Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 61: One billion!

"Who?" Louis Lehman pretended to be a fool. He hadn\'t been idiots to the public to admit that he had sent someone to follow Yang Cheng.

   "It\'s okay, lip service." Yang Cheng waved his hand perfunctorily.

   "This is Mr. Anthony Arnott? This is Louis Lehman." Louis Lehman bypassed Yang Cheng and reached out to Anthony.

   "Hello, Mr. Lehman, call me Anthony." There is no hypocrisy who lives in this circle. If you don\'t like someone, you have to be superficial.

   "Papa, papa..." Hamandan clapped his hands.

   "The game will start right away, who wants to play? I\'ll be the banker." Hamandan was not referring to betting at the betting company, but the betting in his box.

   "Count me, how to play?" The director of Volkswagen Group was the first to respond.

   "I play too." Sam Branson followed and raised his hand.

"And I."

  . . .

   After a while, everyone in the box joined in. They are all people who are not bad. There is also the Crown Prince of Dubai sitting at the bank.

   "Okay, then we will bet on the outcome. Brazil loses 1.5 and Germany loses 2. The minimum bet is 5 million US dollars. There is no upper limit." Hamandan strolled to the center of the box and told the players about the rules of the game.

   Obviously, from the odds point of view, Hamandan is optimistic about Brazil winning. In fact, the major bookmakers are also optimistic about Brazil in the market for this game. There are three reasons:

  First, Brazil is the host;

Second, although the star Neymar was seriously injured in the last game to bid farewell to the World Cup, there are still the world\'s strongest central defender combination on the back line. Supernovas such as William and Oscar often have the flash of the savior alone at critical moments. which performed;

Third, there are no superstars in the German team this summer. The players just ended the European war this summer and came to Brazil non-stop. They are now exhausted. On the contrary, many Brazilian players play in their national leagues and have a small physical reserve. Advantages, don\'t underestimate this impact, but it is a key factor that determines the direction of the game.

   Harmandan is naturally not stupid. Just now I was discussing with the professionals of the gaming company, let\'s play, for everyone\'s happiness, it doesn\'t matter if he pays less, but if he pays a lot, he can\'t maintain a good mood.

"Yes, simple! Exciting! Let me pay 10 million, Brazil wins." This time Sam Branson took the lead and set the tone for the bet. After the check was signed, the check was torn down and handed to the work in charge of recording. personnel.

   In the stadium, the atmosphere was fired to the highest point because the Brazilian team came out.

   The expensive box is as if it has lost its sound insulation effect. The sound of the mountain whistling and the tsunami impacts everyone\'s eardrums. How can the violent and frenetic atmosphere make people not excited.

Sure enough, a few second-generation heads got hot, adrenaline soared, and one after another 10 million and 20 million checks were issued. For the top dude, living is just a mood. If you lose $12 million, you will lose. Go back and ask Dad for it.

So far, the highest bet is a black man with US$25 million. Yang Cheng doesn’t know him. I heard from Anthony that he is a warlord in a certain African country. He has more than 10 gold and diamond mines under him, and he has a lot of friendship with Cartier. .

   "MD, tm is richer than Xiaoye." Yang Cheng envied and hated.

   "Harmandan, Harry and I each have 5 million. Brazil wins, not as good as your group of local tyrants." Prince William toasted to everyone with a mocking glass.

   You can just listen to this, who will take it seriously? As one of the only surviving members of the oldest royal family in the world that still holds real power, William represents the glory of the last nobility in the empire that never sets in the sun. His status cannot be measured by wealth. Besides, who would think of the British royal family? Really no money?

The treasures that the British robbed from Old Summer Palace are enough for them to eat for hundreds of years. What\'s more, the Windsor family has inherited the wealth accumulated by generations of dynasties over the centuries. The richness of its foundation is really beyond ordinary people\'s imagination. .

   Everyone smiled in kind cooperation, David Beckham then joined the fun and said, "I will also pay 5 million, but I bet Germany will win..."

   Yang Cheng looked at Beckham in surprise, and joked, "David, you support your mortal enemy in front of William and Harry, is this really good?"


   roared with laughter. . .

   Sam Branson smiled very happily. Young people like to be lively. This atmosphere is what the carnival should have. The old men were too serious before.

   Beckham smiled bitterly, joking with himself pretending to be wronged, "I have to live back home. If I lose vicky, it won\'t make me feel better. Anyway, I retired. My wife is more important than my mortal enemy."


There was another burst of laughter. Westerners especially like this self-black tone. Speaking of self-blackness, who can have a high level of big mimi, and the stubborn feet are all broken. It is said that her husband will not be because of big mi I can’t stand the smell of honey feet and come up with luminous scripts, right? Ha ha. . . The public relations draft at that time should be written like this, "Wang Ou at night is to discuss the foot health of actresses." This is instantly taller and more credible than tm\'s research script!

There is also Xiaolu cheating, and that fart 1 is also stupid, but he has no self-defeating spirit. For example, he has a sickness, and his family is not around. Xiaolu has fulfilled his responsibilities as a sister and used his warmth to take care of him who is sick throughout the night. it is good? Suddenly rise to the moral high ground, netizens can\'t fault it! Young Master Jia also has steps to go down, everyone is satisfied, and everyone is happy!

   Stop talking, I was drunk too, and a novel almost became a PR essay. . .

   Yang Cheng just made a joke, but brought the ‘fire of war’ to himself, “Jason, don’t go around making jokes on David, you haven’t placed a bet yet.”

   It was Prince William who was talking. He had a very good relationship with the Beckhams, and speaking out at this time also meant to stand on the platform for the couple. After all, in this box, the couple had the lowest status.

   of course is not deliberately targeting Yang Cheng, the joke is even heavier.

   "Hey... I have a little misunderstanding with Louis. You play with yours. How about we play alone? Louis?"

   Yang Cheng tried to dig this pit, but she had to endure it for more than a week, and she almost couldn\'t help it, and the book friends were about to revolt!

   The box was silent, and the air froze for a tenth of a second.

   The Brazilian national anthem began to be played in the stadium, and the audience stood up and sang in a chorus.

"Why not? I\'m a Brazilian, so I naturally support Brazil to win." Louise cleverly seized the opportunity and chose the side with a greater theoretical victory. As for his excuse that he is a Brazilian, it can be regarded as a deaf ear. That’s it, the Lehman family immigrated from Switzerland.

   Yang Cheng expressed regret on the surface, and she was happy for a long time, "Okay, then I will crush Germany, how much do you make?"

"How much do you make?" Louis Lehman had his own small calculations. He didn\'t want to gamble. He wanted Yang Cheng\'s promise to help them buy Hershey, which was the promise of letting Catherine Kane stand on Lehman\'s side. Lotte is required to give up the competition with Lehman for Hershey shares.

   If he can have a good performance in this Hershey\'s merger and acquisition case, it will help him inherit the family business as soon as possible. Unlike Yang Cheng, who is the only son in the family and has no competitors, Lehman is not the only one named Louis.

Louis\'s uneasy routine made Yang Cheng hesitate. At first, he was sure of winning this bet, but from Lehman\'s calm performance, this product seems to have come prepared, is it Louis Ray Man wants to control the game?

This thought suddenly appeared like moss after the rain, Yang Cheng felt a little bit in his heart, can\'t it, this is the World Cup semi-finals, the focus of the whole world is here, it is not 2002 at that time, when the information was not spread smoothly, the stick was still Dare to blatantly cheat, even if fans in other countries know it, it will be a day or two later, there is no channel for venting, and it will eventually stop.

   But now is 2014, and Chinese and Western social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Weibo are extremely hot. At this time, if there is a scandal of Brazil\'s World Cup manipulation, there is no need to wait for the Olympics two years later, and the Brazilian government can now declare bankruptcy.

It’s impossible to keep comforting myself in my heart, but reality tells him that, let alone Louis Lehman, even Yang Orange has many ways to influence the trend of the game, and the major gaming groups are among the best. Bribery of referees, buying players, or even drugging key players for profit is not uncommon.

Thinking about it this way, Neymar was directly abolished in the previous game. You must know that before that, the odds of winning the World Cup in the major markets have been the Brazilian team, and the public opinion has also been biased towards the Brazilian team. To regain the World Cup in China, if you really follow this script, the bookmaker will lose the pants you can wear.

   Reminiscent of the **** 1:7 in the previous life, tusk. . . It\'s really scary to think carefully.

Yang Cheng was stunned at this moment. The referee had already blew the whistle for the start of the game. Yang Cheng glanced at Louis Lehman, who was watching the game nervously. If he remembers correctly, the German team scored a goal shortly after the start of the game. After that, the battle was resolved like a broken bamboo and a glorious blow. As a result, even if Louis Lehman had any arrangements, it was too late to recover, and the referee could never arrange for a penalty kick.

   "Only 30 million, right?" Yang Cheng suddenly reported the number.

   Everyone present was taken aback. It seems that the contradiction between Yang Cheng and Louis Lehman is more than just a misunderstanding.

   "Such boldness?" Louis Lehman had a disgusting but elegant smile on his face, with a slight contempt in his eyes.

  As expected by Yang Cheng, Louis Lehman did move a little bit with the game, with the goal of making Yang Cheng lose the game, but he could not get the cash. At that time, he took the opportunity to make his request. Yang Cheng did not agree to it.

   "You say the number." Yang Cheng shrugged and looked towards the arena. At the beginning of the game, there was enough physical strength. After a few simple offensive and defensive exchanges, the two sides slowly accelerated the rhythm.

   "50 million!" Louis Lehman made a loud calling 50 million is like calling 50.

   "Sister Ni... Did your beautiful knife grow out of the ground?" Yang Cheng scolded in her heart.

"Mr. Lehman, and Jason, have any misunderstandings come out? With so many people here, there will always be a solution. Don\'t hurt your peace." Anthony saw that the two had a real fire, worried that Yang Cheng would suffer. He stood up and wanted to make a round.

"Don\'t worry about Anthony, this is a matter between me and Jason. You can\'t interfere. Besides, if he doesn\'t have the money to say something, I won\'t be bothered." This is Chi Guoguo\'s aggressive method, and Anthony has nothing to say. It can be said that changing to other small families, in terms of Liu Yun\'s face, it is not impossible for Anthony to help to suppress it. The key is that the Lehman family is not a small family, it is also one of the best in South America, and its strength is not weaker than the lvmh group. go with.

   Then again, if it is really a small family, Yang Cheng can do it by himself without him.

"Huh... The tone is not small, since that\'s the case, let\'s play a little bit bigger. If you want to bet, we will bet 100 million. Don\'t regret it if you lose. If you say so big, don\'t blame me for flipping the table in the end! "Yang Cheng replied unceremoniously, and directly doubled the bet on the basis of Louis, with an expression of indignation, making people who are not familiar with Yang Cheng lament that the heir to the distant mountains is still young.

   "OK, it\'s a deal, please help the three princes to testify." Yang Cheng\'s words were in line with Louis\'s appetite, and he couldn\'t wait to settle the two gambling game.

   Yang Cheng snorted coldly, took out his mobile phone and sent a few text messages to Hansen. At this time, there were a few cheers of joy in the box, and he subconsciously raised his head and looked into the field again.

   It turned out that the German team scored.

  . . . . . .