Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 59: Paul Lehman

(Happy New Year, friends, have you eaten dumplings? This chapter was written after I drank 5 bottles of beer. I forgot everything I wrote when I got up this morning, ahem... Forgive me.)

   "Louis, who made you do this?"

   "Dad, what did you say? What did I do?"

   Louis Lehman chewed the gum and raised Erlang\'s legs indifferently.

   Paul Lehman has the greatest expectations for his youngest son. Not only is Louis Lehman’s clever performance since he was a child, but he also has a cautious approach that does not match his age. He was almost trained with Louis Lehman as the first heir.

But it may be that he is too spoiled. Louis Lehman’s growth path has not encountered any setbacks, and he has never even fallen. If the wind is windy or rainy, he can’t be beaten, which directly caused Louis Lehman’s heart. Haughty and consciously superior in temperament.

As for Louis Lehman’s habit of hooking up with wives, I understand better. When a person discovers that ordinary women in this world are no longer challenging to him, there are countless women rushing to crawl on his bed. At that time, in order to continue to maintain the joy of life, I had to actively increase the difficulty value of chasing women.

Slowly, Louis Lehman realized that after hooking up with his wife, the husband who was wearing a green hat by him was heartbroken. He wished to kill him but was helpless for the perverted pleasures, and his greatest reliance, Paul Lehman, tolerated him time and time again. He wiped his **** again and again, and the high-priced bodyguards kept all dangers out of Louis Lehman\'s sight as much as possible.

  It can be said that Paul Lehman made Louis Lehman the virtue of today.

In ancient times in the country of Z, a child acted arbitrarily from a young age, but his parents never restrained him. As a result, the child grew up and murdered and was sentenced to capital punishment. Before the child wanted to **** the mother’s ru-head again, the mother really explained it. He opened his clothes and fed him, but he bit off his mother\'s ru-head and cried, "If you had disciplined me earlier, why is there today\'s death!"

   Louis Lehman will not have this day, but Paul Lehman’s patience with his younger son has reached its limit.

   He is 74 years old, how many years can he live? How many years can you **** your youngest son? There is an old saying that 73 and 84 Yan Wangye does not ask himself to go. Although this statement has no scientific basis, it is widely circulated among the people. When people reach this age, they are sensitive to their lifespan.

Moreover, the struggle between the Brazilian giants has risen several levels compared to the tragic level of the United States, because the established families in Brazil or South America have risen by relying on profitable industries such as minerals, petroleum, and drugs, and their subordinates do not raise a hundred and eighty shots. The gun is embarrassed to have a foothold in South America? Just kidding?

   Vale, the world\'s largest iron ore producer and exporter, is also the largest mining company in the American continent. What is the concept of this giant for Brazil? Probably it is the combination of CNPC and SINOPEC in country Z, so everyone has room for imagination about the strength of Vale.

   This mining giant with an annual turnover of nearly US$30 billion and a net profit of more than US$8 billion is obviously controlled by the Brazilian government, haha. . . This joke is very funny, just like someone told you one day that CNPC has become a private enterprise. Who can believe it?

   If the Brazilian government really controls Vale, will the Olympics almost go bankrupt after two years?

   In order to control more of Vale’s shares, the major oligarchic families have hundreds of conflicts each year, and the bullets that are shot can feed a small military factory.

Although Paul Lehman started from playing with capital and belongs to an emerging power, he will inevitably conflict with the old family during the process of his rise. He is not a few in his eyes. Fortunately, he has escaped dozens of assassinations in his life. , There are countless traps of all kinds.

   But after his death, who can save his life and inheritance? Louis Lehman? Or his other asshole-like children? Do you count on a good friend who founded 3G Capital with him? Don\'t be nonsense, those two want him to die quickly? They are all founders, so why does Paul Lehman have the most shares and still secure the position of the richest man in Brazil?

   "Have you sent someone to follow Jason Yang?"

   Paul Lehman leaned on the crutches, knocking on the ground, "Boom boom...", his anger jumped up.

   "Oh, you said this? Yeah, what\'s the matter?" Louis Lehman curled his mouth and sharpened his fingernails with a nail clipper.

   "Are you an idiot? It was enough to seduce the Liang family before, is the Yang family an ordinary family?" Paul Lehman raised his crutches as a gesture, and his dry folds wrinkled into lines.

"Don\'t be so excited, dad, didn\'t we cooperate very well? I am responsible for disrupting the rear. You took the opportunity to buy, and this time is the same." Louis Lehman finally realized that his father is in a state of anger, not suitable for being tough Confronted, consciously lowered his tone, and defended his grievances.

   When Paul Lehman heard it, his anger was even stronger. There was a kind of regret that I didn\'t put you s-h-e on the wall.

   "Don\'t tm nonsense, just say, why did you send someone to follow Jason Yang?"

"Didn\'t I hear that the Yang family was making trouble for you? It happened that the kid came to Rio, so I wanted to warn him..." Louis watched his father\'s face, and his voice became quieter, and he felt that this was an excuse. Clumsy.

"Okay, okay, I said, don\'t be angry. You were drunk last night. After hearing the woman\'s slander, I sent someone to follow the kid without thinking about it. I wanted to teach him something. I didn\'t mean anything else... ." Louis raised his hands in a gesture of surrender, finally telling the truth.

In fact, that woman is not someone else. It was Megan Williams who broke the news about the Yang Cheng scandal last time and was driven back to the UK by Liu Yun. The last time he broke the news was Louis Lehman\'s handwriting. Since then, he has been on board Louis\'s ship. , Because of jealousy, the wind blew in the ears of Louis Lehman\'s boat.


   Seeing that Paul Lehman was speechless, Louis hurriedly stood up, held Paul Lehman\'s arm in favor, and said nonchalantly, "You disagree, can\'t I just call someone back?"

   "Idiot, your people have been discovered. Now it is not you who warned others, but they are warning you!" Paul Lehman used a crutches to poke Louis\'s shoulder badly for the first time.

   "How dare he?" Louis whispered incredibly, as if he was qualified for warning.

"How dare you? The Lehman family is already embarrassed on all sides. Do you think our enemies are not enough? Don\'t you think I am not annoying enough?" Paul Lehman shouted hoarsely, but found himself unable to shout, speechless Vicissitudes.

   "It\'s not that they don\'t know what it is, they have to mess with us on the Hershey project?" Louis looked aggrieved like a 40-year-old.

   "Did they make trouble first? Or did you provoke Jason Yang\'s mother first?"

Louis stopped, opened his mouth and found that he was speechless. It seemed that he was indeed the one who teased Liu Yun first. Of course, he found a good reason for himself. Penn State Attorney General Katherine Kane is to decide whether Paul Lehman can succeed. The key link in the acquisition of Hershey, and Catherine Kane is a member of the Yang family, logically no problem, and it makes sense, if you are not so self-righteous, it would be better.

"Then what should I do now?" Louis has always admired his father, because in his heart his father is omnipotent, no matter what happens, there is a way to solve it. Over time, he is not used to using his brain, and his already smart head gradually deteriorated. Like that.

"Hmph, don\'t worry about this, remember not to trouble Jason Yang, I\'m very annoying now, I don\'t have time to wipe your ass." Paul Lehman turned his back and considered a Van Gogh self-portrait for a long time before turning After turning around, he coldly hummed to the younger son.

"Yes..." Louis replied with a wrong tongue. After Paul Lehman left, he took a seat on the sofa. His face was a little dignified. There was no cynicism before, and he pulled out his ears. He just heard it. He took out the words, he felt that his father was too old and too indecisive, and he had to rely on himself for some things.

   Maybe even Paul Lehman doesn’t understand. The little son who seems to be reckless and naive, has an unknown side or perhaps. . . Ambition!

  . . . . . .

At this time, Yang Cheng and Miranda Kerr had already settled in the hotel’s villa. They just changed their swimsuits and bikinis and walked downstairs, ready to go to the hotel’s closed beach to play in the water. Andrew reported, "Boss, Hansen is back. ."

   "So fast? Honey, do you play by yourself for a while? I\'ll come as soon as I go." Yang Cheng was surprised, then patted Ke\'er\'s lower back, leaning over her head, and kissed Ke\'er\'s cheek with her mouth.

  Keer knew that Yang Cheng was about to talk, so he tiptoed up and kissed back, "Okay, I\'ll wait for you."

When Kerr walked far away, Hansen came in and started to report without being wordy, "Boss, after the Volkswagen SUV left the place where the incident occurred, UU reading went around the slum a few times and returned to the next villa area. I The security was bribed with $100, which was one of Paul Lehman’s many properties in Rio."

   "Sure enough, it was them..." Yang Cheng looked like I had expected, clenched his fists in resentment, and slammed it on the back of the sofa chair.

   "They crossed the line!" Andrew was also filled with indignation.

"Boss, what do we do? Shall we call some brothers over?" Hansen also thought so. He rarely agreed with Andrew\'s statement and suggested to Yang Cheng that he was worried that Louis Lehman would not play cards according to the routine. What really happened, he and Andrew were not enough for each other to make dumplings.

"What do you think? They dare not. As long as Paul Lehman wants to hang out on Wall Street, he will never use the oligarch\'s style on me, and he will not allow his son to use it." Yang Cheng knew Hansen\'s worries. , Walked slowly to the wine cabinet and scanned it up and down, only to find a bottle of Royal Deer Brandy, which was still the old XO grade, with good luck.

The international fame of Royal Deer Brandy may not be as loud as Hennessy, Martell, and Remy Martin, but as the only cognac used by the British royal family, it has been loved by the rich of the former British colonies. The quality is not said, the price does not count. How expensive is better than rare.

Open the cork, pour three cups respectively, and hand them to Hansen and Andrew. He also took a cup and shook it in his hand. "Hansen, you go and send me an invitation letter to Louis Lehman and invite him to join me. Watch the World Cup semi-finals a week later."

   took a sip of the wine, tasting the special fennel aroma of Yulu, he thought of an excellent way to cheat people, no one knew better than Yang Cheng that the Mineiro Stadium tragedy a week later, the whole Brazil was crying.

   Haha, no, I can’t gloat. . . . . .