Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 434: Fall into the wolf den

"Xiaoyou Yang is not only good at Z Wen, but also handy for beautiful scenes!"

Faced with the old man\'s ridicule, Yang Cheng didn\'t feel ashamed, turned his face and turned to Jack Ma, "This is all Jack taught me."

"Fuck! Jason, your shamelessness has gone up a few levels." Jack Ma exploded with a dazed expression.

"Haha, let\'s go in and say, it\'s pretty cold outside." Old Ren wrapped in a black windbreaker, exhaling white air.

In fact, this temperature is very comfortable for Yang Cheng, who just came out of the cold London. Compared with the bitter coldness, Yang Cheng feels that the cold surrounding the snow-capped mountains is more acceptable.

The restaurant reserved by Jack Ma was already full of guests. When Yang Cheng entered the venue, at least more than 20 guests and their accompanying family members or executives filled the huge restaurant.

On such occasions, Yang Cheng would generally not go to the center and mess around. Except for boring and nutritious polite words, nothing useful could be mentioned. Unfortunately, some people didn’t follow his wishes, so he was going to find a corner to play dead. At that time, Jack Ma grabbed his arm and led it to the crowd, without even having a chance to resist.

"Brothers and sisters, I have brought Jason here according to your request. If you have anything to say, don\'t ask for success or failure. The righteous and righteous business is not."

When he came to the crowd, Jack Ma’s opening remarks surprised Yang Cheng. How did he feel that he had fallen into the wolf’s den. After a glance, the domestic gangsters were looking at him with green eyes, and several others showed up. Inexplicable smile.

Yang Cheng couldn\'t help shivering, but still politely smiled at each other. So many people didn\'t need to introduce each other. Even if they smiled and nodded, they said hello.

As one of the most experienced bosses on the scene, Mr. Ren first met with Yang Cheng just now, and took the initiative to help Yang Cheng. “Sit down and say, don’t talk about Xiaoyou Yang in your posture, even this old man like me was scared."

Everyone laughed in cooperation, a joke eased the embarrassing atmosphere a little, and they all found a place to sit down. On the cooking table in the corner of the restaurant, the chef was cooking fresh ingredients on the spot, and the entourage of the big brothers also scattered and set aside. Conversation space.

Yang Cheng looked gratefully at Ren Laotou, beckoned to the waiter to deliver a glass of red wine, took a sip, and suppressed the inexplicable uneasiness in his heart, and found a place to sit down at random, with Yang Cheng not sitting on both sides. The people I knew were too embarrassed to inquire about what the other party was doing, so they raised their glasses for a sign, and then quietly waited for the topic to unfold.

The person who brought up the topic was a man with glasses, who looked like a scholar, with a righteous face, and a serious person. "Mr. Yang, I am very glad to meet you. This time, everyone specially invited you to attend the dinner through Mr. Ma Yun. I take this opportunity to learn about the views of the United States or Wall Street on the domestic economy. Everyone is Chinese. I hope Mr. Yang will give him any advice."

Yang Cheng nodded slightly, and was worried again, but still had a calm smile on her face. He raised Erlang\'s legs and looked at ease and gestured, "Of course, country Z is my hometown. I have the opportunity to do something for my motherland, too. Our Yang family’s long-held wish, let me say if there is anything, I must know everything, and I don’t know how this gentleman is called?"

That’s what I said, but he was already 120,000 vigilant in his heart. With the mysterious person Zheng Jiaxuan in front, Yang Cheng never dared to take the domestic issues lightly, and he probably had some guesses in his heart, the theme of today’s dinner. It\'s definitely not just a simple discussion. I\'m afraid the highlight will be on a business tycoon who hasn\'t spoken yet. This middle-aged man with glasses is probably just a starter!

Jack Ma also raised a glass of red wine, interjecting to introduce Yang Cheng, "This is Professor Lin Yi of Beijing University, a great man in the field of economics!"

Sure enough, as Yang Cheng thought, it was a scholar, and Lin Yi had a strong academic imprint, "I dare not be, and all those sitting are successful in practice. I just have a little theoretical foundation."

After he was humbled, the voice changed and he asked Yang Cheng a question, "Mr. Yang, what do you personally think about the relocation of labor-intensive industries in Country Z?"

Yang Cheng had this question in his mind twice. Suddenly, his eyes rolled and his gaze swept over the big bosses who were in a circle. He suddenly realized that the entrepreneurs present today, except for those in the financial field. Investors, it seems that they are all big names closely related to labor-intensive industries, such as Warwick, Geli, Lenovo, etc., do they want to move their factories to the United States? impossible? American labor is so high.

I had a speculation in my heart, but it was immediately overthrown. It is more important to deal with Lin Yi’s problem. As a high-achieving student, although he did not continue his studies in the academic field, he has been in the shopping mall and practiced for so long. I have unique insights and various opinions at I understand the current bottleneck encountered by enterprises in country Z. In fact, this is similar to the industrial transformation of RB in the 1960s and the four Asian dragons in the 1980s, but the enterprises in Z If you want to truly go abroad, the obstacles you face are not only insufficient talent reserves, but also how to integrate overseas investment into the local culture, ZZ environment, legal environment, and language. "

After a pause, he took a sip of the sweet red wine and made a deliberate interruption, "This wine is good!"

If it wasn\'t for the wrong occasion, everyone would want to roll their eyes and raise their **** at Yang Cheng. It was too cheap. When Yang Cheng just started to speak, except for the sound of oily flowers cracking while cooking, everyone was caught by Yang. Orange brought into a serious conversation atmosphere. Who would have thought of breaking the power in one second, is good wine and overseas investment half a dime?

After the prank succeeded, Yang Cheng put down the wine glass with a chuckle, and continued sternly, “I understand what everyone’s most concerned about. I don’t know about other places. In the United States, in the chaotic market environment, it’s actually welcome. Companies in country Z have increased their investment, but they also have concerns, because there are about three types of traditional foreign investment in country Z. One is to obtain resources, because country Z is developing rapidly and is a country with a shortage of resources;

The second is infrastructure. In terms of infrastructure construction, country Z has a competitive advantage, while developing countries generally lack infrastructure;

The third is to invest in the local market. In the past, these three economic activities were mutually beneficial.

Needless to say, the first two worries for them. If it\'s only the third one, I think all developed markets in the world will welcome Z-funded companies to enter their country. However, past facts have proved that their worries are partly justified. , Because the ambition of the Z enterprise is far more than that! "

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