Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 443: Trivial

"Venezuela was abandoned by God!"

John Paulson\'s lament, Yang Cheng did not agree. This matter has nothing to do with God and his old man. In fact, God also allowed Venezuelans to live a good life for decades. In terms of oil reserves, it is no better than the Pearl of the Middle East. Little, who is the culprit of Venezuela\'s degeneration to the present, he wants to know with his ass.

Of course, it is undeniable that they did it themselves, but the United States has absolutely not played a bright role in the verge of bankruptcy in Venezuela.

You know, the United States has always been Venezuela’s largest trading partner. More than 50% of Venezuela’s oil is supplied to the US market. Venezuela is the fourth largest oil supplier to the United States. Almost all refineries in the southern United States are used to process sulfur content. Venezuelan oil is relatively high, and this relationship has experienced some disharmony during the Venezuelan administration’s administration. The Venezuelan authorities have been trying to get rid of this highly dependent relationship, and the United States naturally does not want its own economic interests to be damaged. The contradiction arises from this.

I just don’t know if the Americans are secretly supporting the opposition in Venezuela. This is the usual routine of the White House and the CIA.

Soon, the old cowboy came up with a tray. Even in this ice and snow, the draft beer glass with golden beer was still air-conditioned. It should have been chilled in the cellar. In addition to beer, he also served several large plates of smoked beer. A salad made of venison, pickled ham and seasonal vegetables, as well as French fries and fresh lamb chops, the dishes are nothing fresh, but the quality of the ingredients and the homely cooking techniques are better.

After going back and forth three times before finishing all the work, he returned to the back kitchen without saying a word, leaving the space for the guests.

Because Yang Cheng knew something about it, she didn\'t feel surprised. He took a sip of a glass of draft beer for himself. The refreshing and sweet taste was refreshing, even though the outside was below zero.

Picking up a piece of lamb chops that were tender on the outside and tender on the inside, easily tore off a piece of it and stuffed it into the mouth, and asked while chewing, "I just don\'t understand why Wall Street is required to shoot, should we be scapegoats?"

John Paulson has everything to learn, but he is more interested in the ham salad. After all, when he is older, he is also drinking his own brewed draft beer. He nodded in satisfaction and laughed at Yang Cheng\'s question. "How can it be that simple? Don’t forget that the people here today are not just Wall Street people, but also the richest people in Silicon Valley, Country Z, and Europe. Besides, when has Wall Street been under the control of the White House? They are not always in charge. The role of wiping our ass?"

After a severe spit, John Paulson reappeared thinking, drinking beer ambiguously again, "Do you think it is possible that multiple countries made the decision together?"

Before Yang Cheng could hear it clearly, John Paulson shook his head violently, denying himself, "No, it\'s impossible. Venezuela\'s bankruptcy is not good for other countries, especially country Z."

Yang Cheng raised her head in surprise, what\'s the inside story that he doesn\'t know?

John Paulson turned his head and glanced at the puzzled Yang Cheng, smiled and explained, "In the past 10 years, country Z has successively invested or borrowed more than 60 billion U.S. dollars in Venezuela, even if it has been repaid. There are still more than 20 billion U.S. dollars in loans outstanding or unable to repay. However, as long as Venezuela does not go bankrupt, they will still have the possibility of repayment. After all, the whole world knows that country Z is short of oil and Venezuela has a lot of proven oil reserves Up to 270 billion barrels."

With such an explanation, Yang Cheng immediately wanted to understand. However, he had a different opinion, "However, regardless of who comes to power or which party is in power, country Z can buy oil, but a stable political situation is better than turbulence. Much better, right?"

John Paulson was stunned, and then nodded, "What you said makes sense, so it is not that the possibility of several big countries uniting to invest in Venezuela through commercial channels is not small."

Yang Cheng waved his hand, "I don\'t want to. Anyway, this money is considered to be a protection fee. They dare not owe it anyway, but if they want to get it back, I am afraid it will take a few years."

"Well, although the signs of bankruptcy in Venezuela are obvious now, there is still some time before the real bankruptcy. After all, it is the heritage of a country. Even if it is for money, it will be enough for them for a few years."

"Fuck, it\'s really not the right time to ask for this money, one billion dollars, how many things can be done." Yang Cheng cursed, complaining uncomfortably.

"This matter is not for us. Warren just said who led this incident. Even the two richest people in the world have not escaped from being sheared. What are we people?" John Paul Although Elson said calmly, Yang Cheng could still hear the deeply suppressed dissatisfaction.

After that, the two chatted for a few hours, and it was not until late at night that they wanted to say goodbye in front of the tavern.

In the next two days, Yang Cheng participated in one forum after another in a step-by-step manner. There was no luan to use, and a whole lot of empty words were used, but there was no substantial help. On the contrary, he had a good chat with Xiao Mazi on Facebook. It may be because his wife is of Chinese descent, who has a natural affinity for the Chinese, and she also kept pulling Yang Cheng to communicate in Z language, making an appointment to return to the United States to find a time to meet.

After participating in the Davos forum, Yang Cheng returned to London non-stop. Xu Lingyue finished the trip and prepared to leave for China. Of course, Yang Cheng could not miss the chance to see her off, and told her that someone from Ari Films would contact her after returning home. Don\'t be a liar, work hard according to the company\'s plan, and wish her an early star.

The young lady was dubious, but she still agreed, and finally sent him an invitation before boarding the plane, hoping to have a chance to meet again in China, Yang Cheng was overjoyed.

On the other side, with the help of Eiffel, Zachary successfully embarked on a flight to Italy as an ordinary person, and successfully met his family in Naples that he had been thinking about day and night. After a touching reunion, Zachary Ritter called for Yang Cheng\'s help, hoping to send his parents to London for treatment, and he was responsible for any accidents on the road.

After thinking about it for a long time, Yang Cheng nodded and agreed. He felt that Zachary had been bitten by a snake for ten years and was afraid of well ropes. Italy was too close to Albania. This made him very uneasy. He would rather risk his parents\' injuries. It’s dangerous, and I don’t want the whole family to fall into the mouth again.

In this case, Yang Cheng didn’t have any hesitation. He immediately arranged for Hansen to **** him. It took a full week to get Zachary’s parents to London and arrange to enter Wellington Hospital, the largest in the UK and even Europe. The private hospitals are well-known worldwide in many specialties and are also the world\'s top rehabilitation hospitals.

Zachary’s parents will get the best treatment here. Zachary, who was born in Fuja’s family, is well aware of the expenses required for treatment and rehabilitation here, but he is unable to repay him and can only give back to him over and over again. Yang Cheng thanked him.

Yang Cheng refused, but she had to "reluctantly" accept Zachary\'s life-long rewards, and took the opportunity to test the possibility of Zachary\'s independent painting. The result was unexpectedly satisfied. Zachary expressed every future he painted All paintings will be run by Yang Cheng, who only needs to guarantee the expenses of his family to lead a normal life.

The long-awaited plan has been realized, and Yang Cheng, who is overjoyed, will naturally not be stingy. He said ‘generous’ that Zachary will be responsible for painting in the future, and he will be responsible for running the auction, and the income will be divided between the two.

There is no doubt about Zachary’s painting skills. Almost in the past few decades, the techniques he has produced are the most purely modern painters who are fully integrated into his own school. As long as he is willing to spend time on publicity, becoming famous is only a matter of time, and publicity is just a matter of time. What Yang Cheng and New Era Media are good at is foreseeable. Yang Cheng personally excavated an exclusive gold mine. In the coming decades or even hundreds of years, it will continuously provide Yang Cheng and Yang Cheng’s family with a steady flow of cash. This is Yang Cheng\'s most satisfying investment since his rebirth.

While welcoming Zachary’s parents to London, Yang Cheng was not idle either. While continuing to dig deeper with William about the Glencore company, he was winking over Zheng Jiaxuan. This guy didn’t know if he had inside information. It was exceptionally quiet, and there was no impatience before, which made Yang Cheng and William instinctively think that the pit they had dug was seen through, and the plan was about to fall through.

But judging from the actual performance, Zheng Jiaxuan seemed ignorant and was still looking forward to cooperating with William. The two who were puzzled had to decide to go one step at a according to the original plan. Implementation, and the rest will be destined.

William has been in charge of public relations, Alex Bilder, and constantly persuaded him to sell the stocks in his hands, but the guy was determined not to give William face, anyway, he would not sell it at a premium, and of course Yang Cheng and the others would also There is not too much premium at once.

In any case, this matter is temporarily embarrassing here, and there is no possibility of progress at all. Yang Cheng can\'t help it, just drag it, there will always be a way, right?

And he still has too many things at hand, it is impossible to focus on this matter. Donna Lande confirmed the preparations for the premiere of "Fifty Shades of Grey" in London and remotely controlled the promotion process before the movie was released. In addition, she went all out to start negotiations with the Premier League on the North American copyright of the event. For this reason, she went to the Premier League headquarters almost every day and took the trouble to have\'friendly\' exchanges with Richard Skodamore.

Time is very tight. Seeing that the Premier League’s local live broadcast copyright negotiations have come to an end, a new three-year contract is about to be signed. After that, the Premier League will formally start negotiations with NBC on the North American live broadcast copyright renewal. Donna Lande is about to rush. Crazy, once NBC knows that Cheng Yaojin will be killed halfway, the difficulty of winning the North American copyright will be increased several times when confronting NBC head-on. She does not want to see this happen, which will make Yang Cheng questioned her ability.

But Richard Skudarmore is surprisingly tough. It seems that he has completely forgotten his verbal promise with Yang Cheng. He made up his mind to let New Times Media and NBC have a snipe fight, and he and the Premier League will sit firmly on the Diaoyutai. , The fisherman is profitable, but the strong woman Donna Rand who can smash a blood in Hollywood, will it be like Richard Scudamore\'s will?

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