Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 57: Fly to Rio

David Juan drove his Ford F150 to lead the way, and Andrew drove a Mercedes rented by White to follow behind.

   The car passed through the city and passed the Santa Barbara Courthouse, which is known as the nation\'s tallest, most historic and most beautiful office building in the United States.

The Spanish Revival-style castle-like building occupies a whole block, surrounded by lawns, planted with dozens of trees from various countries. The white walls and red roofs of the court building are very bright in color, against the blue sky and green trees, the scenery is moving, and the car is Driving past the court, the mountains in the distance are ups and downs, and the lines are handsome and picturesque.

   After driving for about 30 minutes, Yang Cheng didn\'t feel tired at all. The beautiful scenery washed his eyes. The desire to sit on a good horse and gallop under the blue sky and white clouds became more and more urgent.

   As the team followed the signs and turned into the fork of the mountain road, Yang Cheng\'s vision suddenly became hazy, a faint mist enveloped the Mercedes-Benz, and he couldn\'t even see the F150 leading the way ahead, frowning subconsciously.

Fortunately, after a few minutes, the car drove out of the foggy area, and the sight widened again. Only then did Yang Cheng realize that the misty winding mountain road was the only entrance and exit of the valley where the ranch was located. If that cloud and mist always exist, it will After the road is covered, if it is not led by David Juan, it is difficult to find a fork in the road, and the entire pasture will be isolated from the world. Is it a bit of a fairyland?

   Thinking of this, Yang Cheng turned his head and asked White, "White, did you have fog when you came the day before yesterday?"

  White, of course, could not guess Yang Cheng\'s thoughts, thinking that Yang Cheng was not happy, he explained seriously, "No, the fog just now should be the reason why the valley just rained."

   Okay, Yang Cheng thinks more. . .

   The F150 that led the way pulled over at the top of the mountain. David Juan got off the car and signaled Andrew to stop, and then beckoned to let Yang Cheng get off the car.

   Yang Cheng opened the door and got out of the car without knowing it, and walked to David Juan. Before he could ask, the beautiful scenery in front of him told him the answer.

The blue sky, the white clouds, the undulating hills with soft lines, the large green grass fields, the clear lake, the vineyards on the mountainside in the distance are like blue clouds, the sheep grazing quietly, and the horses running freely. Ah, this picture is like heaven!

Hansen and Andrew, who followed Yang Cheng to get off the car, were also shocked by the view, but White still looked like a faint smile, which made people look angry. In fact, he was already surprised. When he arrived the day before yesterday, David Juan Stopped here, too, using this magnificent view to give White a\'shock\'.

   After appreciating it for a while, David Juan got into the car without saying a word, slammed the door and restarted the car, which ruined Yang Cheng\'s interest in viewing the beautiful scenery.

The car started up again, after passing the downhill welcome by the sturdy oaks lined up, the road out of the grass made Yang Cheng feel like he was wandering in this green woven romantic mood, and the lazy pair of sheep suddenly broke in. The motorcades in their territories paid their attention. Yang Cheng had already fallen into the scene that would only appear in this fairy tale world and couldn\'t stop it.

After driving for another 10 minutes, the Mercedes-Benz once again drove up the hills and finally stopped in front of a villa made of rocks. Compared with the scenery on the road, the villa gave Yang Cheng an inexplicable sense of desolation, and the trees in the front garden were withered. Weeds were overgrown, and thick, decaying leaves were piled up on the stone slabs. Obviously no one had cleaned it for a long time. The fountain pond had already dried up. I walked to the edge of the pond and looked down. There are also several goldfish carcasses that were dried into fish.

   Retracted his gaze and looked at David Juan who entered the villa again. The sun was still shining, but why did the hair on the back stand up?

  White led the way diagonally ahead because he had been here once. According to David Juan’s character, he would not come back to you because of you lost.

From the appearance of   , the villa has a combination of modern and Indian style, using a large number of rocks as the main structural material, and the overall look is very sculptural.

Entering the villa, the rough stone walls on both sides of the corridor are engraved with large abstract patterns. There are lions and tigers and other beasts in the patterns. The most vivid one is a hunter who threw a rope loop as if to trap the prey. taste.

Walk in to the atrium. Here is an indoor fountain. A circle of green plants is planted around the fountain. The empty space is raised upward to allow sunlight to shine directly through the top of the stained glass curtain. Natural light is used for illumination and plants. Perform photosynthesis.

Without staying too much, bypassing the atrium and turning to the left, in the typical American pastoral style living room. David Juan was taking off his cowboy hat in front of the fireplace. He heard the footsteps and said without turning his head, "Sit down, I have nothing to do. Only coffee is served."

Yang Cheng was not polite. He sat on the sofa and turned his head to look out. Outside the huge glass curtain wall, there is a terrace with several beach chairs. On the side is the outdoor barbecue area, which extends outwards. There is a viewing platform at the top of the infinity pool. In summer, you can enjoy the panoramic view of the green valley when you ride the pool.

   "You are welcome, Mr. Juan, you can sit down too." Yang Cheng stretched out his hand against the guest.

   David Juan, who took off his cowboy hat, was a bit less fierce, touched his head close to his scalp, and sat opposite Yang Cheng, "You also watched the ranch, how do you feel?"

   The pride in the tone can be heard by anyone.

   "It\'s so beautiful. Any word is a blasphemous and impeccable for such a heavenly scenery." Yang Cheng praised her, not worrying that such a high appreciation would be detrimental to lowering the price.

   "But, 32 million US dollars is beyond my psychological price..." The reversal came so fast.

   David Juan glared at Yang Cheng angrily, "Are you kidding me? The price of $32 million is already fair."

   "30 million U.S. dollars... You promised me to pay immediately." Yang Cheng tilted his head and opened his mouth to wipe out the 2 million fraction.

   "30, too little." A hesitation flashed in David Juan\'s eyes, and he shook his head firmly.

Yang Cheng waved his hand, "Let’s do this, I heard White say that you have other bidders. What price do you say he quotes, I will match it, and add 1 million US dollars on this basis, how about? Don’t even think about lying to me. , This can be found."

   As soon as he said this, David Juan felt his facial muscles twitch, because another person who was interested in buying a ranch was only willing to pay 27 million US dollars.

Tangled, it is not the first time that David Juan has experienced the torture of entanglement. As early as that year, when the ranch could not attract tourists because of the wrong positioning, he was entangled with the choice of price increase or price reduction. Finally, his mistake insisted on burying the ranch. the future of.

   It might not be a problem to change to someone else, should I still choose? Of course, the higher price will get it.

   In David Juan\'s mind, 30 million US dollars is not his ideal price, 2 million US dollars is not a small amount, after paying off the loan, it is enough for him to return to his hometown to nourish his life.

   Yang Cheng stood up, "Mr. Juan, can I take a look at it at will?"

   Specially leave time for David Juan to think alone.

David Juan accepted Yang Cheng’s kindness. He really needs to consider it or find a reason to convince himself. Yang Cheng has grasped his weakness very well, and the price given is like pinching the seven inches of a snake. .

  White took the initiative to take on the role of a tour guide. After only one visit, he learned about this villa seven or eighty-eight. This is the quality that a good housekeeper should have.

"Sir, this villa has a construction area of ​​780 square meters, two floors above ground and one basement. There are 6 bedrooms and 7 bathrooms. The study room and recreation room are all on the basement floor. There is also a room that can store 200 bottles of red wine. Small wine cellar." White led Yang Cheng to the basement floor along the wooden spiral staircase, and made an introduction while walking.

"It seems that after the acquisition, this villa is the focus of renovation. The area must be expanded to at least 1,500 square meters. The security system, intelligent central control system, and constant temperature system must be re-arranged. The wine cellar must also be expanded. Get through, um... Bowling lanes, shooting rooms, gyms, etc. must be available, White, after the ranch is completed, immediately find a design office to re-plan the ranch, redesign the villa, and rebuild it as soon as possible, the latest summer of 2015 I want to move in."

   Yang Cheng patted the heavy door of the wine cellar and told White about his request.

   "Okay, sir."

   "After the design drawing comes out, show it to me first."

"Yes, sir."

   "By the way, how many holes are there in the golf course here?"

   "18-hole course, par 70."

   "Is it only 70? It seems to be the short hole..."

   "Yes, there are 6 short holes, 3 par per hole."

   "There are more, change two to become a long hole, the difficulty is increased, par 72 or 73 is good."

   "I remembered Mr...."

   "Hmm... There are wild sika deer nearby? I think there are two deer heads hanging on the first floor."

   "Yes, Padris National Park is the habitat of sika deer. UU Reading"

   "Oh? That\'s not bad. You can apply for a batch of hunting quotas every year."

  . . . . . .

Yang Cheng and White discussed visiting the villa all the way, this needs to be changed, that needs to be repaired, what type of decorations are needed for the corner, and the research is enthusiastic. In the end, even Hansen and Andrew also joined the sequence. The two brothers also want to build one on the ranch. In the real cs battlefield, this proposal was accepted by Yang Cheng.

   Back in the living room, David Juan sat motionless, his upper body straightened like a statue with his eyes closed.

   "Mr. Juan, how are you thinking about it?" Yang Cheng didn\'t have the patience to accompany him. He walked over and stood there for a while and saw that David Juan had no response, and asked straight forward.

   David Juan was silent for a few seconds before opening his eyes, his eyes were muddy, and he asked lonely, "When will the 30 million dollars arrive?"

   Yang Cheng\'s mouth hung up, "Before 24 o\'clock tomorrow night."

   "Hey, this belongs to you..." Dawei Juan got up and stood at the window with his hands, sighed deeply as he looked at the results of his own construction.

"White, I\'ll leave the next procedure to you. I will fly to Rio later and call me if I have something to do." Yang Cheng didn\'t say any kind words like welcome to come back later. If you want to come back, you can pay for it. , Anyway, there will be no fewer high-end tourists who come to the ranch in the future, not bad for him.

He took Hansen and Andrew to leave the ranch first. An hour later, Miranda Kerr, who had just arrived in Santa Barbara from New York, boarded the Yuanshan in a cool dress, and Yang Cheng who had just returned to the plane. Kiss passionately.

   Another 20 minutes, Yuanshan, which had completed the takeoff preparations, flew into the blue sky again, but Yang Cheng, who was sitting on the sofa, looked sideways at the clouds and slipped through the porthole, and became flustered inexplicably. . .