Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 65: Yang Sen Suspicious

"Okay, when will the contract be signed?" Jamie Dimon hesitated for a moment, or nodded in agreement.

   "I brought the contract. You can arrange for the legal staff to check it and sign it when there is no problem. In addition, I will send someone to take over the Forum Publishing Company tomorrow morning. Remember to say hello to the stationed staff."

   Jamie Dimon agrees to Jan Sen’s condition as expected.

"Yang...How is Jason\'s injury? How are you going to deal with Lehman?" After talking about the business, Jamie Damon walked around the desk and pulled Janssen to the salon area, poured a glass of whiskey for the two of them, and asked with concern. Tao.

   "The plane is still in the sky and the injuries are serious. An ambulance has been arranged to go to the airport." Yang Sen is now in a state of confusion. He is full of anger at the Lehman family and wants to devour them.

   "Oh, it is a good thing to have no worries of life." Jamie Dimon said a comforting word, took a sip of wine and paused, his eyes wandering over Yang Sen.

   Yang Sen put down his wine glass, saw Jamie Dimon\'s hesitation, and chuckled, "It doesn\'t matter if you have anything to say, just say something nice for Lehman."

   "No, no, I just want to remind you that Paul Lehman and Warren have a relationship."

  Jamie Dimon\'s unhurried reminder made Yang Sen frown.

   "Warren... Will he get involved with this kind of thing?"

   Judging from past records, the old stock **** has never participated in the precedent for power struggles, but there is always a precedent in everything. There is no precedent before, which does not mean that there is no now. He regretted it again and again.

   "It can\'t be on the bright side. You have to worry about the face of Wall Street. I don\'t know it secretly."

Jamie Dimon suddenly mentioned Warren Buffett to alert Janssen. It was not just a simple reminder. He was not so kind. It was more like a hint, suggesting that Janssen should not conflict with Warren Buffett. This is the consensus of Wall Street and they are not qualified. Warren Buffett is warned that only Janssen, a relatively weak chicken, can be used to demonstrate.

"I see, thank you, Jamie." Yang Sen kept a straight face from beginning to end, with neither smile nor anger, as if the person had no emotions, but barking dogs would not bite people. Usually the more Such a performance represents the stronger the counterattack.

   "You\'re welcome..." Jamie Dimon suddenly became a little sluggish, which was different from the scene he had imagined. He didn\'t know how to speak for a while.

   When Yang Sen saw this, he took the initiative to say goodbye. He had to make arrangements while Yang Cheng was not back.

  . . . . . .

At 6 o\'clock in the morning of July 9th, a group of bodyguards composed of more than 10 tough men in suits, black sunglasses and headsets on the business jet apron of New York\'s Kennedy International Airport, will hang several strangers. Don\'t enter the expression, people with extraordinary temperament are surrounded by them at first glance.

Not far from the side, there is a fleet of Bentley, Escalade, and ambulances parked. Outside the ambulance is a medical team. Every car is idling. The apron is no longer noisy, and the past ground service is maintained. People can\'t help but relax.

   The weather in New York today is not sunny. The thick clouds of cotton wool cover the sky, and only the strong rays of sunlight that penetrate the clouds and project the earth, bringing some warmth to this morning.

A few minutes later, an eagle-like plane suddenly rushed out of the clouds, as if inadvertently nostalgic for the beauty of the sky, steadily and persistently aimed at the runway with its nose high, stretched its wings and landed, with blue and white color matching, and Jinshan towering above the tail. , It was the Yuanshan ship that carried Yang Cheng back from Rio.

On the tarmac, the people who had been watching since the appearance of the plane finally moved. I saw a middle-aged man with a tired face but still arrogant, instructing the medical staff to lift the end frame and prepare to save people, the bodyguard A few people were separated to start the car, and everyone followed the instructions in an orderly manner, busy but not chaotically.

   "Hmm..." The contact between the aircraft tires and the runway caused heavy smoke due to intense friction. The brakes, the engine reverse thrust, and the ground spoiler opened. A series of deceleration actions were perfectly controlled by the pilot.

  The ground guided vehicle took the Yuanshan to the apron. There was no time to wait for the aircraft to park in the hangar. Only when the aircraft stopped and the gangway opened, a group of people swarmed up.

   The doctor and the medical staff carrying the stretcher were the first to board the plane, followed by Yang Sen and Liu Yun.

In the bedroom of Yuanshan, after more than 10 hours of long-distance flight, Yang Cheng’s vital signs began to deteriorate. He had no obvious trauma before boarding. At this time, his skin was blue and purple, and his left forearm was even swollen, making him ruddy in the past. Her face was bloodless at this time, her eyes were closed and her eyes were pale and haggard, her breathing was very weak, her chest could hardly be seen ups and downs, Liu Yun\'s tears flowed out at once, like the rain that had accumulated throughout the summer concentrated in an hour pouring Come down.

   In order not to disturb the doctor\'s examination, Liu Yun bit her lip firmly and covered her mouth with her hands. She did not dare to make a sound for fear of disturbing the doctor\'s judgment.

The one who checked Yang Cheng was Brandon Fell, the director of the emergency department of New York’s best Presbyterian Hospital. He has been working in the emergency department for many years and has rich clinical experience. Today, he can take time out of his busy schedule to go out. Favor, cough cough. . . Okay, for the money.

   "Mr. Mayfair, how is my son?" Yang Sen saw Brandon Mayer put away his stethoscope, and hurriedly took a step forward, holding the opponent\'s arm nervously, and inquiring impatiently.

"Mr. Yang, your son\'s condition is not very good, so hurry up and send to the ambulance." Brandon Feier has never seen any patients or family members in his life. I can fully understand Yang Sen\'s mood at this moment, although it is because of the money. Go, but the most basic medical ethics is there. Now Yang Cheng is dangerous if it takes a second longer. After speaking quickly, he beckoned to let Yang Cheng be carried on the stretcher.

   Hansen and Andrew were both stopped by Brandon for help. "The patient has severe internal bleeding and cannot move around at will. Let our professional staff do it."

   Yang Sen knew the priorities, and quickly nodded, "Okay, go to the hospital first."

   turned his head and said to the person who carried the stretcher, "Thanks for the two of you."

   After Yang Cheng was safely taken to the ambulance, Yang Sen patted Hansen on the back, "Hansen, follow Jason, don\'t make any mistakes."

"Yes sir."

Hansen took the two pistols and several magazines handed over by his former colleague, put the **** his back, and checked it skillfully. After confirming that the guns were in good condition, he boarded the ambulance. From now on, Yang Cheng Can\'t leave Hansen\'s eyes for a second.

   "Andrew, you drive my car and tell me the details."

   The Escalade that opened the road in front has already started, and Yang Sen hurriedly took his wife\'s hand to Bentley.

"Yes, sir."

The New York Presbyterian Hospital is a merger of Cornell University School of Medicine and Columbia University Hospital. Therefore, the Presbyterian Hospital is also divided into two campuses. Yang Cheng will go to receive treatment from Elder Cornell on East 68th Street. Will hospital.

   "Andrew, what was the situation like at that time?"

   In Bentley Mulsanne, Yang Sen and Liu Yun are sitting in the back row, two people and four pairs of eyes staring sternly. It is the case that Andrew was pointed at the head by a gun on the battlefield, and he was not so worried.

"I was in the front row with Hansen and the boss was preparing to fetch water from the back. Hansen was the first to notice that the truck was driving too fast behind him. He reminded me to be vigilant, but the truck suddenly accelerated. At that time, it was too late to evade. I reminded me. The boss got down and the truck ran into it straight from behind."

   After a pause, Andrew followed the car in front to turn, and then continued the plot just now, "After that, Hansen and I got out of the car and didn\'t find a back player. Hansen went to investigate the scene, and I was responsible for checking the boss\'s injuries.

According to Hansen’s conclusion, the truck made a sudden brake before hitting our car. There were obvious braking marks on the ground. I am afraid that the threat is heavy enough. If you really want to kill, use the tonnage of the truck. It hits at such a high speed, the boss was seriously injured on the spot and didn\'t run away. "

Andrew is not justifying this premeditated accident, let alone saying good things to Lehman. This is a habit brought from the military. In the process of reporting to superiors, no subjective emotions should be added. To tell the truth, you must have evidence. check.

   "Well... I learned after the incident, what happened to the 100 million dollars?"

"At that time, Dubai Crown Prince Hammandan opened a gambling game. The boss and Louis Lehman did not join in, but chose to bet against each other. At first, the boss bet 30 million. Louis should have done something to the game and confidently increased the bet to 5,000. Ten thousand, finally set to 100 million U.S. dollars. UU看书

   Oh, by the way, the boss sent Hansen a message at the beginning of the game, asking us to keep an eye on Louis Lehman\'s bodyguard and not allow the opponent to leave the box. "

   "No, is it a coincidence that they happened to be in the same box?" With Yang Sen\'s IQ, a simple analysis shows that there are many loopholes before and after the incident.

"No, we were spotted as soon as we arrived in Rio, someone from Louis Lehman, and then the boss asked Hansen to invite Louis Lehman to watch the World Cup semi-final match." Andrew didn\'t know much about it. It really embarrassed him to speak and let him explain the cause of the story.

  And Andrew doesn\'t have the brain to think about whether things are reasonable, just honestly say what he knows, and it\'s done.

   But after listening to the narration, Yang Sen felt something wrong immediately. From Yang Cheng being followed to sending Hansen to track down, there was no problem. The question is why did Yang Cheng invite Louis to watch the game? Yang Cheng wouldn\'t be so marginal, obviously there is an attempt!

   What kind of plan does Yang Cheng have? How dare you increase your bet to 100 million US dollars?

   These doubts can only be solved by Yang Cheng himself when he wakes up, otherwise even if Yang Sen\'s IQ is 200, he can\'t guess it.

The    motorcade flashed double flashes all the way, sandwiching the ambulance, ignoring the presence of the traffic lights, and galloping all the way, arriving at the hospital in just over 20 minutes and transferring Yang Cheng to the emergency ward.

   Liu Yun helped hold the cart and held Yang Cheng\'s hand distressedly.

   It was Yang Sen who stayed in the emergency room because Alina trot over with her mobile phone and panted, "Boss, Paul Lehman\'s call."

   Yang Sen narrowed his eyes, took the phone and turned it around. He raised the phone to his ear without any haste, and said in a voice that seemed to have fallen into the ice of a thousand years, "I am Yang Sen..."