Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 62: Uneasy come again!

(A book friend pointed out a small bug in Chapter 54, which has been corrected. Thank you! The suggestions will be better in the future! After all, the author cannot avoid negligence in writing a book! Give that friend a thumbs up~\(≧▽≦)/~ )



   "Müller, a good kick..."

At this moment, the Mineiro Stadium was completely dumb, like throwing a fire into ice water. The samba’s dance was pressed and stopped abruptly. Only the German fans were left. Men and women who know or don\'t know each other embracing each other to celebrate the German team\'s lead. This is the World Cup semi-final, and every goal scored means one step closer to the final.

   At 10 minutes and 18 seconds of the game, the German team used the opportunity of a corner kick by Muller to score the first goal. The Brazilian team\'s proud Magino defensive line became vulnerable at this moment.

Compared with the frustration of Brazilian fans in the stadium, in the box, David Beckham, who bought Germany to win, and the director of the Volkswagen Group jumped up from the sofa, waving his arms in the direction of the Brazilian team’s goal and yelling .

  Although the friends who bought Brazil to win were disappointed, they also clapped calmly. Everyone was a spectator. This kind of tolerance is still necessary. After all, the game only started 10 minutes.

Yang Cheng doesn\'t have that good\'quality\' anymore, and she opened her mouth and sarcastically said, "How about Louis? Do you want to go back? I am not a entangled person!" The number is refunded.

   The cheeky face made the corners of everyone\'s mouth twitch. Is this Nima a son of a big family?

"What\'s the hurry... The game has just begun, easy!" Louis Lehman can still remain calm and calm. His arrangement can ensure that he can turn the tide at the crucial moment of the game. Of course, he can\'t think of how tragic the World Cup semi-finals will be when he is killed. .

Yang Cheng was also too lazy to complain about Louis-Pretend-Lehman. The game went exactly the same as in the memory. His hanging heart was temporarily relieved. At the same time he was in a good mood, he dragged Miranda Kerr over and came to the field fiercely. The French kiss didn\'t even notice him, and the shirt shirt tucked in his pants was already wet.

"My dear..." Kerr wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth and patted Yang Cheng on the shoulder angrily. Yang Cheng and Louis Lehman\'s tit-for-tat confrontation was naturally seen in her eyes, and she was worried about Yang Cheng before. That\'s 100 million U.S. dollars, and her annual income is only 8 million U.S. dollars.

   When the German team scored a goal, she was also very happy for Yang Cheng from the heart, and she could also understand the emotions of this little man who was 5 years younger than her as being turned off the tap.

   "Haha, don\'t you play a hand?" Yang Cheng raised her head and laughed, and put her arm around Ke\'er\'s shoulder, resting her head on her shoulder.

   "I don\'t have any money." Ke\'er glanced beautifully and whispered in Yang Cheng\'s ear.

When the two were struggling, the game continued. The Brazilian players were a little anxious because they conceded a goal prematurely, and eagerly set off a counterattack. However, the German team was not arrogant or impatient, and steadily took over the three axes of the Brazilian team. Also took advantage of the unprepared launch of a sneak attack, shocked the Brazilian fans in a cold sweat.

   Louis Lehman\'s good mentality didn\'t last long, and the German team\'s second goal gave him a blow.

After 10 minutes from the first goal, the German team used Brazil to press on. The empty timing of the rear, several frontcourt players played ingenious cooperation, and the veteran Klose made the final decision. This goal was also scored by Klose. The 16th goal in the World Cup surpassed the 15 goals of the legendary Brazilian forward Ronaldo and ranked first in the World Cup scorer list.

   "fuck..." Louis Lehman loosened his tie irritably, panting heavily, blood was on his gentle white face.

Ha ha. . . Yang Cheng watched quietly without speaking, and satirized this thing once. If it was too much, it was easy to jump over the wall, which was inconsistent with his purpose.

The rest of the guests can also understand that in the face of 100 million US dollars in cash, no one can avoid the vulgarity. He has a net worth of more than 200 less than 30 billion US dollars, and one-200th is missing, even if he spends buying a plane and a yacht. , At least you can enjoy it, who doesn\'t feel bad about giving it away for nothing? His family is not really growing money!

   Attention to the atmosphere is strange, Beckham had to forcibly suppress his excitement. At this time, if he cheered uninterestingly, it might be caught by Louis Lehman as a thorn in the eye, it would be no fun.

   The director of Volkswagen didn\'t have so many worries. They are neither competitors nor live in a country. They don\'t need to be afraid at all. I won the money and shouted what happened to him? Do you care?

Who knows that it’s not over yet. The German team was completely crazy. A simple pass from the bottom was made. The football was passed to the center by Captain Ram. The midfielder Toniclos, who followed up in the back row, shot the ball with an angry shot. Brazil The team\'s back line made a low-level error again, and everyone could only watch the ball rush into their own goal.

0:3. According to international practice, the home team is behind the visiting team. This is a plot that no one thought of before the game. You must know that Yang Cheng couldn\'t see the expressions of the fans in the 24th minute of the first half. It is hard to imagine that Brazil is crying at this moment!

   Louis Lehman\'s eyes were red, and his snort could even be heard by Anthony, who was far away, like an estrus, no, an angry bull.

   I saw Louis Lehman staring at a certain player on the green field, or the referee? Turn around to leave. . .

   "Louis, the game is not over yet." Yang Cheng said, and the light and fluttering words were chilly.

   "You also care when I go to the bathroom? It\'s too wide, right?" Louis sneered.

   "Heh... Then I can\'t control it naturally, but there is a bathroom in the box." Yang Cheng sneered. His only task now is to stare at Louis Lehman to prevent him from having a chance to play.

   "I can\'t go out and breathe? Why? You don\'t like me? You look at me so tightly?"


   Louis Lehman\'s words amused a few second generations who had nothing to do with them.

   Yang Cheng ignored Louise\'s furious sarcasm.

   slowly tasting the red wine, "rest assured, I am not interested in you, but not at ease with your character, so it is best not to leave this room before the game is over, and don’t touch your phone..."

   "What do you mean?"

   "The meaning is very obvious. I am worried that your tricks will affect the development of the game, so in order to prove that I am a villain to save the abdomen of a gentleman, I am wronged to stay in the box temporarily, right?"

   Yang Cheng’s warning attracted the support of the public director, “Yes, I agree with what Jason said, and in order to avoid suspicion, everyone had better not leave this room before the end of the game.”

The director of Volkswagen did not know Yang Cheng, let alone the relationship between the two. The reason for saying this was purely for his own benefit. He pressed 20 million US dollars to bet the German team to win, which was a waste of 20 million compared to 90 minutes. Dollars, a word of solidarity with Yang Cheng is nothing.

   "Why? You are not qualified to restrict our personal freedom." The black man with the highest bet, the voice of the subwoofer said, Louis Lehman also has supporters.

   He also supports the Brazil team. Now everyone with a discerning eye can see that the Brazilian players are already in a state of despair. If Luis Lehman moves his hands and feet to recover from the decline, the blacks are happy to see it. After all, he has paid 25 million US dollars.

   This is not just his opinion alone. The people who bet on Brazil in the box have the same idea, but because of the feelings of the public directors, they did not speak.

   Money is a good thing. You can see through people\'s hearts in an instant, and you can measure how cold or warm a human relationship is, and friendship is a shit.

   Because the benefit box is naturally divided into two factions, only Hamandan sits steadily, drinking and watching the football game enthusiastically as if he hasn\'t heard anything. Anyway, no matter who wins, he can\'t lose it.

   "I can\'t control the others, but you can\'t leave Louis." Yang Cheng nodded slightly to the director of Volkswagen, thanking him for his support.

   Ignore the tension in the box. Just 2 minutes later, Kroos, the hero of the last goal, completed a steal in the frontcourt. He and his teammates continued to make small-range passes. He pushed the empty goal and scored twice! The Brazilian players were turned around and the score became 0:4.

   When the Brazilian team fell again, the cameras on the scene began to catch the expressions of the fans. The smiles of the German fans and the grief and indignation of the Brazilian fans were filled with equator polarities, and the stern look made people look straight.

   In the 29th minute of the first half, the German team scored the fifth goal of the game, and the five-star Brazil team fell apart.

  The Mineiro Stadium was dead, and only a few German fans seemed to have a ‘doomsday’ carnival.

   At this time, unless Luis Lehman smashed a tens of millions of bonuses to buy off the referee, risked the world\'s ruin and sentenced 5 penalties in a row, disregarding Brazil\'s face, otherwise his 100 million would be paid!

   Will Louis do this? Yang Cheng couldn\'t help but secretly suspect.

   The possibility is relatively low, but it cannot be ruled out that this guy gets into his head and makes an amazing move.

   "Hmph... You are fine, the money will arrive in 3 days, can I go now?" Louis seemed to have recovered his calm, resigned to Yang Cheng.

Yang Cheng also knows that he can\'t push the other party in a hurry. He is still on the other side\'s territory. He doesn\'t dare to make a joke about his life, and there are so many big people who have witnessed the gambling game. Yang Cheng doesn\'t worry about him failing to account, even if he wants to. , He still has to mix internationally.

   "But just left?" Yang Cheng frowned, muttering in her heart.

No one knows the rich man’s elder brother better than him. If he was scammed by 100 million, he would have to jump up and bite. But Louis didn’t even throw a word of cruelty down and didn’t look back. Did you leave like this?

   Is he such a talkative person?

   Yang Sen sent Yang Cheng the detailed information about Louis Lehman. UU read www.uukā Yang Cheng had read it several times. It’s nothing, knowing the enemy, knowing the enemy is victorious.

There is a record in the data. About 10 years ago, a local boy brother in Rio smashed Louis’s favorite sports car because he was racing with Louis. Not only was he bankrupted by Louis’s entire family business, he was also in the presence of that one. The son\'s face forced his wife and a few lovers. What\'s even more disgusting is that Louis imprisoned the son-in-law in a room in a slum. He fed the **** for 3 days. Finally, the son-in-law couldn\'t stand the humiliation and hit the wall. Suicide. (Little fat has heard real people and real things, it\'s disgusting...)

This matter was later suppressed by Paul Lehman. Almost no one knew. Yang Sen also learned it accidentally. It took a lot of money to understand the inside story. At the time, he also talked to Yang Cheng, guessing that Louis must have been subjected to some kind of The blows lead to distortion of the mind, either neurosis or schizophrenia!

   Thinking of this, Yang Cheng couldn\'t help but shudder. As the saying goes, he was frightened and frightened. In Yang Cheng\'s eyes, Louis Lehman was properly classified as a kind of death.

  MD, I don’t want to play anymore, so I will return to the United States in a while! Yang Cheng will never admit that he admits to counseling, and he must rely on wisdom to deal with people who are desperate. . . Yes, outsmart!

   The competition is still going on. Brazilians have no interest in singing and dancing. If you look from the front, everyone is expressionless and empty-eyed. For Brazil, this day is equivalent to the end of the world.

   Yang Cheng also lost the thought of watching the ball. Since his rebirth, Yang Cheng\'s instincts have been very keen. Several uneasy thoughts have surged in his heart, and soon there will be accidents, big or small, and this time is no exception.

   Now his instinct tells him that the alternative ‘match’ with Louis Lehman is far from over.