Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 451: Premiere

The three versions of the trailer each interspersed with a segment of different scenes that are inappropriate for children. New Era Pictures was not prepared to be ethical this time, and it was almost impossible to directly put on a publicity bulletin that could be fair and honest.

Regardless of the fact that such behavior will be rejected and disliked by the art world, the publicity effect is real. According to the pre-screening survey conducted by the company, the percentage of 1830-year-old male movie fans who are willing to spend money to buy tickets to the cinema has reached 92. %, this ratio is quite astonishing. That is to say, out of 100 people, after watching the promo, 92 people are willing to spend money to watch a movie in the cinema, and half of the remaining 8 people are ready to wait for evaluation After it is out, decide whether to watch it in the cinema.

It is this survey that has given the new era film industry infinite confidence. The pre-sale box office in North America alone reached 80 million US dollars. It is unknown how many Yang Chengs were in the previous life, but this figure made him and Donna Lande very Happy, really, there is no other adjective, just happy! The movie has not been released yet, but it is already half of the success.

And the premiere day is the day before Valentine\'s Day. On Valentine\'s Day, it was officially released worldwide. A couple of lovers walked into the cinema holding a rose. After watching 100 minutes of passionate drama, can they resist the physical impulse? Don\'t want to buy a few small umbrellas or small toys that appeared in the movie right away and go to the hotel to experiment for yourself? The answer is yes! This is closely related to the income that the company is most concerned about and expecting-the surrounding area!

The laying of movie peripheral products was launched in conjunction with the publicity offensive. New Era Pictures has reached an early cooperation with the theater. In the peripheral sales area of ​​the theater, a separate exclusive area is opened. There are not only common t-shirts and dolls. There are also props of the same type as the movie props, such as the figures, and even the props that are not available in the movie. A batch of props that are not available in the movie have been produced by New Era Pictures, and the logo of the movie is printed on it. The representative is the same umbrella of the hero and heroine.

When people who have watched the movie come out, they will definitely yell, md, did the two of them use small umbrellas in the movie? However, they will endure heartache, open their purses, and buy exclusive small umbrellas that are twice as expensive as ordinary ones. After all, they have different meanings and may be able to bring stronger lasting and enjoyment.

In short, New Era Pictures has made full preparations for the movie\'s big sales, and it is officially determined to squeeze out every penny in the fans\' wallets.

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At 6 o\'clock in the evening, the night sky was like ink and the stars were shining. London gave Yang Cheng a lot of face. There was no rain or even a breeze. The earth, which was illuminated by the sun during the day, released warmth after nightfall, close to 20 The temperature is very suitable for outdoor activities, especially for those actresses who are ready to show their most beautiful side under the flashlight, and finally do not have to endure the cold for beauty.

Recently it has set off a global frenzy, and the highly anticipated controversial work is finally being reviewed by the world. As the boss of the investor, Yang Cheng has the same nervous mood as the crew members. This work is an independent production of New Era Pictures. And although the first work released was taken halfway from the hands of others, the important thing is not the process, but the result. Now this film bears the mark of the new era of film industry, and no one can fault it.

In front of the Royal Opera House, a long red carpet stretches from the door to the steps to the side of the street. A cordon is pulled up on both sides of the red carpet. It is invited by New Era Pictures and some unsolicited media add up to hundreds. At home, there are hundreds of media reporters. When a familiar star guest stepped on the red carpet, flashes connected like snowflakes illuminate the scene like daylight, and the shutter sound like a machine gun even covered it once. Passed by fans screaming crazily on both sides.

David Beckham and his family led the show, and took the British local stylistic star team to occupy the red carpet at this time. Cheryl, who was temporarily invited by Yang Cheng, was also among them. She changed and saw her for the first time. The time is similar to the purple dress, long wavy hair is tied behind his head, the temperament is as noble and charming as before, and the charm of the British sweetheart is unstoppable.

And then, the whole Liverpool team, which had just concluded a round of the league, was also led by captains Gerrard and Loew, uniformly dressed in customized suits sponsored by lv, such as the male model Tiantuan came to the scene.

Such surprises made the few male fans howls of wolves. In the UK, almost no men dislike football. Even if they are not particularly fond of football, they are also treasures to all clubs, especially Gerrard, the captain of the national team. It is deeply loved by the British people, and his popularity is no less than that of the stars of the literary circle.

Yang Cheng was very satisfied with his arrangement. It’s also a coincidence that Liverpool beat Fulham away in London yesterday. It happened that Ian Ayre learned that today was the release of the film of the boss’s company, and he immediately gave Yang Cheng a blow to the flattery. I made a call and asked to lead the team to attend.

Under the premise of not delaying the normal training of the team, Yang Cheng would naturally not reject the good intentions of his subordinates, and responded decisively. Now it seems that the effect is good, and at least it has created a news explosion for various media.

Then came the upper class guests led by Prince William and his wife, including the top five richest people in the UK, Tottenham boss Joe Lewis and CEO Danny Levy, and David Ellison and other second generations, all joined together. .

What surprised Yang Cheng most was that Xiao Lizi rushed to the scene at the last minute. He was filming in Alaska and took a few days off. He hurriedly flew to London, so he didn\'t miss it.

And when he stepped onto the red carpet, the first gc tonight was born, no way, the influence of the Titanic was too great, and the huge ship that was known as "never sinking" was from Nan\'an. Puton set sail, the British have deep and unique emotions for this classic film.

Coupled with the charm of Jack played by Xiao Lizi, especially the rotten female fans present, they can’t wait to rush to the red carpet and strip Xiao Lizi alive. The unprepared security team almost broke the line of defense, so they are well-trained. Standing firm in time, holding hands to form the last line of defense, blocking the fans\' offensive.

Little Lizi sees that wherever he goes, he can always cause sao chaos. All this has long been accustomed to him, calmly waved and smiled to both sides, and sent air kisses from time to time, but the pace of his feet slowly accelerated. After all, he is not the protagonist today. It\'s just the icing on the cake. I walked quickly across the red carpet and entered the main venue. This saved the lives of the poor security guards. In a few minutes at night, I\'m afraid the premiere will be changed to the scene of the riots.

When Yang Cheng invited the guests to perform their duties, the members of the protagonist crew tonight will be the finale. The heroine Dakota Johnson is wearing a black deep V dress with glamorous red lips, showing a big show of crisp xong, male The protagonist Jamie Donan and his wife Amelia Warner appeared in love, and director Sam Taylor Johnson\'s husband "Quick Silver" Aaron Taylor Johnson, who was 23 years old, also came to help his beloved wife.

Although their reputation may not be as big as the guests who appeared on the previous stage, as the protagonists of tonight, fans and reporters are also happy to put more energy on them, screaming and flashing light to the crew without hesitation In the past, judging from the advance preview time, they had enough time to stay on the red carpet, each occupying an area, signing fans, accepting interviews with reporters, and everything was proceeding in an orderly manner.

I didn\'t waste too much time on boring interviews, but after a brief introduction by the host, the film officially kicked off, adapted from the best-selling novel of the same name written by British female writer el James.

The film tells the story of an innocent female college student Anastasia Steele interviewing entrepreneur Christian Gray. There is a spark of love between the two, deducing a heavy taste xng~abuse love story.

In the previous life, many foreign media reporters said that compared with the hype, there are not as many real love scenes in the film as expected, and they are basically "s~m entry-level". It is not an exaggeration at all. There is one point that many people think is a "waste of time".

But in this life, because of Yang Cheng’s intervention, this ill has been improved ~ After getting the copyright of the film, Yang Cheng specifically asked the producer to increase the proportion of passion ~ the play. This is the g point of the film, don\'t go to the thankless discussion of human nature, no one likes that thing.

Judging from the reaction of the scene, Yang Cheng’s original decision has been effective. If nothing else, after listening to the unconscious voices of women on the scene, Yang Cheng knows that it’s hard to sell the film. Visual animals, when they learn that a film has a lot of exposed scenes, they will definitely check the little devil in their hearts to find out with their own eyes. As the main force of consumer impulse, women will not consider too much, as long as If you like it, you are willing to open your pocket.

As early as when the post-production of the film was completed, Yang Cheng was the first to appreciate the film. His personal evaluation of the brand-new version was far better than the previous life, but he was not interested in watching it again. He did not leave on the red carpet and the film began. Later, he just looked at the beginning and left his seat quietly, chatting with Donna Lande in the cafe on the second floor.

At this time, Xiao Lizi didn\'t know when he came over, making Yang Cheng\'s heart sinking, "What? The movie is not good?"

Xiao Lizi has almost become a savage in Alaska in the past few months. If it weren\'t for the purpose of attending the premiere, Yang Cheng would never recognize him. How could his thick beard still be the oily noodle of the year?

"No, I went out to the bathroom, let me breathe, the film was well made, it is an excellent commercial film, director Sam Taylor Johnson\'s adaptation of the original work, remove the worst elements in the original work, maximize the advantages, These will get feedback at the box office."

As one of the few super first-line stars in Hollywood acting online, Xiao Lizi has a unique judgment on the quality of the movie, and he is also qualified to comment on the quality of the movie! ...