Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 449: British sweetheart

Yang Cheng’s excellent memory came in handy at this time. At the masquerade party held by the Earl of Edmond, the woman in front of him was molested, and the impression of a glimpse was particularly deep. The arrogant and stern figure is still It also echoed deep in his mind.

The corners of his mouth curled up unconsciously, but no one could notice it under the mask. He chuckled and asked, "Woman, did you forget me?"

The lower part of the woman\'s delicate little face solidified at a speed visible to the naked eye. It was obvious that Yang Cheng\'s question made her very frightened. Could it be that she met an acquaintance?

Seeing the woman staying there and staring at herself silently, Yang Cheng smiled even more, "Unfortunately, I didn\'t bring the crystal card issued to me as a token at the time."

Such an obvious reminder, if you can\'t remember it, you really have to go to the hospital for a check to see if you have amnesia.

The woman secretly breathed a sigh of relief, regained her self-confidence and noble appearance, and leaned in gently, "It turns out that it was you, man, I didn\'t expect that we would really meet one day?"

Yang Cheng\'s hand was very natural and put his arms around her slender waist and leaned tightly on her body, bowed her head slightly, and smiled wickedly beside the delicate ear of the woman wearing a mask, "Woman, what reason do you have this time? Reject me? You promised, when we meet again and fulfill all my wishes, you can\'t be unbelievable."

The woman also trusts Yang Cheng very much, and puts her body under the control of Yang Cheng, with her weight completely leaning on Yang Cheng, holding the blood-red\'Bloody Mary\' cocktail in one hand, putting one hand on Yang Cheng\'s shoulder, and standing up. On tiptoes, only half of his eyes flashed with a touch of abuse, exhaling like blue, "Man, don\'t be too impatient, tonight I ~ it\'s yours, will you have a drink with me now?"

Her little pranks naturally couldn\'t hide from Yang Cheng\'s keen gaze, her lips bit the wall of the cup, and followed the woman\'s movements to raise her head and sip "Bloody Mary". In an instant, her mouth was filled with a mixed taste, and she resisted. Swallowing it, there was still a bit of crunchy spicy taste coming up, this unique aftertaste really made most people timid.

But in order not to lose face in front of women, Yang Cheng is very calm. Normal people and vodka also have painful expressions of frowning and pinching, but he keeps it very well, and his eyelids are not trembling. Although there is a mask to cover, outsiders simply Can\'t see his expression.

"How is it? Is there any **** right now?" When you get used to the high coldness of a woman, suddenly change your temperament and show you a sly smile, which will definitely make a man confused.

Yang Cheng was slightly lost, her arms tightened unconsciously, and the woman snorted, "Man, you hurt me."

I quickly relaxed, "Sorry, sorry, I was just confused by your beauty, didn\'t hurt you?"

The woman didn\'t blame it either, she moved in Yang Cheng\'s arms, readjusted a comfortable posture, still leaning against his chest, "Why, I\'m not so delicate."

After a pause, biting the other half of the glass wall, I ate the cocktail with great enjoyment, and licked the scarlet at the corner of my mouth. You were completely confused, and slammed into the direction behind Yang Cheng, "I am here for the first time. , Is their game interesting?"

Yang Cheng turned her head subconsciously. It turned out that there were already men and women who couldn\'t bear it. They went directly to the small box and started to move around. The box door was wide open, completely not caring about being watched by others, as if it was deliberate.

Yang Cheng\'s gaze penetrated into the box, and inside it was the arms and thighs with various white ~ tender fruits. Of course, one could see the heads and the ups and downs*.

At a glance, it is really impossible to count how many people\'s bodies are intertwined, or that everyone is enjoying the joy of this moment.

After watching it for a while, I lost interest and turned back to lift the woman’s chin, "I’m here for the first time, but woman, I’m totally uninterested in games with so many people. You can only belong to me tonight. People, let alone I will not allow your beauty to be tainted by others."

The woman did not break free, and allowed Yang Cheng to tease herself with such actions, and asked in a funny way, "Oh? Man, your possessiveness is really strong, can it be tainted by you?"

Yang Cheng certainly doesn\'t have stage fright, and replied confidently and domineeringly, "Of course!"

The two of them talked for a long time, and it was almost eleven o\'clock. Yang Cheng had already seen the waiter standing in front of the door preparing to close the basement door, and the theme of the party would officially kick off. In fact, no one When she could bear the door completely closed, a beautiful lady put down her skirt next to the bar, showing off her carefully prepared BRA-a black lace tights with lace thighs hooked in white garters. Socks.

The male partner she caught tonight was looking at the stunner in front of him with a gesture of admiring the oil painting, and couldn\'t help but exclaimed, "Your nei~ clothes are so beautiful!" Then, the bodybuilder wore an all-white suit and crocodile leather shoes. The male partner, nodded to Yang Cheng, pointed to the woman and thumbing up, indicating that his female partner is very good, right?

Yang Cheng also replied with a great gesture, and then stopped the beautiful woman in her arms and walked to the door, ready to go upstairs to enjoy the meal alone.

Instead of taking the elevator, the two of them boarded the spiral staircase, stepping on the soft red carpet, and they felt full of ritual. When passing a large suite, the same uncovered room was playing strong rhythmic music, and they were placed directly opposite the door. On a huge red T-shaped leather sofa, several couples of men and women are enjoying the pleasure brought by *, with a sound* like an ecstasy, showing the most primitive chaotic side of human beings as animals, as if lying on the sofa You can gain physical freedom.

They opened the door for the purpose of welcoming like-minded friends to enter the room and climb the summit with them. Of course, there will be no incidents of anyone being violated here, nor have they seen anyone turning their heads away when others come up. , And will not push away the other party’s hand forcefully. Everything is voluntary, but there is no clue of emotion at all. Even when enjoying the kuai~ feeling, they will not make eye contact with the other party, leaving only the roughest verbal communication. The content of the exchange can be imagined, please refer to the words starting with F most commonly used by the heroine in the European and American* of a 2-3 person.

Regardless of the others, Yang Cheng and the woman he was leading had already ignited the hormonal fuze by the atmosphere here, and completely detonated when they were about to step into the room.

Shoes and clothes were waste in the air, the sound of body fluid exchange gurgled, and the door of the room was closed with a bang. The rest of the matter could not be described in ordinary language.

The drama was slightly rejected at the beginning, and the tenderness had been secreted.

The low 鬟 cicada shadow moved, returning to the jade dust.

Turn around and flow flowers and snow, get on the bed and hug Qi Cong.

Chinese mandarin ducks cross-neck dance, emerald acacia cage.

The brows and daisies gathered in shame, and the lips were warmer.

Qi Qing Lan Rui Fu, skin and jade plump.

I can\'t move my wrists, and I bow down more lovingly.

A little bit of sweat, messy and green.

. . .

Early the next morning, the newborn sunrise woke up people who had been busy all night mischievously, and the room surrounded by a smell of truffles swept past like a tropical cyclone.

In the middle of the big*, a slender arm was hanging on the edge of the bed, and the white skin was fascinating with flushing. The green fingers suddenly moved a few times, and then, the body under the sheet slowly squirmed.

"Wake up?" Yang Cheng, who slept all night in an environmentally friendly posture behind him, felt the naughty movements of the beauty in his arms, and opened his sleepy eyes. The expression of unsatisfactory satisfaction always appeared on his face. The craziness of last night made him depress. The mood has been fully vented, and the body seems to be relieved of heavy burdens, especially relaxed. All this is due to the mature beauty in her arms, who desperately caters to him and melts him with her mature body .

"Yeah~ I slept so well~" Raising his hand and rubbing his hair, he turned around a little bit, his eyes facing each other, the mask was removed by the two before they knew it, and they looked at their familiar faces. Smile at each other.

"Good morning Cheryl!" Yang Orange blinked in a deep and magnetic voice, deliberately greeting.

"Good morning jason!" Unlike the cold arrogance when wearing a mask, Cheryl\'s sweet face lifted up a charming smile, maybe it was too much to shout last night, UU reading www.uukā was originally clean. With a trace of hoarse voice, it became a bit torn, but it still didn\'t lose its unique charm.

She is the dream lover of countless men in Britain and Europe. She is a British singer, actress, model and TV program reviewer. She is known as the "British Sweetheart" Cheryl. Yang Cheng looks at Cheryl with a smile on her cheek. He was extremely proud of himself. He did not expect that he would accidentally take the **** luck and give the British man\'s goddess to shui, and shui was very porcelain.

However, Yang Chengyuan has also heard in the United States that this sweetheart\'s private life is not as perfect as her appearance. It seems that there is no wind and no waves, and the rumors also have a certain basis.

Of course, Yang Cheng doesn’t care about the scandals. He is not going to be the pick-up man. Cheryl is out of the galaxy and has nothing to do with him. Anyway, he enjoys the things he should enjoy, so let them eat. Those who can\'t find grapes, please say how sour grapes are!

"Thank you, I was very satisfied last night, you let me experience a different style!" Cheryl\'s little index finger drew circles on Yang Cheng\'s solid chest, whispering.

Not to be outdone by Yang Cheng\'s slightly rough hands, she wandered on the smooth and delicate jade back, and the beauty in her arms trembled.

Angrily slapped Yang Cheng and slapped Yang Cheng, "Stop, we can\'t come anymore. I\'m going back to my mother\'s house for a while. I don\'t want to be too weak to walk, causing me to lose face in front of my family. I can\'t spare you!"

Yang Cheng will accept it as soon as he sees it. Everything from last night has been perfect so far, leaving a little regret, and also reserved expectations for the future, otherwise, if you eat enough at one time, you will not look forward to the next time!

"OK, but do you remove your little hand from my brother first, and then say this?"


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