Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 99: Peer, focus on hand!

"Don\'t talk nonsense, kid!" The panic in the eyes of Xiao Mian Xiaosheng betrayed him.

   Yang Cheng ignored the threat of the paper tiger, but smiled kindly at the beauty next to him, "First of all, this guy who has 2 listed companies under his name drives a Porsche for rent."

   pointed to the Porsche car key placed in a prominent position.

   The beauty is not angry, but cooperates with interest, "How do you know?"

   Yang Cheng shrugged, "It\'s very simple. The car key has a label on the side of the table. If I\'m not mistaken, it should be the number plate of the car rental company."

After listening to the beauty, she didn\'t give Xiao Bailian a chance to react. She took the car key and turned it around. As expected, there was a digital label on it, "It was brought when I bought the car, I don\'t want to tear it off." Xiao Bailian was still pretending to be calm. , Found a fairly good reason to quibble.

Yang Cheng didn\'t care, and continued to tear down the liar\'s mask, "Okay, can you answer me why the label on your clothes didn\'t take it off? Oh, don’t tell me you just bought it and you’re too lazy to take it off, the reason has expired. ."

   "I really don\'t bother to pick it up. The new clothes I bought in the afternoon will go straight away." Xiao Bailian didn\'t give up, but it was a bit hard to hold on.

   "Hehe, yes, I will return the product tomorrow after I finish picking up the girl in the evening. If I go to the label, I won\'t be able to return it." Yang Cheng seemed to be talking to herself, suddenly exposing Xiao Bai\'s inferior means.

   Don’t ask Yang Cheng how he discovered Xiao Bailian’s true face, would he tell you that he did this in his previous life? These little tricks are left over by Yang Cheng, and they should be peers in essence.

   The beauty stretched out her hand and pulled out the label from the back of Xiao Bailian’s neck. Yang Cheng saw the price on the label with sharp eyes and sneered and said, "Oh, 999 dollars, it\'s pretty good, and I\'m not afraid of smashing it?"

"You can go now." The beauty said coldly. Although she was looking for a one-night stand, she paid more attention to whether her face was seductive enough and whether the man could satisfy her than money and other foreign objects. Don\'t want to be played like a monkey.

"Thank you, you look familiar. Maybe Asians are almost the same. Would you like a drink?" Ignoring Xiao Bailian\'s almost killing eyes, the beauty Shi Shiran raised her glass to Yang Cheng and licked her tongue seductively. Licking his lower lip.

   There is still a little white rabbit waiting to be fed in Yang Cheng’s bedroom. How could he get on other women’s boats, snapped his fingers and said to the waiter, "This lady’s consumption tonight is on my account."

   "There is no reason to ask a lady to treat me, I still have something to do. If there is fate, we will meet again, and have fun."

   After speaking, he leaned forward, gave a kiss on the beauty\'s red lips, beckoned, turned and left the administration.

   After returning to the room, Susu was holding a bunch of snacks, eating potato chips ‘exaggerated and exaggerated’, and laughed at the American drama that was playing on TV.

   Hearing the sound of the door opening, he tilted his body to the direction of the corridor and exulted, "Are you back?"

   "Well, you\'re bored? Why don\'t you call me?" Yang Cheng took off his shirt and sat down shirtless against Susu, holding her petite body in her arms.

   "I\'m afraid you\'re busy." Susu said coquettishly in Yang Cheng\'s arms.

   Yang Cheng felt more and more that this girl was so cute, and her dumbfounded appearance was a gift from heaven.

  Friction heating is a very simple physical knowledge. As for the principle, Yang Cheng is not clear about the principle, but he knows that the friction between the two young bodies of a man and a woman produces not only heat but also hormones.

   The family comedy is still playing on TV, but Haiyan’s cry came from the bedroom

  . . . (I don’t know how many words are omitted here). . .

   Early the next morning, while Susu was still asleep in the bed, Yang Cheng put on his nightgown to receive James Deserts in the living room, and yawned and asked, "Did you figure it out?"

   "I am getting older, and I will not let you easily succeed 10 years ago." James\'s face is unwilling, and it is more of a yearning for a child that has not yet been born.

   Yang Cheng disdains the argument, "I have to make sure before signing the contract, is the film copyright of the novel Fifty Shades of Grey under the name of Focus Pictures?"

   James showed a dazed expression, "So you really value this novel?"

   Yang Cheng shrugged and did not deny, "Isn\'t it part of the copyright taken by Universal?"

   "No, the copyright belongs to Focus Pictures, but the company has shares in Universal." James shook his head, clearing his doubts.

"That\'s my business. I signed this contract. I will arrange for the CEO of the company to talk to you about the specific terms of the transaction." Yang Cheng will pass the contract of intent prepared before. This contract is only to prevent James from breaching the contract. It is not a share transaction contract.

   James took over and saw the 1 and 8 0 liquidated damages. He was suddenly suffocated. The cheek gang picked up the pen to sign the name, sarcastically, "You are really stingy, 100 million liquidated damages, ha ha."

   "The heart of defense is indispensable. Once you sign the official transfer contract, this one will automatically become invalid. The cooperation is happy." Yang Cheng smiled disapprovingly and stretched out his hand shamelessly.

   James Deserts deliberately pretended not to see it, and stood up **** his legs, without saying a word.

   Yang Cheng didn\'t feel embarrassed at all, smiled and asked Hansen to put away the contract and send James out as a gift.

   "Hanson, get ready to go to the airport and return to New York."

   "Yes, boss."


   On August 12, two days after Yang Cheng returned to New York, he welcomed Alan\'s visit in his top office.

   "Hey, man, are you a good assistant?"

   As soon as Yang Cheng finished processing the documents, he opened the door and found the fat man sitting on the plain desk making a fuss.

   Seeing Yang Cheng come out, Susu was not shy away from being there, and praised Yang Cheng wretchedly.

   "Fuck off, she\'s my person." Yang Cheng kicked her up and directly declared Su Su\'s sovereignty.

   smiled at the little beauty and dragged the fat man\'s collar to the office.

"Fuck, you have no conscience, don\'t you know how to send it to me with such a good girl?" Allen\'s mouth is like a stimulant, and those who are excited about it don\'t know how to Shut up, I What are you excited about? "Yang Cheng pushed the fat man to the sofa in an angry manner.

   "Pumpy..." It sounded like stepping on a landmine.

   "Asshole, tap it, wait, are you sincere? Comeon brother, you can\'t give up the whole forest for a small tree." Hansen danced and shouted.

   "Less long-winded, it\'s not about women who asked you to come here." Before Yang Cheng finished speaking, she was interrupted by the dead fat man before she could change her anger.

   "What is that? The last profit has already hit your company, but I haven\'t received it?"

   Yang Cheng finally couldn\'t hold back his anger, a tiger pounce pressed the fat man under his body, and pinched Alan\'s pig neck with both hands, "fuck, you can\'t wait for me to finish talking?"

   "OK, OK, you say." Allen patted the sofa begging for mercy.

   "Remember Louis Lehman?" Yang Cheng let go of Allen and asked breathlessly.

   Allen lay on the sofa, squinted at Yang Cheng and nodded, "Of course, you have been miserable."

   "He still owes me 100 million U.S. dollars." Yang Cheng ignored the guy who owed him, and had to make up the sentence, which pot should be opened or which pot should be mentioned.

   "Did he bet against you during the World Cup?"

   "Yes, I want to get the money back now." Yang Cheng stood up and went to the freezer to take a bottle of iced Coke and threw it to Allen. He took a bottle of water and took a few sips.

   "OK, what do I need to do?" Allen was never ambiguous in business matters, especially Yang Cheng\'s affairs, never verbose.

   "Pretend to be the big boss of the United States and go to buy the shares of 3G capital in the hands of Paul Lehman\'s second daughter." Yang Cheng looked at the south and said his plan meaningfully.

   "What? WTF! Want me to go to Brazil?"