Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 64: 4 Fang Yundong

"Go, send someone to collect the black material of Anheuser-Busch InBev. I want everything that can affect their stock price, regardless of the price, understand?"

   Yang Cheng’s grandfather Liu Muqian returned to Pingdingshan’s residence from the dinner, took off his jacket and issued instructions to his assistant.

   "Master, how is the young master?" The assistant has been with Liu Muqian for 20 years. In his eyes, Yang Cheng is no different from his nephew. On the way back, he heard Liu Muqian\'s account of the situation, and his heart was stunned.

"Oh... Xiaoyun said that there is no life-threatening condition, but the injury is quite serious. She boarded the plane without treatment and the plane has not landed. The specific situation can only be confirmed after a doctor\'s examination." Liu Muqian\'s face was full of sadness. , Worried about the injury of his grandson.

   "The young master is auspicious, as long as there is no life-threatening life, you can use the current medical technology to guarantee you a healthy grandson." The assistant has no choice but to say auspicious words to relieve the old man.

Liu Muqian waved his hand, "Okay, don\'t worry about me, the loess is buried half of the people, you haven\'t experienced the big wind and waves, you go to make arrangements, it has been quiet for so many years, some people have forgotten the blood of our Chinese, huh... ."

   The assistant bowed and said fiercely, "Yes, I will make arrangements. Even if the Lehman family can\'t be killed this time, they will be peeled off."

   "Wait." Liu Muqian recruited the assistant who turned around.

   "Master, what else do you want."

   "How\'s the funding situation?" Liu Muqian lamented that he was old and couldn\'t remember some things.

"You can rest assured that all our offshore funds have been mobilized to Huifeng Bank. Huifeng Holdings and East West Bank have already spoken to fully support the father\'s actions. The Royal Bank of Scotland has prepared a $1 billion ultra-low interest loan for you. Mr. Bank CEO asked me to apologize to you."

   "It doesn\'t matter, Royal Bank is not in a good situation recently. I have tried my best to squeeze 1 billion US dollars out, old man I can handle it."

   "All the funds will be credited to the account before the US stock market opens tomorrow morning, sir, if there is nothing else, tell me to arrange for someone to collect information."

   "Okay, you have worked hard, let me go, I\'ll lie down for a while, if you have any news, wake me up immediately."

   Liu Muqian pinched his eyebrows, and rubbed his temples with some cooling oil, without any help, and walked to the bedroom with his hands behind his back.

  The assistant stood there, his eyes followed the father back to the bedroom, and then left the villa with a cold face.

  . . . . . .

   Honolulu, the capital of Hawaii, was the city of Honolulu by the Chinese because it produced sandalwood locally in the early days and was shipped in large quantities to Country Z. It is located in the southeastern corner of Oahu in the Hawaiian Islands. It has a mild climate and is the first choice for countless wealthy dignitaries.

Of course, there is also a considerable number of Chinese who emigrated to the United States in the early days. The scenery is beautiful, the temperature is neither too hot nor cold, the air is humid but not humid, and there is a good medical environment. Suitable for old age.

   Yang Cheng’s grandfather, Yang Yuanshan, dragged his tired body out of Honolulu International Airport, looking up at the blue sky and white clouds that seemed within reach, as if trying to break through the obstacles of the clouds to find the Yuanshan cruise on the stratosphere.

   "Lao Yang..." A call like Hong Zhong recalled Yang Yuanshan\'s thoughts.

   "Situ..." Yang Yuanshan followed the voice and found the stubborn old man beside the Mercedes-Benz, and screamed kindly.

The old man called Situ is not tall, he is slightly fat, and smiles like a Maitreya Buddha. His small squinted eyes seem to be able to insight into everything. His sword-like gaze turned on Yang Yuanshan\'s body before he smiled for a long time. "The old guy is in good health. Let\'s go and get in the car. I heard about Xiao Orange. That kid will have a big life and nothing will happen."

   "Why don\'t you old boy use swords and guns to change fortune telling?" Yang Yuanshan couldn\'t help laughing and cursing when he saw an old friend he hadn\'t seen for many years.

   Situ has the surname Situ and Hong, the Hong of Hong-men.

   "What\'s the matter with fortune-telling? I call it endless learning, you stubborn man knows what a fart." Old man Situ seemed to have recovered the feeling that he had no sorrow when he was young and Yang Yuanshan cherished each other and relied on each other to fight the world.

Yang Yuanshan quickly realized the thoughts of his old friends. The ghosts and gods laughed loudly. Situ couldn\'t help but laughed wildly. So the passengers entering and leaving the port from Honolulu Airport saw this scene. Two 200-year-old men with a piece of The airport gets nervous.

   "Alright, alright, I can\'t afford to lose this face to you, so hurry up in the car and go home and say something." Situ laughed and said, out of breath, flushed face and stretched out his hand to pat Yang Yuanshan\'s shoulder.

   "Ha... It\'s still not as hard as Lao Tzu, all right, this is your place, listen to you."

   That night, Yang Yuanshan and Situ talked secretly in the study for a whole night, and no one knew what the two old men were talking about.

It’s just that when Yang Yuanshan boarded the plane to New York the next day, there were many Chinese faces on the flights from major cities in the United States to Rio. It’s no surprise, who doesn’t know that the Chinese are rich, and it’s time. In the World Cup finals, going to Rio to watch football on holiday is naturally the best choice this summer.

But the group of interested people who are concerned about the development of the situation would not think so. Among these Chinese who flew to New York, some of them have been incognito for many years, wandering on the edge of darkness, and have been on countless blacklists. At this moment, they suddenly appeared at the same time. On the surface of the water, apart from having a Chinese face, they have one thing in common. They are all surnamed Hong, Hong-Men\'s Hong!

  . . . . . .

At 270 Park Avenue, New York, there is a modern skyscraper standing here. It is late at night, but the building is still brightly lit. From the outside, you can see employees in uniforms walking around holding thick documents. Between each floor, here is one of the world\'s largest financial service institutions, namely the headquarters building. Every day, countless pieces of information that may affect the global economic trend are sent from here.

   In front of the building, Yang Sen got off from the Bentley Mulsanne, stood beside the car, glanced at the sign thoughtfully, and took Elena and bodyguards into the building.

   Outside the top-level CEO\'s office, Yang Sen, with a tight face and an unsmiling face, said to the secretary, "Is Jamie in there?"

   "Uh... Yes, do you have an appointment?" The secretary looked at Yang Sen, the uninvited guest, a little nervously.

   "Elena, wait for me here." Yang Sen didn\'t have time to pay attention to the little secretary. He turned around and said to his assistant, he bypassed the little secretary, opened the office door, and walked in.

   "Hey? Sir, sir, you can\'t enter without an appointment..." The little secretary chased after Yang Sen and shouted.


   CEO Jamie Dimon raised his head in surprise at the sound of footsteps behind his desk.

   "Sorry, Jamie, broke in without an appointment." After Yang Sen came in, he looked at the furnishings of the office casually, and there was no change for so many years.

   came to the desk and stood still, saying an apology, but from his stern face, he could tell how sincere this apology was.

Jamie Dimon didn’t want to blame. It didn’t take long for Rio’s incident to reach his ears, so he nodded at the little secretary to let her go out, touched her nose and smiled forcefully, “It’s okay, Yang, what can I do for help? is it yours?"

   "In fact, there is really a small thing you can help."

   Yang Sen expressed his opinion so straightforwardly that Jamie Dimon almost never turned upside down, don’t you Chinese like to go around?

   Coughed slightly to hide the embarrassment, "Although I can help, I will definitely help."

   Implications, don\'t say anything beyond the scope of ability.

"Forum Publishing Company, you and me, have been negotiating for more than half a month. There is nothing to say about other conditions. The only issue for the card owner is the debt burden. I am not verbose. 80 million US dollars plus our responsibility for all debts, as soon as possible. How about going through the acquisition process?"

Yang Sen is now in urgent need of a public opinion platform with sufficient influence to act as a vanguard for his subsequent retaliation against Lehman. As a result, the acquisition cost is raised. In the eyes of Yang Sen, he can earn it back sooner or later. Lehman\'s companies launched public criticisms, and the black material that broke out was enough to bring the newspapers of Forum Publishing Company back to the center of people\'s attention. When the attention is increased, advertisers will come to the door for cooperation.

Of course, this is only temporary. The loneliness of the traditional newspaper industry is already firmly Afterwards, it is the only way for the forum publishing company to carry out new media reforms. It is not Yang Sen\'s turn to change the specific changes and which direction to develop. Worry about, let Yang Sen do everything, why do you want Yang Cheng to do it?

Jamie Dimon hugged his shoulders. With his usual style of doing things, he naturally wanted to continue to raise the price. Even the cleaning aunt of the Morgan Building cleaning the toilet understood that Janssen urgently needed the purpose of the Forum Publishing Company. The initiative of this negotiation has been completely lost. Into the hands.

   But now he doesn\'t dare and can\'t take advantage of the danger to sit on the ground and raise the price, to be precise, he does not dare to take advantage of Yang Sen\'s danger.

  Of course, this has nothing to do with human affection. In this era, a considerable number of Wall Street people advocate a rhetoric, "Wall Street has a human affection."

But in fact, Wall Street brokerages often move their positions after they break down a place and continue to work harder. This is both a tragic approach and a fallow rotation in agriculture. It takes time for the land to recover its fertility and shareholders also need time to recuperate. The so-called favor on Wall Street is not to lend a helping hand to each other when you are in distress, but to raise a fat sheep without killing and keeping the wool. As long as the sheep does not die, the energy will be continuous.

  Why can\'t I raise the price for Yang Sen? First of all, there is no room for a starting price. You can\'t expect Forum Publishing Company to sell 10 billion US dollars and raise the price to 100 million to die. Is it worth it to offend Janssen for the 20 million US dollars?

  Secondly, Yuanshan Capital belongs to the Wall Street power. It is the unspoken rule of Wall Street to be unanimous to the outside world. The Lehman family is ultimately from Brazil.

   Finally, this time it was Lehman who did not abide by the rules and took the lead to kill another family heir. No matter what the reason is, it makes people uncomfortable. This time he did it on the Yang family heir. Will it be another family next time? The big family has never lacked the vigilance to be vigilant!