Infinite Clone: ​​I Am Invincible In Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 332: Origin Continent, here I come

Lu Ge also discovered that the virtual universe he built could be merged.

When the virtual machine universe established between different clones reaches the limit of coverage.

You can let two different clones build a virtual universe, and then merge.

This discovery made Lu Ge very happy.

This is simply a bug. If this is the case, then he will have a lot of room to maneuver when he arrives at the continent of origin.

He knows better than anyone how much money the virtual universe company has made from the virtual universe.

It\'s time to go to the reincarnation.

According to the rules of the Universe Sea, only by breaking through the True God of the Void can one be 100% sure to break through reincarnation.

Going through reincarnation in the realm of a true god, the chance of falling is extremely high.

Back then, the original ancestor was extremely powerful, and he was invincible all over the universe.

But he was not at all sure about reincarnation.

In the original book, Luo Feng only went to reincarnation after breaking through the true **** of the void.

Only the True God of the Void can guarantee a safe passage.

If Lu Ge didn\'t have a clone, only the deity.

He will definitely wait until he breaks through the Void True God before going into reincarnation.

In any case safe first.

But now he is different from ordinary practitioners.

As long as all the practitioners in the universe sea break through to the true god, all the avatars will be integrated into one.

True gods can condense divine power avatars.

When the deity dies, the divine power avatar will also turn into nothingness.

But Lu Ge is an exception.

He had already broken through to the True God, and his avatar was not affected at all.

Still all over the original universe, the cosmic sea, and the world of Jin.

That being the case, he has nothing to worry about.

Let\'s go and talk first.

He now has many inheritances such as God King of Jin, Duan Donghe, Marquis of Tianwei, etc.

It has reached a hundred thousand times the genetic level.

With his strength, he can basically succeed.

Even if it fails, it is a matter of re-condensing a clone.

It\'s nothing more than wasting a lot of resources.

He really didn\'t have any challenges in the universe sea, even in the world of Jin, he didn\'t feel any freshness.

Only the powerful Origin Continent attracted him deeply.

Like the Cosmic Ocean, the Origin Continent has a total of three thousand.

The three-thousand-dimensional cosmic sea surrounds an original continent.

Once these three-thousand-dimensional powerhouses reach the True God of the Void, they will enter the Origin Continent.

Since billions of epochs.

Countless strong men from the three thousand dimensions have passed through reincarnation one after another and entered the continent of origin.

After these years of growth and experience, there are countless strong people in the Origin Continent.

According to Zuo Shanke.

There are endless forces in the continent of origin, with powerful sects, tribes, and countries.

Even a mountain range is a power, and a city is a prince.

The continent of origin is also in crisis.

Endless outbreaks of war between different factions.

Even if it is as powerful as a **** king.

Will also be killed.

Zuo Shan Ke was born in a powerful tribe and later joined the sect.

He has grown into a **** king, married his senior sister, and established his own country.

Who knew that the country was destroyed, his wife, brothers, and countless loyal subordinates were killed.

Even he fell into the cosmic sea and fell completely.

The more this happened, the more Lu Ge wanted to go.

The universe sea has limited space to grow, and his avatars are now all over the universe sea.

Under the control of the hive mind, this number has reached saturation.

It is no longer redeemable to split the new itself.

Unless some avatars fall, then supplement them.

I don\'t know the continent of origin, how many clones can he have?

Set off!

He didn\'t need to settle anything at all, he just went to say hello to Zuo Shanke.

"Brother, wait for me, I will go to Origin Continent."

"When I gain a firm foothold, I will take you to reincarnation."

Zuoshanke looked excited, he had waited for this day for too long.

He cultivated his disciples for revenge.

Luo Feng did not disappoint him, he is a very good disciple.

But with Luo Feng\'s strength, he would need at least 6 trillion yuan to break through reincarnation.

Of course Zuoshanke can wait.

But revenge, since the sooner the better.

He was afraid that if he waited too long, the Food Kingdom would cease to exist.

"Second brother, Origin Continent is too dangerous. You must be careful and take every step carefully. Don\'t reveal any information related to me, so as to invite death."

Lu Ge sincerely said: "Brother, I know all this, and I will give you a deadline, up to 100 million epochs, and I will pick you up!"

Zuo Shanke burst into tears: "Okay, I\'ll wait for you!"

Lu Ge added: "Brother, I entered the Origin Continent, but I can still enter the Jin World. I will not be polite about the troops and supplies you have stored in the Jin World."

Zuoshanke waved his hand: "Second brother, I have already said that the world of Jin is given to you. From the moment you can borrow the power of the world of Jin, the world of Jin is completely yours. Soldiers and materials, you can use whatever you want.”

Lu Ge laughed: "Then I\'m leaving."

"Take care all the way!"

Lu Ge took a mechanical flow palace-like treasure and went straight to the depths of the cosmic sea.

There is a reincarnation channel there.

The vast light can be seen tens of billions of kilometers apart.

Huge phantoms flickered in the light.

Huge pressure is coming.

Lu Ge knew that this was the entrance to the channel of reincarnation.

He already knew a lot about the information on the reincarnation channel.

There is no hesitation at this moment.

Directly drove the palace-like treasure and rushed in.

Like passing through the river of time.

The time in the reincarnation channel is extremely long.

Indeed, as the strong man in the universe sea said, the channel of reincarnation is extremely terrifying.

This pressure mainly comes from the soul level.

Unless one reaches the True God of Void, it is extremely difficult to bear this kind of soul pressure.

Weaker true gods who come will be crushed into soul fragments.

Only those who are true gods and extremely strong have the opportunity to break through reincarnation.

Lu Ge\'s reincarnation strength has surpassed that of ordinary Void Gods.

The reincarnation channel is basically not dangerous for it.

Lu Ge pondered in the huge palace type treasure.

How to develop after entering the continent of origin.

According to Zuoshanke\'s description, if the continent of origin takes out a small area alone.

In fact, it is similar to the world of Genjin.

In the world of Jin Jin, the life in it is immortal as long as it is an adult.

The Lord of the Law is as numerous as the hair on an ox

The Lord of Law is also everywhere.

When it comes to True God, it basically belongs to the elite level.

Even if you join an ordinary force, you can do well.

At least it\'s okay to be a boss.

He is now in the realm of the true **** on the surface, but in fact he has the fighting power of the true **** of the void.

I don\'t know if he can directly parachute the clone of the universe sea to the continent of origin.

If that\'s okay.

Then his journey will be much easier.

Now he is faced with two choices, the first is to try to join the local forces, sects or gangs in the continent of origin.

The second is to wander alone.

After all, he didn\'t know the true situation of the Eternal Continent, so Lu Ge decided to go there first and have a look.

No matter which option you choose, you have to settle down first.

He restrained his breath.

Keep a low profile.

After an unknown amount of time, Lu Ge finally saw a glimmer of light in front of the passage of reincarnation.

And as he went, the light there grew stronger.

Lu Ge knew.

The continent of origin has arrived.

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