Indulge in Life in America

~: The 106th evening party Jinji (2)

"What are you thinking about?" Georgina took off her boots and motioned to Yang Cheng to sit down so that she could get a leg.

   looked down at the pair of white and tender jade feet on his thighs, and muttered to himself, "Do all the ladies have this hobby?"

  Paris Hilton is the same, Yang Cheng is almost the leg of Manhattan princesses.

   "What is a crooked idea? Such a large piece of land is not moving under your nose?" Yang Cheng also took off his shoes, put his legs on the coffee table, drank a drink, and chatted comfortably.

   "Why are you like my father, he came to me and said the same thing to you." Georgina kicked Yang Cheng dissatisfied.

   Yang Cheng laughed and grasped it, "It proves that the heroes see the same thing. The Belmont family does not have the strength to protect the ancestral property, so you can\'t blame others for scorn."

  Georgina watched Yang Cheng play with her feet playfully. She was neither shy nor angry. Instead, she laughed and teased, "Jason, why haven\'t I heard you have a love ~ foot addiction."

   "This is called foot fetish?" Yang Cheng stared at Georgina in disbelief, and bounced away like a hot potato.

   "Just kidding, give it to me and keep playing." Georgina didn\'t know how many glasses she had drunk before Yang Cheng came, but now she was showing a childish side, her little feet flexibly drilled into Yang Cheng\'s palms.

   "Stop, don\'t make trouble, it\'s a business to come to you." Yang Cheng grabbed Georgina\'s feet crying, let her be honest, and hurried to the topic.

   "Oh, come on, what\'s the matter?"

   Yang Cheng chose to focus his guess on Georgina.

Georgina didn’t say anything, she directly called Felix Morgenthau. After a few words, she kicked Yang Cheng’s thigh and said, “Don’t worry, Mr. Morgenthau and Kotweiler are just ordinary friends. There is no interest involved, and any transaction between you has nothing to do with Mr. Morgenthau."

   "He said it himself?"


   Yang Cheng always feels that things are not that simple, but Georgina called in front of him and confirmed that Morgenthau personally rejected the close relationship between him and Kotweiler. What else is Yang Cheng hypocritical? I hope he thinks too much.

   Holding down Georgina\'s dishonest little feet, he called Ritz and told him that he could execute a deal with Kotweiler.

   then tossed the phone, put down the wine glass, folded his hands behind his head, and the whole person was in a half-lying posture, "Hoo~ I solved another worry."

"Jason, I noticed that you have changed a lot." Georgina suddenly stood up and rode on Yang Cheng. She was skilled in her movements. At first glance, she often practiced getting on the horse. She supported Yang Cheng\'s chest with her left hand, and her right index finger was gently on the tip of his nose. One point, said charmingly.

   Yang Cheng kept her posture the same. Fortunately, the trousers these sisters wore today would be embarrassing if they were skirts.

   "Oh? Where did it change?" Yang Cheng met those black eyes that were indistinguishable from those in the East.

   "Hehe, it has become more shameless." Georgina gave the answer with a smirk.

   "Are you complimenting me or scolding me? It seems that someone else has said the same? Who is it?" Yang Cheng\'s smile was a little bitter.

  Georgina rolled her eyes and responded exaggeratedly, "Of course I praise you, isn\'t our circle shameless? There are no more bones that have been eaten long ago."

   Yang Cheng worried that she leaned back, and quickly drew out his hand to support Georgina\'s lower back.

   I don’t know this help, but it happened.

  Georgina stopped smiling, there seemed to be a chun congealed between her brows, her eyes were about to drip, her breathing was slow and rapid.

   Yang Cheng had a warm-up match with Su in the afternoon, and she could bear it now, but Georgina obviously couldn\'t resist the stimulation of alcohol, and the emptiness of her body was infinitely magnified.

   Feeling that his little brother is about to faintly uprising, he grabbed Georgina\'s slender waist and prevented her from lingering, "Georgina, you drank too much."

Georgina did not answer the conversation, she turned her beautiful eyes, twisted her upper body and picked up the wine glass Yang Cheng placed on the coffee table. She took a sip, but did not swallow it. She held it in her mouth. In Yang Cheng\'s infinite panic, she smiled and bent. Waist.

  The mellow and stimulating brandy was pressed into Yang Cheng\'s mouth by Georgina with her tongue. I don\'t know if it was an illusion, Yang Cheng tasted a touch of sweetness.

   Drinking wine in the way of kissing, Yang Cheng has no less experience, but when the wife is changed to Georgina, this kind of stimulation is particularly strong.

   When he was on his head, he instinctively pulled Georgina\'s clothes and slid in with his big hands. Nimei, there was nothing empty inside.

   "It seems that your body is more honest than your mouth."

  Georgina moved her **** and pressed her hoarse seductive voice to Yang Cheng\'s ear.

   Yang Cheng smiled bitterly, "It\'s surprising if you don\'t respond? But..."

  Georgina decisively blocked the second half of Yang Cheng\'s words with her mouth, and the two highly skilled kissers separated again after a confrontation, "Don\'t think too much, you don\'t want it?"

   Such a straightforward provocation, Yang Cheng refused to be a man, and rushed to the bedroom with a low growl, holding the stunner in his arms.

   The clothes fell on the ground one by one, and the sensing light changed from dark to bright, and then from bright to dark. With the bedroom door making a loud "bang", the rest of the matter should not be explained in detail. . .

   clothes faded half shy

   like hibiscus, shy of autumn

   damp and make rouge through

   Peach Blossom Crossing, Hongye Yugou

   Who will endure a romantic period

   The flow of powder traces, the dark clouds and a half, the chaotic Qianlang received

  . . . . . .


   In the bedroom in the early morning, Georgina slowly opened her eyes, nudged back lazily, feeling the hard and broad chest behind her, drawing a charming lip.

Turning around in the warm bed, his head rested on the man’s shoulders, the slender fingers painted with red nail polish turned into “little people” and “walking” on the man’s chest, walking and meeting a black forest, living in the forest. With an Optimus Prime monster, the\'little man\' was not afraid of danger, and bravely stepped forward to fight, up and down, until Optimus Prime was exhausted and spit out white pulp, and then returned home with a victory gesture.

Waking up like this in the morning, Yang Cheng was also irritating, speechless, opened her eyes dimly, and looked at the naughty woman in her arms, jokingly, "You are in charge of killing or burying? Don\'t you know about environmental protection? Go and take care of it."

   The woman made a face and got into the bed obediently.

   After a while, he licked the corners of his mouth and stuck his head out.

   "What shall we do in the future?" After enjoying the woman\'s attentive service, Yang Cheng rubbed her hair and asked inexplicably.

  Georgina lowered her head, feeling the comfort of her back, her fingers circled on Yang Cheng\'s chest, "Cold, no one knows you put me to sleep anyway?"

   "Hey, woman, you obviously tempted me, okay?" Yang Cheng raised his head and tilted his neck and chuckled, deliberately jokingly.

   "Hey, man, who tore my clothes to pieces? All constitutes a QJ crime!" Georgina is not an ordinary girl, and the level of counterattack is world-class.

   "What about your little boyfriend?" Yang Cheng lay down, looking at the white ceiling, and asked in a daze.

  Georgina\'s chin was pressed on Yang Cheng\'s collarbone, her eyes squinted like a cat, "Keep raising it unless you are willing to announce that I am your girlfriend."

   "My dear, Uncle Michael wants you to marry a pure-blooded Jew." Yang Cheng is not looking for excuses to shirk. Michael Bloomberg once said in private that only Jews can date my daughter.

   "So, I have to continue to raise him to cover for you." Georgina\'s blonde hair was scattered on Yang Cheng\'s skin, making him itchy. As a result, the words came directly into Yang Cheng\'s heart.

   The left hand passed through Georgina’s armpit, playing with a soft ball of the right size, "You won’t really fall in love with me?"

"Hehe, little man, you think too much, but you have been fascinated by you recently. Don’t you be my friend again when I have enough?" Georgina ignored the big hand, unwilling to show weakness. let\'s play.

   Yang Cheng squeezed a black line, Georgina snorted.

   "Don\'t play anymore, you know I just recovered and I can\'t play too hard." Yang Cheng lifted the sheet and flung the flagpole and started looking for clothes to wear.

Of course Georgina wouldn’t make fun of Yang Cheng’s body. She braced herself with amorous feelings, wrapped her sheets in the mountains, and chuckled, “Don’t look for them. Where can I get the complete clothes? Go take a shower first, and I will ask you to get them. New here."

   Yang Cheng knelt helplessly on one leg on the bed, leaned forward and kissed the woman\'s lips affectionately, "Want to wash together?"

   "You go, it\'s almost 9 o\'clock, don\'t you have to go back to the company to prepare to sign the contract?" Georgina is like Yang Cheng\'s wife, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com reminded gently.

   "Oh, damn, I almost forgot, thank you baby."

   It took more than 10 minutes to wash up. Georgina was missing from the bedroom, but the new clothes were neatly placed on the edge of the bed, showing the elegant and energetic aristocratic purple Hermes casual business suit of the man. The size is just right.

   Dressed up and walked out of the bedroom. Georgina sat on the sofa in her silk nightgown and looked at her phone. Yang Cheng walked over and hugged her from behind, "The clothes are suitable, but I dare not wear them home."

  Georgina turned around and stuck her tongue out, "No way, this set is also placed in the club for guests to prepare for emergency. When I have time, I will buy you some clothes from the lvmh brand to store here."

  Don\'t say it, Yang Cheng really found a feeling of love from Georgina. She kissed Georgina on the forehead and didn\'t refuse. The money for buying clothes is nothing to them. The most important thing is the heart.

From Georgina’s equestrian club, we drove straight to the company. Last night, when Yang Cheng and Georgina fought to the intermission, Ryze Khan sent a text message to inform Yang Cheng to sign an equity transaction contract with Kotweiler at the company this morning. , Yang Cheng, who was worried about being late, did not know how many red lights he ran all the way, and would arrive in the meeting room on the eve of the appointed time.

   Yang Cheng opened the door of the meeting room. A team of more than 10 people on both sides of the meeting room was already seated, waiting for his arrival.

   "Good morning boss, finally here." Ryze breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Yang Cheng.

   "Good morning, sorry, are you late?" Yang Cheng did not shy away from her mistake.

   "No, there is one minute left."

   "That\'s good, let\'s start when everyone is there." Yang Cheng sat in the first place, and slightly nodded hello to Kotweiler on the left.