Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 440: The unlucky "Sky God"

"John, why are you here alone? Can I sit down?" Yang Cheng came to the corner of the restaurant with a wine glass.

John Paulson was wiping his spectacles with a napkin he didn’t know where he got, and he heard Yang Cheng’s voice and put on his spectacles, "Jason, it was you. Of course, please sit down. It’s a coincidence. Before I came to Switzerland Also met your father at an auction."

Yang Cheng showed a surprised expression in a timely manner, "Really? That is indeed a coincidence. Who on Wall Street doesn\'t know that you are low-key and outrageous."

John Paulson rubbed his black curly hair with his big hands, and his smile was shy, which shows the degree of introversion, "Jason, you know I have social phobia, and when I was young I was afraid of dealing with people. , It’s not as easy as facing the candlestick chart. This situation has only eased in recent years."

Yang Cheng sat opposite John Paulson and said, "If it were not for your so-called social phobia, you would have been the richest man in the world."

He said this for a reason. In 2006, John Paulson raised US$150 million to open a position for the first fund to short CDOs. He designed a complicated fund operation model: while shorting the dangerous CDO, After acquiring cheap CDS, the US real estate market remained prosperous in the following months, with no signs of slump, and Paulson\'s fund continued to lose money.

But at the end of 2006, the subprime mortgage crisis had begun to take shape. Paulson’s fund had turned losses into profits and appreciated by 20%. His confidence was getting stronger and stronger. Then he established a second fund of its kind. The following year 2 In May, the two funds managed by Paulson sprang up in the winter of Wall Street. As of the end of 2007, the first fund appreciated by 590%, and the second fund also appreciated by 350%. The total fund size has reached 28 billion U.S. dollars, only in 2007. In one year, 6 billion US dollars of funds poured into Paulson\'s fund.

It was also in this year that Paulson topped the list of the most profitable fund managers in 2007, overwhelming financial predators George Soros and James Simmons. While Wall Street’s reputation was smashed, it also established his "hedge fund". "The First Man", "Wall Street\'s most agile cheetah" and other titles.

If it weren’t for John Paulson’s introvert and poor speech, a boring life with no social activities, and no good friends, he would definitely be able to mobilize a large sum of funds before the subprime mortgage crisis to go short, and even become the world’s richest man in one fell swoop. The throne is not a problem, so Yang Cheng said this.

This Wall Street god, who was only 60 years old at the end of this year, has a young mentality that is totally incompatible with his age. He chuckled and patted his forehead. "I have talked with Bill many times about this topic. He said that he became the world\'s richest man at the beginning, but it was troublesome. For a long time, he was greeted everywhere and watched by everyone with admiring eyes. It was really unbearable for ordinary people. It was for this reason that I did not want to become the richest man in the world. "

Yang Cheng smacked his tongue. It turned out that 13 could still pretend like this, but when he saw John Paulson\'s abusive smile, he knew he had been fooled. He was joking, a very typical American joke.

Reluctantly toasted and admitted, "OK, you caught me, you did a good job."

"Haha, don\'t thank Jason." Well, he was addicted to this joke.

Yang Cheng took a sip of wine and asked sternly, "John, why is Warren calling everyone here to prepare? Is there any action?"

Unexpectedly, John Paulson said with a grieving face, "I don\'t know what plan he has, but I know that you don\'t take me when you have activities. It\'s really sad."

Yang Cheng was taken aback, and then he realized that he was only traveling to Switzerland on Wall Street. At this time, there seemed to be a flash of lightning in his mind. He wanted to understand something. It seemed that after he came to Switzerland, he was safe and stable. People from the Swiss National Bank came to the house to settle the accounts. This is a bit unreasonable. You must know that Wall Street has swept away tens of billions of euros from Switzerland and Europe so far. Is it that the Swiss are all driven crazy and ignored?

And on the way from the airport to the town, the ordinary people he saw didn\'t have a frowning look. They didn\'t seem to be in love with the ‘financial crisis’ at all. What happened?

Did the Swiss block the news?

This is impossible. Wall Street\'s action this time is raging, raging on the Europa continent, the Swiss stock market is full of grief, and fools can see that something is wrong. The Swiss are all gods and not eating fireworks? Don\'t care at all?

Yang Cheng thought about it and did not come to any plausible conclusions. After returning to her senses, she said to John Paulson, "This time it is not an organized action, it is all spontaneously following up."

John Paulson waved his hand, "Don’t get me wrong, I just said that. In fact, I have been concerned about Wall Street’s actions from the beginning, but the risk is too great. If the Swiss National Bank does not announce the exchange rate adjustment news, it is likely to cause International conflicts, and at that time, the superiority enhancement fund under my name was fully betting on Puerto Rico’s bonds and gold futures, and the funds could not be recovered, and it was unable to open up a second battlefield."

Yang Cheng repeated what John Paulson said, "Puerto Rico debts?"

He remembered that Ryze Khan had asked him about this last At that time Puerto Rico issued US$3.5 billion of national debt, which was sold out in a very short time, so that Yang Cheng did not react at all. , I didn’t even have a chance to buy it, so I regret to give up this project. It seems that John Paulson took the shot.

But now that I think about it, I am really a little scared. Puerto Rico ZF is unable to repay its debts, and the value of these bonds has dropped to the bottom in an instant. It seems that the famous "Kongshen" encountered Waterloo at the beginning of this year.

Unable to cast sympathetic glances at the opposite side, John Paulson laughed self-deprecatingly, “Jason, don’t rush to sympathize, it’s not too late for you to show sympathy after I lose again in the gold market. It seems that this year is a fleeting disadvantage, and it is not suitable for another investment attempt."

Yang Cheng was stunned, "You can\'t make too much gold, right?"

John Paulson was silent, apparently tacitly acquiescing, Yang Cheng didn’t know what to say when he saw it. People are not gods, and even the most powerful investors have missteps. Regarding the occasional failures of "Kingshen", Yang Cheng I think it\'s normal, let alone look down on the other party\'s ability because of this, but after two consecutive investment failures, Yang Cheng can even foresee what the unscrupulous media will comment, and it would be right not to speak for him.

After thinking about it, he tentatively said, "Should I arrange it? You know, New Era Media still has some vocal ability, at least don\'t lash out at you."

John Paulson shook his head firmly, looked deeply at the old stock **** who talked about charity not far away, and sneered, "I know the urinary nature of the media, when I succeed, I will put you on the altar when I fail. I immediately stepped on you to the eighteenth hell. I am used to it. This little setback is nothing to me, and I am definitely not the only one who is unlucky this year!"

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