Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 78: Party (1)

On the evening of July 31st, Yang Cheng stayed at Yuanshan Capital for a day, signing a contract to handle asset divisions, and also saw with his own eyes how a group of directors who can only see money put pressure on his father. In fact, the directors The purpose of the company is very simple. It is to promote the listing of Yuanshan Capital, or to separate. This is the day when Jansen compromised with Wall Street to raise funds.

   Yang Cheng has a strong sense of urgency in his heart. He has to seize every opportunity to use his memory advantage to make money and complete the layout. Even if Yuanshan is really listed, he must ensure the Yang family\'s control over Yuanshan.

Like this time, there are not many opportunities for global oil prices to plummet, and Yang Cheng has not been engaged in financial work in his previous life. It is not bad to remember a few major events in the financial market. It is difficult to have the opportunity to make billions of dollars in a single operation. , So he only felt distressed yesterday about the acquisition of the 7BryantPark building to spend more than 600 million in cash. The speed of spending money is out of proportion to the speed of making money.

I came to Jerry Kushler’s party today. First, because he knew the future trend of American politics, the Trump family jumped from the second-rate upstart family in New York to HSD, and turned into the “first family” in the United States. As Trump\'s son-in-law, Jerry Kushler not only used Jewish resources to help him out during his campaign, but he also provoked infighting to clear obstacles for his father-in-law.

   In the future, the White House will circulate such a sentence, ‘Don’t mess with him’, which shows that he is narrow-minded and domineering.

  It is not possible to have a deep friendship with this kind of person, but it is necessary to form a good relationship;

The second is that Yang Cheng is very interested in the New York Observer under Jerry’s name. Judging from the short conversation yesterday, the acquisition may not be a big deal, but after all, you have to try it. Yang Cheng does not value the New York Observer. The sales of tens of thousands of copies in the period, but the influence of Manhattan’s public opinion, if this "sharp sword" is used properly in his own hands, it can fully guide the thinking direction of the entire New York elite group. After Trump became the throne, Jerry would have more This time, he used the influence of the New York Observer to write an article to criticize his opponent, which made it notorious.

   Try to get in touch, it\'s the best to buy.

The Audi S8 drove out of Wall Street and entered the Fifth Avenue, and started a traffic jam journey. There was no way that it was the evening rush. Yang Cheng sat behind and missed his dad\'s Bentley Mulsanne. After all, the S8 is sporty and comfortable. In terms of aspect and silence, it is slightly insufficient, and there is no room for stretching legs like Bentley or Rolls-Ross in the back row.

"Hansen, is Susu\'s information investigation clear?" Yang Cheng took the entertainment gossip magazine and looked at it casually, and suddenly remembered that he had asked the bodyguard to take the big Lolita out to see the room today. of.

   Hansen was in the co-pilot, half looking back, "I found it clear, and I found a private detective agency at random. There is no collusive coincidence. It basically matches what Miss Lin Susu said."

   "Oh? Is Su Su\'s surname Lin? Then her mother\'s condition is also true? What\'s the disease?" Yang Cheng turned the last page and threw it aside, leaning against the headrest and asked.

"It\'s true. Ms. Lin\'s mother is suffering from uremia and has reached the stage where she must have a kidney transplant. Originally, the Lin family could barely be regarded as a middle-class family. Because of her mother\'s illness, she sold her house and car, and her economic situation plummeted." With the current level of information development, it is really not difficult to simply investigate the family background of a person with a name and a surname.

   Yang Cheng nodded slightly, no wonder Susu looked so innocent and innocent. He thought he was well protected by his family and not polluted by the dark side of society.

"I know, but I still send someone to country Z to confirm it!" Yang Cheng didn\'t know when, suffering from the suspicion often found in the upper ranks, the thought that there are always people who want to harm me always sounded in my mind. , Alas~ the world is terrible, don’t be afraid Have to guard!

   "I see, boss." Hansen led the task.

   "Where are you now? How long will it be?" The party will start on time as a dinner at 18 o\'clock, and it is already 17:45. It is best not to be late for this kind of formal invitation party.

   Andrew is very familiar with the roads of New York, especially on Fifth Avenue, which often goes back and forth. He said, "We have just crossed 54th Street and we will be there soon, boss."

It took more than 200 meters to drive for 5 minutes to reach the downstairs of the *Building. Yang Cheng, who pushed the door and got off the car, took off his suit and slapped it on his shoulders. Lifting his eyes is the titanium silver of "TheTRUMPTOWER" Great sign.

Yang Cheng recently went out with simple casual western-fit T-shirts and jeans. Except for the color change, the style was almost fixed. He himself didn\'t care about these very much and didn\'t pay attention at all. He just went home last night and was complained by his mother again , Let Yang Cheng not go out to lose her.

I looked down at today’s dress, white suit jacket, light yellow printed T-shirt and thin blue jeans, with Givenchy sneakers on my feet, it seemed to be so embarrassing, the thick **** silk is rich and rich, is it morning? Still not awake when choosing clothes?

  . . .

On the 60th floor of the   * Building, Yang Cheng walked out of the elevator alone. Jerry Kushler and the future first princess were waiting outside the elevator to greet every guest present.

Ivanka wore a cool black see-through sling dress, with large snow-white luo exposed. The majestic twin peaks seem to stand proudly without the help of external force. The design of this tulle see-through dress makes men easily in mind. Sketch her bumpy figure.

The golden curly hair is naturally draped on his shoulders, and she is holding a beautiful woman in high-heeled sandals and talking affectionately. The xing-feeling swan neck is turning gracefully under the golden light, and we are intimate with the guests. The soft and clear voice complimented every guest with a change of style. It was extremely beautiful, really a stunner.

   "Hey, good evening, Jerry, thank you for your invitation." After the guests in front entered the arena, Yang Cheng put his left hand in his pocket and carried a bottle of red wine in his right hand to greet the host.

   "Jason, I thought you weren\'t coming, Ivanka, see who is here?" Jerry Kushler happily pulled Ivanka beside him.

   "Hello, Ivan, I haven\'t seen you in a few years and you are still beautiful."

   also live in Manhattan, the two are old acquaintances, but due to the age difference, they do not belong to the same circle of friends. They touched Ivanka on the cheek three times, and spoke admiringly to those big charming eyes.

   Ivanka also has a height of 180. In addition, the high heels are visually taller than Yang Cheng by a small amount. Not to mention that he wants to be worthy of her. The man must be 190 or more tall.

"Jason, the last time Paris came back from your party, she still said that you have been out of the circle for too long, but she never forgets that night, saying that Manhattan should be so crazy, and she wants to make you do it again." Ivan Ka Tan\'s mouth opened lightly, and every word slid into Yang Cheng\'s ears like a pearl.

   Yang Cheng sighed, and waved his hand like a fly, "Don\'t do it, you have to do it, and don\'t forget to invite me when the time comes."

   Do it again, my mother can take his skin off, and she won’t dare to play again if she borrows his 3 guts,

"By the way, I didn’t have time to prepare a gift. I took a bottle of Tibetan wine from home, don’t mind." Yang Cheng remembered that his gift had not been delivered yet. When attending other people’s parties in Europe and America, especially those held at home, you must Bring a gift, it doesn\'t have to be expensive, even if you make a dessert yourself.

   Jerry took the turn of the bottle and glanced at it, jokingly, "Haha, it seems that I will inform you that you can\'t go to the party too early in the future, and you will be too late to prepare. The more wines like Romani Conti, the better."

"Then I guess my dad will have to send someone around the world to hunt you down." Yang Cheng also joked, and a new guest came after him. He couldn\'t stop at the door, so he greeted, "Jerry, Ivan, Please entertain the guests and I will go around by myself."

"Well, Paris and Amanda have arrived long ago. The restaurant also prepared a buffet. If you are hungry, you can take it by yourself. You are welcome to me. Order as you like." Ivanka told Yang Cheng very intimately that there are acquaintances present, and he was afraid that he would be alone. bored.

We hugged the husband and wife separately, and walked towards the banquet hall door. The entire 60th floor should be *specially built as a venue for banquets. The theme tonight is a party for young people. Yang Cheng wants to personally The desire to experience the skill of the big mouth is hard to come true tonight.

  The party design is very trendy. It uses lighting effects to separate different areas such as the dining area, bar area, and electronic dance floor. You can walk around freely according to your personal preferences without restrictions.

   Yang Cheng looked around after entering the arena, but found no acquaintances, so she had to hold a waiter and inquire about Paris\'s area.

After a well-known celebrity group occupied the dining area, they walked in place for a few minutes before they wandered to the restaurant with a drumbeat. But before anyone arrived, they heard Paris’s coquettish voice, which seemed, probably, seemed to be talking Yourself?

   "What do you think that jason boy thinks? He chased Brazil for a **** and made people bump into him without making a fart. Where did that crazy energy go?"

   If Yang Cheng had Tang Bohu’s blood volume from Qiuxiang’s intestines, she would definitely squirt a cylinder to drown Paris, you are a bitch, and your whole family are bitches!

   and the fact that he was hit is so evil? Also chasing women to Brazil, who made this rumor?

"Paris, tell me which **** can seduce me to Brazil?" This can\'t be tolerated, and then let the rumors spread uncontrollably, he may be labeled with what color hat~www.novelhall. com~ Yang Cheng took an empty plate, put food on the plate, and walked towards the Parisian.

   If you change to an ordinary person, and encounter this kind of behind-the-scenes proprietor suddenly appear and catch a straight scene, you must be ashamed and embarrassed to death, but is Paris an ordinary person?

   It is said that Chamberlain sleeps ten thousand girls, Paris captures ten thousand men, and one man and one woman are two big men on board.

   As the queen of whore, she doesn\'t know what embarrassment is.

   "Hehe~ Jason, you are here when you are talking about you."

Yang Cheng took a fork and sat down at the dining table to take a look, oh, good fellow, this table of women gathered together is the one who dared to destroy the world. Yang Cheng regretted it for eight lifetimes, so she didn’t stay well. You have to run here to join in the fun.

Very impersonally picked up the caviar sushi with his hands and stuffed it into his mouth. After chewing for a few times, he was not in the mood to taste the taste, and then swallowed it. After looking at it, Paris said irritably, "I heard someone at 800 meters away. If you say bad things about me behind your back, can you not come and have a look?"

   "Jason, Paris is just talking about it, don\'t take it seriously, you don\'t know who she is."

It was Amanda Hirst, who was the elder sister of Lydia Hirst and the first heir of the Hirst Group. When he was young, he was not inferior to Paris\'s existence. Although he is not old now, after all It is to shift the focus of life to work, like a new generation of media queen.

   "Amanda, I really didn\'t expect to hear the persuasive words from your mouth one day." Yang Cheng stuffed another piece of sushi, looking at Amanda with a long-awaited expression.

"What? I\'m wrong?" Amanda charmingly cut off her hair, and licked her red lips with the tip of her tongue. She enchantingly got up and squeezed to Yang Cheng\'s side, with her arms on Yang Cheng\'s shoulders and her arms around her neck. Asked angrily.