Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 432: Not a lie

"So there is only one truth..."

Yang Cheng was playing the drum straight in his heart, and he was not sure how effective his cover-up was. In fact, given his popularity in Europe and the United States, people who pay a little attention to financial news would not fail to recognize it. If Xu Ling had the habit of watching the news occasionally, in the UK I have seen news about Yang Cheng these days, so it’s not surprising that I know Yang Cheng’s true identity.

But Yang Cheng still doesn’t want this day to come so soon. He wants to have a relationship with Xu Ling as an ordinary person, until the two have irreconcilable contradictions, or he gets tired of it. His identity is in front of ordinary girls. It has added value, but it will have the opposite effect, which he does not want to see.

The more Xu Ling squinted, he triumphantly told the ‘truth’: "Are you an executive of a well-known it Internet company?"

"Puff~" Yang Cheng wanted to spray blood very much, it was too far away.

"How is it? Did I guess right?" Xu Ling saw Yang Cheng\'s startled behavior thinking that he had guessed it right, and leaned in playfully for praise.

Yang Cheng smiled bitterly, and she couldn\'t make a mistake, "Yes, it\'s almost right."

"Wow~" Xu Ling danced more and more in celebration, cheered for a while, patted Yang Cheng\'s arm again and asked, "Quickly tell, which company is it? Apple? Google? Or Facebook?"

Yang Cheng pondered for a while, thinking about it, "Have you heard of New Era Media?"

The lighter Xu Ling frowned, he seemed to think that this company was a bit familiar, but he just couldn\'t remember it. Indeed, compared with the name of the Toutiao app, New Era Media, which exists as the parent company, is not so well known. After all, as the company’s core asset, The Toutiao app has always been the most important existence of the company\'s brand marketing department. All publicity is centered around the "Toutiao" brand. It is not surprising that Yangcheng.

He reminded again, "Toutiao app always knows, right?"

Xu Lingyue patted his thighs immediately, with a wonderful expression and a bit of pride, "Wow, you work for the Toutiao app? I\'ve heard that the popular apps are downloaded and installed after arriving in the UK, but they are all in English. , I don’t understand, when will you launch the z version?"

Yang Cheng held the steering wheel with one hand and supported the central armrest with his right hand, and asked amusedly, "How can I download it if I don\'t understand?"

Xu Ling stroked her hair, "I\'m just curious, and I want to learn by browsing the English version of the news and cultivate my English reading ability."

"Oh, the idea is good, but the development of the Z version is already underway, but when it will officially enter the Z country, it cannot be determined in one sentence. We need to negotiate with the relevant departments of the Z country and zf, but we will Do your best to make every country in the world enjoy the convenience brought by the Toutiao app.” Yang Cheng unconsciously used the tone of work at work, appearing a little serious, but Xu Lingyue didn’t feel anything wrong. Some admirers slapped their hands, "It\'s great, I can also tell my friends when I go back, I know the executives of large Internet companies."

Yang Cheng smiled and didn\'t correct this misunderstanding. In essence, he is indeed an executive of New Era Media. It\'s just that he can manage everyone. Thinking about it this way, it seems that he is not a lie to Xu Lingyue. When the truth was revealed one day, he also had a reason to deal with it. Who told you not to ask.

Because it was a match day, the road to Stamford Bridge was very congested. It was originally only a few kilometers away. After more than 20 minutes of congestion, I will arrive at the stadium before the game. I finally found a parking space in the parking lot and parked the car. , And said to Xu Lingyue, "You are waiting for me in the car, and I will buy the tickets. There are too many people, too chaotic and unsafe."

The more Xu Ling nodded his head obediently. It was the first time he had grown up to watch a football game on the spot. He felt that everything was novel, "Well, go, pay attention to safety."

Of course Yang Cheng didn’t buy a ticket, but made a call to Ian Al and asked him to send someone to deliver the ticket. As a result, this dog-legged guy ran out of the VIP box and brought it. Holding two large packs of snacks and drinks, he said breathlessly, "Boss, really don\'t go to the box with me? There are so many people in the stands, which is not convenient."

After receiving the ticket, he opened the bag and glanced, and said silently, "How much did you buy?"

One pack is fast food, fried chicken and french fries burgers, still steaming, and the other pack is nut snacks and various beverages, including carbonated drinks, juices, and mineral water. Yang Cheng feels heavy carrying it.

"Hey, I don\'t know what the boss likes to eat, so I bought some, and the boss specially asked for more tickets. There must be beautiful women to accompany them. It is not a gentleman\'s behavior to make beautiful women hungry." Ian Aier face With an ambiguous smile on his face, he said with a look you understand.

"Go! Give you to the clever one." Yang Cheng kicked the guy away angrily, but he accepted it with good intentions, which just saved him the trouble of This flattered him Very comfortable.

There are a total of four tickets. He collected two by himself, and gave the other two to his bodyguard. The distance between them is not too far, and an accident can arrive in the first time.

Seeing more and more fans around him, he didn\'t dare to delay, trotting back to the parking position with a bag in one hand, Xu Lingyue was lying outside the car window, following the home team fans not far away yelling, and didn\'t know he was yelling What is it, but it\'s lively.

"I\'m back, buying so many things? Can we eat it?" Xu Ling saw Yang Cheng coming back, jumped out of the car, ran over joyfully, bent over and opened the bag to take a look inside, flashing beautiful black Mou eagerly said.

Yang Cheng still underestimated the girl\'s magical appetite, and she just looked like she couldn\'t live without eating. At this moment, under the infection of the atmosphere, she has a heroic aura of stuffing everything into her appetite!

"It\'s okay. We can\'t give it to the homeless on the street. In short, we won\'t waste food. Let\'s go. Let\'s line up and enter the stadium. The game will begin immediately."

"En, I\'ll help you carry it." Xu Lingyue seemed very satisfied with Yang Cheng\'s answer. He stretched out his hands to help him. Yang Cheng hurriedly flinched and joked. This is his job. He took out the ticket from his pocket and handed it over. , "You just take this."

Unexpectedly, Xu Ling wrinkled her nose while demonstrating, and said, "Don\'t underestimate me, I am a female man."

Xu felt that he had become acquainted with Yang Cheng, and his tone of voice was slowly letting go, no longer as restrained as before.

Without stretching out his hands, he snatched a bag from Yang Cheng, deliberately raised it and shook it at Yang Cheng, "Look, I have a lot of strength."

After he finished his strength, he rushed to the court first and shouted, "let\'sgo"

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