Ge, the two clones also broke through to the true **** one after another.

They broke through with 100,000 times the genes, and there was a lot of movement.

If it is in the cosmic sea.

I am afraid that all creatures can sense it.

Fortunately, this is the continent of origin.

Although the movement was not small, fortunately it was far away from other lands and did not cause any fluctuations.

"Thirty more!"

Fortunately, Lu Ge parachuted 30 avatars over, breaking through to the realm of true gods one after another.

Each group of three people is divided into eleven groups.

Each went to a different continent to develop.

Although the continents can be seen from here, they are too far away from each other.

Even if there is a treasure of mechanical flow, it must fly in the void for at least a hundred years.

Each group of bodies is inside their respective spaceships, going to their respective destinations.

His main consciousness also carries two clones.

Lu Ge is very lazy, even the name he chose was repeated before.

These three avatars are named after the three brothers Liu Guan Zhang.

Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei.

"I hope we can make a name for ourselves in the Origin Continent."

You can\'t forget to practice in the spaceship.

Continent of origin, where the supreme law is running, comprehend the laws and laws, don\'t be clearer and more efficient when you are in the universe.

Two hundred years later.

Lu Ge\'s spaceship finally landed on a huge land.

As soon as I came, I saw the flames of war.

Thousands of monsters with huge bodies covered in black armor are as ferocious as Zerg warriors.

These alien beasts are attacking a mountain range.

The buildings in the mountains are exquisite, the environment is also good, and the waterfalls are beautiful, like a fairyland on earth.

Some practitioners with green wings on their backs were fighting these strange beasts.

Lu Ge noticed that these practitioners were all women.

Just like the elves in the cosmic sea.

The three views follow the five senses.

Lu Ge directly put these strange beasts into the villains.

He wants to mind his own business.

To integrate into the continent of origin, there must be an opportunity.

Looks like this is an opportunity.

He wasn\'t in a hurry to make a move, he just had a look before talking.

Those black-armored beasts are terrifying, each of them has a size of more than tens of millions of kilometers.

Their defense is terrifying, and there is a layer of light energy protection shield outside the thick crops.

The bows and arrows shot by those elf warriors were all blocked by the light shield.

It can\'t cause substantial damage to these strange beasts at all.

It\'s not that the bows and arrows fired by these warriors are not powerful.

The bows and arrows bounced off by those strange beasts fell on the mountains.

It can blow up a mountain in an instant.

Lu Ge observed that those elf warriors were divided into hundreds of teams to besiege these strange beasts.

The captains of the team are all in the realm of true gods, and the ordinary members are all masters of law.

The attacks of those alien beasts were overwhelming.

The elf warrior struggled to support himself, stepping back step by step.

Behind them, there are hundreds of millions of ordinary people.

Those ordinary people are generally immortal.

Even if you rush up, you will die.

Lu Ge was a little puzzled, didn\'t it mean that the masters of Origin Continent were walking everywhere?

Why doesn\'t this group even have a true Void God?

With a burst of screams.

A team of more than two hundred soldiers was swallowed by a strange beast.

A young woman with a beautiful face burst into tears: "Damn the monsters, I will never let you destroy my tribe."

The divine power in his whole body began to burn, obviously in the posture of burning jade and stone together.

Just then.

Three huge figures descended from the sky. UU Reading www.uukanshu. com

Lu Ge holds the mechanical flow to treasure double-strand sword.

Two sword lights fell, and the heads of the two ferocious beasts were beheaded.

His other avatar holds a million-kilometer-long mechanical flow treasure, the Qinglong Yanyue Knife.

With a single stab, the world will be destroyed.

Dozens of strange beasts can be smashed into powder.

The other avatar, Zhang Fei, let out a roar, and the entire void shook.

All the strange beasts were shocked by the sound waves, and their souls were in severe pain, and they were dizzy.

Take advantage of this time.

A gun light tens of thousands of kilometers long pierced the strange beasts into candied haws.

Only then did Lu Ge\'s voice sound: "Sister, don\'t be afraid, Liu Xuande is here too!"