Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 100: Senate Boss (1)

"Should I go to Brazil?" Allen bounced off the sofa like a ball peeing, and shouted at Yang Cheng incredible.

   Yang Cheng buttoned her ears, "Why shout so loudly? It scared me."

   Allen rushed over, putting the pig\'s feet on Yang Cheng\'s forehead, "You don\'t have a fever? That\'s Brazil. Louis Lehman found out that I couldn\'t roast me raw?"

   "Damn, he doesn\'t know you, or why should I look for you." Yang Cheng smiled and pulled Alan\'s palm away, and added a sentence, "And you don\'t need to see him."

   "If you don\'t go, I\'m afraid of heights and can\'t get on the plane." Allen shook his head firmly and refused.

   Yang Cheng is speechless, he really forgot about it, bastard, who designed it? Why are fat people afraid of heights?

   This is troublesome, Yang Cheng frowned and thought, besides Ellen, there was no one beside him who could trust him and be capable.

   Hansen and the others don\'t need to think about it. It\'s okay to send them to kill people. If they talk about business, they don\'t lose Yang Cheng\'s money.

   "Okay, okay, I\'ll go, but I have to treat me to a big meal when I come back." Allen also knew the dilemma that Yang Cheng had no one to use, so he could only grit his teeth and stom to agree.

   Yang Cheng was overjoyed, and he hugged Allen, "Haha, brother, no problem with the big meal, I will call the top chefs in New York and make you the most expensive and luxurious burger in history, how about?"

   Allen licked his saliva, his eyes glowing green, the look was the same as Yang Cheng\'s look at Benjamin Franklin.

  With the buff of Hamburg, Allen seemed to forget that fear of heights is a magical thing, and patted his chest, "Don\'t worry, I promise that the second Lehman daughter will give the shares obediently."

   Talking about it, suddenly remembering something, and pushing Ding Yangcheng’s stomach, "Your plan is that simple? Use this stock to threaten Louis Lehman?"

Yang Cheng nodded affirmatively, "Yes, Louis Lehman is now fighting with the two veteran founders of 3G Capital, even if it\'s 0.1%, let alone Lehman\'s second daughter. It can overwhelm the balance by 3%."

   "Then what should I do if Louis is dead?" Allen asked back.

   Yang Cheng smiled calmly, "That\'s better, sell it to those two partners, if you can\'t say it, you can sell it at a high price."

   "Then I guess Louis will look for you desperately." Allen sneered smirkingly.

   "Hmph, I wish he would look for me desperately. Due to the agreement between my dad and Paul Lehman, I couldn\'t do it first. If Louis really couldn\'t help it, it would happen to my wish."

   Yang Cheng put down the water bottle and said, "I think Louis will not be ignorant of the current affairs. Now 3G capital is a life-saving capital for him, and the whole world knows the truth that Qingshan will not worry about firewood."

   "All right, then I\'ll go back first. I have to study how to get the shares from that woman, and then come back safely to eat hamburgers." Seeing that Yang Cheng had full confidence, Allen didn\'t talk nonsense.

   After Ellen left, Yang Cheng didn\'t stay in the office much. Georgina asked him to meet him at the Four Seasons Hotel.

   Of course it was not opening the room, it was for Elizabeth Holmes. I heard that a leader of the Jewish Mutual Aid Society had come forward to have an interview with Yang Cheng. Yang Cheng, who didn\'t want to take care of it, was invited to go there under Georgina\'s persuasion.

The Four Seasons Hotel, located on 57th Street, Madison Avenue, has undergone six years of polishing and was renovated in 2012. Its prestigious top-floor luxury suites were jointly developed by modern architect I.M. Pei and designer Peter Marino at a cost of five. Tens of millions of dollars have created this urban paradise floating in the midair of Manhattan, with a 360-degree panoramic view of the New York skyline, and the green Central Park and the Empire State Building.

It is said that the interior decoration of this suite named after Four Seasons Hotel founder Werner is extremely luxurious. The wall of the dressing room is covered with calfskin, the artificial waterfall in the toilet is shining with semi-precious stones, and the 18th century RB silk pillows are full of nobles. The atmosphere, the hall is dotted with thousands of hand-painted walls of mother-of-pearl, so that the guests can not help but be intoxicated.

   For this reason, Four Seasons Hotel also matched the Warner Suite with a touching price, 45,000 US dollars a night, which is still a naked price that does not include any service charges, and it is an expensive batch.

   Anyway, since the completion of the battle, Langru Yangcheng has not raised the idea of ​​enjoying a night, except for the group of local tyrants in the Middle East who can break out of oil by sitting at home and farting, who dare to consume so wanton?

Besides, Yang Cheng’s home is in New York. If his mother knows that there is no place to live, she ran to the street next door and screamed, not kicking Yang Cheng out of shit. As for his long-term private room in the Waldorf Astoria, Keke, can only say that it was an accident. . .

   Yang Cheng deliberately drove his Pagani out of the wind today. No matter how good the supercar is, it must be driven. Isn’t it a violent thing to keep it in the garage?

   When he arrived at the Four Seasons Hotel in the dark blue Pagani, the parking boy and the doorman began to desperately evacuate the crowd to make way for Yang Cheng\'s car.

   They don’t know which ancestor is okay. At noon, they drove the mobile vault to the street and walked to the front of their hotel. Isn’t this looking for trouble?

   You can often find videos of a bunch of people taking pictures at the entrance of a hotel or casino on the Internet. Yang Cheng also experienced it personally today.

   Finally, I parked the car in the VIP parking space designated by the hotel, put on sunglasses, walked into the hotel under the protection of Hansen and the others, and went straight to the steak house on the 4th floor.

   "Jason, you are in the limelight." At the entrance of the steak house, Georgina who happened to be in the bathroom happened to run into a mischievous water drop on Yang Cheng\'s face.

   Yang Cheng thought Georgina would talk about the press conference again, but Georgina pointed to the downstairs and realized that the other party was talking about the situation when parking downstairs.

   can only say with a wry smile, "Don\'t mention it, I don\'t want it either."

   "Hehe, kidding, let\'s go in. People are in the room upstairs to handle official duties and get off immediately." Georgina explained to the big guy and invited Yang Cheng into the restaurant.

  The reserved table is on the side of the restaurant, not a compartment, but cleverly used green plants to delineate a privacy area.

   "Georgina, are you still selling Guanzi to me? Who is going to meet with me?" Yang Cheng sat down and waited for the waiter to pour him a glass of water, picking up the subject and asking.

  Georgina smiled mischievously, "Are you nervous?"

   Yang Cheng was stunned, and drank his mouth water, "It is a lie to say that you are not The main reason is that the atmosphere you create is too heavy, and humans are always afraid of the unknown."

  Georgina covered her mouth and chuckled, "So exaggerated, just say nervous, if you have the ability, don\'t use these big words to cover it up?"

   Seeing Yang Cheng rolled her eyes and did not speak, Georgina stopped messing around, and whispered a name, "Felix Morgenthau."

   "Cough cough..." Not surprisingly, Yang Cheng was choked by water. If he knew this name was so scary, he stopped drinking water. Whose responsibility is to be choked to death.

   "The one in the Senate?" Georgina patted Yang Cheng on the back to help him get along. Who knew that Yang Cheng didn\'t appreciate it, and grabbed Georgina by the arm and asked.

  Georgina nodded and lowered her eyebrows, "Yes."

   Please know that the U.S. Congress is divided into two houses: the House of Representatives and the Senate. The House of Representatives is generally considered more partisan.

   Many of the constitutional makers attempted to make the Senate (which was initially elected by the state legislature) a check and balance body for the House of Representatives, which is directly elected by citizens.

   So the right to "suggest and agree" (such as the power to ratify treaties), the authorization is only exercised by the Senate alone.

   The House of Representatives also has its own unique powers, such as impeaching government officials and electing the president when the Electoral College is deadlocked.

   However, all these powers can be countered by the Senate.

  The Senate is generally more prestigious than the House of Representatives and the House of Representatives, and the Senate has a longer term, is smaller in number, and (in most cases) represents more voters than the House of Representatives.

To put it simply, the House of Representatives has the power to formulate proposals, while the Senate can only say yesorno. Although on the surface the powers of the two houses are balanced and there is no distinction between superior and inferior, it was true in the early stage, but after a century of evolution and development, the ugliness of politics has gradually been exposed. , Nowadays, the two houses are higher and lower, and smart people have a final conclusion.