Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 441: The State Abandoned by God (1)

"You are not the only one who is unlucky? What do you say?"

Yang Cheng asked in surprise, he really didn\'t understand this sentence, is there any internal information here?

John Paulson took his chin in the direction of the old stock god, "Warren\'s heavy stocks have not performed satisfactorily. This year, Berkshire\'s stock may suffer a heavy setback."

The old stock gods have always disliked investing in high-tech companies that are in the limelight. Instead, they choose old companies that have not been "naked" for the time being after several ups and downs. No Wall Street knows this.

However, the biggest difference between 2015 and 1999 is that the technology companies that emerged in the early Internet wave may be suspected of bubbles, but today the Internet has become a social infrastructure as important as railways and electricity, but the old stock gods still have not changed him. His idea, even his few high-tech stocks, IBM, is now a yellow flower, losing the motivation to move forward.

This makes sense, no wonder John Paulson would say that he is not alone.

"Also, Bill’s Pershing Square encountered the same bet failures as I did. Large sums of money were put on biochemical and pharmaceutical stocks. At the end of this year’s inventory, the returns of our funds may be negative. Alas... life is not easy." Listening to John Paulson\'s sigh, Yang Cheng didn\'t know what to think. Could he say that his company has made money, so he invested money in me?

However, such a bleak atmosphere did not last long. The dinner party officially started. As the initiator of the dinner party, the old stock **** gave a wonderful speech. In his speech, he expressed his optimism about the future financial market and implicitly proposed his future possibilities. The direction of the march is actually a kind of brainwashing in disguise, allowing his followers to understand the next investment intentions, and invest their idle funds together, increase the scale and intensity of hot money, and use strong funds Hedging a stock, isn\'t that a steady profit without losing?

This routine of the old stock **** has been played more than once. Investors only need to calm down their hot minds and think about it. It is not difficult to find out, but everyone seems to be contented. After all, following the footsteps of the old stock **** can still bring considerable returns. In that case, why do you want to dismantle it?

After the sumptuous and harmonious dinner, it was a small wine tasting. This was the highlight of the evening. All irrelevant people were eliminated and only a dozen of the top richest people were left to discuss major issues.

In the small reception room next to the restaurant where the dinner party was held before, the fire from the snow branches in the fireplace crackled, and the aroma of cigars filled the room. The rich and powerful people looked relaxed and comfortable, changing cups in twos and threes, and whispered from time to time. Yu Guang never left the figure in the middle.

Yang Cheng also lit a cigar and leaned on the soft single sofa with Erlang\'s legs awake. His left hand was John Paulson, who was red-faced arguing with his colleagues, and Jack Ma was on his right, and he did not speak. With great interest, silently tasting the red wine in the glass, his expression is very intoxicated.

As for the opposite of Yang Cheng, there is also Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg who rushed over after the dinner. Xiao Mazi smiled with a friendly and favorable smile today, and the whole person was filled with a gloomy atmosphere. It seemed to listen before coming. When the bad news arrived, he was very angry, but there was nowhere to vent this anger, and he could only be sulking in his heart.

In addition, Yang Cheng also found several big figures who had not appeared at the dinner before, including the two CEOs of JP~Mo~Gen and Citi, Jamie Dimon and McCobert, and the directors of Goldman Sachs, etc. The regulars on the list, as well as the powerful figures on Wall Street, the net worth of people in this house add up to hundreds of billions of dollars, and the wealth under management reaches trillions of dollars, and the industries that can be affected are all over Every corner of the people\'s livelihood.

It can be exaggerated to say that if the people in this room go to heaven at the same time, then the global economy will go backwards ten years.

"Ahem~" The old man cleared his throat to remind everyone to pay attention.

After everyone cast a curious look, he smiled and said, "This room is home to the world’s top wealth owners and elites who can influence the economic trend. Everyone knows each other, so I don’t need to be redundant. Even if they are not familiar with each other, I believe they will become acquainted after today. First of all, let us toast together to celebrate this rare meeting."

The simple opening remarks easily controlled the rhythm of the conversation. Everyone responded to the old god’s words and raised their glasses to greet each other, but there was no toast. They all took a sip and brought their attention back. The next part is the text. .

"In the 1990s, there was a country in South America that could be called an economic engine. When the former U.S. President Zipperton visited South America in 1997, his first stop was this country. It was located on the coast of the Caribbean Sea and in South America. In the north, Venezuela is known as the\'land of waterfalls\'."

Following the description of the old stock god, everyone quickly turned on their brains, each with 8-core brains like Core I7, keenly aware that today\'s party is related to this South American pearl, so what is there in Venezuela that the old stock **** should treat so seriously? The answer is obvious-oil!

The old stock god\'s sharp gaze swept across the scene, and he chuckled and continued, "However, this country with a developed economy, pleasant scenery, and peaceful people has recently experienced some situations. The main problem is that inequality has been increasing. , A small group of elite forces firmly control all aspects of this country, while at the same time the phenomenon of poverty and collapse is also spreading.

In 1999, Venezuela elected Chavez as president. Chavez severed the connection between Venezuela and the United States after he came to power. Chavez\'s rule over Venezuela ended in 2013 when he died of illness, even today Chavez Still regarded by the poor as a national hero.

Chavez ZF spent a lot of money on welfare projects. ZF set a fixed price for every commodity, and even announced the nationalization of farms, but later abandoned them all, instead betting all the national economy on the crude oil export market. . "

Everyone\'s hearts are stunned, is it really oil?

"Before Chavez died, he chose Maduro as his successor. The latter indeed inherited the policies implemented by Chavez ZF. However, it was not long before Maduro announced that he would stop publishing any reliable statistics. Data, including economic growth and inflation, bribes of millions of dollars from construction projects, and borrowing even when it is difficult to repay existing debts.

At this time, to be precise, starting last year, the international crude oil price began to plunge sharply. In 2014, the international oil price was about 100 US dollars per barrel. With the development of new oil extraction technology (shell rock oil), the original ones that could not be extracted Crude oil continues to flow into oil pipelines, and some countries have begun to substantially increase market supply. However, at the same time, global crude oil consumption has not increased anymore. The embarrassing situation of oversupply has kept international oil prices in a downward trend, even Not to the end.

At present, international oil prices are maintained at around US$50 to US$60 per barrel, which means that everyone understands that Venezuela’s national income has been directly “cut in half” compared to before.

What followed was a significant reduction in ZF’s cash reserves. How to control prices would become a difficult problem for Maduro ZF. Venezuela ZF still heavily subsidizes grain sales to make it far below normal prices. As a means to appease the poor, in addition, they are also preparing to print banknotes at an extremely fast speed, which will inevitably lead to a sharp depreciation of the country’s currency, the Bolivar, and also have a huge impact on domestic employment and labor. "

When the old stock **** said this, Yang Cheng had already guessed his intentions. No, it should be the intention of the people or forces behind him to be precise! No one, including Yang Cheng, would think that the old stock **** himself initiated the lead. The older this old guy is, the more timid he is. If he hadn\'t taken on a certain the old stock **** would never jump out. Instantly!

Hehe~, Yang Cheng kept sneering in her heart, "Are the group of vampires in the White Palace ready to swing new butcher knives at Venezuela? However, are you not going to use force this time? I am afraid that the war at the door of the house will lead to the influx of refugees. Enter? Don\'t play martial arts and change to literary fighting? Are you ready to change to the Fed and take Wall Street to conquer a country?"

Also reflected are Jack Ma and the top wealthy people in other countries, as well as Wall Street hedge fund managers who have not received news for the time being. It seems that except for the CEO performance of the three giants JP~Mo~Gen, Citi, and Goldman~Sachs. He’s not surprised. Everyone else’s face is full of hell. Even Xiao Mazi has a magnificent face, and his eyebrows are about to break the ceiling. His inner OS should be, "Fuck, I\'m a business man. Why does this matter bring me up?"

Yang Cheng felt a scorching gaze next to him, so she turned her head and cast a helpless look at Jack Ma, saying, "My little master is also innocent, okay?"

"This time gathering so many business stars familiar to the public, the Fed will not be a conspiracy to make these people a scapegoat?" Yang Cheng suddenly took a cold breath behind him, thinking maliciously.

But as far as the matter is concerned, the conspiracy behind this matter is not mentioned. From the narrative of the old stock god, Yang Cheng can draw a general conclusion that Venezuela is one of the countries with the largest crude oil supply in the world. Think that they have inexhaustible cash reserves.

But now Venezuela’s ZF treasury is about to dry up, prices are soaring, and currency is devalued. No one knows whether such a bad situation will continue to worsen. If there is a ‘evil force’ behind the scenes, it seems that there will only be one ending-bankruptcy!

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