Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 433: Davos Town

The relationship between the two has progressed, but it is only a small step from strangers to ordinary friends. It is far from crossing third base. After watching the passionate football match, it will be a 419. If it is true When it happened, Yang Cheng might not refuse, but she would be disappointed, which was not consistent with what he wanted.

But in any case, yesterday was a perfect date. Both of them felt unhappy. They wanted to make an appointment to continue visiting London, but Yang Cheng still had important work waiting for him, so he could only resign gracefully, so it would be better. She just mentioned it casually, and regretted it when she said it. Yang Cheng\'s refusal made her greatly relieved.

With a good mood, I slept until dawn. Early the next morning, Yang Cheng took the Jason to Davos, a small town in the center of Graubunden in eastern Switzerland. The opening ceremony was held last night, but Yang Cheng was not prepared to attend, so it was late on the first day of the forum.

In the past few days of January each year, Davos gathers thousands of experts and rich people from all over the world. Some local residents jokingly claim that whenever the Davos Forum is held, the sky over Davos will ring with private jets. Roar.

It’s not an exaggeration. I didn’t mention it in previous years. In this year alone, more than 1,500 private jets visited the town, so that many private jets that were not booked in advance could only choose to take off and land at nearby Zurich or even the Swiss military air base. Fortunately, Yang Cheng had the foresight. After accepting the invitation of the Davos Forum, he asked Susu to apply for a parking space in the town as soon as possible. Although it was a little late, he did not let his Jason ship. Docked at.

This is Yang Cheng’s second visit to Davos. It’s not unfamiliar here. The town is close to the Austrian border. It is the highest town in the Alps and the highest ski resort in Europe. The reason for coming here last time is Because of this.

Because it is surrounded by mountains and the air is dry and fresh, it became a famous lung disease retreat in the 19th century.

In the last century, it developed into an international winter sports center, and now there are about 700,000 tourists here every year.

Not only does it have the largest alpine ski resort in Europe, there are more than 300 kilometers of ski trails in 6 areas in the snow-covered mountains, the longest one is 110 kilometers, and there are high-level winter walks. Hiking on a kilometer-long mountain trail, you can admire the valleys and lakes along the way, see wild antelopes and marmots, as well as unique mountain cabins, feel the desolation and tranquility in the snow, the beautiful town of Davos is quietly Lying on the snow peak, waiting for every new visitor who is fascinated by it, this is the first feeling that Yang Cheng has when he sets foot on Davos again.

The beauty of Davos lies in its snow. The cascading mountains are already amazing, and the white snow is the soul here.

Looking up, there is snow on the road, snow on the roof, and snow on the mountains.

In addition to the low and colorful houses, the vehicles on the road, there are skiers in colorful clothes everywhere, all white.

The snow here is alive. It falls at any time and melts at any time. Snowflakes are falling in front of you, making you feel that it comes erratic.

In the warm winter sun, the snow dripped like a string of pearls on the corners of the house, and the rustle of melting on the railings of the promenade made you feel that it went quietly.

The snow above the mountains is a different scene. When the snow-capped mountains are most beautiful, when the sun shines, you can see that the creamy yellow of the morning sun covers the top of the snow all year round. At this time, the yellow on the top and the white snow on the mountainside , Blended with the black pine forest surrounding the hillside, this quiet and spectacular view immediately makes you intoxicated. In addition, the stream turned into snow, the turbulent clean water flows over the layers of rocks and rushes through the small wooden bridges, In this snow-covered world, the air is clear and cold, and the dust is not stained, making this place far away from the crowds look particularly beautiful.

When Yang Cheng was heading to the hotel by car, he couldn\'t help but check the memory deep in his mind and found that this place has not changed at all, it is still so beautiful and beautiful so quiet, even the people here seem to have stopped time, and the residents are still so warm and friendly. , Through the car window, I see tourists asking for directions from time to time. They will explain to you in detail that there are also a few yellow-skinned tourists taking photos with their cameras. They all have no evasive intention. It seems that everyone here They all exude vitality, just like the snow-capped mountains here, they are not polluted by the world.

Withdrawing his gaze, Yang Cheng couldn\'t help but sighed. He knew that Xu Ling should be brought over and accompanied by a beautiful woman. There would be no regrets for such a beautiful scenery.

The actual area of ​​Davos is very small. From the airport to the mountain villa he booked, almost in the blink of an eye, the scenery outside the window flashed by, like ink paintings of forests and individual wooden houses scattered on the snow slopes. The villas are presented in front of you, they are always in the center of your vision, so that you can always engrave this paradise-like scenery in your heart.

Yang Cheng’s schedule for attending the Davos Forum is not full. The three main ones are the dinner held by the old stock **** tonight, the Global Youth Leaders Forum tomorrow morning, and the Chinese Fortune Forum on the last day. Public event.

During the rest of the time, he will have the option of attending some privately invited dinners, just like Jack Ma booked his lunch time for today. Also present was the entrepreneurial team from Country Z, who specially invited Yang Cheng to participate. I also want to hear if he, a young wealth creator from the center of the world economy, has any new ideas, the emphasis is on communication!

To be honest, Yang Cheng really doesn’t know what to communicate. There is no special mystery about the essence of the Z economy in the world’s two major markets. It is nothing more than peace, stability and hard work, and the United States, which has dominated the world for dozens of years. Therefore, the secret of prosperity is also very simple. It is nothing more than military hegemony, financial hegemony and cheap immigration, and the third largest power, the European Union, cannot do both of these. Naturally, it cannot keep up with the pace of the US and the poles. It is indisputable to be left behind. fact.

Besides, what is the need for communication? Everyone is a businessman, and they have their own ways to make money. It is not whoever has more wealth, but who has advanced moneymaking skills, and everyone will not be boring to compare this.

In Yang Cheng’s view, this kind of meal is actually a feast for capital. When a family’s capital is unable to enter a new field, it combines with more capital groups to tackle tough problems. With the increasingly thick pockets of country Z entrepreneurs, they enter the United States. It is imperative that Jack Ma, as the new generation of wealth leader in Country Z, specially invited Wang Nian Jiao Yang Cheng to attend. The purpose is self-evident, right?

However, this time the Davos Forum brought special attention to the fact that the re-attendance of the head of the Z State No. 2 after a lapse of five years also proved the status of the Z economy in the global market.

On the plane when Yang Cheng arrived, he specially called out the No. 2 Chief Executive\'s speech at the opening ceremony yesterday, as well as the interpretation of the content of his speech by various media. There are still many things worth thinking about.

Today, when the European economy is sluggish, the Ukrainian crisis continues to ferment, terrorism is spreading, and global turmoil is intensifying, it is an indisputable fact that the influence of country Z is steadily increasing, but this optimistic view actually ignores the fact that It is to a large extent that country Z is highly integrated with the global ZZ and economy. Although there are tensions between country Z and the West, they also have more and more common interests, and many problems faced by the global society and Western society are also The same problem that Country Z cannot avoid.

It is precisely because of this that although there are more than 280 seminars at this Davos Forum, the topics cover the geo-ZZ crisis, climate change, economic growth and monetary policy, new energy pattern and other aspects, and will focus on the environment and resource shortages. , Employment skills and human resources, gender equality, long-term investment, infrastructure and development, food security and agriculture, international trade and investment, the future of the Internet, global crime and anti-corruption, social integration and the prospects of the financial system, but the topics are only One is the "new global pattern."

Around this core topic, top-level dinners gathered by experts, rich and politicians from all over the world were held in various hotels in Davos. Yang Cheng was no exception. He had long accepted Jack Ma’s invitation and rushed to Davos. At the hotel restaurant on the shore of Lake Worth, take part in this fired lunch.

Also present were well-known domestic entrepreneurs and economic experts such as Warwick Chairman Ren Feizheng and Geli CEO Ms. Dong In front of the Lakeside Hotel, Yang Cheng just got off the bus and saw Jack Ma Ying There, he stretched out his hand incredibly, "Isn\'t it? Meet me personally?"

Jack Ma shook Yang Cheng firmly, but said uncomfortably on his face, "You think too much. I am welcoming a senior. You are just lucky."

Yang Cheng was stagnant, rolled her eyes, and turned to leave, "Bye bye you, it just happens that I just arrived in a bad mental state, you eat slowly."

"Haha, Xiaoyou Yang, I have long heard that your Z essay is quite good. It is better to see it after hearing it, and it is so." A voice that was not loud, but very powerful, sounded from behind Yang Orange. Jack Ma, who was about to hold Yang Cheng, stepped around Yang Cheng, stretched out his hand far away, and said something in his mouth, "Old Ren, Old Ren, I\'m really sorry, I didn\'t see you coming."

Yang Cheng also turned his head when he heard the sound. A simple old man got out of a business car and greeted Jack Ma cordially. In front of the old man, Jack Ma looked very respectful, always keeping his upper body leaning forward, and even his face With a trace of\'flattering\'? Hallucinations!

But Yang Cheng is not surprised. In his previous life, he often saw introductions about this old business man on the Internet. Saving, diligence, and courage are synonymous with him. Yang Cheng personally admires him very much.

He also hurriedly greeted him, "Old Ren made you laugh. I just made a little joke with Jack Ma. You know I only heard that you will be at the dinner, so I cheekily asked Jack Ma to bring me there."

Ren Zhengfei shook hands with Yang Cheng with a kind smile. Hearing Yang Cheng\'s words, he couldn\'t help but laughed and joked, "Not only does Yang Xiaoyou speak well in Z Wen, he is also handy for beautiful scenes!"

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