Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 442: The State Abandoned by God (2)

"This time, the "Predator" fund, led by five investment banks, including Vanguard Fund, State Street, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, and Citigroup, and Berkshire Hathaway and Waterfall Fund, will target Venezuela. A series of investment activities have a threshold of US$1 billion per share and no upper limit. The expected return on investment is 60%. Everyone is welcome to actively invest in shares."

As the old voice of the old **** fell, everyone looked at each other. What do you mean? Make it clear that you want to squeeze the wool and buy and sell?

Yang Cheng even broke out in a cold sweat, her hairs stood up, and she kept slandering in her heart, "Predation Fund? This is a proper name. Poor Venezuela was treated as a predator."

Looking at the expressionless old stock god, Yang Cheng silently mourned the Venezuelan People’s Day for three minutes. If you are to blame, you are born in the wrong place and you have played yourself to death.

"Warren, tell us the truth, how much does Berkshire invest in it?" John Paulson suddenly asked, asking a question that everyone in the audience wanted to know.

The old stock **** glanced around, his eyelids drooped slightly, he smoked his cigar fiercely, and spit out a number quietly, "5 billion!"

John Paulson narrowed his eyes and snorted, "Go back and give me the account number, I will vote for 1 share, and leave beforehand."

Yang Cheng reacted quickly, and then he said in a deep voice, "I am too tired today. I have to go back to catch up and leave first."

The two walked out of the small reception room one after another. As Yang Cheng expected, John Paulson waited at the corner of the corridor. Seeing Yang Cheng approaching afterwards, he smiled bitterly, "Find a place to have a drink?"

"With this in mind, I know a nice tavern. Get in my car."

Twenty minutes later, the Mercedes-Benz stopped in front of a small wooden house. The black sky was filled with heavy snow, so there was no wind. If it were not in a bad mood, it would be a good time to appreciate the snow.

This tavern was run by a German couple. Yang Cheng encountered it by chance when he came to ski. All the wine in it was brewed by the host himself, and the ingredients were hunted in the wild or collected from other hunters. After cooking through the perfect cooking skills of his wife, it can bring people the most natural and wild enjoyment. The bistro has no name but can attract Michelin magazines, but the old-fashioned Germans dismissed it and took Michelin magazines. His recommendation was taken as a fart, and he didn\'t care at all. In his words, the more people came to eat, the taste changed.

Yang Cheng followed his memory to find it. Fortunately, the dim light outside the bistro was still on. He sighed in relief and said to John Paulson, "Don\'t look at the small shop, beer and craftsmanship are by no means inferior to the Michelin restaurant on Fifth Avenue. "

John Paulson stood under the eaves of the corridor, shaking the snowflakes on the windbreaker and smiling, "My tongue is very picky. If I am not satisfied, I will definitely throw it on the ground."

Yang Cheng answered with confidence, "I won\'t let you down."

After speaking, he lifted the wind-shielding blanket at the door and crossed the high threshold to enter the store. A warmth rushed over his face, instantly dispelling the cold from his body.

The decoration inside the wooden house is very primitive. There is a bar counter with 4 round stools and 4 round tables beside it. There is no decoration other than that. There is not even a deer head specimen that symbolizes the achievements of hunters. It is simple and scary. !

He shouted in the direction of the back kitchen, "Boss, here is a guest."

"Come!" A rough voice came out first, followed by a tremor on the floor, a sturdy white-haired old man dressed in cowboys, bowed his head and got out of the back kitchen. The moment he saw Yang Cheng\'s group was first Frozen, then asked, "My child, did you go to the wrong place?"

The old man is also a second person, so how can he rush to push outside when he comes to business.

John Paulson also found it interesting, taking off his trench coat and handing it to the bodyguard, while looking at the old man, sitting in front of the bar for himself.

Yang Cheng smiled and said, "Don\'t worry, it\'s not the first time I\'m here. I will order some beer. Let\'s serve all the ingredients left today. We are crowded."

Just order the food at will, drew out the wallet, squeezed out a wad of brand new Swiss francs with two fingers, and put them on the bar without counting. Such a domineering action made the old man laugh out loud, "It turned out to be You, child, I remember you, how many years ago you came here, and the way you pay for it has not changed at all. I still remember it."

Yang Cheng did this deliberately, in order to bring back memories of the old man, it seems that he succeeded, "Thank you for remembering me."

The old man was not polite, he pulled a big hand and put a wad of money into the box in the bar, "Wait a minute, the wine and food will come soon."

When the old man returned to the back kitchen and Ding Ling was busy clamoring for life, John Paulson pointed to the box just filled with money and said, "You\'re really welcome."

Yang Cheng shrugged and explained, “The meat in their family is all game. It’s about this price if you eat it elsewhere, including various added I don’t give much.”

John Paulson didn\'t say any more. He didn\'t feel sorry for the money. If the taste was worth it, he would give it 10 times more.

However, the purpose of the two is not to eat and drink, but mainly for the things just now.

Their bodyguards were sitting around the round table. Although they did not communicate, they were engaged in a silent contest in the dark. It was normal. The colleagues would always look at each other uncomfortably. They were all strong men with swords and guns. Second, no one dares to recognize the first master, naturally no one will obey others.

Of course, each other\'s big bosses are in front of him, and no one dares to make trouble. Doesn\'t this give the boss eye medicine?

John Paulson took out his cell phone and clicked on an email and put it in front of Yang Cheng and said, "I just asked my assistant to check it. Time is tight and I didn\'t find too many things, but the Maduro that Warren said is indeed a neurotic. , Not only hostile to foreign companies, but also tried every means to force a large number of foreign companies to leave Venezuela.

At present, there are multinational companies such as Pepsi, General Motors, and United Technologies Corporation that cannot support it. They have reduced their domestic businesses and are preparing to withdraw completely. If these large companies withdraw, Venezuela\'s unemployment rate will reach over 25%!

In addition, Venezuela’s inflation rate is getting worse. In 2010, one U.S. dollar can be exchanged for about 8 bolivars. According to today’s unofficial exchange rate, one U.S. dollar can be exchanged for more than a thousand bolivars. It is estimated that next year, Venezuelan prices The increase may exceed 500%.

It is worth mentioning that Maduro has raised the domestic minimum wage three times before and after. This move has brought a temporary relief to the plight of the poor in Venezuela, but the far-reaching impact of the crazy currency devaluation has already taken shape. "

After a pause, he sighed deeply, "Venezuela was abandoned by God!"

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