Infinite Clone: ​​I Am Invincible In Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 324: be a good person

【Infinite Clone: ​​I am invincible in Devouring Starry Sky】【】

Thousands of strange beasts were dealt with by Lu Ge and the two clones.

This group of strange beasts is very strong, but the three of them are stronger.

The body of the strange beast was not wasted either.

All were collected.

After cleaning the battlefield, those elves-like women did not plan to invite Lu Ge and the three of them in as guests.

Instead, he stared at them vigilantly: "Who are you?"

Lu Ge froze for a moment: "Savior?"

The leading woman in green said indifferently: "Thank you, you can leave now."

Lu Ge was puzzled: "We saved your whole family, why don\'t you invite us in as guests?"

The woman in green said: "Our Lingyun tribe refuses any men to enter."

"It turned out to be a country of daughters."

Lu Ge understood: "It\'s fine if we don\'t let us in, but we are new here, can you tell us about the situation of this continent?"

The woman in green looked at Lu Ge and the other three with strange eyes, and still said coldly: "I\'m sorry, we have no such obligation!"


Lu Ge was a little angry.

He admitted that saving these elves, no, it was the Lingyun clan, and it was a temporary meddling.

After all, they didn\'t take the initiative to ask for help.

He didn\'t even think about blackmailing En Tubao, asking for directions, and leaving after learning about the situation.

But the words of this Lingyun woman made him quite unhappy.

After all, it saved the lives of their entire clan, right?

It\'s so unreasonable.

Not even as good as those Zerg empresses.

The Zerg Queen is beautiful, cunning, cold, and ruthless.

But when they face the strong, they still have the gentleness and respect they should have.

Regardless of whether they are pretending or not, at least it makes people feel at ease.

But these green-clothed women in front of him are uncomfortable.

The more Lu Ge thought about it, the more angry he became.

"It makes sense, you have no obligation to answer me, but we also have no obligation to save you, right?"

The woman in white replied, "We didn\'t invite you to help."

"It\'s true, I\'m speechless."

Lu Ge laughed and said: "We just killed 3,562 alien beasts, wait a minute, we\'ll go catch these number of alien beasts again, don\'t worry, not one is too many, not one is not less .”

The complexion of the beauty from the Lingyun family on the opposite side changed.

They didn\'t expect the man across from him to be so boring and lacking in style.

Actually going to catch the same number of alien beasts and come back to continue attacking their territory.

"You dare!"

The woman in green scolded and opened her eyes wide, furious.

"My Lingyun Clan has no grievances or enmities with you, why did you harm us?"

With the strength shown by these three people.

Maybe it can be done.

Lu Ge already ignored her, turned around and left.

They were in a hurry immediately.

"Come back, we were wrong, and we apologize."

"We\'re willing to pay!"

"Okay, use the most precious Cangyanlei in our clan!"

Seeing that the three of Lu Ge didn\'t intend to stop.

Everyone in the Lingyun tribe was a little desperate.

I regret it.

If I knew it earlier, I would pretend to thank them and say a few nice words.

at this time.

They suddenly heard in their ears: "What Cang Yanlei? Is it worth money?"

Everyone in the Lingyun tribe was shocked.

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【Infinite Clone: ​​I am invincible in Devouring Starry Sky】【】

These three guys act like ghosts.

He didn\'t even notice that he was approaching at all.

The woman in green hurriedly said: "The Cangyantears of our Lingyun Clan are very precious refining materials, one drop of Cangyantears is worth 3 Divine Crystals."

Lu Ge didn\'t know what Shenjing was.

After thinking for a while, he directly took out a Mechanical Flow Zhibao spear.

"Then how much do you think this treasure is worth?"

The green-clothed woman\'s eyes lit up: "Mechanical treasure weapon? This one is worth at least 500 **** crystals."

Lu Ge immediately understood the prices here.

He put away the mechanical flow treasure.

He said calmly: "Since your Cangyanlei is so precious, you don\'t want me, and you can directly use the Shenjing to settle the settlement."


The woman in green didn\'t expect that Lu Ge didn\'t want Cangyanlei, but Shenjing.

"Hurry up, how much **** crystal is worth to save your whole family, just pay me half of it."

The woman in green said: "I can\'t repay you for saving my life. It\'s just that the family is poor. I really can\'t afford more. Fifty thousand **** crystals, do you think it will do?"

"One hundred thousand!"

Lu Ge sneered and said: "Don\'t pretend to be poor in front of me, just give me 100,000 God Crystals and you\'ll be settled, I\'ll turn around and leave."

The woman in green turned her head to discuss with her companion.

"Okay, one hundred thousand is one hundred thousand, you must keep your word."

The woman in green waved her hand.

An exquisite world ring appeared in front of Lu Ge.

Lu Ge took it and looked inside.

I saw blue crystals on all sides that were about three meters high inside.

It contains extremely terrifying power.

Lu Ge realized for himself that this is completely a crystallization of divine power constructed by divine power.

Those who are not true gods cannot condense.

An ordinary true **** powerhouse can only condense a qualified **** crystal after ten years of uninterrupted concentration.

Learned from the mouth of the woman in green.

This kind of divine crystal is the hard currency of this continent.

The continent under his feet is called Anlan Continent. There are five major countries and countless forces on the continent.

Lu Ge made indirect remarks.

But I learned that there is no food country among them.

The country of food does not know which continent it is on.

"It\'s a good thing to do, and I earned a hundred thousand **** crystals."

Lu Ge is quite satisfied with the result.

But he didn\'t have the slightest liking for this Lingyun clan.

Get the **** crystal and go away.

Through this incident, he realized a truth.

Whether it is the universe sea or the continent of origin.

Good people often suffer.

The wicked live well.

"I still want to be a good person."

"I don\'t want to suffer, so let\'s be a good person who doesn\'t suffer."

Lu Ge decided to go to a big city with a diameter of 100 million light years ahead.

This city is a neutral city.

The security and environment in the city are fairly stable. UU reading

It\'s just that the price of living in it is a bit high, one **** crystal per day.

Lu Ge chose to settle in this city first.

It\'s a pity that he has not yet reached Dawn City, but he encountered trouble again.

Three not-so-good looking dilapidated spaceships stopped him.


A powerful red light beam exploded outside Lu Ge\'s spaceship instantly.

Fortunately, this is a mechanical flow Zhibao spaceship.

The spaceship is intact.

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【Infinite Clone: ​​I am invincible in Devouring Starry Sky】【】

Lu Ge guessed that they might be interstellar pirates.

But these guys are too wild, and they will shoot as soon as they come up.

Hit it!

They were savage, and Lu Ge was even more savage.

Driving the spaceship hit it.

This is a mechanical flow to treasure spaceship, and its defense is extremely terrifying.

And in a very short period of time, the speed is increased to the extreme.


The spaceship had no time to dodge, and was directly bombed by Lu Ge.

Dozens of powerful creatures of all kinds flew out in time.

Most of them are in the realm of true gods.

Seeing this, the other two spaceships immediately continued to store energy.

Unfortunately no chance.

With a terrible roar, Lu Ge\'s mechanical flow spaceship smashed their spaceship into pieces.

Hundreds of grotesque true **** realm powerhouses roared and surrounded them.

Lu Ge smiled.

As expected of the continent of origin, it\'s really interesting.

I didn\'t stand firm when I first came, and I encountered two waves of attacks.

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