Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 77: Deal

As Yang Cheng expected, after the first hurdle of 490 million, the rest were big bulls with dry goods on hand. Yang Cheng and Jerry Kushler fell silent after two rounds of tentative confrontations. , Another person started the\'performance\', and within a few minutes, the price reached 580 million U.S. dollars, which was close to the tipping point.

Six million dollars is the bottom line set by Yang Chenglai before. If you take down the building below 600 million dollars, you can sublet or sell it down even if you don’t use it in the future. You can make a small profit, but once you exceed this limit , Don’t want to cash out with this building for at least 5 years.

   The price of 580 million yuan has already exceeded the ability of most people. The number of people present who can give out 600 million cash at a time does not exceed one slap.

   The anxious scene made people dare not show up, only the auctioneer was still yelling **** the stage.

   Yang Cheng loosened his tie, and then glanced at Jerry Kushler, who was hesitating, and raised his arm, "600 million."

This is the first time someone has jumped up the price in this auction. The auctioneer was taken aback, and responded quickly and shouted, "600 million, right here, this Mr. 6 on my right bid 600 million US dollars, OMG, how wonderful and wonderful. Crazy numbers, 600 million for the first time, 600 million, 600 million, 600 million, let us see if we can exceed 600 million."

   The enthusiastic tone of the auctioneer keeps repeating the number of 600 million, impacting people\'s hearts. This is a language skill, and there may be placards that the brains can’t stand the excitement.

   But Yang Cheng almost hates him, tmd quickly dropped the hammer.

"The second time for $600 million!" Seeing that no one responded, the auctioneer quickly changed his skills, slowed down his speech, lengthened the syllable, and scanned the audience like a scanner. As long as the bidder had the intention to raise a placard, he would definitely escape. But his eyes.

"610 million! Oh my God, it\'s really unbelievable. Mr. 7 in the front row bid 610 million." The auctioneer was about to shout for the third time. The hammers were raised, and the coherent movements were Jie Rekushler interrupted.

   Yang Cheng\'s heart sank, and no longer hesitated, he immediately raised a placard and shouted, "620 million."

"620 million, I can\'t find words to describe my mood at this time, 620 million, are there still placards? 620 million for the first time." The auctioneer\'s mouth seemed to be up. The machine gun in the hall was leaping out of words non-stop.

   At this time, the eyes of the audience were all on Jerry Kushler, and the other competitive players had long since given up bidding, and the number plates were all thrown aside.

   The auctioneer also locked Jerry tightly with his hot eyes, and his eyes were full of beautiful knives. The higher the turnover, the higher the auctioneer\'s rake.

   "620 million for the second time." The auctioneer controlled the rhythm very well. Although he wanted to wait indefinitely to give Jerry time to think, he still had to shout.

   Yang Cheng grabbed his heart. This price was also his last bid. It was just a bluff to chase the price without stopping just now, disguising the illusion that he was inevitable and showing it to Jerry Kushler.

   Susu obediently did not take out the small hand that Yang Cheng pinched red because of tension, and frowned cutely and murmured, "Let the hammer fall, why doesn\'t Grandpa fall the hammer yet."

   I\'m sorry, the auctioneer is only in his 50s, but he looks a bit older and his hair is a bit gray, so he\'s a grandfather.

   "The 620 million first ~ third time."

   "Da~" With a crisp sound, the auctioneer\'s gavel finally fell, and then Yang Cheng\'s nervous little heart was also put down.

   "Congratulations, jason." After the hammer fell, there was thunderous applause from the audience. Jerry Kushler didn\'t seem to be depressed. With a polite smile, he stood up and extended his hand to Yang Cheng in greeting.

   "Thank you, Jerry, it was you who made me humble." Yang Cheng shook his hand and smiled modestly. The opponent was half a head taller than him, and it was always uncomfortable to be overlooked by people.

"Don\'t say that, in fact, 600 million US dollars is my bottom line. The last price increase is also a gamble. I didn\'t expect you to be so bold." Jerry shook Yang Cheng\'s hand and patted Yang Cheng. The shoulders are back.

Yang Cheng tilted his head, released his hand, and took a half step back without leaving a trace, so that he would not look up, and joked with a wry smile, "You won this one, but it cost me 20 million dollars. Really expensive!"

   "Haha, Manhattan\'s real estate is still very valuable, and in the past few years, Z-funded companies have entered the United States with a large amount of money. The real estate market is their main investment direction. It is easy to hold them for two years and then change hands to earn him 100 million."

   Judging from Jerry\'s insight, there is still a bit of ink in his stomach, no wonder the future first princess will follow him desperately, so he does not hesitate to change his beliefs.

"What you said makes sense, but I bought the building for my own use. By the way, I remember that the "New York Observer" newspaper is in your name? That is the publication I must read every day." Yang Cheng casually mentioned Jerry Ku One of the most colorful acquisitions in Shler\'s career was obviously intentional.

"Oh, I heard that you bought Forum Publishing Company, which is the third largest newspaper group in the United States. Its newspapers have accumulated over one million sales per issue. Now you want to bring it to Manhattan? Man, I have to say you do Made a great decision."

   Jerry Kushler refused to mention the New York Observer, and returned the focus of the topic to Yang Cheng in a few words, which made people feel comfortable and couldn\'t fault it.

   There are rumors in the previous life that Jerry Kushler is a master of politics, so it seems that it is not without basis. UU reading

   Yang Cheng knows this is not a good place to talk about things, "Thank you, I just want to be lazy, and I don’t have to fly to Chicago to work every day."

"Haha, I know, no one wants to leave Manhattan." Jerry echoed the sentence, and then sent an invitation to Yang Cheng, "Tomorrow night I will hold a party at Trump Tower. If you are interested in Jason, you can come and we can talk. Talk about media topics."

"Okay, but I had an operation a while ago, I\'m afraid I can\'t drink, don\'t blame me for being disappointed by that time." Yang Cheng hesitated for about a second, then nodded and accepted the invitation, and laid an ambush in advance to avoid others. I think he is pretending to be 13 by not drinking at the party.

   "It\'s okay. The invitations are all friends. The main purpose is to create a gathering place for everyone to chat. It doesn\'t matter whether you drink or not. I will send the invitation to your home later?"

   "Well, I will be there on time tomorrow night."

The two shook hands to say goodbye, and Yang Cheng followed up with the acquaintances who came to congratulate him, and went to the backstage under the leadership of the auctioneer to complete the formalities. The lawyers of Yuanshan Capital had been waiting there for a long time, paying the deposit and all the money. It will be finished within one month.

Yang Cheng, who walked out of the lobby of the Four Seasons Hotel, looked up at the blue sky and exhaled heavily. The funds for the acquisition of the 7bryantpark building this time were all earned in the crude oil futures market. He spent a quarter of it all at once. It hurts.

   "Let\'s go, take you to the hotel first, tomorrow you will find a house slowly by yourself, don\'t worry." Yang Cheng shook his head to disperse thoughts, and said to the big Lolita on the side.

   The big white rabbit was brought to the big bad wolf’s mouth, but due to his physical condition, he could only be addicted to the eyes and couldn’t eat it. Is there anything more aggrieved in the world?

   Susu knew that it was useless to object, so he agreed.