Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 60: Before the game

At 17:30 pm on July 8th, local time in Brazil, the sky was still bright, but the spotlights of Mineiro Stadium in Belo Horizonte were all turned on. More than 60,000 crazy samba people gathered in the stadium. Brazil\'s home jersey, like a sea of ​​yellow.

Today’s semi-final is against the host Brazil and the traditionally powerful German team. The veritable battle of the century has naturally attracted the attention of hundreds of millions of people around the world. With half an hour before the start of the game, the fans can’t hold back their hearts. Excited, yelled frantically at the rocker camera across the air, showing his passion.

As soon as Yang Cheng entered the stadium, a powerful sound mixed with shouts and various horns hit the stadium. There were tens of thousands of fans who could not buy tickets and could not enter the stadium, but they were still waiting in the stadium. Under the big screen, they contributed their strength to the players in the field. They stomped their feet, sang songs, and danced samba, waiting for the start of the game.

Only by visiting the stadium can you feel the charm of the world’s largest sport. Modern football is not only a competition between teams, but also the glory of the country. In Brazil, no one does not love football, just like no one in this nation. Like sex, when you go to the slums, the celebrities and the wealthy, the children who can\'t afford to eat and go to school, as long as they talk about football, they all smile and are full of interest.

This week, Yang Cheng’s life has only left the two keywords of football and xing. Watching football, partying with Kerr all night, sleeping, eating food, drinking wine, continuing to watch football, and winning for the team he supports. Cheers, failures and frustrations, every day is very happy and fulfilling, as if I have forgotten the things I have been followed by others.

   And the life of the instigator Louis Lehman and Yang Cheng are similar. Watching football and parties, it seems that he really obeyed Paul Lehman\'s warnings and no longer troubles Yang Cheng.

But no one knew that after Paul Lehman left the villa that day, Hansen, an uninvited guest, had visited, and no one knew that Louis Lehman readily agreed to Yang Cheng’s invitation. Two foxes with their own minds treated each other at the same time. As a lamb to be slaughtered, he waited for the opportunity to pounce and bite off a piece of meat.

Mineiro Stadium was renovated in 2012. The redesigned Mineiro Stadium adheres to the concept of environmental protection, and uses many environmentally friendly materials for decoration. Of course, this does not include the VIP box on the top of the main stand. It is convenient for the rich to watch the World Cup. For the World Cup, 20 VIP boxes with different sizes and decoration styles were specially built.

   When Yang Cheng took Miranda Kerr\'s hand into the largest box in the middle, she realized that there were a lot of people here today.

To tell the truth, Yang Cheng was still drenched in being able to enter the box. That day, he arranged for Hansen to send an invitation to Louis Lehman. After getting a positive answer, he ordered the box for this game. The result was dumbfounded. 20 boxes were early. Before the World Cup group stage was finished, they were divided up. The rich people watched the game mostly because of the excitement, and didn’t care who the two sides of the game were. Anyway, there will be no weak teams in the semifinals of the World Cup. Isn\'t it more suspenseful in such a game?

Later, it happened to learn that Anthony Arnott and his supermodel girlfriend Natalia had traveled around the world to Brazil. They were invited by Dubai Crown Prince Hamandan to watch the semi-finals, so they cheekily rubbed Anthony Arnott. The relationship between the two was able to enter the box, otherwise it would be embarrassing.

But as soon as he entered the box, he XXOOd Anthony Arnott’s girlfriend in his heart, "Uncle, let’s tell the young master, who likes to join in the fun, this tm is the war of the century or the party of the century. If Uncle Bin Bin Laden is not dead yet, just throw a bomb into this box, he will surely set off a financial tsunami, and the economy of a small part of the world will be paralyzed. What kind of 911!"

LV Prince Anthony Arnott and his girlfriend will not mention, Dubai Crown Prince Hammandan, Prince William and Princess Kate of England, Prince Harry, son of Sam Branson-Virgin Atlantic founder Richard Branson There are also a few familiar but unable to remember their names, either a tycoon or a second-generation box with an area of ​​more than 100 square meters. There are big people who can affect the global trillion-dollar scale. Most people come in and their legs tremble.

Miranda Kerr, who also recognizes these people, clasped Yang Cheng\'s arm subconsciously, even though she is standing at the top of the pyramid in the supermodel world, but in front of the big guys who can really dominate the world economy, she has achieved something. Not worth mentioning at all.

   "Hey, Jason, you are here, how are you doing?" Here, Yang Cheng is the most familiar with Anthony Arnott, politely smiled at the guests in the box and came to Anthony.

   "Very good, so many people today? Are you going to talk about things?" Yang Orange asked softly, leaning over.

"No, you were invited by me. William and Harry were invited by Hammandan. It was a coincidence that Sam was invited by Harry. I was shocked when I came in." Anthony was not stage fright. It is that the people in the venue know each other but are not familiar with each other, and they are in different fields. They are far apart in age, have no common language, and the atmosphere is a bit awkward.

   As the owner of the box, Prince Hamandan has always been high and cold, and will not take the initiative to stir up the atmosphere, causing the heat of the venue to not rise, and it is a little cold, which is why Yang Cheng feels uncomfortable when he comes in.

   The scene is now clearly divided into 4 small groups, each occupying a corner and talking in a low voice.

The three princes and their female companions occupied the salon area; Sam Branson and a few young second-generation occupies the bar counter; several older people tasted a cigar in the cigar area. One of the directors of the Volkswagen Group, a German, is estimated to be here today to support his country, and the others are also the owners of regular financial magazines; Yang Cheng and Anthony Arnott did not expect Miranda Kerr And Natalia actually knew each other, yes, both of them were in mixed model circles, and there were only a few top ones, who didn\'t know who.

   "Jason, when did you like football?" Anthony poured a glass of red wine for Yang Cheng, glanced at his fiancée and Miranda Kerr, who had a great conversation, and chatted casually.

"I just join the fun, do something by the way, how about you? Go after watching this? Or watch another final?" Yang Cheng took a sip of the red wine, glanced at the time hanging on the wall, and muttered to Louis Why hasn\'t Lehman been here yet?

   "After watching the finals, the World Cup is a four-year event, it would be a shame to miss it."

   As soon as Anthony\'s voice fell, the box door was pushed open again, and the corners of Yang Cheng\'s mouth curled up and fell back quickly. He thought it was Louis Lehman who had arrived, but what was revealed was Beckham\'s obsessive face and his wife Victoria.

"Say hello in the past?" Yang Cheng turned around and asked Anthony. The two of them knew the Beckhams, mainly because Victoria\'s long-sleeved dancers had good connections in the fashion industry. You can often see this couple in high-class parties in the United States. The two figures.

   Anthony nodded indifferently, "OK, I will also introduce you to Hamandan, haven\'t you seen it?"

   Yang Cheng recalled for a few seconds, then shook his head, "No, but I have had a relationship with Mansour."

   Sheikh Mansour is a member of the royal family of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, the local tyrant who acquired the Manchester City team in the Premier League, and a member of the board of directors of the world\'s largest sovereign wealth fund-Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, with a personal wealth of over 20 billion pounds.

  In terms of kinship, Hamandan should call Mansour his uncle.

Walked to the salon area and waited for the Beckhams to finish greeting the princes, Anthony said, "Hamandan, introduce you a new friend, Yang Cheng, the heir of Yuanshan Capital, and call him Jason. "

   "Jason, this is the crown prince of Dubai, Hamandan Maktoum, and we are in the same way. We will take this opportunity to get to know each other and share more experiences in the future."

   "Hello, Hamandan, I am honored to know you." Yang Cheng did not lower his posture to call His Royal Highness Hamandan, he is not a subordinate of Hamandan.

"Hello, it\'s nice to meet you too, Jason, Anthony said that we are the same people. It seems to be the case. He has a good vision." Harmandan pointed to Miranda Kerr behind Yang Cheng, and smiled at Yang. Orange made a look that a man knew.

   He was not so cold to the young man of the same class, Hamandan, smiled very charmingly, as if God prefers the Middle Easterners, giving them huge wealth is not enough, but also giving them a superior appearance.

   Yang Cheng has searched the Internet about the royal family of the Middle East in his previous life. Whether it is a prince or a princess, the face is so beautiful that it is not ugly.

   After a few words of greeting, they greeted the two princes William and Harry respectively. These two met occasionally, and the relationship was not very close, so they nodded their acquaintances.

"David, haven\'t seen you for a long time, Vicky, you haven\'t been to New York for a long time. My mother often talks about you." Yang Cheng shook hands with Beckham and had two face-to-face ceremonies with Victoria. Liu Yun was very surprised. Admire Victoria and often praise her for living out the style of a modern woman.

"Jason, you know, my little 7 is still young, and I can\'t live without me, and I haven\'t left Los Angeles for a long time." Victoria said helplessly, but the happiness on her face was envious of others. This A couple created a precedent for a couple of celebrities in style and sports. They have been imitated and never surpassed.

At this time, through the frosted glass, the fans outside the box suddenly got up, waving their fists and shouting at the arena. Yang Cheng was still wondering. Beckham helped explain It should be the players of both sides warming up. After returning to the locker room, the fans are cheering for the players, and the game begins immediately. "

Yang Cheng nodded clearly, turned around, put the wine glass on the table, and when he raised his head, his sight happened to meet a familiar and annoying face. He was poking his head in from outside the box to find something. .

   Who else can there be besides the Louis Lehman whom Yang Cheng was thinking of, the moment he saw him, Yang Cheng seemed to see the moving gold ingot.

   beckoned to Louis, and then said to Hammandan, "Hamandan, that is the youngest son of 3G capital Paul Lehman, Louis Lehman, don\'t you mind asking him to watch the game in the box?"

   "Of course you don\'t mind, you are free." Hamandan was discussing the odds with people from the bookmaker, and waved his hand casually.

Most of the people in the box are from the European side. They don’t know much about Louis Lehman, but everyone has heard Yang Cheng’s introduction. Paul Lehman’s name is still very popular in Europe. In the past, he acquired AB InBev. He became famous in one fell swoop and his wealth was amazing, so they nodded their greetings to Louis Lehman.

  Only Anthony Arnott frowned and came to Yang Cheng\'s side, staring at Louis Lehman and shaking hands with others, and muttered in a low voice, "Are you friends with him?"

   "Hehe, do you know him too?" Yang Cheng smiled contemptuously, and asked instead without answering directly.

   "I have heard about it, but his reputation is not very good..." Anthony is still a gentleman, and his words are rather obscure.

   Yang Cheng smiled, "Don\'t worry, why would I be friends with him, but I have a misunderstanding that needs to be resolved."

   After speaking, he didn\'t give the stunned Anthony a chance to ask a question. A mocking smile hung on the corner of his mouth and stepped to greet him, "Louis, how are your people?"

  . . . . . .