Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 105: Night Party (1)

Taeyeon was defeated, as if the fuse of a landmine was lit, and several women raised their hands and called out one by one.

   Yang Cheng found that several people were in a state of not wanting to move a step after the earthquake, and pointed to the last two ribs, "Taeyeon xi, will this be packed for you?"

   "No, I swear that I don\'t want to touch the ribs again in half a year." That Taeyeon refused was called simply and hurt.

After   , as his gaze shifted, everyone as if they had negotiated in advance, they all bowed their heads together, not daring to meet Yang Cheng\'s eyes.

   "Hey, it\'s too much, you guys, haven\'t you seen the warning sign that no waste is allowed in the restaurant?" Yang Cheng smiled and said, pointing to the notice posted on the wooden stake next to it.

   "oppa, you are a man, it doesn\'t matter if you eat more, we have to perform on stage tomorrow." Sunny pushed Taeyeon away and squeezed to Yang Cheng to please.

   Yang Cheng slapped the air in front of her nose with disgust, "You should think about yourself, it smells like grilled ribs."



After    laughed, the girls were still very loyal to help Yang Cheng to share the chops, and finally the five people stayed in the restaurant for half an hour before they felt they could breathe smoothly and helped each other out of the door.

   "Are you going directly back to the hotel? Where are you going to go shopping?" Yang Cheng asked the bodyguard to go to the convenience store to buy chewing gum, and asked after dividing a few pieces.

  Sunny exchanged eyes with his teammates, and said to Yang Cheng, “It’s easiest to grow meat after eating so much and lying down. It’s better to go shopping and consume calories.”

   Yang Cheng has nothing to do with him, anyway, he is not ready to follow a piece, "Well, I have to go back to the company, so I won\'t accompany you anymore. I will send you a car? Call me whenever I want."

   "Thank you oppa, you can go to work if you have something." Sunny thanked me well.

  Yang Cheng nodded, gently hugged Sunny, and touched her head, "Then I\'ll go first. Please pay attention to your safety."

   This gentle killing of him was seen by a few women in the eyes of a lot of points. How can women not like being gentle and caring. The most important thing is the rich and powerful men, the same goes for celebrities.

   sent Andrew to drive the Escalade to accompany Sunny and the others, and went back to the parking place downstairs in the hotel, and drove the Lamborghini Lamborghini whistling away. As for the remaining two bodyguards, they could only take a taxi to follow behind.

  . . . . . .

   The afternoon was busy and fulfilling. Yang Cheng was drinking coffee and doing work while flirting with Susu in the office. Time flies quickly and the sky darkens in a blink of an eye.

   But he was not in a hurry to leave work, but while waiting for the results of Ryze\'s investigation, he had always been passionate about the office.

"You...Hurry up...point" Susu lay on the table and endured the impact of thousands of horses behind him, biting his lip, pinching time, and enduring the rushing urges. .

   She didn\'t do it for herself, but it was about 6 o\'clock. With Ryze Khan\'s rigorous style, she would report on time even if the investigation had no results.

   As Yang Cheng\'s messenger, Su Su has the most contact with the company\'s executives and knows everyone\'s work habits well.

   But she didn\'t dare to go against Yang Cheng\'s wishes. If she interrupted Yang Cheng\'s 100-meter sprint at this time, she would not have a good life in the future.

   Receiving Susu’s hint, Yang Cheng’s small electric motor turned on the ultimate mode.

   With two long hums from the pubic field, the essence of human beings merged into one. I had no time to feel the aftermath of GC, shaking my legs from the paper on the table, and drew out a few pieces of paper to clean the battlefield virtuously.

   When he was lifting the skirt up, he suddenly felt a sticky puddle, raised his head in tears, and suffocated his mouth and said, "You, did you get in?"

   Yang Cheng was taken aback, and immediately understood what Susu meant, "What\'s wrong?"

   "I am in danger today." Susu\'s aggrieved tears faltered in his eyes.

"It\'s okay. If you really have one, you will be born. It\'s not that you can\'t afford it." Yang Cheng didn\'t care. If he heard the news in the previous life, his first reaction would be panic. Raising a child is difficult, and it is irresponsible if you cannot create a good future for your child without a little confidence.

   But now it’s different. Let alone a child, he can afford to give birth to a football team. If he really has that, it can prove that he is young and strong, and he can wear Yang with a hundred steps.

   "Bad guy!" Being blocked by Yang Cheng, he couldn\'t speak. Su Suqi threw the liquid wipes onto Yang Cheng\'s body and fled the scene with high heels shaking left and right.

   Yang Cheng looked at Susu from behind, squeezing his legs, trying to prevent the liquid from leaving a somewhat embarrassed figure, and laughed unconscionably.

   At 6 o\'clock, Ryze appeared in the office on time, and Susu blinked in a vaguely flushing flush.

   "How is it? What\'s the news?" Ryze sat at the desk while Yang Cheng sat down on the desk and asked sternly.

"As Kotweiler said, he invested in a piece of land in the Montana Trigeminal Shale Oil Region, which was discovered in August last year. According to surveys, it is estimated that this is a super oil region with an output value of US$300 billion. The land invested by Kotweiler is included in the scope of the oil area, but the strange thing is that from mining to now, the underground is empty, not to mention the oil, even the water is not produced."

  Ritz sat down and started to report before breathing well.

   Yang Cheng dumbly, "How is it possible?"

  With today\'s detection technology, the oil area has already been measured. Why is it that Kotweiler\'s land does not produce oil?

  Of course, it does not rule out that there is a problem in the selection of drilling sites. The pressure is not enough and the oil can not complete the self-spraying. But this is also an isolated phenomenon. If this point does not produce oil, it can be replaced.

   Although shale oil extraction is difficult and costly, it cannot be an excuse for not producing oil.

   "Things are so strange, it can only be said that humans have far less knowledge of the underground than the outer space of the earth."

  Ritz is also right. Human beings are always small in front of the earth. They have multiplied for tens of thousands of years. Who would dare to say that he knew all the mysteries of the earth?

   is a good way to attribute it to an unsolved mystery.

   Yang Cheng didn\'t know how to extract oil, so he didn\'t continue to consume brain cells, and instead asked, "So Kotweiler cashed out Lionsgate shares, is he going to fill holes in the oil area?"

   "Yes, it seems that Kotweiler does not give up."

   "Then we don\'t care, I just want to know how he traded with Felix Morgenthau."

  Ryze smiled bitterly, "This is unclear."

   Yang Cheng scratched his scalp, took out his mobile phone to find Georgina\'s number and dialed out.

   "What are you doing?" Georgina roared furiously when she was connected.

   "Uh... the little boyfriend hasn\'t been coaxed yet?" Yang Cheng shrank her neck with a guilty conscience. Could this sister break up, and count the pot on his head?

   "Yeah, are you happy?" Georgina\'s tone was not very good, but Yang Cheng understood that the other party would not be angry with him for outsiders, otherwise he would not answer the phone.

   "Happy, very happy! I am even more happy if I divide it directly!" Yang Orange replied with a smirk.

   "Go away, don\'t be angry with me, it\'s okay? It\'s okay to come and drink with me."

   Yang Cheng hesitated, feeling that it is clearer to tell things in person than on the phone, "Okay, where are you? I\'ll look for you."

   "OK, just at my equestrian club, waiting for you."

After talking for a while, put down the phone, Yang Cheng apologized to Ryze, "Sorry, Ryze, you have to work overtime today, I\'ll go find someone to talk to, wait for my call, remember to give Kotway before 8 o\'clock Le replies."

   "Okay, boss, you don\'t have to say sorry."

  . . . . . .

  Georgina’s equestrian club is located between Long Island and Queens, next to Belmont Park, one of the three major racecourses in the United States.

   was purchased by the Belmont family in 1902 in Nassau County, a suburb of New York, to cover the racecourse. When it opened in 1905, it was known as the most luxurious and best racecourse in the United States. It is called Belmont Park. Belmont means "beautiful hill."

   The most famous American horse racing triple crowns Kentucky Derby, PreaknessStakes, BelmontStakes, the last of which was held in BelmontPark.

During the years when Yang Cheng was decadent, he did not visit here for a few years. He dropped a lot of US knives and made a profit. He is not a professional horseman, but watching horse races on the spot is just an excitement. The scenes flying past in front of them always make people excited.

   Parked Lamborghini in front of the club, turned off the car, and saw the handsome Georgina, standing at the door with a slightly sullen expression waving to Yang Cheng.

   A tight knight suit, white breeches, black riding boots, a light blue satin embossed princess style shirt, changed from yesterday\'s sweet style, today looks heroic.

   strolled to the front of the steps, turning his eyes up and down to admire Georgina.

  Georgina was also very cooperative with her back and her chest, and she smiled, "Why? Didn\'t you know?"

   "This is the first time I have seen you wearing a knight uniform with my own eyes. I think I must describe it as handsome." The corners of his lips curled up slightly and hugged the beautiful woman gently.

   "Hehe, thank you for your compliment and reward you." Georgina was so happy that she stood on her tiptoe and kissed Yang Cheng on the cheek.

   Yang Cheng didn\'t react, and blankly raised his hand to touch the lip glaze on his cheek.

what\'s the situation?

The two went to Georgina’s private space on the second floor one after the other. Through the glass wall, outside was the horse farm surrounded by green In the evening, the horses returned to the stables to rest. Several employees are cleaning horse manure.

   Yang Cheng stood in front of the window for a while, and was called back by Georgina, "It’s pitch black at night, what\'s so beautiful?"

   "Is belmontpark over the forest?" Yang Cheng took the tulip cup that Georgina had handed over, and asked in the direction of the forest.

  Georgina glanced down and nodded, "Yes, the people at Belmont have always wanted to buy my racecourse for expansion, but I didn\'t agree."

   Yang Cheng snorted disdainfully, "A family of gamblers, a century-old foundation is buried in the hands of the Belmont generation."

  Georgina was not so aggressive, untied her ponytail, and flicked her blonde hair. "Everyone has different ideas."

Yang Cheng put his left hand in his pocket and held a wine glass in his right hand. He watched Georgina comb her hair and suggested, "Actually, you can completely reverse the acquisition. The charm of horse racing will not disappear when those **** experts move their mouths. It is our own. The meeting place is also good, I think friends in the circle will support it."

As a somewhat ancient industry in the last century or even earlier, racetracks and related gambling have also had a glorious history. However, with the prevailing online games and the diverse gambling industry, horse racing is a model of physical competition and gambling. Obviously outdated, in the United States, racetracks have also been included in the sunset industry.

   After all, horse racing takes a lot of time, cost, venue, etc. It is not as straightforward as online football betting and other betting.

   In the material age, not many young people can understand the feelings of the racecourse!

   But it is undeniable that if the project can be expanded on the basis of horse racing, the huge profits of gambling are absolutely eye-catching.