Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 437: Are you friends?

"I didn\'t intend to hide it from you, but I don\'t know where to start. Haven\'t you noticed that Yuanshan and New Times Media have been paying attention recently?"

If you look carefully, you can see that when Jack Ma’s voice fell, Yang Cheng’s pupils shrank slightly in her bright eyes, and she said forcefully, “Needless to say, I don’t want to know.”

Jack Ma put on a deep smile. Obviously, Yang Cheng’s intelligence was in his mind. But he chose to hide his ears and steal the bell. It’s better to pretend that he didn’t know some things. Once he knew it, he would be easy to think randomly. Scruples, scruples can make people lose their passion and motivation. No one can predict what kind of results this series of chain reactions will produce. Therefore, Yang Cheng simply pretended to be stupid, and finally did something extraordinary. If you don\'t know, you are not guilty if you don\'t know.

"By the way, will you attend the dinner of the old stock **** at night?" Jack Ma quickly changed the subject.

Yang Cheng was surprised, "Are you invited too?"

"Of course, am I not qualified?" Jack Ma asked aggressively.

"That\'s not the case. I thought it was an internal gathering between Wall Street and the United States. If you were also invited, it seems that the dinner tonight is not easy, and the style has suddenly risen several levels." Yang Cheng said thoughtfully. .

After talking about this, the two of them suddenly lost the interest in continuing to take a walk, and each returned to a temporary foothold to recharge for the evening dinner.

Lying on the big*, outside the window with white snow, the quiet Davos Lake is nestled in the mountains like a glass mirror, the fire inside the house is booming, and the faint fruity aroma seems to make people calm and sleep, unconsciously falling asleep in.

Yang Cheng lay on the rocking chair, shaking and uncomfortable. Suddenly the mobile phone sounded, breaking the peaceful atmosphere, and Yang Cheng was also awakened from sleep.

Smacking his mouth, the dryness in his mouth made him feel a little uncomfortable, frowned and took a drink from the cup on the coffee table, and he hiccuped comfortably. Then he picked up the phone and glanced at the message from Hansen. , Zachary’s parents’ fortunes are saved, but they need to be recuperated for a long time.

After pondering for a moment, he dialed the phone directly, "Hanson, are Zachary\'s parents\' injuries surely controlled?"

"Yes, boss, they really don\'t worry about their lives, but because of their older age, I\'m afraid they can\'t stand any more toss. I\'m afraid they will be accompanied by wheelchairs and chuang for most of the time." Hansen should be from the room. When I walked out of the house, when there was no one, I released the volume report.

"Well, this result is not bad. In this way, you arrange the manpower to take care of Zachary\'s parents in Naples. I will arrange for him to go there. When he arrives, you will come back." Hansen was next to Yang Cheng. The role played is becoming more and more important. Of course, it is impossible to be responsible for protecting others outside for a long time.

Of course Hansen had no objection, and wished to return to Yang Cheng soon, "Good boss, but Naples is not too safe. After all, it is not far from Albania. The group of people has all over Europe. It is difficult to guarantee that there are no them here. People, even send someone from the old nest, should we make other plans?"

Yang Cheng squeezed her eyebrows, "But Zachary\'s parents can\'t fly in a short time, let alone take a long time in a car. The arrangement is not appropriate anywhere."

"Why not, I will leave all the teams on this mission here. They can at least guarantee a quick response in the event of an emergency. It should be no problem to take the Zachary family to escape, or simply rent an RV and hire The doctors and nurses were taken care of by the car, directly across Europe to the Netherlands, and then to the North Sea Manor by yacht..."

Hansen was interrupted by Yang Cheng before he finished saying, "It\'s too much trouble, and the possibility of being attacked on the road is even greater. Wait until Zachary and his family meet, let Zachary decide for himself, after all. This is his family."

"I know the boss, I will arrange it here."

"In addition, you haven\'t revealed your identity? I don\'t want to be targeted by a group of cockroaches. Although there is no fatal threat, it is disgusting." Yang Cheng was very upset with the scum that kidnapped Zachary\'s family. The lower limit involves life and death hatred, so of course you don\'t need to worry too much, but just for money to harm your family, it is somewhat shameful.

Of course, since embarking on this path, shame has long been thrown out of the sky. They care more about money than shame. When they become addicted to money, Yang Cheng naturally disdains to work with such people. None of his opponents are qualified!

"Boss rest assured, we handled it very cleanly, leaving no clues to the other party." In his professional field, Hansen appeared confident.

"That\'s good, that boy Andrew has spent his time in London, just waiting for you to come back, everything goes well, goodluck!"

After the phone call with Hansen, Yang Cheng called Eiffel again and told him on the phone to arrange for Zachary to go to Naples to meet his family. By the way, he also told him that the set of "The Sitting Woman" had been taken by him. After being sold, the share that belongs to him will be transferred to him after returning to New York.

Now Eiffel has completely taken root in New York, and his daughter has also been taken over recently. The house, car, etc. have been properly arranged by Yang Cheng. Without any worries, he naturally devoted himself to Yang Cheng’s private work. Recently, I have been in constant contact with the underground world of New York, brandishing a knife to open the way, and without much effort, he has cultivated a large network of contacts. After receiving instructions from Yang Cheng, he took action without saying a word.

Zachary is a dark household in the United States. If he wants to leave the country and go to Naples through a formal channel, he will naturally be in trouble, but Yang Cheng does not need to worry about these. There is a staff who handles personal affairs for him, which is really convenient, at least not. Let Hansen and the others run errands for this little thing.

Time flickered, and soon, before he was comfortable enough, the dinner time came. Because it was a formal dinner, Yang Cheng had to wash and dress up early. Of course, it was not as troublesome as a woman, but the basic look and dress were still To have.

The temporarily hired stylist neatly arranged his hairstyle for him, and replaced it with custom-made suits from London’s “Savile Street”, also known as “Tailor Street”, in the Anderson&Sheppard store. This shop is Charles The prince and his wife’s favorite, the originator of the British suit, Yang Sen is also a loyal fan of his family. Yang Cheng is okay. He can’t say how much he loves this classic British suit. This time he also runs errands for Yang Sen. By the way I also ordered a few sets for myself, but I didn\'t expect to use it so soon.

The temporarily rented Mercedes-Benz S600 zigzags down the winding mountain road. At the foot of the mountain, it meets Jack Ma waiting there. He beckoned through the window of the car. Two cars drove one after the other towards the place where the dinner was held. go with.

In the car, the bored Yang Cheng and Xu Ling chatted more and more text messages.

"Where did you go to play today?" Yang Cheng asked.

"I went to the British Museum and the Royal Botanic Garden, but unfortunately I didn\'t understand anything." Xu Lingyue\'s words were filled with depression.

Yang Cheng comforted, "These two places are focused on visiting, just take a look, there is no need to understand, and we are not engaged in art and biological research."

"That\'s right, how about you? Did the work go well?" Xu Ling asked rhetorically, and it seemed that she didn\'t want to end the conversation so quickly.

Yang Cheng thought happily, but the movements on her hands were not slow, her fingers turned into shadows and tapped on the phone\'s virtual keyboard, "It\'s okay, but a little aggrieved. I was besieged by a group of people at noon, but I finally resisted the pressure. ."

"Wow~ I don\'t understand your world, why do you want to besiege you? It feels more complicated than the entertainment industry." Xu Ling exclaimed.

Yang Cheng was taken aback, hesitated and typed, "It\'s really complicated. When you have the opportunity to talk in person, do you really want to enter the entertainment industry?"

This time it took almost 1 minute before I replied, "Yes, to be precise, I have already entered and played a few small roles. I like acting."

Xu Lingyue\'s reply was unusually firm. Yang Cheng didn\'t know what to say, so could he tell the other party directly, ‘I like you and I can raise you. I don’t want you to enter the entertainment industry? ’

Obviously this is unrealistic. The two met twice at full play, and the combined time was less than 12 hours. The abrupt confession made it clear that people refused, but he did not like Xu Lingyue\'s decision to enter the entertainment industry. I feel awkward.

He knows exactly what the entertainment industry is like. It can\'t be described by a simple gibberish. A beautiful girl with no background is no different from falling into a wolf den. It would be okay if she could be protected by him. But the farther Xu Ling was in Country Z, the farther Emperor Tian Gao was, what really happened, he didn\'t have enough time to react, so what kind of protection would he talk about?

Wait, thinking of this, Yang Cheng suddenly had an idea, and the corners of her mouth raised again, "Are we friends now?"

"Of course!" Xu Ling replied more quickly and surely.

"So as a friend, I want to give you some help and provide you with some convenience and shortcuts on the way forward in the entertainment industry. Isn\'t that too much? You know how complicated the entertainment industry is!"

He clicked the send button repeatedly, and with a special effect sound of ‘swoosh’, Yang Cheng was holding the phone in a panic. He wondered if Xu Lingyue would agree, or would he feel that he had spoken shallowly? Or misunderstand him for another purpose? Although he has never denied that his purpose is not pure, they are two different things.

He didn\'t know why he was so nervous, even more nervous than a multi-billion-dollar acquisition, for fear that the other party would reject his ‘good intention’.

As time passed, seeing that the car was about to arrive at the hotel, there was still no familiar text message from the phone, and his mood fell to the bottom. In his opinion, there is nothing to hesitate about this matter, yesorno, there are just two answers, since The more Xu Ling did not reply for so long, the answer couldn\'t be more obvious. However, the turning point often came from inadvertently.

Just as Yang Cheng pushed the door coldly and got out of the car, the long-awaited reminder finally sounded, light speed slid open the phone screen saver, clicked on the text message, "How to help me?"

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