Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 58: Stalker (Happy New Year)

Rio de Janeiro, the second largest city in Brazil, deJaneiro means "a river in January" in Portuguese. Perhaps the biggest impression of Rio from the outside world is the statue of Christ the Redeemer, which is also known as one of the new seven wonders of the world .

Yang Cheng spent more than 10 hours on the voyage with anxiety and anxiety to come to this colorful and charming city, overlooking the 636 kilometers of coastline and the 394-meter-high Bread Mountain from the sky. The 38-meter giant statue of Jesus, surrounded by mountains and rivers in Rio, is a beautiful scenery, which corresponds to the Brazilian self-proclaim: "God took six days to create the world, and on the seventh day Rio was created."

Once out of the airport, the lively atmosphere of the World Cup instantly infected every tourist who came to Rio. The streets were covered with Brazilian flags. Even Miranda Kerr, who rarely pays attention to football, couldn’t help but follow. The crazy Brazilian screamed.

   "Neymar...Neymar..." This is the icon of the Brazilian. It is the name of the genius star Neymar, the national hero who has led Brazilian football back to the top of the world.

  Only Yang Cheng frowned. The anxiety that appeared in her heart when the plane took off from Santa Barbara was verified, "Hansen, do you feel it?"

   stopped, and said solemnly to Hansen who was following behind.

   "Yes, boss, we are being stared at..."

   Hansen, who came back from the battlefield, was more sensitive to danger than ordinary people. From the moment he got off the plane, he noticed that beast-like eyes were watching them.

   "Andrew, go to pick up the car..." Hansen immediately took over the security command position and asked Andrew to pick up the car from the car rental company.

   "Who is it?" Yang Cheng glanced at Miranda Kerr who had joined the carnival team and danced a samba dance, secretly speculating.

He has not many enemies. Park Donghai, the Lehman family, and David Ellison, who left unhappy last time, are barely one. As long as the conflict of interests is involved, he can be called an enemy. Of course, David Ellison is possible. It\'s not very sexual, and it is enough to send someone to follow up in the United States. It is not necessary to come to Brazil to act.

According to this line of thinking, Yang Cheng temporarily locked the subject of suspicion on Louis Lehman. After all, Rio is the stronghold of the Lehman family. As for his father, Paul Lehman, he shouldn’t be troubled by Yang Cheng’s younger generation. The proud Louis Lehman might use the tricks to make Yang Cheng retreat.

   But why did Louis Lehman do this? Is the cooperation with lotte known by the other party? Or did he not know that an accident happened in the process of competing for the shares of Hershey?

   I couldn\'t help regretting my sloppyness. How could I have experienced this level of things in my previous life? When an ordinary person suddenly finds that he is being followed, his first reaction is definitely fear.

At present, Yang Cheng is safe. The Lehman family, no matter how courageous the Lehman family, dare not shoot the heirs of the Yuanshan Group in the public, before the two sides have forged feuds, they will kill each other’s family members. Frustrated.

   Andrew drove back with a Bentley, Yang Cheng beckoned Miranda Kerr back and sat in the car. The feeling of being spied on by someone has not disappeared, just like some big stars are extremely sensitive to paparazzi shots.

During his trip to Rio, Yang Cheng will stay at the Fasano Hotel in Ipanema Beach in the south of Rio. The comfortable and spacious Bentley is flying in the back seat. Miranda Kerr is still immersed in Rio’s enthusiasm and did not notice. The atmosphere inside the car is strange.

   Andrew made several rapid accelerations in a row, trying to find the vehicle behind him.

Sure enough, through the rearview mirror, a Volkswagen SUV smashed left and right in the traffic. Hansen\'s blood boiled, and he followed Yang Cheng, and life was quietly fading out. It’s not that bad, but A tough guy like him was born to belong to the battlefield full of artillery fire, wandering on the edge of life and death, but for various reasons had to leave the army, and now the sense of crisis is back.

  It is his duty to protect Yang Cheng. If not, he would have long been unable to stand lonely and get out of the car and go with the gang behind him.

   The people behind seemed to realize that they had been discovered, and did not hide in hiding. They blatantly followed behind the Bentley, and from time to time they made collisions against the rear of the Bentley, provoking Chi Guoguo.

   "My dear, this is..." Miranda Kerr would naturally not fail to see such an arrogant move, and she leaned in Yang Cheng\'s arms with a little panic and cower.

   "Don\'t worry, I\'m here..." Ke\'er said softly.

  \'S gloomy expression has long lost the initial fear, but rather upset because of the provocation.

   "Hansen, give some color to the back." He put his arms around Miranda, closed his eyes and pressed his throat.

   "yougotit, boss." Hansen\'s scarlet tongue licked his lips.

Then Andrew tacitly took out a new bottle of mineral water, held the steering wheel with one hand, opened the bottle cap with the other hand, took two sips, and gave the bottle cap and the remaining half of the bottle to Hansen. Smiled, "Be on time!"

   "Don\'t worry, look okay, hehe..." Hansen took it, tightened the bottle cap vigorously, stood up, opened the skylight and leaned his upper body out, shouting with a grin in the wind.

Stable good physique Hansen, facing already predict what will happen to the stalker middle finger, sneered, "hello, bitches."

Then the right arm used force, and the mineral water bottle spun out. Usually in action movies, the director would use a set of slow motion to show the trajectory of the mineral water bottle flying in the air. The two cars were originally about one meter apart. When the driver saw Hansen protruding out of his body, he braked sharply, but it was too late. The cap of the mineral water bottle accurately hit the windshield in front of the driving seat of the rear car.

   "Boom". . . I saw that the windshield centered on the hit point and quickly split like a spider web. Hansen returned to the car after throwing the bottle. This was just a warning. If you continue to track, they will not be greeted by mineral water bottles. It was a golden bullet.

   There are such people in this world who can’t pull their own shit, blame it on this world that there is no toilet, and think that the **** is smelling, but don’t ask who is smelling **** these days?

   Okay, this is a bit disgusting, but the depressed mood of stepping on **** on Yangcheng Road must be fully understood.

   It’s a good idea to come to Brazil for a vacation and watch the World Cup, but you are watched before you leave the airport. That’s all, but it’s always okay to retreat quietly after being discovered? No, you have to get Yang Cheng\'s temper, Nima, this is unbearable, the mud bodhisattva still has three points of anger, let alone human? Let alone three generations?

The SUV that was hit by a mineral water bottle just behind, caused a series of rear-end collisions due to the sudden braking. Yang Cheng, the mastermind of the gang, instructed Andrew to turn the car into the street in front. After stopping on the side of the road, he told Hansen, "Hansen , You go and follow them, I want to know who sent this group of people, pay attention to safety."

   "It\'s the boss, please keep the phone open."

  Actually, Yang Cheng knows that Louis Lehman’s **** was responsible for this, which is exactly the same as his nausea that likes to get married.

Miranda Kerr is completely frightened at the moment, but she has experienced various big scenes and has a good psychological quality. She has been suppressing the desire to scream. Until now, she realized that she had just gone through a realistic Hollywood action. It was a large area, with a bloodless face and a cold all over, and she fell into Yang Cheng\'s arms.

   Watching Hansen get out of the car and disappear into the crowd, Yang Cheng asked Andrew to drive, lowered his head and said with concern, "It’s okay? Do you want me to send you back to the United States in advance? I might be in trouble."

   Keer hesitated for a moment, then shook his head, "No, our vacation hasn\'t started yet..."

   Yang Cheng is surprised, this woman still thinks about vacation? However, his words while avoiding the right and left made Yang Cheng take a high look at her.

It’s not uncommon for a loving couple in the past to fly each other in disasters, not to mention the purely physical relationship between him and Miranda Kerr. Even if Kerr chooses to go to the United States immediately, Yang Cheng will not blame her, human nature, the two There is no emotional involvement. Why do you ask the other party to accompany you to share adversity for no reason?

  Thinking from another angle, if Yang Cheng stood on Miranda Kerr\'s standpoint, I am afraid he would choose to immediately escape from this place of right and wrong, and it is understandable that people do not want to die for themselves.

Ok. . . Yang Cheng feels that his feelings for Miranda Kerr have been sublimated. From a simple upgrade to a good friend who can meet each other\'s physiological needs, this is a qualitative leap!

   MMP, too shameless, I\'m going to throw up. . .

   can\'t figure out the woman\'s thoughts, but still smiled comfortably, and the big hands around the shoulders tightened, but why did they slip under the armpits again?

Ke\'er raised her head and turned her hair behind her ears. She coquettishly rolled her eyes and patted Yang Cheng His big talking eyes seemed to be complaining, my old lady paid so much for you. You just want to report this to me? Beasts! . . . Better?

   Yang Cheng also felt that he was too much.

   ahem. . . The big hand moved back to its original position, matting it on Kerr\'s smooth shoulders.

  . . . . . .

   All tourists who have been to Rio, when they left, someone asked them what their impression of Rio was? Many people will describe this city as ‘extreme’.

   Rio is known as the "City of God". It was created by God all day long. In a sense, it is the epitome of the entire world created by God.

   It wants to tell the world that the world is not only beautiful, beautiful, delicious and all kinds of good, but also hunger, poverty, drugs and all kinds of evil.

  As a tourist, if you only see one aspect of it, it is not only incomplete, it is even a certain neglect of God\'s painstaking efforts.

Bentley drove into Ipanema. Opposite this charming beach, which is halfway up the hillside of Mount Jesus, it is the world’s largest slum. You can see the statue of Christ Jesus, one of the New Seven Wonders of the World, from the window. Such an excellent location is occupied by slums, and below is the villa area of ​​the rich.

   It turns out that extreme poverty and excessive luxury are only one step away.

In the seaside mansion not far from the Fasano Hotel where Yangcheng collapsed, an old man with a shabby look, skinny, gray hair, and a disappointed expression was beyond words. This person is the co-founder of 3G Capital; he is also the current one. The richest man in Brazil and the creator of the food empire, the 74-year-old Jorge Paul Lehman.

   "Louis, who made you do this?"

  . . . . . .