Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 107: Lions Gate

(The editor suddenly notified that it would be launched at zero, and there was no preparation at all! I originally planned to write some relaxing plots these days, so I had to adjust it. Today I will only post this chapter, and I will release as many chapters as possible tomorrow, begging for support!)

   Contract signing is never something that can be done simply by signing a word. Especially for this kind of contract with a transaction value of nearly 1 billion US dollars, there are as many as hundreds of relevant clauses, which is not even counted as a thousand sub-projects.

  Because Kotweiler urgently needs cash turnover, he had to concentrate the work of reading terms that could have been done in a week into one day.

   Yang Cheng sat in the first place, and the dual legal affairs team began to consider the terms of the contract one by one. Relatively speaking, today\'s contract is not complicated, as long as the two parties have completed the transaction, there will be no subsequent delays.

   Kotweiler drank his coffee, looked at Yang Cheng and looked at Ryze Khan, he stopped talking.

   "Kot, don\'t hesitate to say anything, after signing the contract, we are also friends." Yang Cheng said with a smile.

   Kotweiler gritted his teeth and told his thoughts, "Jason, I have a gratitude."

   Yang Cheng raised his hand, "Although I can help, I will definitely help."

"Thank you, that\'s the case. I have a younger brother named Jermaine Weller, the current vice president of Lionsgate, who is in charge of publishing matters. After I leave, using Marklaces\'s toughness, I will definitely eliminate dissidents. I I would like you to give Jermaine a chance. He is very capable and has no ambitions. He is a managerial talent who is good at defending the city."

   The thing that Kotweiler hesitated was to find a job for his younger brother. No, it was more accurate to find a backer.

   Yang Cheng is not dissatisfied with this. People who are not saints can be ruthless, and personal love is also affection. There is nothing embarrassing about opening for his brother, and he does not have relevant film and television talents at hand.

   "You have a bad relationship with Markraces?" Yang Cheng is also idle. Instead of waiting boringly, it is better to ask Kotweiler for some internal information about Lionsgate.

   "You can\'t say it\'s bad, how can I say it? It should be described as a conflict of ideas." Seeing that Yang Cheng did not refuse, Kotweiler replied with a thoughtful expression on his face.

   "Conflict of ideas?" Yang Cheng repeated Kotweiler\'s key words.

   "Yes, you may be wondering why I have not been involved in the operation of Lionsgate. Why do I have a conceptual conflict with the CEO?" Kotweiler sighed with helplessness.

   Yang Cheng nodded, indicating that he did have such doubts.

"Actually, from the very beginning, Marklaces was only a professional manager hired by the board of directors. At that time, almost all of the board, including the founder, came from Wall Street. Although he loved movies, he really participated in the production and found that things were more difficult than expected. many."

   Kotweiler slowly reveals the history of Lionsgate, which is much more accurate and detailed than looking for outsiders to investigate. After all, who can have personal participants know the truth better?

Yang Cheng nodded again, saying that he understood the difficulties here, and listened to Kotweiler. "Later someone suggested to hire Hollywood professionals to take charge of operation and management, and the board of directors assisted. This proposal was approved by everyone. , So there was the appearance of Marklaces."

   After a pause, he took a sip of his coffee, "On his ability alone, Marklaces is indeed outstanding. He quickly sorted out the messy Lionsgate and found a unique development direction for us."

   "Is the main low-cost, B-level film?" Yang Cheng interrupted and asked.

   Kotweiler spread his hands, "That\'s it, and you have seen it, Lionsgate rises because of this."

   "Yeah~ you continue." Yang Cheng tilted Erlang\'s legs, holding a coffee cup and listening to the story.

"With such achievements, the board of directors can’t help but give Marklaces 5% of dry shares and an additional 5% of dividends. This treatment is much higher than the income standard of professional managers in Hollywood, but Mark is not Be content with it." At this point, Kotweiler showed a distorted anger on his face.

   Yang Cheng frowned, what exactly did Marcraces do? Kotweiler, who made him look so kind, remembered it after many years.

"He stole the box office from the movies released by his company, and even falsified the income statement around the movie, and made huge profits. Lionsgate lost hundreds of millions of dollars for this. And Marklaces introduced new investors in order to promote the listing of Lionsgate. The money stolen from Lionsgate was used to forcibly purchase shares in the hands of minority shareholders. It was not until after the listing that we discovered that Lionsgate no longer belonged to us and the board of directors was unable to control Marklaces."

Kurt’s disappointment was overwhelming, but Yang Cheng did not show sympathy. The world’s professional managers hired by him stabbed in the back and lost control of the company. There are countless cases in which Lionsgate is not alone. The company’s board of directors is stolen from the bottom, and there is no need for mercy.

   But Yang Cheng wondered, are the elites of the Lions Gate Board of Directors who claim to be born on Wall Street fake? He wondered, "Hundreds of millions of dollars? Such a large sum can\'t be concealed at all. It will definitely leave clues. Didn\'t you want to send someone to investigate him? Then prosecute?"

   Kotweiler smiled sarcastically, "Ha, of course I thought about it, but unfortunately I lost it in my own hands. There is no shortage of short-sighted guys in this world."

   Yang Cheng kept listening, and the story became more and more interesting. "Marklaces used 100 million US dollars to buy the directors we sent to be responsible for the investigation, destroy the evidence, and take the opportunity to stand on Mark\'s side."

   “In this way, even if you apply for an official investigation, you still cannot stand because of the director’s rebellion.” Yang Cheng added.

   Kotweiler nodded heavily, "Yes, afterwards Marklaces came to find me and instilled his ideas in me, hoping that I could support him."

   "Is that why you chose to split the shares to hide?" Yang Cheng asked, tapping his thigh rhythmically with his fingers.

"Yes, I am still not reconciled. Of course, this also stems from my smooth sailing in the energy investment field at that time. I suddenly encountered setbacks. My heart was like a stone. Over time, this has become my heart disease. Now I will hand over the shares. You, I\'m also relieved."

It is not difficult to see that Kotweiler’s vicissitudes of life is a little bit more relieved. The Lionsgate is not his own. It is only because of the successes at that time and the sudden failures, the depression and awkwardness in his heart can be imagined. Now that he has cut off the fetters with Lionsgate, he can devote himself to his professional field, not to mention everything in the past.

Chatting is the best way to kill time. In the process of chatting with Kotweiler, Yang Cheng will respond to the disputes of their respective legal teams from time to time. For some irrelevant issues, both parties will step back tacitly. Such a harmonious negotiation atmosphere is It is rare in the world.

At noon, Yang Cheng asked Kotweiler to have lunch outside, returned to the office, watched a movie in the audio-visual room, and relived classic Lionsgate movies. The disgusting Yang Cheng almost spit out at lunch, Ke Tweiler seemed to be okay, and after the movie was over, he commented with relish.

   really tm is weird.

   At about 3 pm, Susu invited Yang Cheng and Kotweiler from the office to the meeting room.

   "Boss, there is no problem with the contract, you can sign it." Ryze put the two official contracts in front of Yang Cheng and Kotweiler respectively, standing aside with their negative hands.

Yang Cheng and Kurt looked at each other and smiled, took out a Visconti corrugated HRH fountain pen from his underwear pocket, dropped his Chinese and English signatures on the paper, exchanged the contract with Kurt, signed the same position and covered it. Pen cap.

The two got up, their two big hands clasped tightly together, and there was enthusiastic applause in the conference room. So far, an equity transaction of US$950 million has been completed. If the four-dimensional space needs to hold a signing conference later, Kotweiler will also Will cooperate in attendance, which is included in the scope of the contract.

"Kot, happy cooperation. I will call Jermaine for an interview as soon as possible. As long as his ability meets my requirements, the brand new Lionsgate will have his place." Yang Cheng shook Kurt\'s hand and promised solemnly. Tao.

   "Thank you, happy cooperation, Jermaine\'s ability is beyond doubt, I believe he can meet your requirements."

  . . . . . .

   Madison Square Garden (Madison Square Garden), referred to as MSG or colloquially summarized as [garden].

It is a well-known multi-functional stadium in Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA. It is located between 8th Avenue, 31st Street and 33rd Street, directly above Pennsylvania It hosts various large-scale sports for many years. Competitions, concerts and political events.

   In the evening, Yang Cheng drove a Lamborghini to Madison Square. Whenever there is a large competition or a theatrical performance, it will become extremely crowded and crowded.

Lamborghini resolutely transformed into a bull at this moment, staggering forward. The SM family concert will be separated at 6:30, and now it has passed 6 o’clock. The so-called Wangshan dying horse, obviously Madison Square is in front of you. He just couldn\'t run. If he hadn\'t promised Sunny would be there to cheer, he wouldn\'t be here.

   The red high-position brake lights of the car in front were extremely dazzling, and Yang Cheng was dizzy.

   blocked the light with his hands, talked about his head and looked at Madison Square close at hand, simply pushed the door and got out of the car, and walked through the traffic to the Escalade in the back.

   "Hanson, you arrange for someone to drive my car, and you and Andrew walk directly with me."

  . . .

   10 minutes later, Yang Cheng finally arrived at the back door Sunny had agreed upon. Sunny, wearing a purple sequined tube top skirt, was walking behind the railing with her mobile phone.

   "oppa, you\'ll have to get ready to go on stage one minute later." Sunny who saw Yang Cheng relieved and greeted Yang Cheng to come in.

   "It\'s too late to go out, the road is too congested, I didn\'t expect you to have a market in the United States?" Yang Cheng followed Sunny into the stadium, and pointed at the crowd in Wuyang Wuyang outside.

   "What? It\'s mainly Korean, and foreigners are in the minority." Sunny is telling the truth, but why does the assistant next to her look embarrassed, as if embarrassing?

   Yang Cheng just wanted to say something, Hansen stepped forward suddenly and whispered in Yang Cheng\'s ear, "Boss, I saw Louis Lehman!"

   "What? Are you sure?"