Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 66: Retaliation (1)

"This is Paul Lehman and Yang. I didn\'t expect that our first call was under such circumstances."

   Paul Lehman’s voice is rather special, much like the sound of metal rubbing, it sounds a bit scratchy and uncomfortable.

   "Hehe, I didn\'t expect that you would call me in such a situation." Yang Sen winked at Elena and told her to go to the ward first and walk to the wall mockingly.

   "I also heard about Jason. I\'m really sorry. I will greet the police station and severely punish the driver who caused the accident."

  As soon as these words came out, the flames in Yang Sen\'s heart rose to the sky. Paul Lehman wanted to cover it up.

   "No, I will not let go of the real murderer who hurt my son."

  Paul Lehman was silent, and after a while, he sighed softly, " Chinese have an old saying, "When is the time for retribution?" Is that true?"

   Yang Sen sneered, "I didn\'t expect that Mr. Lehman would still study the ancient sayings of Country Z. Then I don\'t know if you have ever heard such a sentence, it is called "This hatred does not repay the non-gentleman."

   Confucian culture is now vigorously promoted in Western society, and Confucius’s thought of benevolent governance and love for the people has a high status and value in many Western countries.

As early as 1687, the Western version of the Analects was published in Paris. Now that the economy of Country Z is back to the center of the world, the world is greedy for the huge market of Country Z. If you want to enter a new market, you must understand the culture of this market. The Analects is almost one of the must-read cultural relics for foreign entrepreneurs. Paul Lehman is no exception. Anheuser-Busch InBev has long acquired the original Harbin Brewery parent company and aggressively marched into Country Z.

Therefore, Yang Sen responded strongly. Of course Paul Lehman understood clearly. From an objective point of view, he could also understand Yang Sen’s feelings. If he also had only one son and was attacked by other people’s revenge, he would also be furious and launch a crazy counterattack. !

   Ran and egg, help relatives and do not help, and not only belong to the Z people.

   "I understand that Yuanshan Capital is vying for the ownership of the 7 BryantPark building, right?" Paul Lehman changed the subject and thought he was caring at first, but Yang Sen knew that the other party said this sentence at this time is embarrassing.

   "What do you mean?" Yang Sen leaned against the corner, asking no emotion in his words.

   "Haha... Don\'t get me wrong, I\'ll just say that." The tone was so arrogant.

   "Don\'t get me wrong? It\'s clear to make people misunderstand, the old guy is a preemptive strike, threatening me?" Yang Sen laughed and slandered in his heart.

   "If you call to threaten me, then you have failed and you can hang up."

After speaking, Paul Lehman didn’t leave the opportunity to refute, and he hung up the phone. Yuanshan Capital was indeed competing for the 7 BryantPark building, and it was determined to get it. That involved nearly 200 million U.S. dollars in profit, but even 2 billion had no son. Your life is important!

   Paul Lehman made the wrong calculation, not to mention that in the field of non-performing assets, Yuanshan Capital is the well-deserved king, without competition.

The Yang family does not need to apologize. If an apology is useful, the world would have been peaceful for a long time, just like someone slapped you, then apologized to you with a smile and gave you 100 yuan as compensation. Would you accept it? ?

The emergency room was on the first floor. Yang Sen asked the nurse along the way. When he saw his son again, Yang Cheng had an ECG lead on her body and a ventilator on her face. The whole person looked so helpless, Yang Sen felt helpless. A sore, itchy nose, wet eyes.

   At the same time, the determination to retaliate against Lehman is firmer.

   "Mr. Mayfair, how is my son\'s situation?" When Yang Sen saw Brandon Mayer come back with a pile of unintelligible checklists with frowning brows, his body trembled. Could it be that his injuries were serious?

   Brandon Faire raised his head when he heard the sound, "Oh, Mr. Yang, call me Brandon. First of all, don\'t worry, the patient is not life-threatening, but because of the long-distance flight, the injury is aggravated and it takes a long time to recuperate."

   Yang Sen breathed a sigh of relief. As long as he didn\'t endanger his life, the situation would not be bad. He didn\'t answer the call and waited for Brandon Faire to continue explaining his condition.

"From the results of the current examination, concussions and arm fractures are obvious. In addition, there are two organs bleeding, with as many as 3 bleeding points. The long-distance flight has increased the amount of bleeding and must be operated as soon as possible. "

   Yang Sen did not hesitate, "Then surgery, I am not an expert in how to treat, and I will listen to you. I don’t talk nonsense about medication, and I don’t have to worry about money."

Professional matters are handled by professional people. The more you stand at a high position, the more you feel insignificant, and the more you understand that the most important thing in the 21st century is talent. Yang Sen will not think that because of his own success, there is nothing in the world that he cannot handle. thing.

"I understand, Mr. Yang, don\'t worry. In addition, the chief surgeon, do you have any special requirements?" In the face of a figure at the apex of the Manhattan Pyramid like Yang Sen, Brandon Field must be cautious, let alone anything else. Once Yang Cheng\'s operation has problems, even if Yang Sen can\'t exert influence on the hospital by that time, having a team of lawyers to accompany the hospital for three to five years is enough to cause headaches for the hospital.

Yang Sen just wanted to ask an expert from the medical center to perform surgery on Yang Cheng, but he immediately denied this idea. The strength of the Presbyterian Hospital is not worse than that of the medical center, and this kind of operation is not difficult even for a layman like him. People come, not to mention the trouble and delay Yang Cheng\'s best time for surgery.

   "No, you can be the best and most sure doctor. If you can\'t coordinate, I will call your dean personally." Yang Sen made a decisive decision.

   "Okay, the dean has already said hello, the doctor is already on the way to the operating room, you can sign with no problem here."

   "I will personally call your dean to thank you. In addition, all the medical staff who helped today will have a hard expense after the operation. Don\'t refuse."

   Brandonfield smiled and didn\'t answer the conversation. Sometimes these big characters are cute, sometimes they are difficult to make people speechless.

   It is rare to see Yang Sen who is willing to trust a doctor and speaks so well, but because of this, Brandon Field dare not be sloppy, otherwise Yang Sen’s retaliation will be “rare”!

   Put away the messy thoughts, direct the nurse to push Yang Cheng into the operating room, and then bid farewell to Yang Sen and Liu Yun.

   "My wife, I went to the company." Yang Sen apologized to hold Liu Yun, and softly asked for instructions.

   Liu Yun knew what Yang Sen was going to do, she retracted her gaze following Yang Cheng, and took Yang Sen\'s hand and said, "Be careful, I don\'t have to worry about it here."

"Well, what can I worry about having you with me? By the way, my dad\'s flight will arrive soon. Remember to send someone to the airport to pick him up. The old man just came from Honolulu. He didn\'t worry about it, and he didn\'t know if he could not eat well. "Yang Sen looked at his beloved wife with tender eyes.

"Yeah... When Dad comes, I try to persuade him to go home and rest. Orange Orange shouldn\'t be a big problem." He squeezed Yang Sen\'s big hand tightly, leaned against Yang Sen, and stood on his calf in high heels for so long. Tight sour.

   "This time Dad found Hong for help, will it cause..."

Yang Sen and Liu Yun have lived together for almost 30 years. There is still this little tacit understanding. He took Liu Yun’s hand and sat down on the bench outside the operating room before considering Liu Yun’s scruples and replied, “It shouldn’t be the goal after all. It’s Brazil. The U.S. should be happy to see it succeed, but I’ll let people stare at it to be careful. If the wind is wrong, stop the action and turn from bright to dark, hum... Lehman’s people don’t want to avoid it so easily. A catastrophe."

   "Okay, there is me here, so go ahead, it should open soon, right? Don\'t be late."

   "Okay, then I\'ll go first, and the bodyguard will leave it to you. Don\'t run around after busying yourself."

   "Hmm... Go ahead."

   The couple kissed goodbye, and Yang Sen put on a cold expression again, and drove to the company with Elena and the two bodyguards.

At the same time, in Rio, Brazil, the hot atmosphere that was like a carnival a day ago is no longer. The streets are deserted. Except for a small number of tourists, the locals seem to lock themselves in their homes and lick their wounds. Not Brazilians may not be able to understand the importance of football. What status does this country have.

   Lehman\'s family also fell into a sad atmosphere, but they weren\'t because Brazil lost the ball.

"Louis, look at what you have done. You are a 40-year-old man, and you still don’t grow up so much. If you want me to say you should hand over the position of the first heir." A middle-aged woman with a bitter look, sitting Playing with newly made nails on the sofa sneered.

   "Do you give it to you? Or the little white faces you raised?" Louis is the one who is willing to lose, even if he is facing his sister.

   "Huh, what\'s wrong with Xiao Bailian? It\'s not against the law, right? At least a bit more senior than you hooked up with a wife."

   "Enough! There is also a noisy mind, how did I give birth to you rubbish!" Paul Lehman raised his cane and pointed at the children in front of him and shouted, tired.

Seeing a few people dare not say anything, he gave a cold snort, and Paul Lehman closed his eyes, "You guys can do it for yourself, I can\'t protect you from the wind and rain forever. I have been honest for a while, don’t go out and shake people. Be a target ~ ~ July 9th at 8:50 am EST, there are still 40 minutes to leave the market, an article titled "The world\'s largest beer production company tax evasion? "The short news is spreading on the Internet at a virus-like speed.

   A netizen on Facebook posted a post, "Do you still want to drink Budweiser beer after seeing such a production workshop?" A few dirty beer processing workshops are attached.

   On Twitter, a big V who was certified as the vice president of a certain company posted such a message, "Where is the law of heaven? The sons of the world\'s top richest people are greedy for their wives, and their fathers protect and indulge."

   "Baiwei takes the lead in selling fake wine!"

   "Budweiser acquired a certain craft beer brand in Ohio last year and there are other hidden reasons?"

   "Hundred-Wingbo made false accounts to defraud stockholders, is it actually insolvent?"

   "The Lehman family has more than one life!"

  . . . . . .

In less than half an hour, strips of black material have sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain, detonating the entire network 10 minutes before the opening, and countless idle netizens joined the crusade army. They don’t care about the truth of the matter, just join in the fun. , And so many people have said it, can it be fake?

The three became tigers. Yang Sen, who had been familiar with history books such as Sun Tzu\'s Art of War and Warring States Policy since childhood, knew the truth well. Instead of trying hard to prove the authenticity of a piece of news, it was better to spread this piece of news. Many people know it, it is fake. Will become real too!

What\'s more, these black materials are not all made up. Several of them were bought by Liu Muqian from the black market and sent to Yang Sen. They also have a complete chain of evidence, but they cannot be enlarged at the beginning. Recruit, first knock down the stock price of AB InBev.