Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 98: Finally bought a magic car! (transition)

In 1947, when the first Ferrari pulled out from the entrance of the historic ViaAbetone factory in Maranello, the legend of this great company officially kicked off.

   As we all know, Ferrari 125S embodies the passion and determination of the company\'s founder, and Enzo Ferrari once said that the best Ferrari is always the next one.

   This sentence is vividly displayed in Ferrari\'s new generation flagship laferrari. As the successor of the previous generation flagship enzo, laferrari perfectly undertakes the inheritance of classics to technology.

   There is no man who does not love cars, no man can resist Ferrari\'s fatal red temptation.

In the center of the Ferrari store in Beverly Hills, Yang Cheng stared at the white laferrari in front of him without blinking, and swallowed his saliva subconsciously, so that the attention of the onlookers next to him was on the car, no one noticed His act of losing his identity.

   This car stinks in the street at a certain point of the gods, so that when countless readers see the protagonist buying Rafa, they can\'t help but yell at them!

   However, when you stand in front of "her" and have enough ability to open your wallet for "her", do you still care about others\' opinions?

   Even if there is no shortage of million-dollar limited Pagani in Yang Cheng\'s garage, he still cannot stop him from bringing Rafa into the harem, no, the strong urge to get into the garage.

   "Hansen, isn\'t this car good?" Yang Cheng stabbed Hansen, his eyes hidden under the sunglasses rolled around, vigilantly looking at which of the onlookers might become his "rival in love."

   Hansen didn\'t understand Yang Cheng\'s deep meaning, and he always habitually considers complicated issues with big people.

   "Of course boss, this is Ferrari, but unfortunately I can\'t afford it." Hansen sighed with regret.

"Hehe, what did you buy? I saw these people next to you? They are all people who don\'t need money. In the future, your boss can open up Rafa, whether you can follow the light and rely on you!" Yang Orange patted Hansen on the shoulder, put his arm around his neck and said in a low voice.

   Hansen stunned, "Boss, what do you mean, I\'m stupid, I\'d better say it clearly."

   "Idiot, if these people make trouble for a while, let me find a way to get them away." Yang Cheng looked at Hansen with a hatred of iron and steel.

   "But the boss, there is a sign on the car, this is a show car, it will not be sold!" Hansen was still puzzled, pointing to the sign on the car and said.

   Yang Cheng really lost to this guy with his head full of guns and bullets, "You have been with me for so long, and you still don\'t understand this kind of routine? Wait, they will sell it."

Before coming out of the Audi showroom, Yang Cheng went straight to the Ferrari showroom. As soon as he came in, he found that the center of the showroom was for a group of people, and inside the fence, several staff members were pushing Rafa, one of the three great cars. Go to the exhibition.

   After observing outside for a while, Yang Cheng spotted a person who was dressed differently from the employee and was wearing a badge. At first glance, a leader-level figure leaned forward.

   "Hello, are you the manager of this?" The other party\'s badge was covered by his arm, and Yang Cheng did not see his name either.

"Oh, hello sir, I’m the manager here. May I ask what’s the matter?" The manager behaved very politely, nonsense, can enter the Ferrari showroom with confidence, more than 80% are rushing to buy a car, but can Buying Ferrari, he can\'t afford to offend a showroom manager, at least he can\'t afford it in a short period of time with the annual salary of his current position.

   "This Rafa was unsubscribed, right?" Yang Cheng is straight to the point. There are many people who can buy this car, and the status is even worse. No one is better than anyone.

   He just came back late, but he must be the first batch to place an order a year earlier, and now he has been reduced to rushing to unsubscribe the car, and he has to work hard with them. It is really shameful to cross the party.

   "Uh...Yes." The manager hesitated for a few seconds before nodding.

   "Haven\'t someone take over?" Yang Cheng speeded up the pace of questioning.

   "No," the manager said truthfully.

"That\'s good, I want this car, don\'t talk to me, you can check Ferrari\'s record for car purchase qualifications, I am sure enough, the problem of money is better solved, no matter what price others pay, I will be here Increase the price by 10% on the basis. Doesn\'t this make it difficult for you?" Yang Cheng finished speaking in one breath and completely blocked the manager\'s refusal.

   The manager is so wronged, what did I say?

   sighed helplessly, "Sir, what else can I do if you say that? No problem, but you have to agree to cooperate with our shop and display the car for three days."

   Yang Cheng is not happy, neither car nor women are loaned out, this is the bottom line of men!

   But he also knows that this car is sold for one less car. After playing enough, the second-hand car will not only not depreciate, but also multiply its value. If you miss this village, there will be no store. Who makes it a seller\'s market now?

   "Sure, but I don\'t want anyone to take my car."

   "Of course, if there are any problems, we promise to return you a new one." The manager patted his chest to pack the ticket.

"OK, then sign the contract quickly and write down for peace." Yang Cheng saw that the few people around just started to move, and quickly urged the manager to finalize the matter. After he signed the contract and paid the deposit, he called out for a long time. Tone, triumphantly walking past those people with the car key and the gift box presented.

   Don\'t be too irritating about that serge.

  Actually, Yang Cheng bought this car to buy pleasure, to buy a remembrance, and to pay homage to the former youth.

   How do you like it? He didn\'t love cars to the point of death, and the status of beautiful women in his heart was much higher than that of cars.

Coming out of Ferrari, they went in and out of the Lincoln and Rolls-Royce showrooms, providing a Lincoln Navigator for Hansen and other bodyguards, and an Aegean memorial Gust. These cars left before him. Afterwards, they will be temporarily stored in the parking lot of the Waldorf Astoria, and they will be driven to the ranch after the ranch is transformed.

   After a free afternoon, Yang Cheng sat in the executive bar on the top of the hotel, ordered a cocktail, and started planning to get back the bet he won from Louis Lehman.

Since Janssen and Paul Lehman reached a reconciliation, Yang Cheng asked Hansen to send a team to follow Louis Lehman. After all, Louis Lehman is his life and death enemy. Since he was rammed into the hospital by Louis, there is always a stone in his heart. Unable to let it go, he also had a knife on his stomach. If he didn\'t let it out himself, I\'m afraid he would not be able to squint at death.

Of course, this matter must be considered for a long time, so he arranged for someone to stare at Louis Lehman in order to keep abreast of the opponent\'s situation so that he could respond in time. To put it further, once Louis Lehman exposed the flaws, Yang Cheng was fortunate in the first time. Knowing, give him a mantis to catch a cicada, the oriole is behind.

After Paul Lehman withdrew from 3G Capital, he really bought an island in Panama and lived a hermit-like life in accordance with his promise with Janssen. In addition to cashing out some of his shares in 3G capital, the rest Both were inherited by Louis The other two partners of Capital did not expect at all. They finally drove the old one away, and the young one came again. From ecstasy to disappointment, they experienced others in a short time. The ups and downs that will only be experienced in a lifetime, this kind of stimulation makes two elderly people who are over 120 years old together almost crazy.

   One can imagine what kind of life Louis Lehman had during this time.

   Actually, Yang Cheng didn\'t want to see such a situation. Of course he would not sympathize. Even if he didn\'t run to mock him in person, even if he was generous.

   But Yang Cheng now wants to ask for money from Louis Lehman, and the difficulty has undoubtedly increased.

Holding a glass of Balmoral (Balmoral) cocktail, this kind of wine first appeared in the Beautique restaurant of the Plaza Hotel in New York, composed of Macallan whiskey, mixed with a small part of dry and sweet vermouth, this glass of wine is not Taste, but quality, because this glass of wine is worth 110 US dollars, and the drinks are all US dollars. Can you not make people intoxicated?

   Put away the long thread full of sorrow at dusk, staring at the earth with black pupils, the neon lights of Beverly Hills are beginning, the bars and restaurants are singing and dancing.

   The guests of the executive bar have gradually increased. The elite men in suits and leather shoes, and the glamorous girls in hot dresses make up this colorful night in the city of angels.

   Yang Cheng listened to the men and women chatting around, the confident expression of control over everything loomed on his face, after thinking for a long time, he finally figured out how to let Louis Lehman obediently send the money to him.

Yang Cheng, who was in a good and idle mood, clicked the arm of the beautiful woman next to him with a smirk, glanced contemptuously at the noodle noodle who had always boasted of having two listed companies under his name, and reminded him\'kindly\'. Be careful when you look at people, don’t be deceived, and be careful of being deceived and deceived by others?"