Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 439: Charity controversy

Yang Cheng waved his hand to prevent the waiter from coming forward to greet him, and took Jack Ma straight to the salon area on the right side of the restaurant. The host of today’s dinner, the old stock god, was talking to a circle of\'believers\' about his charity concept, “In 2006, I promise to gradually donate all Berkshire Hathaway\'s shares to the charity foundation. My joy for this decision that shocked the world at that time is unparalleled.

Now, I, Gates, and Melinda are advocating hundreds of billionaires from the United States to pledge at least half of their wealth to charity.

On such occasions, I think this is an appropriate time to reiterate my intentions and explain my considerations when making a decision.

I also promised in front of the media that I will donate more than 99% of my personal wealth to charities during my lifetime or when I die. I can’t ask everyone to be like me, but I hope everyone can join our charity. Zhonglai, together with the rich in the United States, donated half of their wealth to help people in need around the world. "

Yang Cheng listened to the outside for a while, and then he was about to take the old horse to escape. The old stock **** now persuades everybody and talks about charity whenever he arrives. It seems that he committed a heinous crime without donating half of his wealth, including those present today. Many European and American wealthy people have been troubled by the old stock gods and Bill Lid, who promised to donate half of their wealth for peace.

Unexpectedly, the old stock **** would spare no effort to cast his flicker in Davos. As he said, there is no better opportunity than this. The Davos Forum brings together the world\'s top rich and elites, not much. Even if one tenth can be fooled, it is a shocking wealth.

Yang Cheng sometimes thinks maliciously that the old stock **** and Bill Cap will not be worried that their position as the richest man will be taken over by the latecomers, so they come up with such a scheme to force everyone to disperse their wealth in order to stabilize their current wealth status. Right?

Well, he admits that he has a little human heart, but whoever makes the truth so cruel, thinking about the bad things, at least makes him feel better.

When he was thinking about it, the old stock **** was still making a very provocative statement, “Today, millions of people often donate to churches, schools and other institutions, thus giving up using these money to satisfy themselves and their families. Demand, they put money into the donation box or donate to the United Charity Foundation, which means that they give up watching movies, eating out or other personal enjoyment opportunities. In contrast, even if the pledge to donate 99% of wealth is fulfilled, I and I The family does not have to abandon any personal needs.

Moreover, this commitment does not require me to dedicate my most precious asset—time. I am proud to say that, including my three children, they have not hesitated to spend a lot of time using their own talents to help others. The value of dedication is often far greater than money. For a child in a difficult situation, the friendship and care of the teacher is far more than a check can buy.

However, all I can do is take out a lot of Berkshire Hathaway stocks. After these "withdrawal vouchers" are converted into cash, you can buy a lot of resources to benefit those who are unfairly affected by fate. People who suffer from life misfortune.

So far, I have donated 20% of the stock, including the shares of my late wife Susan Buffett, but this is not enough. I will continue to donate about 4% of the stock every year until all of my Berkshire Hathaway’s shares will be distributed to all aspects of charity within 10 years after the completion of my estate inventory.

And I promise that all my money and your future donations will never flow to the endowment fund. I hope that this money will be used to solve real needs.

This promise will not bring any changes to my life and everyone’s life, nor will it affect future generations of children. I believe they have already received a large amount of usable property, and they will get more in the future. It must be comfortable and creative, and to a certain extent, everyone here and I will continue to live a life of what we want. "

The words of the old stock **** are easy to understand. Even if you donate half of your wealth, it will not have a substantial impact on your current life, and you have already made plans for future generations so that your future life will not be impoverished, so you still keep it. What is so much wealth for?

At this time, I don’t know if it was bad luck. Yang Cheng was about to turn around, but was discovered by the sharp-eyed old stock god, and said to stop, "Jason, don\'t rush to go. What do you think about me?"

At this moment, everyone found that there were two more people on the scene, and they were all with yellow skin and black hair. They did not feel unfamiliar. Whether it was Yang Cheng or Jack Ma, both of them were recent figures that have stirred the global business community, so everyone showed their politeness. Smile and welcome the arrival of the two of Yang Cheng.

Jack Ma returned the gift over there, but Yang Cheng was not in such a good mood. There are pits everywhere in life!

"Warren, on the issue of charity, we have had in-depth and friendly exchanges and reached a consensus, haven\'t we? However, in the presence of all the bigwigs, I also reiterate my promise. When I reach Warren’s age, I must donate half of my wealth to charity, and now I am preparing for my future commitments. I have to make more money. Only in the future can I donate more wealth to help more people. You Say yes? Warren?"

Jack Ma smiled happily on the side, because the slick Yang Cheng coincided with his ideas, and it also represented the ideas of the vast majority of the rich. The money he finally earned was not enjoyed, so why should he share it first? Half out? Wouldn\'t it be better to devote yourself to charity after enjoying enough?

The other wealthy people who saw through this point all smiled kindly. Yang Cheng\'s cleverness resolved most people\'s embarrassment. Before Yang Cheng came, they really couldn\'t find a reason to refuse, and some even gritted their teeth and stomped their feet. Ready to spend money to eliminate the disaster.

However, how can Warren Buffett be so easy to deal with? How would he let the little fox like Yang Cheng easily? Today he made up his mind to let Yang Cheng bleed and said again, "I admit that some material things can make our lives more comfortable, but there are also many things that cannot .

For example, it’s nice if you own an expensive private jet, which will make your trip more private and safe, and more importantly, save precious time.

But it seems like owning multiple luxury houses becomes a burden, because the more you own, the more often you are occupied by material things. In my opinion, the most precious wealth I have at the moment, in addition to health, is all kinds of things. If you can combine with like-minded friends to do something meaningful, the value of wealth will increase several times. "

Yang Cheng knew that he couldn’t escape, so she just sat down on the sofa and asked for a glass of red wine, and argued with the old stock god, "Then Warren, since you admit the convenience brought by wealth, how can you guarantee this? Convenient and durable?

Take your example. It takes at least one million U.S. dollars to raise a private jet every year. If you include the cost of traveling, it is conservatively estimated that it will cost at least 5 million U.S. dollars each year. If I donate most of my wealth, I’m afraid this 500 Ten thousand dollars will become a burden of crushing, and in the end, it can only be sold because it can\'t afford private jets. Is this a waste? "

After a sip of wine, he added, "And the assets under my name are high-debt companies. Donating half of the wealth is equivalent to killing oneself. So Warren, you still don’t persuade me. I will do charity. The charity foundation of my company has been very happy to cooperate with Melinda. Various charitable activities are being carried out in an orderly manner. I will track the whereabouts of every penny to ensure that the money is spent on people who really need help. This is mine. Promise, but so far, I can’t follow the pattern of you and Bill, sorry."

Yang Cheng is also the first person in the world to refuse the invitation of the old stock **** in public-the rich man who joined their charity The former head is the old horse, and now he has been named by Yang Cheng. First.

In fact, he said that the assets under his name are all in a state of high debt. It is pure nonsense. Looking at the entire Manhattan, the companies currently under the new era media do not have any loans except their own debts. It is clean and unreasonable. The debt ratio is almost one of the lowest. Various banks are eager to send someone to Yang Cheng to beg him for a loan, but Yang Cheng doesn’t need it. When a company needs a large amount of capital for development, he can always get money. Why go to the bank to make money if you have money?

"It\'s okay, jason, charity is based on my own will. I don\'t force it and no one can force it, but your foundation can only cooperate with Melinda. You have to cooperate with my foundation if you find opportunities. "The old stock **** seemed very relaxed, and didn\'t have any dissatisfaction with Yang Cheng\'s refusal. He lived to his age, and he couldn\'t look away from this matter, then his success in this life might be questioned.

Yang Cheng shrugged, "I can\'t ask for it, but at present, my foundation\'s main energy is concentrated on young people and disadvantaged women."

"Of course, this is also the aspect that I care most about." The old stock **** seems to be determined to cooperate with Yang Cheng. He can accept it no matter what reason he finds. In that case, Yang Cheng didn\'t bother to bother with it, and simply agreed. .

However, while the dinner party had not yet officially started, the old stock gods still tirelessly transmitted charity ideas to others, Yang Cheng greeted Jack Ma, holding a wine glass and recounting old acquaintances with other acquaintances, and also inquired a little bit by the way.

His target is John Paulson, who is known as the "God of the Sky" and the "First Man in Hedge Funds". This Wall Street magnate with a similar Eastern face looks extremely tired today. . .

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