Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 76: Real estate auction

"The first piece of land is located in the Newark area of ​​New Jersey. It is numbered. The land was formerly a factory and is now planned for commercial use by the government. It is adjacent to Highways 78 and 95 and is within the radiation area of ​​Manhattan. The area is 34.7 acres. 10 million U.S. dollars, and each markup is not less than 500,000 U.S. dollars. Now start bidding."

   With the plot information on the projector, the auctioneer wore white gloves and dropped the hammer and officially started bidding.

   "Mr. 78 made the first bid, thank you very much, the current price is 10.5 million US dollars, is there any increase?"

   The auctioneer’s voice is very xing, and he uses the best possible way to stimulate people’s sense of competition in order to make higher prices.

   "Mr. 101, $11 million, thank you for your bid, any more? This land is the only high-quality land remaining in Manhattan\'s radiation circle. If you miss it, you will regret it for a lifetime."

"Oh, lady number 34 in the middle row, how much do you bid? US$12 million, okay, thank you this beautiful lady for raising our price to US$12 million. I believe that with your strength, this price is not the end. "

   "13 million U.S. dollars." A loud cry of price came from behind Yang Cheng. He was too lazy to pay attention to it. Susu glanced back curiously, and quickly turned back, just like a frightened little hamster.

The bidding on the court continued, and the heat continued to rise, but Yang Cheng showed indifference. His target was only the 7 BryantPark building. He looked at Susu\'s movements amusedly. Taking advantage of the opportunity of not making a loud noise, his mouth came to Susu\'s ear. , Blowing hot air, "How is it? Is it fun?"

   Susu\'s face suddenly turned into a red apple, nodded, shook his head, hesitated and exclaimed in his ear like Yang Cheng, "It\'s so expensive."

   "Expensive? The land price difference with the first-tier cities in Country Z is far." Yang Cheng laughed.

   Just as his voice fell, a familiar voice unexpectedly sounded, causing Yang Cheng to have a different idea about this land.

   "16 million U.S. dollars." It was Jerry Kushler who greeted Yang Cheng before the auction started.

   Yang Cheng put away his smile, glanced straight at the energetic Jerry and thought, "This grandson is really interested in this land?"

   "16.5 million US dollars, Mr. 78 raised the price again, and the current amount has reached 16.5 million US dollars, which is really an incredible price." The auctioneer shouted excitedly on the stage.

   "Hold the card." Yang Cheng turned to Susu with a bewildered look.

   "Huh?" Su Su did not react.

   "I said to raise a card." Yang Cheng was also not angry, and repeated Susu with a reassuring smile.

   "Oh." Su Su responded, and before thinking about it, he raised the number plate that Yang Cheng had stuffed her with.

"Let\'s see, oh, on the 6th, the beautiful Miss Oriental bid, 17 million US dollars, let us applaud this generous and brave lady, thank you." The auctioneer also looked at Susu in surprise and was able to do the auction. Teachers do not lack the ability to observe words and colors. Naturally, it is the young but extraordinary man who is really in charge.

   The mood of the venue is already under the control of the auctioneer. His words are instructions, and the bidders participating in the meeting slapped them several times in cooperation.

  Su was originally a newborn calf who was not afraid of tigers, but was applauded by the crowd, blushing and bowing his head, his little hand holding the number plate was sweaty.

Yang Cheng’s attention at this time shifted to Jerry Kushler. He asked Susu to bid to test Jerry, whether he really wanted to take the land, or was thinking of consuming the funds of his competitors, and he deliberately Waiting for someone else to offer a price before let Susu raise his placard, leaving room for explanation for himself, it seemed that he was not so deliberate.

   Sure enough, after waiting for a few more rounds of bidding, Jerry didn\'t raise the card any more, but played with the phone boringly, and Yang Cheng knew it.

   The first piece of land was finally sold for 18.5 million US dollars. Everyone applauded the winning bidder No. 78.

   Next, they successively sold two plots of land in Jersey City and Queens, New York for 6.8 million US dollars and 32 million US dollars.

   After a short break, the auction is drawing to a close, and the main event is about to be staged. At least half of the more than 100 rich individuals or representatives of the rich came to the 7 BryantPark Building.

   Yang Cheng also took back the No. 6 card from Susu. The order of this number has nothing to do with status. It is arranged according to the order of registration.

   With the footsteps of the auctioneer coming onto the stage, the scene came down solemnly, and the people who were determined to get their thoughts were sitting in jeopardy.

   "Ladies and gentlemen, now it\'s the fourth and the last auction of this auction, 7 BryantPark Building." The auctioneer’s sonorous and powerful voice was clear and accurate to the ears of everyone in the venue.

  "The building was commissioned by Hinse Real Estate Development Company and Enterprises for auction. The 7 BryantPark building has a total area of ​​470,000 square feet (approximately 43,700 square meters), 28 floors high, and a glass exterior.

The    building is located between 39th Street and 40th Street in Manhattan, on Sixth Avenue, and the Bank of America Building is about 365.8 meters high to the north.

   This transaction includes all rights and interests including land property rights and long-term lease rights. The starting price is 320 million U.S. dollars, and each increase is not less than 10 million U.S. dollars. Please start bidding. "

After the auctioneer introduced the building information and auction rules, the atmosphere was a little stiff. Everyone was watching and waiting for others to break the deadlock. Everyone had similar ideas. They wanted to succeed in the auction without spending 10 million yuan. The scene was embarrassing for nearly 1 minute. The auctioneer was just about to say some encouraging words to stir up the atmosphere. A certain rich man sitting in the back row couldn\'t bear it and began to bid, "330 million. "

   "Okay, thank you very much for this gentleman\'s bid." The auctioneer moved forward.

   "340 million." There was another bid.

   "350 million."

  . . .

   With the first person to eat crabs, everyone joined in the rhythm of the fight unwillingly. The auctioneer does not need much intervention, as long as the latest price is read out loud.

At the beginning, everyone can still maintain a tacit understanding. Ten to ten million will be added up. No one is bidding up the price. This is a transaction of more than 100 million US dollars. It is hard power. If you have money, you will increase the price. Mouth, it\'s so realistic. At this moment, all but the local tyrants are silly forks.

   The price has soared all the way, at this time the price has reached 490 million US dollars, this is a cut, as long as it passes, it is foreseeable that there will be another wave of GC bids.

   The scene fell into weird silence again. Yang Cheng and Jerry Kushler hadn\'t made any moves before. They were waiting for this opportunity, because this price is enough to brush off more than half of their competitors, "500 million."

   The bid was Jerry Kushler, but when he shouted, he was not looking at the auctioneer, but Yang Cheng.

   "510 million." Yang Cheng replied with a polite smile and faintly raised the price.

   "510 million, Mr. 6 bid 510 million, and the next price is 520 million US dollars. Does anyone want to bid? 510 million once."

   Seeing that no one was holding a placard, the auctioneer increased his voice to ‘urging’ the bidders to increase prices.

   "Wow, Mr. No. 7 in the front row has responded. Thank you for your generosity, 520 million once."