Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 450: Movie promotion

"OK, but do you remove your little hand from my brother first, and then say this?"

. . .

Thirty minutes later, the two finally separated from their ears and temples, took a shower to wash away the peculiar smell, and stood in front of the mirror to tidy up their clothes.

"By the way, there will be a movie premiere at the Royal Opera House tomorrow. Are you interested? Would you like to show up?" Yang Cheng asked Cheryl who was combing her hair in front of the mirror.

"The premiere? Your company\'s movie?" Although Cheryl knew Yang Cheng, she only had a general understanding of his assets, but she didn\'t know the specifics, so she didn\'t expect what Yang Cheng was referring to. It is "Fifty Shades of Grey" that has recently launched a hot publicity campaign in London.

Yang Cheng put on his shirt, buttoned one by one, and nodded, "Yes, you should have heard of "Fifty Shades of Grey"? Recently, we have contracted most of the London media for publicity."

Cheryl\'s pretty face was inexplicably surprised. She didn\'t expect that after a passionate collision, she would get a chance to appear on the camera. This is a good deal.

"Of course I am interested. I will definitely participate." Cheryl didn\'t care about combing her hair anymore, and happily sent a kiss. She has had a hard time recently. After divorcing Ashley Cole and remarrying the owner of a French nightclub, she married. In less than half a year, the passion of love ceased to exist. Not only did she stir up with the French prostitutes behind her back, but even brought the women to their common home. It was unbearable and left home in anger. Leaving, returning to London, by participating in various dispatches to relieve loneliness, there is also the meaning of revenge on men.

The media are forgetful. After she announced her remarriage last year, she didn\'t show up under the flashlight for half a year. This is tantamount to being in **** for an actress who makes a living by being famous.

Now Yang Cheng has provided such a good platform to show her face in the entertainment media of Europe and the United States. She will never miss it. Even if Yang Cheng pulls her to fight for another ten rounds, she has to grit her teeth and cooperate.

"OK, you leave me an address, and I will send someone to send you the invitation letter later." Yang Cheng put on his shirt and carried his suit jacket. Anyway, he got in the car when he went out and didn\'t bother to wear it again.

Exchanged contact information with Cheryl and sent the address via text message. Yang Cheng once again hugged Cheryl from behind, who was not wearing high heels at this time, and she was a slim figure.

Emotionally whispered in the ear, "My dear, your body is simply a gift from God. It\'s great. I hope we will have a chance to continue the front line in the future."

Cheryl didn\'t turn around, she also had a solid and broad chest behind her greed, and Yang Cheng\'s body carried the unique tenderness of Eastern men, which made Cheryl intoxicated. Those black star eyes with coffee brown were covered by a layer of water. Covered with fog, his eyes blurred, "Perhaps you are the gift that God gave me, and don\'t you think we are destined?"

Yang Cheng stroked her jade back lightly, did not answer the words, just a few words of love, and then got tired and crooked. She pecked at Cheryl\'s side and let go of her hands, "It\'s not early, I still Do you want me to send you something?"

"No, the driver at home will come back to pick me up, go quickly, don\'t delay business." Cheryl did not go with Yang Cheng knowingly, and the 419 of the two was just right.

After kissing goodbye at the door, Yang Cheng quickly left the club and caught up with the Rolls-Royce Phantom. William and David Ellison had been waiting in the back row for a long time.

As the car started steadily, Yang Cheng pulled down the sun visor to block the dazzling sun. Then he yawned and asked behind, "William, did you not go home last night?"

He thought that William had to worry about his family after all and would not stay with them to mess around. He didn\'t expect this guy to regain his nature and spend the night like them.

William obviously hasn\'t woken up yet. It is estimated that he has found the long-lost passion last night. He played a little crazy, with big dark circles hanging on his face, and he yawned like a few kilograms of hai~luo~yin.

David Ellison laughed and joked, "This guy is so good-looking, I will go through his room in the middle of the night, and there is still war inside."

Yang Cheng held out his thumb in the back row and joked, "William, what a good job, we finally found the same hobbies."

"Fuckoff, I was framed by you two bastards." In fact, William also regretted waking up in the morning, sweating on his back, for fear that he would expose his identity and bring stains to the royal family.

Once it spreads out, those unscrupulous media will never show mercy. Headlines such as "Prince William is unhappy in his marriage and go out to eat wild food", "Prince William has inherited his mother\'s gene of affection", etc., think about it and shudder. .

Yang Cheng and David Ellison smiled unscrupulously, and laughed at a red light.

"William, you think about how to explain to Kate why you haven\'t returned all night, don\'t delay tomorrow\'s premiere, I also pointed to your couple to support me." Yang Cheng said with a smile.

"Fuck off, Kate took the child to rest at Buckingham Palace yesterday, I don\'t need to explain." William said with a guilty conscience.

"Well, when I didn\'t say it, do you have any arrangements for a while? If not, I will go back to make up my sleep, and I will be sleepy." Yang Cheng yawned and The laughter just consumed just now. The only energy he had left was very sluggish at this time.

"I\'m not as lucky as you guys, and I will attend a charity event later." William said dejectedly.

The three returned to Kensington Palace. Yang Cheng and David Ellison flew directly back to the North Sea Manor by helicopter. They slept in the dark for most of the day. In the afternoon, taking advantage of the sunny weather, they renovated the manor again. After playing a few shots on the golf course, in the evening, after having a seafood feast carefully cooked by the chef of the manor, they went back to their rooms and went to bed, waiting for the grand premiere to begin tomorrow.

For this premiere, New Era Pictures not only incurred a huge publicity fee, but also a full US$30 million publicity budget, which is almost equivalent to the production cost of this movie. It can be seen from Donna Lande. Expectations for this movie.

As early as the middle of last month, the three-version trailer of "Fifty Shades of Grey" appeared on mainstream TV platforms in Europe and America, as well as major news, social, and video websites. Driven by the navy, the trailer was clicked on the oil pipe. The amount soon broke tens of millions, sprinting frantically towards the 9-digit goal.

In addition, the headline app of the brother company is also full of firepower, and brazenly made an extremely confusing poster of the hero and heroine of "Fifty Shades of Gray" into a moving picture, and used it as a software to start the animation. Just click the opening app, all Everyone can see the three-second advertising animation. Think about the user group of the Toutiao app, which almost covers the main consumer group of 20-50 years old.

In other words, these people who can afford to buy movie tickets may have a consumption motivation from the ads of Toutiao app. This publicity is not only beneficial to the film, but also allows countless advertisers to see how Toutiao app is The promotion ability of their products. ()

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